An overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models Deliverable 4.2 MAIN AUTHORS: WAGENINGEN RESEARCH: BERIEN ELBERSEN, JOSKE HOUTKAMP, INGRID CONINX & MARTIEN VAN DEN OEVER BAY ZOLTÁN: NORA HATVANI, AKOS KOOS & KORNEL MATEFFY AKI: ISTVÁN KULMÁNY & Viktória Vásáry DATE: 30 MAY 2020 PUBLIC Project POWER4BIO “emPOWERing regional stakeholders for realising the full po- tential of European BIOeconomy“ Grant Agreement no. 818351 H202-RUR-2018-2020 Disclaimer excluding Agency responsibility This project has received funding from the European Union’s Responsibility for the information and views set out in Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under this document lies entirely with the authors Grant Agreement No 818351 Document Factsheet Project duration From October 2018 to March 2021 Project website https://power4bio.eu/ Document D.4.2: Overview of suitable policy instruments to support bio-based busi- ness models Work Package Bioeconomy business models and funding instruments Task Task 4.2 Public policies and regulation to support bio-based business models at regional level Version 1 Version date 30 May 2020 Main Author WR Contributors to re- Berien Elbersen, Ingrid Coninx; Nora Hatvani, Joske Houtkamp, Akos Koos, port István Kulmány, Kornel Mateffy, Martien van den Oever & Viktória Vásáry Reviewers CIRCE, Ignacio Martin Type of deliverable Report Dissemination level PU public Table 1 Document Factsheet Document History Version Date Main modification Entity Draft 1 30/01/2020 First outline+ introduction WR Draft 2 30/04/2020 First draft reviewed CIRCE Draft 3 22/05/2020 Last draft reviewed CIRCE D4.2 Final 29/05/2020 Final report WR Table 2: Document History POWER4BIO project (818351) Page 2 of 248 Deliverable 4.2 An overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models 30 May 2020 ABBREVIATIONS AKIS: Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems ALSAG: Austrian landfill tax, known as the ‘Altlastensanierungsbeitrag’ BAT: Best available technologies BBE: Bio-based Economy BBI JU: Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking BBI: biobased industries instrument for Europe BERST: BioEconomy Regional Strategy Toolkit project BIC: Bio-based Industries Consortium bio-CNG: Bio Compressed Natural Gas bioLNG: Bio Liquefied Natural Gas CAP: Common Agriculture Policy CEC countries: Central European Countries CEPI: Confederation of European Paper Industries CFP: Common Fisheries Policy CHP: combined heat and power CICs: Emission Certificates of Biofuel in Consumption CO2: carbon dioxide COM: Commission COSME: EU programme for the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises CSP: CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) D.O.P. certificates: Designation of Origin DEFRA: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs DM: Dry matter content EAFRD: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EC: European Commission ECBF: European Circular Bioeconomy Fund ECCP: European Climate Change Programme EEA: European Environment Agency EMFF: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund EP: European Parliament EPBD: Energy Performance of Buildings Directive POWER4BIO project (818351) Page 3 of 248 Deliverable 4.2 An overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models 30 May 2020 EPR: extended producer responsibility ERA-Nets: European Research Area Network ERDF: European Regional Development Fund ESIF: European Structural and Investment Funds ESIF: European Structural and Investment Funds ESR: Effort Sharing Regulation ETC: emission trading system ETS: Emission Trading System EU EPBD: Energy Performance of Buildings Directive EU: European Union EUTR: European Timber Strategy FIP: feed in premium FIT: Feed in Tariff FSC: Forest Stewardship Council GAEC: Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition GD: Green Deal GDP: Gross domestic product GHG: Greenhouse gas GJ: Giga joule GO: Guarantees of Origin IAR: French Bioeconomy Cluster IAS: Industry Applications Society ICT: Information and Communication Technology IED: Industrial Emissions Directive ILUC: Indirect land use change IPBES: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services IPCC: International Panel on Climate Change and Control IPPC: Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control JRC: Joint Research Centre KETs: key enabling technologies kWh: kilowatt-hour of energy LCA: Life cycle assessment POWER4BIO project (818351) Page 4 of 248 Deliverable 4.2 An overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models 30 May 2020 LULUCF: land use, land use change and forestry MSs: Member States MW: Megawatt N2O: nitrous oxide NACE: Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community NECPs: National Energy and Climate Plans NGO: Non-governmental organisation NIR: National Inventory reports NPK: Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium NREAPs: National Renewable Action plans ODE: sustainable energy storage OECD: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development P2P public-public PAYT: Pay As You Throw PEFC: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification PFCs: perfluorocarbons PPPs: public-private partnerships PV: Photovoltaics R&D: Research and Development R&I: Research and Innovation RDP: Rural Development Program RED: Renewable Energy Directive RIS 3: Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy RSFF: Risk Sharing Finance Facility S2BIOM: Delivery of sustainable supply of non-food biomass to support a “resource-efficient” Bioe- conomy in Europe SCIs: sites of Community importance SDE+: Stimulation of Sustainable Energy Production - Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals SEA: strategic environmental assessment SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely SMEs: Small and Medium Sized Entreprises POWER4BIO project (818351) Page 5 of 248 Deliverable 4.2 An overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models 30 May 2020 SMR: Statutory Management Requirement SPAs: Special Protection Areas SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats TACs: total allowable catches TEN-E: Trans-European Networks – Energy Regulation TEN-T: Trans-European Transport Network TFEU: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union TJ: Tera joule TOC: Total Organic Carbon TRL: Technology readiness level UN: United Nations USA: United States of America VAT: Value added tax VPAs: Voluntary Partnership Agreements WFD: Water Framework Directive WP: Work package WTO: World Trade Organisation POWER4BIO project (818351) Page 6 of 248 Deliverable 4.2 An overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models 30 May 2020 PROJECT PARTNERS CIRCE: Fundación CIRCE Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos DBFZ: DBFZ DEUTSCHES BIOMASSEFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM GEMEINNUETZIGE GMBH WR: STICHTING WAGENINGEN RESEARCH META: META GROUP SRL AKI: AGRARGAZDASAGI KUTATO INTEZET NAK: MAGYAR AGRAR-, ELELMISZERGAZDASAGI ES VIDEKFEJLESZTESI KAMARA EPC: EPC Project Corporation Climate. Sustainability. Communications. mbH DRAXIS: DRAXIS ENVIRONMENTAL S.A. BZN: Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research UNFU: Ukrainian National Forestry University CAGPYDS (former CAPDER): Junta de Andalusia – Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Desarrollo Rural MAE: Mazovia Energy Agency USB: University of South Bohemia CCB: Chemie Cluster Bayern GMBH SPRING: Sustainable Processes and Resources for Innovation and National Growth EWI: VLAAMS GEWEST (Government of Flanders) SUA: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra ECRN: European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN) e.V. POWER4BIO project (818351) Page 7 of 248 Deliverable 4.2 An overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models 30 May 2020 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This task and report could not have been accomplished without the very valuable input from all region partners in the POWER4BIO project who are: Dries Maes (Flanders region) Christina Forster and Laura Kuehn (Bavaria) Eva Cudlinova (South Bohemia) Orest Kiyko (Lviv) Danka Moravčíková (Nitra) Sara Cantone (Italian regions) María Natividad Pérez Camacho, Judit Anda Ugarte and Manuel Garcia López (Andalusia) Nora Szarka, Laura García Laverde, Torsten Schmidt-Baum (central Germany (Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt)) Alexandra Luks (Mazovia) The region representatives for the Hungarian Great Plain region contributed the Hungarian policies and perspectives. We thank They are also co-authors of this report and their names feature on the front page of this report. We also thank Ignacio Martin very much for the helpful comments, suggestions for improvements and bridging to other activities in POWER4BIO particularly scoping our results as much as possible to the needs of the region partners that are in the process of developing their bioeconomy action plans. POWER4BIO project (818351) Page 8 of 248 Deliverable 4.2 An overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models 30 May 2020 PUBLISHABLE SUMMARY This report presents the outcome of Task 4.2 in the POWER4BIO project. The aim of this this report is to give an overview of public policies and regulations for the bio-based economy (BBE) with special attention to policy integration over different scales (from EU, national to regional) and across different policy domains (environmental, sustainable development policy, energy, bioeconomy policy, etc.). First it presents what type of policies can regulate and stimulate the development of a bioeconomy in a direction that is environmentally and economically sustainable. For this overview it is
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