DRIVE TO IXIST THEWESTFIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published WESTPIKLD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, l!M>G Kvery Thursday 36 Page*—10 Cent* l,e Juvenile Conference Committee Four Bluecoats Zone Board Approves $ 1 Million Plan 'hat It Is - What It Does For Lamberts Mill Rd. Nursing Home And Why Promoted; Pay Westfield's first nursing and con they said, and nursing and convales- Girl, 11, Killing Bike valescent home loomed as a distinct cent homes relieve some of the bur- possibility Monday night when thi den. ^ond and condud- recognized that children should not to these the court, in its discretion to Injured By Car Board of Adjustment voted to rec The site of the proposed facility Tdoling »•«* Juvenile be subject to the harsh atmosphere may refer more serious cases to Donna Davidson, 11, of 177 Harri- onimcnd approval of the proposed has been a subject of controversy of the criminal courts, the New Jer- the Conference Committee for hear Hikes Voted for some years. Because of the Lamberts Mill lid. project to Town sey Supreme Court sought a plan ing. son Si., suffered a compound Xrac- Town Council Tuesday night op- Two other ordinances which gain- lure of the right log Tuesday when Council. drainage problem created by the on the jjuu lhaOiat wouloudl spare minors the necesnuces- Alrnhnli,. !,..,„!,..,„,,, „ s, break- proved ordinances providing pay ed council approval covered the des- she was struck by a car while riding The facility, estimated to cost ap- brook on tlie property, it has not are known sity of a court appearance and yet ing aad cnWine ^^r' deal effectively with their agK1 e lp autumo- raises for all mumcipu) employees ignating of Hoynlon Ave., Stanley ler bike on Mountuin Ave., accord- proximately $1 million, and designed been economically feasible to build w Department#,. deal effectively with <hPir ln« «„;. f etttcc "fal!fa];""8 th,H .stealine luUinwg* a 7™* ous misdeeds. ' , " category. and officials; promotions in the Po-and Forest Aves. us through streets, »g to police. to accommodate 150 patients, would houses there. (ie concluding article, lice Department: awarded contracts The board granted permission to and the changeover of Highland Ave. Tho driver, Hobcrl M. Ulis, 21, he built on six acres of a 10 acre ,1 li* Juvenile Confcr- for new municipal vehicles, gaso- Den and Jean Buontempo to erect a 1s reported. H between Mountain Avo. and K. Dud- A 143 Norlh St., Iselin, (old police. site known as tho former Biado line ami fuel oils: heard objections ley Ave. as a one-way street pro- Jlamagno tract. The remaining four 2-family dwelling at 260 Orchard to an assessment for sidewalks on In' child rode out of Orchard St. hibiting entrance from Mountain. into the path of his ear. acres would be offered to the town St. The first floor will be converted Shackiimaxon Dr., ;>nd the concern The promotions in tlie Police I)e- for a park site. to offices for four doctors and there ^ai methods, and the County Juvenile Domestic Relations {•"£ Xn a re den s family was uf a number of Prospect St. resi- iwrUiient moved Sgt, Bernard Mor- Tlie owners of the home would bo will bo a one-family apartment up* : cases. Court. The court, in turn, was au-away on vacation. Ho returned home dents over plans for that thorough- stairs. Oiorlzed to refer cases to this com- melo to lieulenant: Dot. William I ho applicants—C. W. Meyers Jr. fare. Kinney to sergeant; Syt. ltobcrt Town Pays $3,500 The variance was required because TH B. GILBERT mittee for hearing and for the pur- . , . of Westfield and Jerome Eckentiial L room lunillll! o ul(i 1)CCJ1 oonspicu The l\vi> measures covering pay Hell lo detective sergeiml, and Pa- of Scotch l'lains—and five physi- of the parking requirement. The «U Halloween several pose of working out a solution on ous]y narrmgedm Assuming K )me. scales included the police and fire trolmui) Jiimos <iorughly to delec- ppllcants promised to provide ade- ^Schoolboys sprayed the txuis of a voluntary agreement „ , B , ™11? To Settle Suit cians, Dr. Hermird Ehrenbcrg, Un- one had beori jn deportments and the oilier set sal- live. All were effeclive Tuesday. ion County medical examiner; Dr. quate parking, , M Ihc doors of parked between the complaining parly and was empty, he contacted Lice Westfield will pay $3,500 in settle- l ll aries for tho Mayor ;>nd Coimdhm'n Monnelo joined tin- department in Robert 1'. Nenno of Westfield, medi- Also approved were the applica- flg to residents. Apprc- the offendmg child. Duri||g 1|)e jnmUBa,j; ' ™u.1 in addition to the rosier of depart- 1!)51 and was promoted to detective ment of a .suit tor injuiies suffered by a Westfield girl in a fall from a cal director ut Marlboro State Hos- lon of Falcon Inc. to orect a one- iepolice, they were sent Tlie Juvenile Conference Commit- phone bill arrived listing a" toll cill ment workers. sergeant in I'.ltiO. Bell bceuinc ;i pital, who would be director of the lile Conference Commit- ( e was instituted in Westfield about to a western state. Police deler- r bicycle in Tama<|iies Park. 'ainJly dwelling on an undersized C member i)f Ihe depaitment in l!)r>.> new facility; Dr. Gerald 13. Dema- lol at 21C Livingston St. and the ap- e decision was made lo 15 years ago and was at that time mined Ihe call had been made by -i anil was )>roiiiotod lo sergeant in Tlio sell lenient was approved rcst of Weslfield, mi assistant direc- •ir licenses while they appointed by Judge Libby Socher. Westfield boy to the daughter of a plication of Deri I. Dorr to build an May of Una. 1'rior tobccimiing ser- Tuesday by Superior Court Judge tor; Dr. .James L. Brady of Moun- iddition to bis bouse at 430 Long- iciney to make full resti- Currcnlly, the Juvenile Court judge family who had previously re.sided in YMCA To Observe ge;iiit, he bad served two years in Walter L. Helfield 111 for Monica tainside, mi assistant director, ami 'el!ow Ave., which has a side yard mages. asks local mayors to suggest Ihe town. Admittedly, tlie youth had (he Detective Bureau. Kenny joined IJeiss, 14, and her parents, Mr. and Dr. Arthur I'crell of Weslfield. loiatlon. local youths in need of names of representative citizens to broken into and entered the house Ihf department in 11)53 and was as- Mrs. Sanford Hciss, of 84fi Village ived live idea of remov- serve as committee members . , (normally a forma! complaintl, but 43rd Anniversary lirccii. Should lint town not desire the The board referred to the Planning signed lo the Detective Bureau in extra properly, it would be retain- s from parking meters, none of whom receive monetary aside from watching television, noth- May, !'.)(>!). (ici'iighly joined Ihe do- Board the appeal of ltobcrt C. Bach The girl .suffered a leg injury when ed as a buffer zone. A brook run- for permission to erect a one-family j (h« meters and then compensation for their services, ing had been stolen or damaged, a parlinent in llfliu. she Ml from the )>iki> after it struck (0 Chinatown where Wcstfield's Conference Committee, fact which caused the Juvenile Con- Monday, April 25 ning through the property would be iwclllng at 779 Hancock St. a Sub- The Atlantic Refinitii; Co. was a stone- in u bike-ridiim path til the relocated ut the discretion of tho ivision Is involved. ado. Tlie boys promptly headed by Robert C. Thomson Jr., ferencc Committee (0 hear his case The Westfield YMCA will observe iiwfii'ded a conlriict lo .su|>ply gaso- town park. town and Ihe town engineer. business of selling and includes Rev. John h. Flanagan, on Ihe basis of an informal eom- i(s 4:ird anniversary of service to line for municipal vehicles on a low The Fanwood Stone Crushing and The building would be one-story lor Weslfield parking Robert V. Sncvily, and Mrs. K. D, plaint. Placed on probation, no fur-the community ;il Ihc- nnntiul meet- bill of $.l2i!) eenls pur gal. Quarry Co. was released as u oil- Iteocuc Squad Sets ir case was heard by Smith, faculty member of Kulgcr's ther trouble developed. modified Willlamsburg Colonial of ing of members and friends, Mon- Smith Ave. llniiibler won contends defendnnt in Ihe action. brick exterior, with three court- Record-11 Calls Conference Committee, graduate school of social work. Another example of a technically day, April 25, it was iinnounred to- The accident look place May (i,yards at tho rear and space for (it) Wcstfield's junior high There are basically two types of formal complaint being treated as lo .supply lhre« passcngw cars for In 12 Hours day hy Arthur C. Fried, chciirnum muiiicipul di-'parliiii'iit use, and four I!lli2. The girl was awarded $2,00D, cars, There would be 40 employees. 'developed an epidemic complaints heard by the group. An an informal one concerned two of the coniinitlc-c on nrriingemcnts. Malion wagons for the Police. Ue- ll'e balaiicc going to tlie parcnls for Dr. Neno said there would be n virus" ... a mysleri- informal complaint comes directly youngsters who "broke into and en- nicdiciil expenses. An indication of the town's grow- According tn Mr. Fried, program purtniLMil. The p^.sseni'.er ear con- recreation, area, sc-verul .solaria, a iK reliance upon the Westfield Vol- which cleared up each to the Conference Committee, and tered" Kdisoit Junior High School.
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