on W0rk5= ort - Comm it-tee Road ll. Re Propert Y _ 6304 Bayers Tenders for city (a) _ Tenders for Supplies (bl Tenders — Demolitiofls { c ) . 5 Removal (dg :1deWgfi§pi:EWLicenS& — National Harbours Board (9 now ' NONE _ safety Committee : . 12. Report Committee: NONE. - Public Health and Welfare “““ 13. R ep ort and NONE c of the Whole CouncilL_Boards Commissions: 14. Report Committee Board: 15. Report u Town Planning of Lot Frontage, Area and Sideyard Requirements - (a) Modification 6339 Edinburgh Street — 1752 Dunvegan Drive fifi Modification of Sideyard Requirements » By—law Re: Day Nurseries (c) Amendments Zoning 16. Motions: NONE 17. Miscellaneous Business: (a} Accounts Over $1000. (b) Centennial Committee (C) Court House id} Ruling « City Solicitor Re: Motion of Council December 1, 1966 Re: Direction to Board of School Commissioners - Queen Elizabeth High School (Distributed) {E} Appointments - Boards and Commissions 18. QUESTIONS, 190 Notices of Motion u M“ 20, Added Itemso I-— _.._ CITE COUNCIL I N U T E S Council Chamber, City Hall, Halifax, N. S., December 15, 1966, 8:00 p.m. ‘ A meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. I After the meeting was called to order the members of +; Council attending, led by the City Clerk, joined in reciting the Lord°s Prayer. Present: His Worship the Mayor, Chairman and Aldermen Black, Abbott, Ivany, Matheson, A. M. Butler, Meagher, LeBlanc, Connolly, Sullivan, Fitzgerald and H. W. Butler. Also Present; City Manager, City Solicitor, City Clerk, Commissioner of Works, Chief of Police and other Staff members. MINUTES — NOVEMBER 17, AND DECEMBER 1, l366 Alderman Black requested that the fiinutes of the meeting of City Council held on November 17, 1966 be amended by deleting his name as a seconder of a motion. The Minutes were then amended accordingly. The Minutes of the meetings held on November 17, and December 1, 1966 were approved on motion of Alderman Connolly, seconded by Alderman Abbott. APPROVAL or ORDER or BUSINESS ,n ' The Chairman advised members of Council that item lS{c) on the Order of Business had been deleted, and asked that an item be , added as 20{a} respecting "Furniture Allowance - Africrille Residents.” He suggested that Council adjourn re: a short time to permit the Finance and Executive Committee to consider the matter and a make recommendation to Council. Y 5 — 904 - Council, December 15, 1966 Alderman A. M. Butler asked that an item be added as 20(b) respecting the "By—laws — Halifax Civic Hospital." MOVED by Alderman Abbott, seconded by Alderman LeBlanc that the Order of Business be amended accordingly. Motion passed. MOVED by Alderman Abbott, seconded by Alderman LeBlanc that the Order of Business, as amended, be approved. Motion passed. DEFERRED ITEMS Appointments - Industrial Development Commission His Worship the Mayor advised that he is still awaiting Warden Settle to convene a meeting of the three Industrial Commissions to advance the cause of a Regional Industrial Commission, hm felt that Council ought to make what appointments it can for the period ending April 30, 1969, and nominated the following: Mr. E. C. Wayland Mr. G. D. Anderson Alderman LeBlanc MOVED by Alderman Black, seconded by Alderman Ivany that the above—named persons be appointed to the Industrial Development Commission for a period ending April 30, 1969. Motion passed. )5 Contract - New Street Lighting Further deferred. MOTIONS OF RECONSIDERATION No Motions of Reconsideration were heard at this time. MOTIONS OF RESCISSION No Motions heard at this of Rescission were time. Y -9o5— Council, December 15, 1966 PUBLIC HEARINGS AND HEARINGS No Public Hearings or Hearings were scheduled for this time. PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS The City Clerk advised that a petition had been received, signed by approximately 55 residents of the Quinn Street area and endorsed by Alderman Meagher. He then read the petition as follows: “We the undersigned strongly protest the closing of Quinn Street from west bound traffic on Chebucto Road, thereby creating a bottle neck at the inter- section of Westmount Street and Chebucto Road.‘ Alderman Meagher stated that at the time the street was closed to westbound traffic from Chebucto Road the residents were given the assurance that after a period of six months the situation would be reviewed in an attempt to alleviate the situation. It was then MOVED by Alderman Meagher, seconded by Alderman Matheson that the petition be referred to the Committee on Works and the Traffic Engineer to ascertain if anything can be done to alleviate the situation. Alderman Meagher asked Council to permit Mr. John an Sheehan of 2510 Quinn Street, one of the petitioners,to address‘ Council, which was agreed to. Mr. Sheehan explained the situation and stated that left-turns are permitted from Chebucto Road onto all streets from Connaught Avenue to the Rotary with the exception of Quinn Street. He urged Council to reconsider this matter and felt that the re- — 906 — Council, December 15, 1966 moval of two "Do Not Enter" signs on Quinn Street would solve the problem . After a short discussion, the motion was put and passed. It was agreed that the petitioner be notified of the time and date that this matter would be considered by the Committee on Works. It was suggested that a plan of the intersection be prepared as well. REPORT — FINRNCE AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Council considered the report of the meeting of the Finance and Executive Committee held on December 8, 1966 with respect to the following matters. Uniacke Square, Phase I — Subsidized Rental Housing — Borrowing 196? MOVED by Alderman Abbott, seconded by Alderman H. W. Butler that, as recommended by the Finance and Executive Committee, capital funds in the amount of $247,000.00 be provided to cover the balance of the cost of Stages 1 and 2 of Phase I of the Uniacke Square Housing Project, such amount to be included in the Capital Expenditure Budget for 1967. Motion passed. Home for Special Care - Borrowing 196; MOVED by Alderman Matheson, seconded by Alderman A. M. Butler that, as recommended by the Finance and Executive Committee, ,5 capital funds in the amount of $300,000.00 be provided to cover the cost of land acquisition for the proposed "Home for Special Care," such amount to be included in the Capital Expenditure Budget for 1967. Motion passed. - 907 ~ Council, December 15, 1966 Possible Acquisition - 5238(42) Artz Street MOVED by Alderman Sullivan, seconded by Alderman Abbott that, as recommended by the Finance and Executive Committee, the sum of $4,500.00 be paid to the Estate of Arthur W, Judge as settlement in full of all claims arising from the acquisition by the City of the property at 5238 Arts Street, located within the Uniacke Square Redevelopment Area. Motion passed. Property Acquisition - Nos. 95, 96 and 99 Africville MOVED by Alderman Connolly, seconded by Alderman Sullivan that, as recommended by the Finance and Executive Committee: 1. the City consider Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Muriel) Sparks as the alleged owners of Property Nos. 95, 96 and 99, City Plan P500/46, Africville: 2. the City purchase Property Nos. 95, 96 and 99 for the sum of $10,139.85: such amount to include $1,000.00 for necessary household items: 3. assistance be granted in the movement of household effects of Mr. and Mrs. Sparks to their new address; 4. a Quit Claim Deed be signed by Mr. and Mrs. Sparks in favour of the City for their interest in Property Nos. 95, 96 and 99: 5. Property Nos. 95, 96 and 99 be demolished as soon as it can be conveniently vacated. Motion passed. Jn Property Acquisition - No. 109 Afrioville MOVED by Alderman Sullivan, seconded by Alderman Connolly that, as recommended by the Finance and Executive Committee: 1. the City consider Mr. and Mrs. Howard Byers as the alleged owners of Property No. 109, City Plan P500/46, Africville; - 908 — Council, December 15, 1966 the City purchase Property No. 109 for $15,011.25: such an amount to include $1,000.00 for necessary household furniture; assistance be offered to Mr. and Mrs. Byers in acquiring suitable accommodations; a Quit Claim Deed be signed by Mr. and Mrs. Byers in favour of the City for their interest in Property no. 109, City Plan P500/46, Africville: U1 | Demolition of Property No. lO9 as soon as it can be conveniently vacated. Motion passed. Compensation for Acquisition — 2373~?5 Gottingen Street Deferred at the request of the owner. Supplementary Appropriations - Section 316C - City Charter MO?ED by Alderman Matheson, seconded by Alderman Meagher that, as recommended by the Finance and Executive Committee, the following supplementary appropriations be approved, funds to be provided under the authority of Section 316C of the City c3arter:- Maintenance, North Common E S 4,100.00 Maintenance, Saunders Park w 900.00 Maintenance, Grand Parade — 1,000.00 Installation of Guard Rail, Curb and Gutter and Paving ~ Bicentennial Drive — 3,500.00 Salary - Additional Court Reporter 363.00 Transcription of Evidence ~ Annexation "U7 Hearings 597.50 Motion passed. 33'} Supplementary Appropriation - Section 3166 City Charter a Loan - _ Halifax Mental Hospital MOVED by Alderman A. M. Butler, seconded by Alderman LeB1anc that, as recommended by the Finance and Executiv Committee, under the authority of Section 3160 of the City Charter, the City of Halifax make available funds to an amount of $25,000.00 as a loan to the Halifax Mental Hospital and that it be permitted -909- Council, December 15, 1966 to draw from time to time, from such loan, amounts that are needed. Motion passed. Tax Deposit Certificate MOVED by Alderman Fitzgerald, seconded by Alderman Abbott that, as recommended by the Finance and Executive Committee, the practice of issuing Tax Deposit Certificates to taxpayers be continued in 1967 under the authority of Section 434(b) of the City Charter.
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