r A-10 The1 Chronicle January 5,1994 mid-'80s he ushered girls' Softball YOUTH SPORTS Police realignment SCOREBOARD into the CBL and was the first vice Cultural landmark -Grantord department lists girls' traveling team which won the ^Continued A-8) : . 1985 Tri-County League title. Dprfyl Thomas enjoys fine HighNSchool in promotions, n^w officers •jter father, Salway-is a member and past BASKETBALL County Arts Center starting Jan. 12.. ^ 4 Aces ; 53-45 Jerry Groushore,\ an all-star president of the Cranford Boosters season on UMass°gridiron High School. Field Hockey - Program will- Loners... ^ 50-48 See page A-2 IN THE NEWS football player at !ny College Club and he helped form the local Cranford's Bl-County League Schedule ' See WeekendPlus . take place at Battle Hill School In Union on Tigers....!........ •.:.,.......;...47-51 in Westc&Irginia in;198 See page A-10 Thursdays, beginnlngJan. 20. Has Beens ..;, • 47-51 ), He'spent Police Athletic League. He is cur- Starting-time^or-Tth grade game listed flrtt • . Join the 730 Club Adult Reid Hockey — Starting Jan. 7, this Hi-Utes.........". - ......'.... 43-55 Hjs entirgHtasiness fcajier withthe FPAL's Board of Di- , . ••-• JANUARY • i The third annual "730 Club" fund raiser is program wjl| occur at St. Peter's College In v 42-56 YMCA orgMization an f retired in •.•.••.••••••••••6:30, ( Mill bring BOmhwHn) bytiia Oranland BOMIM USTSSJ CiHy' eUBtyTfiQSyT""""^ IO • Club, -an mrganlzatlpn-whlfTi raises money 1975 at the neadiQt Jyizabetn. -Hewas Cra^Tord's 7 Open Basketball - The association's most Irish' & Dutch:.-::.7r...:7.....".;.7.../1^7.; YMCA-Karen is al&q .through-volunteers who. donats_the!rJJme and, competitive level will start Jan. 6 and wilLcon. Young at Heart.....i.........i.t.iX.,... ...35-63 v in alumnus and wason thfrTownship Commit- 22 (Sat) at Chatham ...;....-... .1:15,2:45 energy to support Cranford's student-athletes. of Bethany College^ ; tinue'every Thursday at Hillside Aye. School in Pot Luck- :.'..:.... ,_... .31-67 tee from 1980'to 1985. JDuring his 26 (We(J.) SUMMIT....... 6:30, 8 '-" .Tax-deductible'checks may be made out to "Karen and I hawj jbeen part-' .••-.. FEBRUARY - Cranford. term as mayor h6 formulated the the "Cranford Booster Club" pnd mailed to: 30-and-over Basketball — For-evejy tour peo- •High 6ames - F. Viteka"(175,179. 222), F. ners and get, 'rp?l A i -2 (Wod.) at Warron ,r..•..„„„..•... 7,8;30- P.O. Box 952, Cranford, NJ 07016. — ~pTe~ove?up, you can register one porson.undbr - Memedpv (175, 20d,'2i8), F. Portlzo (178. working with other Crarifond citi- C/anlord Mayor's Day Scholarship 5 (Sat) at Rorham Park;._.... 1, 2:3d • ••• •• 30_years of age. This program takes place at 201), J. Hollerback (208). J. Wanko (180, ,181. zens to help wherever it's need- Fund, which features a fund rais- 12 (Sat) at Madison ;..... ...:.3,4:3p • New Jersey Women's Sports Association Jefferson House School In Elizabeth each 200), a Ptal (178,199), Bill Sorber (198), Don ing golf Routing each September, 16 (Wed.) NEW PROVIDENCE .'6:30, 8 !• "Pie New Jersey Women's Sports Associa- Thursday night, beginning Jan> 13. \ WIddows (171, 173, 196). W. Sanders (184, ed," said Dick "Our working rela- , MARCH tion Inc. Is a non-profit corporation which was the 1985 "Citizen of the Year"- was Bee Basketball — This less competitive 184, 188), J. Erla (185), I. Muldrpw (178, 180). tionships with others have turned 2 (Wed.) at Sprlnqfjeld 6:30/8 formed to provide women a better opportunity league will be conducted at the Jefferson Clem Zavlla (178), M. Taylor (175). Stan Oz- into close friendships that have instrumental in helping rai^B more 9 (Wed.) UNION...... 6:30, 8 Wednesday, January 12, 1994 to compete In athletic programs, • House School on Thursdays.'- . than $50,000 for scholarships; ( • • , ' - ' • ' • • • • t v Separate leagues In soccer, basketball and elewski (175), Joe Savage (172)tJeny Baclga- withstood the test of fime." A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents All.registration Is completed on a first-paid jupo (171) and Bob Blshe"(i7i). JKareij, was on Cranford's. F,lrst field hockey will start In January. The field basis. Call Barb Martell at.,273-0108 for ad;, Their soili Rick: graduated^fVom- High Series — Memodov (593), Viteka CRANFORD • GARWOOD • KENILWORTH hockey program ruris for six weeks, has a 10- dltlonal details. AidSqu ITrom 1987 to 1991. Since (576). Wanko (561), Sanders (556), Pizzl (544), CHS in 1987 and s their daughter. team limit and costs $40 per person. All other Anne was a 1989LCHS grad. She 1984, she has*een invplved^as a Cranford PAL Wrestling Schedule > ptbgrams last eight weeks, have an eight-team Portizo (544), WlddowMS^QJ.-Muldrow (5l2i_ "JANUARY ; limit and cost $50 per person. BOWLING and Sorber (508). participated in field hockey, bas- teacher and aide with the Cran-- 11 (Tue.) at Rosalia Park .....7 » •;• The following lists each program, including .ketball, swimming, softball and foril SNAPPY: program; which ..._.._ ..._._ ...... 40^. days, times, locations and fees: Cranford Monday Seniors. • I IMMIM/1 tracK. sne recently graduated from teaches pre-scnooi handicapped 16 (Sun.) Rosella Park TourrL fc. loirrf. Open Soccer — Open to high school seniors Standlngs as of 1-2 the University of Iowa. ••• children. The former girl scout 18 (Tue-lUNION ,. 6:30 and older. It will beheld at Jefferson House Hawks w. • 70-Sff tomoi RACE CALENDAR- ~ - service rowii HHItops..... :..................:.....66-32 •"••• Dibk:coache"tf'iri^:thei Cranford; steaderrFRt-nieniber and-Junroi* School In Elizabeth on Tuesdays; beginning JANUARY'. FEBRUARY '"'"''' ,' Jan.11. Yo-Yos... .... ' ..57.5-40.5 Baseball League. in the rnid=1970s League of Elizabeth-Plainfield Library bd. meets Jan. B — Shore AC Winter Race 10K, 11 ami : 1 (Tiie.) WESTRELD..... 6:30 Hec Soccer — Open to any adult arid Includes . Tha Who 56.6^.1.5 By JOANNE McFADDEN Medical Center. Dr. Oriscello vvas cited for dent physician for the Cranford Police De- ter racial harmony. " Lake Takanessee, Long Branch, Box 435, Key- and was, also the vice president of ,membe ^,, r i3 also on the Board of 0 (Sun.) CRANFORP TOURNAMENT.... 10 am. - T^P Board' of Trustees of yarlous levels! It will be conducted atJefferson No ShoShows..w . ...... 8 (Tue.) at New Providence.,^...; 6:30- . .THEJCHBONICLE liis' unrelenting quest tu affirm hum ."._ medical director for 'the—Since then, 13 (Jrani'ord residents have Lucky Strikes......... .".. 5M5 ^0^^07735,908-264-2140, » - . the Adams AvenueLeague. In:.the ..(^nfordFajmily Carey Hie Cranford Labraiy will School IrrBftabeth on Wednesdays, i-jieet 7 p.m. tonight. nity and coiirage for hundreds of African- John Stamler Police Academy, lives in Cran- been singled out for outstanding service in The Crpnford Clergy Council will com- American chDdren living at a poverty level, ford vn\h his wife Krystyna and two chil- community ^f^ andfo r significant contri- memorate the birthday of Dr; Martin Luther said Lt Milton Mason, a member of the dren, Gregory, 17 and Amy, 15. ^ ncement of civil and Baldwin registration King Jr. at-a service tomorrow night at 8 council. buti6ns adva •'. The Helen K. Baldwin: pjn. at St Mark AJVLE. €hurch on High The keynote address for the- service will u . _ . , ., Dr. Orisceilo provides medical services to be delivered by the Rev. Alfred R Brown Jr., human nghts- ForTner ™*?ients of «« Nursery School will hold reg- "Street , children-inyolved in a variety of sports pro- award 18 James H istration. for the 1994-95 pastor of the First Baptist Church in Cran- f - Williams, Audrey h, free-of "will be"delivered ^niithers,-Sharon-Heard, Edward Gill; Ml- school year 9-11:30 am. ton ; presentation of the 14th annual Dr. "Martin not able to deliver them himself, will cooidi- by Cantor Yaaicov Ephrpn of Temple Beth-El Mason, Arnold Dahlquist, Rachel Brant- today-Friday at, the First Luther King, Jr. Award to Ralph G. Oris- nate with specialists in other fields to pn> Presbyterian Church. For in- and the,First Baptist Church Choir under tey, Edith Lambert, Edith Coogan, Henry cello, a physician and director of the critical Vide services, again at no cost to the patient the direction of Donald Walker Jr. Pryor, Harry Wilde, Linda Liefer, Joan Col- formation, call 276-1166. care medicine unit, at Elizabeth General fiTHLETE OF THE WEEK fiTHLETE OF THE MONTH Dr. Orisaello, who also s>rves as^ie resi- The.award was established in 1981 to fos- lins, Sylvia Sidoti, and Edna Silvey. Parent workshop MOFFAT A pre-scheduling orienta- tion workshop for parents of Marotta-s heroism CHRIS KALTREIDER SOMERVILLE eighth-grade and transfer Robinson's adieu CRANFORD students who will attend / The 5-foot-IO senior gi«rd_»«sted__no_tirne Cranford High SchooJ next M is 7:30 p.m. tonight iriThe T m a going after the career iOQO-point milestone this The 64oot-3 junior scored « cdreer-'high 26 auditorium. points to help lift Cranford to its first victory of season. Moffat scored 28 in the opener against the season last Wednesday — a 58-45 thurhp- Hackettstown, poured ; In" a career-high 39 against Montgomery and added 35 in a rout of- Financial aid night afteilts Boselle Catholic, giving her 1001. She also was Cranford High School will of the Cougar Christmas Classic. - , named the tourney MVP In the Crusader Holi- host a financial aid workshop By JOANNE MCFADDEN effort. day Classic. 7:30 pjn. tomorrow in the '••'•' • -• .•' , -': '•'•'. 7 ••- V. • small auditorium. THECaBRONICLE "By his courageous and prompt "As chosen by Forbes* Newspapers:.Spoils Oept." "A> chosen by Forbes Newspapers' Sports Dept." action in the face of great personal Toni Marotta considers himself risk, Lt Marotta saved the life of a Magic show lucky.
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