26802 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 30, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS JOSEPH McCAFFREY HAS EX­ Many of us have had the privilege of <1) There is general agreement that the CELLED IN CAPITOL HILL RE­ personal and longstanding friendship demand for electricity in the United States PORTING FOR MORE THAN with this remarkable individual. With and the world will continue to grow in the his affable manner and inquiring years to come. In the long run such continu­ FOUR DECADES ous growing demand can be reliably assured mind, he has been a dependable source only by significant contributions from of fine reporting. His departure will breeder-generated power. HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH leave a large hole in Capitol Hill cover­ (2) It is inconceivable that during this OF WEST VIRGINIA age. His friends wish Joe well in the period of gradual depletion of traditional IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES years ahead.e nonrenewable power sources, the United Friday, September 30, 1983 States would not act resolutely to tap, with the use of breeder technology, the readily • Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, on available, already mined, and stored fuel Friday, September 23, radio commen­ SCIENTISTS SUPPORT CLINCH RIVER whose energy equivalent is larger than all tator Joseph McCaffrey made his final the known U.S. coal reserves and many broadcast at radio station WMAL. He times greater than the power stored. in now will concentrate his reportorial earth's proven oil fields. talents on his beloved weekly newspa­ HON. MARILYN LLOYD Our members and the scientific communi­ per, the Culpeper News in Virginia. OF TENNESSEE ty at large are keenly aware of the forego­ McCaffrey will be missed on Capitol IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing situation and suggest that progress on Hill. He has the tremendous ability to Thursday, September 29, 1983 the breeder front be vigorously pursued. tackle complex subject matter and to This concern is further accentuated by com­ educate his listeners in an entertain­ • Mrs. LLOYD. Mr. Speaker, there prehension of the need for a secure energy has been much debate on the techni­ base in order to sustain the cultural and ing manner. His "Capitol Comments" cal merits of the Clinch River breeder reflected quality journalism that, economic well-being of our nation and of reactor project. Opponents have the people of the world. hopefully, will be emulated by those argued that the technology is obsolete As in other areas of social and economic who follow. and that this demonstration plant is endeavors, one finds individuals critical of For almost a half century, Joe has not needed. To support these errone­ the Breeder pathway, some of whom are been one of the most respected and ous contentions, they often suggest professionally trained in the nuclear field. popular radio personalities in the that the scientific community, includ­ In a democracy all views should be given an Washington area. In a city known for ing some individuals with supposed nu­ opportunity to be heard, particularly when its short-term media stars, that is a clear credentials, is against the a project or proposal is under serious scruti­ truly remarkable record. project. To satisfy myself that this is ny. However, the making of rational and ef­ The key to his reportorial success not the case, I asked Dr. Frederick fective decisions must also take into consid­ has been his lusty enthusiasm and his eration the weight of the professional opin­ Seitz, the esteemed chairman of the ion behind a particular view and act accord­ consistent standard of fairness in re­ Scientists & Engineers for Secure porting issues and commenting on per­ ingly. In this context, I wish to assure the Energy, to present the views of that Committee that virtually all members of sonalities. organization as to the advisability of Last week Joe told a reporter: our organization and almost 90 percent of continuing and completing the Clinch all knowledgeable professionals in our coun­ Probably the thing I'm proudest of over River breeder reactor project. try consider the Clinch River Breeder Reac­ the years is that people haven't been able to I submit his response for inclusion in tor to be an important technological step if figure out a label for me. They don't know if we are to ensure the availability of energy I'm a liberal or conservative, Democrat or the RECORD, and hope that each Republican. Sometimes I have appeared to Member will carefully read this letter. for generations to come. We believe that we be on one side of an issue and another time Special attention should be given to should not gamble our national future the other. But that's the way I wanted it. I Dr. Seitz's statement that: purely on luck or untested hopes. It is the vote no straight party lines. And former responsibility of the experts to counsel, in President Jerry Ford once said of me that I • • • virtually all members of our organi­ the national interest, those entrusted with was the fairest reporter he ever dealt with­ zation and almost 90 percent of all knowl­ the power of decision. We hope such counsel and I still cherish that remark. edgeable professionals in our country con­ will be appropriately weighed and that the sider the Clinch River Breeder Reactor to Congress will continue to support the McCaffrey started his career in jour­ be an important technological step if we are CRBR. nalism as a 10-cents-an-inch stringer to ensure the availability of energy for gen­ In conclusion, let me point out that breed­ for a newspaper in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. erations to come. er reactors have considerable similarities to He came to the Washington area after His response follows: hydroelectric plants, namely a high start-up military service to join CBS radio in THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY, cost which is later compensated many times 1944. That was the year he started New York, N.Y., September 12, 1983. over by low fuel and operating expendi­ covering the Congress. Mrs. MARILYN LLoYD, tures. Throughout the world major hydro­ His insightful observations on the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Re­ electric plants have been viewed as national changes in Congress over the years search and Production, Washington, assets worthy of governmental support. We would provide a valuable textbook for D.C. strongly feel that the same applies to breed­ aspiring political writers. DEAR MRS. LLOYD: Scientists and Engi­ er reactor programs and therefore urge the Mr. President, there is both sadness neers for Secure Energy greatly appreciates Congress to continue the material support and gladness with the news that Joe is the invitation to share with your Committee needed for the Clinch River Breeder-one of no longer in the Press Gallery. We will the views of our members on the Clinch the cornerstones for. American energy suffi­ River Breeder Reactor. ciency and independence in the future. miss him. But there is joy in the Rather than reiterate the many cogent ar­ Sincerely, knowledge that, at age 67, he can in­ guments advanced in support of this worthy FREDERICK SEITZ, dulge in the lesser labors of a weekly project, let me state at this time just two Chairman, Scientists & Engineers publisher. broad propositions: tor Secure Energy.e e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. September 30, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26803 THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF budget with more defense cuts or with A SALUTE TO DR. TERESA UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST nickel-and-dime cuts of domestic, dis­ CROSS cretionary programs. As a matter of HON. ROBERT J. LAGOMARSINO fact, these programs have not caused HON. MERVYN M. DYMALLY OF CALIFORNIA the current deficit problem. We have a structural deficit problem created by OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 28, 1983 entitlement programs that are indexed to the Consumer Price Index, which Thursday, September 29, 1983 e Mr. LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Speaker, has oveFstated inflation and pushed • Mr. DYMALLY. Mr. Speaker, next a tragedy of mammoth proportions benefit increases higher than the in­ was begun in 1932 and ended in 1933. week, the 11th class of congressional crease in wages. Moreover, the Ameri­ science fellows, whose work is overseen An estimated 7 million people lost can taxpayer does not want the budget their lives in this 2-year period. Let us by the American Association for the not forget the cause of this tragedy, balanced or the deficits reduced on his Advancement of Science <AAAS), will and let us brLTig to the attention of all or her back, which would also reduce begin a year of service on Capitol Hill. peoples, that those responsible for this available capital for investment and These 42 men and women, the largest heinous crime have never admitted retard consumer spending. group of AAAS fellows to date, follow their crime. What options does this leave us? in the footsteps of predecessors who Of course, we are talking about the Demagoguery and placing the blame have established a tradition of excel­ manmade famine in the Soviet on individuals or political parties will lence to which the program and the Ukraine from 1932 through 1933. only exacerbate the problem. We need new fellows may look with pride. The There can be no denial that this exter­ to start immediately with serious con­ only thing that can dampen our en­ mination plot was organized and car­ sideration of viable alternatives and thusiasm about the entering fellows is ried out by Joseph Stalin, in an at­ options to reduce these intolerable the sense of sadness we feel as we say tempt to force collectivization on the deficits.
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