NEW CARDINALS named: Archbishop Bernardin among them. Page 3 Catholic Archdiocese of Miami Vol. XXXI No. 1 January 7, 1983 Price 25C ''Being indifferent to the attitudes of racism is in itself demoralizing r and should he despised for this reason.' Racial injustice Continues here, is responsibility of all, Archbishop says • Complete text. Pg. 1A - 8A By Robert O'Steen Editor, The Voice Just days after racial disturbances erupted in Miami, Archbishop Ed- ward A. McCarthy has issued a 7000-word pastoral letter stating that Catholics and the community at large cannot escape the responsibility of continuing racism and its effects in society. While in no way condoning the civil disturbances and violence that has occurred, Archbishop McCarthy pointed out that in spite of several years of improved legislation and superficial change, the underlying causes of social unrest such as pover- ty and injustice are as firmly entrenched as ever. A central point of the pastoral let- ter entitled "One People Under God," is that even Catholics who may not have caused present in- justices are obligated to help undo them "lest we become bystanders tolerating and tacitly endorsing evil and thus share in the guilt. "In no way may a Catholic be associated with organizations that The Ku Klux Klan came to Miami to "help" during the recent disturbances in Overtown. promote racial injustice. This being indifferent to the attitudes of racism South Florida's eight counties, in the and surface changes have taken place now experience another civil distur- which are incompatible with the letter which has been in preparation for several years, he said, the massive bance in Miami. Has no change taken teachings of Jesus, is in itself for almost a year. Miami civil riots in May 1980 shat- place? Has no progress been made in demoralizing and de-Christianizing Surface changes tered the mood of complacency that removing the root causes of the social and should be despised for this reason had set in. ills which prompt people to burn and as well," said the Archbishop of While some social improvements "Two and a half years later, we (Continued on page 8) ABCD to fight recession ills In this, the Silver Jubilee Year of parts of the Archdiocese, hosted by principal speaker at the dinners. of government funds for the more the Archdiocese of Miami, Arch- Archbishop McCarthy, which are in- "Few dioceses have faced so many than 40 Catholic social service agen- bishop McCarthy is asking Catholics tended to help raise this year's goal of challenges as we have over a quarter cies throughout the Archdiocese. to be especially generous to the 1983 $4.1 million. of a century. None has responded as These agencies serve senior citizens, Archbishop's Charities Drive which "As we celebrate the Silver Jubilee splendidly," he said. mentally retarded, unwed mothers, has just begun, because it is also a (25th anniversary) of our Arch- "As we enter our Silver Jubilee drug addicts, alcoholics, dependent recession year and many people are in diocese, I feel we can take pride in the Year, the needs of charity and children, migrant workers, run-away need of help. unfailing commitment of our people religion are greater than ever. This is youth, the terminally ill, troubled Pastors will soon be contacting to causes of charity and religion a time to demonstrate, by generosity, families and others. some parishioners with invitations to through the ABCD," said Arch- gratitude for blessings. It is a time to a series of ABCD dinners in various bishop McCarthy who will be the share, by extra generosity and a This year's ABCD coordinators are greater number of contributors, the Father James Connaughton, pastor burdens of those who are unable to of St. Ambrose Parish in Deerfield Notice: No Voice next week respond this year. I am counting on Beach and Father Gilberto Fer- you with love, gratitude, pride and nandez, pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul The Voice will not publish next week as personnel and blessings." Parish, Miami. Archdiocesan direc- equipment will be moving to the new Pastoral Center The funds raised through the din- tor is Frank Nolan. For information at 9401 Biscayne Blvd. Next issue will be Jan. 21. ners and parish drives act as seed call your parish rectory or the Arch- money which generates millions more diocese office at 757-5246. Chilean bishops ask return to democracy respect for human rights SANTIAGO, Chile (NC) - Chile's implemented," it said. The letter said the economic crisis, ment said, the government is follow- bishops asked the military govern- PRISONERS ARE subject to un- "which results in the people's lack of ing the norms established in the 1980 ment which came to power in 1973 to just proceedings, the bishops said. trust and credibility," has resulted constitution, "approved in a plebiscite return the country to civilian rule and They also criticized the government "in a deep social crisis as shown by by almost two-thirds of the voters, to respect human rights. for sending into exile political and increasing poverty, violence and the great majority of whom are "Unfortunately, the disappearance labor leaders opposed to government fear." Catholics." of democratic structures has left the policies. The constitution provides for an majority of Chileans with no real "Independent organizations have' A statement issued by the Ministry eight-year transition period starting possibility of participation" in been destroyed or splintered and the of the Interior answered the bishops' in March 1981 under military rule. government, the bishops said in a communications media suffer limita- letter by saying that the government During the eight years elections joint letter issued Dec. 17. tions due to censorship," they added. already is applying programs to over- would be held but only with military- "Provisions for the respect of The hierarchy also criticized the come the country's social, economic approved candidates. Critics of the human rights in the 1980 constitution economic situation and asked the and political problems. government say the constitution, are not observed," the letter added. government to show greater respect rather than stimulate the return to "Furthermore Jaws leading to for workers by improving their living REGARDING A return to democracy, guarantees military con- democratic rule are not conditions. democratic rule, the ministry's state- trol of the government through 1997. Mews at a Glance Scholars defend St. Kolbe WASHINGTON (NC). — Allegations that the recently canonized St. Max- imilian Kolbe was anti-Semitic Iiave brought several scholars to the new saint's defense. In December Richard Cohen, a writer for the Washington Post, and other newspapers, said that in Father Kblbe's canonization his anti-Semitism "was swept under the rug." In a letter to the Post, Eugene Fisher, executive sec- retary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishop's Secretariat for Catholic- Jewish Relations, said the documentary record of Father Kolbe's writings and ac- tions belies charges such as Cohen's. He cited writings in which Father Kolbe repudiated anti-Semitism and traced the allegations to an article last April in Wiener Tagebuch (Vienna Journal), an Austrian paper. The conclusions of that article, said Fisher have been rejected by several American scholars. Orthodox Archbishop $3 k DAY — Along & Los Angeles street, Michael Dean, 30, reads and guards a shopping cart (oaded with junk and aiuminum cans. He says he makes $3 to $5 c day redeeming the cans he picks up. Dean, originally from Houston, says he government leaders has lived on the streets of Los Angeles for six years <NC photo from UPI). ROME (NC) — Ethiopian Orthodox Archbishop Teklemarian Asrat Mathias of Jerusalem excommunicated members of Ethiopia's Marxist government and urged the country's people to take up arms against their "atheist leaders." Sup- U.S. delegate chief praises bishop's porters in Rome of an Eritrean group that has been fighting for independence of the Eritrean region from Ethiopia since 1969, released the archbishop's letter. In nuclear stand it Archbishop Mathias said, "In the name of the omnipotent God, I call on all Ethiopian bishops, priests, monks, soldiers, farmers, businessmen, workers, PEORIA, III. (NC) — Edward Rowny, chief of the U.S. delegation to the teachers and students, children, men and women who now live in a state of terror Strategic Arms Reduction Talks in Geneva, Switzerland, has praised Bishop Ed- and oppression in Ethiopia to take up arms and fight." Archbishop Mathias has ward O'Rourke of Peoria for criticizing the U.S. bishops' proposed pastoral on been Ethiopian Orthodox Archbishop of Jerusalem since 1979. About 40 percent nuclear war issues, including its stand on deterrence. In a letter to Bishop of Ethiopia's 33.3 million people are Orthodox Christians. O'Rourke, whose objections to the proposed pastoral were explained in a November editorial in the Catholic Post, Peoria diocesan newspaper, Rowny said that the bishop should continue to present "arguments based on reason, not emo- tion or fear." In his comments Bishop O'Rourke cited experts who think any unilateral abandonment of the nuclear deterrent by the United States "would be a grave destabilization of the military balance." The proposed pastoral encourages bilateral disarmament. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (NQ — Argentina's Catholic bishops began the new year hoping that they have set in motion a plan which can help heal some of Nuclear arms protesters arrested the nation's political, social and economic wounds. As 1982 drew to an end the bishops launched a reconciliation program aimed at softening the grown an- tagonism between the military government and key sectors of civilian society such WASHINGTON (NC)— Sixteen nuclear arms protesters were arrested at the as political parties, unions and human rights groups.
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