(ISSN 0023-6667) Mark Dayton pledges to be a jobs governor By Michael Moore Dayton also spoke directly stadium,” and said he is the BLOOMINGTON - Mark to several constituencies in the only candidate for governor Dayton addressed delegates on state’s largest labor federation. who will pass a robust, $1 bil- the second day of the To firefighters, teachers and lion bonding bill, funding pub- Minnesota AFL-CIO Conven- other public employees “who lic construction and infrastruc- tion here Sept. 28 thanking provide the essential services ture projects across the state, union members for their that the people of Minnesota his first year in office. endorsement and pledging that depend on,” Dayton pledged to “That’s 28,000 jobs for peo- if he wins, he will be the state’s protect their jobs from the ple who could be working – An Injury to One is an Injury to All! first “jobs governor” since chopping block despite a loom- and will be working if I’m gov- Rudy Perpich. ing budget deficit. ernor of this state,” Dayton WEDNESDAY VOL. 116 “There’s no easy way to bal- said. OCTOBER 6, 2010 NO. 8 “I will go anywhere in this state or this nation or this world ance a $6 billion budget The Minnesota AFL-CIO, where there is a job to be deficit,” he said. “But I’m with more than 1,000 affiliate gained or there is a job to be going to respect those workers. unions representing 300,000 saved for Minnesota,” Dayton We’re going to work with members statewide, is engaged said. you.” in an aggressive campaign to Delegates officially en- Dayton also repeated his educate union members about dorsed Dayton by a unanimous campaign promise to raise the the governor’s race – and to get floor vote just seconds before revenue necessary to protect workers to the polls. he took the podium. Hungry to public services by making the Kris Fredson, coordinator of gain a partner in the governor’s wealthiest Minnesotans pay the Labor 2010 political cam- office for the first time in 20 their fair share in taxes. paign, said union members years, union activists greeted Referencing his days as a have the potential to put their candidate with thunderous teacher in New York’s public Dayton over the top, but only if applause and a standing ova- schools, Dayton remembered enough members volunteer at tion. He responded with a crowded classrooms filled with member-to-member door speech that acknowledged the students speaking several dif- knocks and phone banks, and economic hardships many ferent languages – and teachers talk with their co-workers union members are facing – not given the support they about the issues that matter. and offered hope for a brighter needed to do their jobs. “In order to win in future. “I thought to myself, thank November, we need to make “I guarantee we will roll up goodness we don’t have this sure our members understand our sleeves and we will work problem back in Minnesota,” that Mark Dayton is the only Mark Dayton addressed an enthusiastic crowd in the Labor every day and every night on Dayton said. “But times have candidate who cares about Temple last Friday and caught up with friends like Krista behalf of you and the people changed... That’s why as gov- Minnesota’s working fami- Twu and John Schwetman, who is the 7th Senate District you represent in the state of ernor I will restore the commit- lies,” Fredson told delegates. DFL Chair, the district that Dayton’s running mate Yvonne Minnesota,” Dayton told dele- ment of the state of Minnesota “Tom Emmer and Tom Horner Prettner Solon represented. Twu and Schwetman teach at gates. to public education.” are not on their side.” UMD as UEA members. To manufacturing and pri- “This election is about vate-sector workers, Dayton whether we want to go four One Nation doorknock canvasses Duluth touted plans for “public-private more years carried to a further Four dozen people who “We’re here in solidarity ignored under the past adminis- partnerships” that will make extreme, or whether we’re want to change the policies the with the One Nation rally in tration and it would only be Minnesota a leader in the going to make this state fair state of Minnesota has been Washington DC,” said worse under an Emmer admin- emerging green economy. and just again,” Dayton added. using for the past eight years Minnesota AFL-CIO President istration.” And to building and con- Michael Moore edits The showed up on a glorious Shar Knutson in the Labor Knutson called Emmer the struction trades workers, Union Advocate, the official Saturday, Oct. 2 to doorknock Temple’s Wellstone Hall. most conservative Republican Dayton pledged to “build a publication of the St. Paul Duluth to ask voters for help. “We’re here to counter the tea to ever run for governor in people’s stadium, not a Vikings Regional Labor Federation. partiers...we have a vision of Minnesota’s history. She said equality, justice, and peace and Independent candidate Horner Oberstar stumps in Superior we won’t be divided in our is just Emmer Lite and will be belief of rights for everyone. a Republican again if he were for Wisconsin candidates There are clear choices in the to get to be governor. At a Douglas County Democrats rally last Saturday in coming election.” Prettner Solon said a Superior Wisconsin State Senator Bob Jauch said there’s a rule In Minnesota, the most Dayton administration will of thumb for political candidates that they shouldn’t campaign important choice on November fight for the middle class, will outside their district. 2nd for labor is winning the restore the quality of education, “But we’re really glad Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar governor’s race for the first will fight for seniors, and get came to Superior today, because there’s no better friend of work- time in 20 years. Mark Dayton the state budget back on track. ing men and women than Jim Oberstar,” Jauch said at DFL head- PLEASE VOTE had been in the Labor Temple “We can help the economy quarters on Belknap. TUESDAY, NOV. 2 the day before, and on Saturday bring back good jobs and For Oberstar it was actually a chance to visit old friends. his running mate, Yvonne restore the quality of life in this When he was a staffer for his predecessor John Blatnik, Jauch Prettner Solon, was there. state,” Prettner Solon said. was working for Congressman Dave Obey. Obey and Oberstar “Thank you for giving up She said their team is find- have been two of the most important leaders in the U.S. House your gorgeous Saturday, for ing more enthusiasm and ener- of Representatives in the past two years. Obey as Chair of the coming together with the One gy along the campaign trail as Appropriations Committee, Oberstar as Chair of the Nation effort to establish a pro- election day draws closer, but Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. gressive agenda and help us they only won the Primary “I did the authorizing, Obey did the funding,” Oberstar told continue the work of the last Election because of the huge the gathering. two years of getting us out of number of St. Louis County Jauch said that team and the stimulus bill “saved America” this fiscal mess,” the former voters that showed up and and generated $80 million in construction in Douglas County Duluth state senator said. voted for them. and “our community is transforming itself” because of it. He said “That’s why I got on the “The more voters that show building trades unions went from 30% unemployment to single Dayton ticket – to build a more up on Tuesday, November 2nd, digit unemployment because of the stimulus locally. progressive Minnesota...Too the better chance we have of Oberstar said northwest Wisconsin and northern Minnesota often workers have been See One Nation...page 4 See Oberstar stumps...page 7 Letter Carriers looking for Labor Movie Night to feature “Wellstone!” Mark your calendar for some of his mistakes and hearts and minds of organiza- MDA bowlers Sunday, Nov. 7 Thursday, Oct. 28 at 6:00 p.m. missed opportunities. tions and individuals working The National Association of Letter Carriers made the when Labor Movie Night will Over 200 hours of inter- for social and economic justice. Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) its official charity in feature “Wellstone!” where views were conducted for the Labor Movie Night is a free 1952. On Sunday, November 7th NALC Zenith Branch 114 else but in Wellstone Hall of documentary and hundreds of event with snacks and refresh- Merged will join NALC unions nationwide in the “Deliver The the Duluth Labor Temple, 2002 hours of archival footage, ments, and childcare available. Cure Branch Bowl” to raise funds to fight the disease. London Road (enter via South including speeches and news The public is always invited. Volunteers are needed to help raise donations, make a donation, St. entrance facing Lake broadcasts, were used to pro- Statement of the Ownership, or bowl. Superior). duce the 88-minute show. Management, Circulation, etc., Get your bowling team ready to donate to The date will be almost Wellstone was the con- required by the Acts of Congress of “Roll a Turkey for MDA” at 1:00 p.m., exactly eight years (Oct. 25, science of the U.S. Senate in Aug. 24, 1912, and March 3, 1933 of Sunday, Nov. 7 at Country Lanes, 2327 2002) from the fatal crash that his two terms, fighting to The Labor World, published semi- Mountain Shadow Drive, Duluth.
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