NOVEMBER 12, 1971 25 CENTS A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE s: N0\1.20 MAROB ON WASHINGTON REPEAL ALL ABORTION LAWS VOLUME 35/NUMBER 41 IRANIAN APPEAL: On Oct. 25, the Iranian Students "whether we're just going to bow down to raw author­ Association in the U. S. announced the fate of some of ity or not. I'm going to resist." the more than 4,000 persons arrested by the Shah's po­ lice last month. The roundup preceded the Shah's cele­ NINE MILLION COLLEGE STUDENTS: That's about bration of the 2,500th anniversary of the Iranian mon­ how many students are enrolled in universities and col­ archy. Six of the vidims have already been sentenced leges this year, according to the Oct. 31 New York Times by a military tribunal, five of them to death. The fate -an increase of 5 percent over last year. of these six is not known. The death sentence is also being asked by the Iranian military prosecutor in the cases of 37 others. The World Confederation of Iranian RIGHT-WING TERRORISTS AND CAPITALISM'S LE­ Students has demanded an "immediate stop to this in­ GAL DOUBLE STANDARD: On Oct. 30, 1966, New human behavior" and "an open trial based on the human York cops arrested 20 Minutemen and seized "over a THIS rights provisions of the UN Charter." The Iranian Stu­ ton" of firearms and explosives cached by the ultraright dents Association in the U. S. has appealed for "all demo­ group. One month earlier, the New York offices of the WEEK'S cratic-minded people of the U.S." to send telegrams to Socialist Workers Party had been fire-bombed. There had Iranian Prime Minister Amir Abbas Hoveida, Tehran, been similar attacks earlier that year against antiwar Iran, protesting the treatment and sentences of those ar­ groups, the Communist Party and the W. E. B. DuBois MILITANT rested. Copies of a petition being circulated may be ob­ Clubs. In making the arrests, cops revealed that the Min­ 3 Charges dropped for tained by writing to the Iranian Students Associati.on, utemen had planned to raze to the ground three camps Black Gls in Germany 525 Ave. of the Americas, Third floor, New York, N.Y. in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, ,and the Brook­ 4 Nov. 20 abortion march 10011. lyn campaign offices of Communist Party congressional candidate Herbert Aptheker. According to cops, the Min­ 6 Who do Pay Board's utemen planned to kill anyone they found at,these places public members repre­ ALASKAN NATIVES CLAIM BILL: Senator Mike Grav­ if necessary. The full facts never came completely into sent? el (D-Alaska) and other sponsors of the measure to pro­ 7 Price increases mount vide Alaskan natives with 40-million acres and $1-bil­ SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3-Lt. ( ig) Gordon Piland, lion are congratulating themselves on its imminent pas­ 10 Antiwar strategy in '72 sage {the House passed it Oct. 27 and Senate approval a Naval Academy graduate and an antiwar activ­ 11 Broad labor support for is virtually assured). Gravel boasted that "all" the Alas­ ist stationed near here at the Mare Island Naval Nov. 6 kan natives in Washington, D. C., to lobby for a land Shipyard, faces a punitive transfer to Adak, Alaska, 12 Black Democrats debate claim settlement were "pleased." The Nov. 1 Race Rela­ for his part in organizing the Oct. 23 First Inter­ '72 strategy tions Reporter points out that this is not the case and national Military Rights and Antiwar Convention. Congressional votes re­ quotes Anchorage Eskimo William Willoya, who says The brass have repeatedly told Piland that his ac­ Gravel's bill is "just another way to get the land away flect deep split over war from the people." The bill will make land that only pro­ tivity in the Bay Area Concerned Military (BACOM}, 14 YSA convention vides nomadic residents with subsistence into taxable prop­ which sponsored the convention, is not consistent 15 SWP '72 campaign erty, meaning the land will be taken piece by piece to with his duties as an officer. On Nov. 1, he was 19 Texas Raza Unida Party meet the taxes. Moreover, at least 3,000 hunting, fishing informed of the transfer to Alaska. goes statewide and gathering areas are excluded from the land allot­ Piland stated at a news conference today that ment in the bill, meaning they will become subject to state 20 U. of Minn. students de­ fish and game laws. Willoya predicted that in two decades the Navy "will never stop me from opposing the mand gay be rehired the 20,000 Alaska natives would be driven from their war in Southeast Asia and exercising my consti­ 12 Court denies press right land by taxes and have their way of life destroyed Com­ tutional rights. I'll continue to organize at Adak to interviews at Attica menting on the support the bill does enjoy from some ;ust as I have in San Francisco." In addition, Piland 22 Mexican left searches natives, he said, "I will stake my life's blood on the fact plans to take the Navy to court Nov. 15 to demand that 99 percent of the. Alaska natives do not know what for answers an explanation of this violation of his rights as is going on down here" (i.e., in the Capital). 23 ·8,000 demonstrate for I • a citizen in uniform. French Quebec Piland has requested support· from the civilian 24' Britain enters Corrtmon McCLQSKEY SAYS.HE WILL DEBATE JENNESS: Rep­ antiwar movement. Messages of protest should be resentative Paul McCloskey, Republican presidential as­ sent to Secretary of the Navy John H. Chafee and Market pirant, told a student audience at Providence College in 25 Young workers offer Providence, R. I., Oct. 29 that he would be willing to Admiral E. R. Zumwalt, Chief of Naval Operations, hint of labor's future debate Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Department of the Navy, Washington, D. C., with 26 N.Y. cops Linda Jenness. In response to the questions from Young copies to BACOM, P. 0. Box 15187 Station A, Sdn 32 L.A. Raza Unida cam­ Socialists for Jenness and Pulley about the war, McCloskey Francisco, Calif. 94115. paign said: "H she (Jenness) will write to me and ask to de­ bate me on my position on the war, I'll write back and British terror in N. Ire­ the light, but it was revealed that a number of cops in try to arrange a deb ate." the organization were not assigned to infiltrate it- they land had joined on their own. In one case, a state trooper had turnett over police rues on the Minutemen to the NIXON'S FIVE-MEGATON FIRECRACKER: The White group. After the initial arrests, 16 rightists were charged 2 In Brief House has made clear its intention to ignore the dan­ with conspiracy and four were let off. 8 In Our Opinion gers and almost universal protests and forge ahead with Last month, the Queens district attorney's office dropped "Cannikin," the test of a nuclear warhead 250 times all charges against all 16 men, using as his reason a Letters court ruling that search warrants used in the cases of 9 Great Society more powerful than the bomb that wiped out the city of Hiroshima. The "super-bomb" is a prototype of the nine of them had been defective and that the other seven Insurgent Ma;ority warhead to be placed in U.S. Spartan anti-missile mis­ had been denied a speedy trial. When one bears in mind 20 By Any Means siles, and its explosion sometime before Nov. 5 on Am­ that Angela Davis has been held without bail for more Necessary chitka Island in the Aleutians will almost certainly have than a year on trumped-up evidence and the way in which 27 National Picket Line a disastrous effect on the ecology, according to many judges trample on left-wing defendants' constitutional rights in trials such as the Soledad case, the words of Queens 28 In Review experts. On Oct. 27, Atomic Energy Commission Chair­ man James Schlesinger announced Nixon had given the Assistant District Attorney Frederick J. Ludwig as he authorization that Congress had required in a feint at dropped the charges against the murderous right-wingers halting the test. Later the same day, Justice Department are an insult to the intelligence: "This office is vigilant attorney Edmund Clark told a federal appeals court, in to observe conspiracies ... whether from the Black left effect, to get lost because its ruling on a suit to stop the or the white right." test brought by environmentalists could have no effect now that the president had decided to go ahead. CAPITALIST "JUSTICE" has two standards, one for the left-by which the simple act of opposing oppression THE MILITANT warrants frame-up, jail and death- and another for the VOLUME 35/NUMBER 41 right- by which burning, bombing, shooting and lynch­ NOVEMBER 12, 1971 EMBATTLED ATTORNEY: Daniel T. Taylor, a Louis­ ing warrant only an occasional wrist-slapping. CLOSING NEWS DATE- NOV. 2 ville, Ky., attorney who defends many Black, poverty­ Another timely example of this double standard is the stricken victims of capitalist "justice," has again been case of Meir Kahane and the .Iewish Defense League. Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS cited for contempt and, according to the Oct. 31 New Kahane, after pleading guilty to a firearms-transport con­ Technical Editor: JON BRITTON York Times, is being held in jail.
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