; ' (■ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1972 P A G E EIGHTEEN - Tolland Man Remembers the Mysteries of the By BETTE QUATBALE Although he sat out the war years of Chairman Mao ’Tse-tung, they developed slapping approach to friendriiip. .it ever, he excused himself to send a word the leaders of the two nations after the (Herald Correspondent) the 19S0’s in a Washington office, Meyer their Communist philosophies while takes many years to make a Chinese' of warning'to Washington that the inci­ mutual exchange of ideas. ’Hie (3dneae mind works very differ­ studying in France. friend, Meyer explained. re<^l8 visiting China with then T^ce dent could be expected. ’Ihe following "The visit is a wide open thing and DescrlMng the Chinese as ’’the most ’The Chinese do not necessarily mean ently fbom the American, a(»:ordlng to President Richard Nixon, spending an day the Chinese returned ccnnirfement- can’t do any harm to our relations with Paul Meyer, a former long time U.S. civilised people in the world,” Meyer what they are saying at Its face value, entire day serving as interpreter for Nix­ ing themselves for warning him of the C2iina, although it might with some other he warns. .they d<m’t mean to be devi­ consul to CItina now living in Tolland. on and Chang Kai-shek. notes they make wonderful hosts and disturbance. countries,” Meyer admits. ’Die Ghineee are ah extremely patient ' Meyer’s exposure to the Communist gudsts. A Chinese will never embarrass ous, they merely take for granted you A lot of exploration and a lot of'work "They hadn’t told me a thing,” he ex­ r people, very concerned about the cor­ Chinese regime is sketchy, with most of anyone. should be stnart enough to know what go into a visit of. this nature, the former Anderson-Litt/e plained, "they felt if I wasn’t smart rectness of a Bituatian. ."they are his dealings and c(Xitacts related to the ’IMS trait explains the' "cotTectness" they really mean. diplomat explains. Mbst of this work smart as heU in diplomacy." Chinese Nationalists. He became famil­ of the airport greeting given President Meyer related an incident which oc­ enough to know what they meant I wasn’t smart enough to be their friend. evolves around what not to discuss, not OPEN Meyer woiiced in the U.8. Embassy in iar with the communist leaders during Nixon. Urdike the Americans who vdll curred a day before a protest against about what will be discussed. > EVERY NITEj Chlita for many years, dating back to the the juprislngs against the nationalists, "spill themselves all over,’’ the Chinese the American embassy in Peking, in Nixon’s visit to China will give him the 'Ihe mietings with the Chinese leaders Mon thru Chinese war lord period in the mld- and notes most of them, including Pre­ go out of their way not to embeurass which some Chinese friends spent the cpportunlty to personally siZe up the Chi- are hoped to open a dialogue between the Sal 1920’s, when he served as a student inter­ mier Chou En-lal, come from relatively anyone, Meyer said. afternoon with him, not mentioning the nese people and vice-versa. Meyer pre­ preter. wealthy families. With the exception of The Chinese dislike the hearty back- upcoming disturbance. By 5 p.m. how­ dicts there will be more respect between (gee Page Eleven) Bloodmohile The W eather Clear, windy, very cold to­ night; lows -S to S above Zero. 12:45 - 5 :3 0 tomorrow Tomorrow mostly sunny, cold, fcnrifwtpr lEtimttig IlFraUi winds diminishing; high near At St. Hiary*a 30. Thursday rain/snow. Manehe»ter-—A CUy of Village Charm ■J;. ' 4 . ■•2 m V- r.’ ^ • X ■ VOL. XCI, NO. 121 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) I^NCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1972 (Chuwlfled AdvertWng on Page U) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS si> E (m s KennedySon Blast Nixon Sounds Out Ghou Prisoner In Leaves ■n> Tamkiels Wed 50 Years ------ --- ■S»*^*'V»****=^ Session 7 Dead / Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaw J. Tomkiel o f 91 Crestwood ^—I ... ........ 'V Dr., were honored at a 50th wedding party held at ALDERSHOT, Engdand (AP) t: Willie’s Steak House by members of the family and — Seven persons were blown to Arab Hijack pieces today in a bomb last at Precedes friends. The couple has three sons, William B. rcrU ‘ the BriUrii armyOs Mggest Tomkiel of Wayne, Pa., Anthony T. Tomkiel of base. The Irish Republican Windsor and Edward J. Tomkiel of Manchester, ADEN (A P )— ^Five Palestinian hijackers with sticks Army announced It was iw^ton- and eight grandchildren. They were married Feb. 5, of dynamite, hand grenades and pistols held the oldest sible. Ballet 1922 in Poland. (Photo by Nassiff) _____________ An Eirmy spokesm an said five son of the late Robert F. Kennedy with 136 other men PEKING (AP) — Presi­ aboard a West German jumbo jet today. women emplcyyes, an (rfficer t : Miss Sarah Jaro Pickens, a ~Yhey jjescribed themselves as and a male civilian were dent Nixon and Premier About Town stewardess with World Airways members of the Palestine Uh- 3^^. killed. Sixteen persons were Chou En-lai conferred for in Oakland, Calif., is visiting eration Force, the government wounded. m nearly four hours today, The executive board of the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John of India rep^ed. ’The {rfane The explosion cam e about 10 apparently sounding each Sct. Kennnedy said in Warii-> Women's Club of Manchester minutes before lunch and few L. Pickens of 206 Ferguson Rd. had taken off from New Dedhi. ington shortly after the hijack­ other on thRc chasms that \^U meet tonight at 8 at the officers were there. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy ing he didn’t think there is any separate their two coun­ home of Mrs. Robert Reault, 3S The cast of the Gilbert and The 1st Battalion of the 16th said through a q^Krttesman in reason to believe Ms neirfiew in Paratroop Brigade, which had tries. S. Farms Dr. Mrs. Robert Lar- Sullivan Workshop pioduction of Washington that he had been any danger "at this point.” headquarters on'the base, par­ to the evening. President and mett Is co-hostess. "Patience” will rehearse to- advised by a Yemeni official Mrs. Nixon, accompanied by nlgdit at 8 at South United Ihe senator appeared with ticipated in the "Bl(x>dy Sun­ that arrangements had been Joseph’s motiier, Ethel Kenne­ day” incident in Londonderry, Mme. Chlang Citing, wife of Dr. and Mrs. Barney Wlch- Church. Those interested in made for the release of all the dy, at the family’s home in Northern Ireland, on Jan. 30 Mao T8e-tung, attended a mod­ man of 54 Brookfield St. at­ learning make-up will also meet male peuMengers. ern revolutionary ballet in the tended a three-day clinical con­ at the church at 8. The leads McLean, 'V’a., outside Washlng- when 18 Irish civilians were ’Hw Iraqi news agency kUled. Great Hall of the People. ference (HI "Developments in are reminded to be at the church ton to talk to newsmen. ported from the capital The IRA assumption of re­ Unlike the largely ceremonial Podiatric Medicine" this week­ at 7 p.m. for photographs. Mahmood Aras, director-gen­ meeting Monday, Nixon and end in New York City. Southern Yemen that three eral <rf civil aviation in South- sponsibility was voiced by Its ^ v e irfanted expl^ves ^ Yemen, denied re^iorts that "official" wing. Chou sat down-in the. Great Proceptor Chapter, Beta ’Ihe IRA statement said, Hall ot the People with only The Sacred Dance Group of to the plane to keep poUce at ^ p««engers except ^nnedy Sigma Phi sorority, will meet ‘"The operation which resulted close advisers present. Tltis “in­ Center Congregational Church TT .. J . J . been released from the tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the heme in the deaths of several high- dicated that they were buckling ^wUl rehearse tomorrow at 1 ^ ^ “ The situation of Mrs. ' Guilford Stei^ens, 8 the Intemational Red Cross and (» ranking officers of the brigade down to the hard questions of p.m. at Woodruff Hall of the Stephen.St. Members are re­ MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S was carried out as a reprisal where they disagree. church. minded to bring gifts for its an­ alloS^to ai- Chou’s remarks of the first « o n s t except ih5wlf." for the murderous killings per­ nual birthday party. WORSTED ALL WOOL ALL WOOL petrated by tn x^ imder con- day, suggesting a noimaliZation The executive board of Trinity JcMeph Kouiedy, 1», was fly- Egypt’s Middle East News tixrf of this brigade, vdim they of relations, gave hope that Covenant Women’s Guild will later reported from The Profeslonal Women’s ladesh with his uncle, Sen. Ed- * fired without provocaUan at something concrete may meet tonight at 8 at the home Club of Manchester will have a unarmed civUlans in Derry.” emerge from Nixon’s visit to o f M rs. B w d Hutt, 123 Vernon SPORT COATS ward M. Kennedy. He re- (See Page Two) silent auctiem at its meeting t(v SUITS SLACKS Asked about the CUiaa.),^ St. morrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Fed­ ment tt^ p^toer,\ The meeting room was small. eration Room erf Center CcHignre- Instead <rf the line of easy The (muncll on ministries of Regular $35-$40 Regular $15-$17 in the explosion', an IRA gfationsLl Church, M iss M abel Regular $65~$70 spokesman said his information chairs in which they posed for North United Methodist Church Trotter will be the auctioneer.
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