DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2020, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY,16PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Ahmedabad WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 CALENDAR THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,NOVEMBER28,2020 OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry &TLewis CROSSWORD4288 DAYTODAY BYPETERVIDAL ARIES (Mar 21 -Apr 20) LIBRA (Sept24-Oct 23) If you’retaking time Youmay nowhave off, it looksvery the determination muchasifall leisure to implement pursuitsshould be familychanges or competitive.The fact is that home improvementswhich thereisnosatisfaction as great once seemedbeyond your as that gainedfromcoming first power. Even hopes whichyou or,atleast, from doing better thought would always than you’veeverdone before.If remain as fantasies maynow youhaveastrength, then it’s be put intoaction. And about your willingness to deal time too, some people with detail. would say. TAURUS (Apr 21 -May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 -Nov 22) It’s time forsome of Youmight feel as if your typical intuitive you’refacing an foresight. Yousee, uphill struggle. If you CALVIN &HOBBES by Bill Watterson it’s important to don’t seem to be broaden your horizons, and making anyheadway,it’s even if thereare some options probablybecause youhavenot that youhavealways shunned, done enough to persuade other theyare almostcertainlyworth people that theyhavejustfailed ACROSS DOWN considering now. Youmight not to appreciatethe truth, and that 1 All three vying desperately 1 Learning Heather goes out to go forwhat’s on offer, and youare right. It’s nevertoo late (10) work foraliving (4) something completely different to have another go. 6 Strikeaction when mates are 2 Disclosures in open courtorin could catchyour eye. sent back(4) camera(9) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 -Dec 22) 10 Blame one put on the head of 3 Off-peak call (5) GEMINI (May22-June 21) It’s notabad Dean Swift(5) 4 Cutting ajacket forriding (7) Romantic moment for 11 She’s asinger of lowsongs (9) 5 Without anybreaks? That’s no attachmentscould shopping trips, 12 David and Sam split difference Frenchway to work (7) take an intense turn, although there (8) 7 Still producing cheerful songs whichwill no doubt seems to be aplanetary lawin 13 Have an oral test (5) (5) be deeplysatisfying. However, operation whichsays that 15 Jackhas to go round working 8 Those who claim to be youmay be inclinedtojudge whatever moneyyou have on the roads (7) teachers? (10) others alittle tooharshly. The when youleave home will be 17 People out -onpatrol? (7) 9 Censorious to adangerous moment youstart comparing spent by the time you 19 Theypound away with degree? (8) one person unfavourablywith return. Youdon’t have to give mortars (7) 14 Details put as specifiedinthe another,you’reindanger of in to it, though. Asimple 21 Brace of fresh lobster agreement (10) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong letting your personal feelings solution is to keep your wallet (7) 16 Ahot line arranged forthe interferewith the truth. tight shut. 22 Anumber makemoneyand opera(8) CANCER (June 22 -July23) CAPRICORN (Dec 23 -Jan 20) gain experience (5) 18 Chargedwith putting under This maynot be the Asociable Moon is 24 Heavy rain that mayfall down test,perhaps (9) best time to lay justthe tonic you or up perhaps! (8) 20 Acider’s mixed in acocktail (7) down the law, for needtoliftyour 27 Painful reminder of the need 21 LowSerb might be seen in an partners, colleagues morale and enable forfilling time? (9) alley(7) and rivals have strong opinions youtobelieve in yourself. If 28 Film actor is notahit (5) 23 Mob disperses aftersailor of their own. It’s muchbetterto youshould have momentsof 29 Experts in digitallyrecorded produces weapon (1-4) ask them what theythink,and self-doubt, don’t ignorethem, evidence (4) 25 Clean down (5) turn this to your own but makeuse of the 30 Nowit’s gifttime 26 Hasn’t she the hearttomarry? advantage. Youmight be able to opportunity to discover (7,3) (4) use their argumentstoshow exactlywhy your confidence them whytheyshould take has slipped. SolutionsCrossword4287:Across:1Brigade,5Moses,8Precedent,9Abe,10Dies,12 morenotice of you. Strikeup,14Ration,15Bazaar,17Pomander,18Nero,21Ego,22Onthemend,24Spent, AQUARIUS (Jan 21 -Feb 19) 25Rooster.Down:1Biped,2Ire,3Abet,4Events,5Mythical,6Stagename,7Sleeper,11 LEO (July24-Aug 23) Relatively secretive Extempore,13Pointout,14Repress,16Debtor,19Order,20Nemo,23Eft. This shouldbeabusy stars might force period, and time set youtoadjustyour aside forrelaxation social priorities. The maybecurtailedby mostpleasant gatherings will additional duties incurredas be discreetand involve justone JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s partners, children or friends or twofavoured people. It’s an Instructions present youwith fresh enlightening moment to Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, demands. Actually, youcould be pursue anyspiritual or happier to be active than left mystical interests. therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 4305 theanswerforthegivenquip. with time on your hands. mustappearineachofthe PISCES (Feb 20 -Mar 20) Not___weexperience,but__weperceivewhatweexperience,determinesourfate.-Marie nineverticalcolumns,in vonEbner-Eschenbach(4,..,3) VIRGO (Aug 24 -Sept23) You’ll be on top eachoftheninehorizontal Thereisnoneedto form socially. Your LMYAO ANOYHW 4306 rowsandineachofthe be moreshy and drawbackmay just nineboxes. retiring than usual. be areturn to your SUDOKU In fact, youmay dust natural shyness but, at times down your neglected or likethis, youseem to be ESWHT ALPRSW DifficultyLevel forgottencreative skills and confident enough foritnot to theatrical qualities. Lifeshould matter.Incidentally, Venus’ SUDOKU 1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; be approachedinaspirit of current movement signifies 3s=Medium;4s=Hard; spontaneity,youthful vigour high romantic hopes. But can 5s=VeryHard;6s= and awillingness to take theybemet?Well, onlytime h henbac -Esc bner nE vo arie .-M te fa our rmines te de perience, ex we what ve cei per we w ho but perience, ex we what ot :N er Answ Genius whatever comes. will tell. SOLUTION WL SPRA W, ANYHO S, HEW ,T AMY LO UTION: SOL GREATER CHENNAI CORPORATION NARMADAWATER RESOURCES,WATER Solid Waste Management Department SALUTE THE SOLDIER S.W.M.C.No.A7/0176/2020 SUPPLY&KALPASAR DEPARTMENT 5033704 RFN BIR BAHADUR ALE No�ceInvi�ng tender-Secondcall (GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT) 28 NOV e-Tendersare invited forthe following work in Singlestage twocover On this day 5033704 Rfn Bir Bahadur Ale of 5/1 Gorkha systemasdetailed below. E-TENDER SHORT NOTICE No.9OF 2020-21 No.1 Rifles made the supreme sacrifice during 'OP CACTUS TheSuperintending Engineer (SWM),GreaterChennai Corpora�on LILLY-1971' Eastern Sector in Nov 1971 in atrue act of val- invites on-line tender forSupplying,Installa�on, Tes�ng and (Corrigendum) Commissioning of Scien�fic Incineratoratacapacity of 100 MT our.The brave soldier will always be remembered for his per day(single or mul�ple units) fornon recyclable drywaste at In the name and on behalf of Governor Gujarat State,The enthusiasm. To this brave heart we pledge that we shall PerungudiinZone XIV areavailable in online www.tntenders.gov.in Executive Engineer Dahod Irrigation Division, Dahod, always be guided by his immortal spirit and make his LastDateand Time of th name proud. Submission of Bid 09 December,2020 at 03.00 PM Taluka: Dahod, Dist.: Dahod, Pin-code No.389151, Phone CO AND ALL RANKS, 5/1 GORKHA RIFLES Bid Opening Date and Time 10th December,2020 at 04.00 PM No.02673-224525 last date/time for uploading tenders doc- CostofTender documents Costoftender documentRs.20,000/- + uments,Price bid (online) up to Dt. 10/12/2020 18:00 hrs. andEMD 12% GSTEMD Rs.9.10 Lakhs On line opening of tender on Dt. 11/12/2020 at 12:00 Hrs. DIPR/4415/Tender/2020 Superintending Engineer (SWM) Tender fee &other documents (in physical form DD of ten- der fee &EMD (FDR &B.G.) up to Dt. 17/12/2020 18:00 hrs. Further detailed notice of this office &contact this office website http://nwr.nprocure.com or www.statetenders.com. INFO/DAHOD/224/2020 Ahmedabad DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2020, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM RECOVERY LED BY PRIVATE DEMAND GDPshrinks7.5%inQ2; manufacturingpicksup, servicessectorworsthit Encouraging, but needtobecautious due to Covid: CEA technicallyinrecession. ENSECONOMICBUREAU While thisisthe caseacross NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER27 Better mostglobal economies, what E could be acause forconcern is ● thanQ1 Farmers clash with security personnel at the Delhi border,atSinghu on GTKarnal Road, on Friday. Praveen Khanna MOREREPORTS,PAGE11 INDIA'S ECONOMY shrank for EXPLAINED that even with asmaller rate of the second straight quarter contraction as compared to the through September,recording a AS EXPECTED, the second firstquarter, the Indian economy 7.5per cent contraction in its quarterhas been better remains one of the worstper- Farmers hunker down after border standoff Gross Domestic Product (GDP) than the firstfor the econ- formers among major in July-September,according to omy. The improvement economies. datareleasedbythe National has been largely due to Chief Economic Adviser Protesters allowedtoenter capital’s THE EDITORIAL PAGE steppedback,allowingfarmersto round of talksonDecember 3, Statistical Office (NSO) Friday. private sector demand,
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