WORKERS The Militant OF THE W ORLD. UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition] Published weekly by the Communist Le ague of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, N. Y. Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at a ew York, N. Y. under the act of March 3. 1879. VOLUME V, NO. 5 [WHOLE NO. 101]_________________ NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1932 PRICE 5 CENTS On the German S i t u a t i o n OPEN FORUM Japanese Invade Shanghai! Lecture by ALBERT GLOTZER W ar Threatens in the Far East and against the Soviet Union An Appeal to all the Communist Trotsky, supported by the international Left Opposition, for a united front to Workers by the National Committee Germany - Fascism or prevent Fascism from coming to power, As we go to press, the wires are still tion in dealing with the hardly delectable of the world revolution—(Workers’ Rus­ of the Communist League of America a new campaign of calumniation and humming with the latest dispatches of C o m m u n ism demarches of their Oriental competitor. sia Is the immediate and common ob­ (Opposition) the Japanese seizure of Shanghai. Bat­ falsehood has been launched, initiated In such a heated atmosphere as the and approved by the central Stalinist tles between Nipponese and Chinese jective of all the powers lrhat be. The danger of Fascism in Germany has at the bureaucracy. “Trotskyism”, killed a troops are in fu ll blast all over Chapel, present, even the fact that several Am­ not diminished. On the contrary, while Labor Temple Anti-Soviet Advances hundred times, has now been “re-discov­ the na Sve part of the town, and Jap­ erican worships have been ordered ;to the Communit have registered a num­ ered” in the highest instances of the 14th Street and Second Avenue anese reenforcements keep on marching Shanghai, appears to be a mild form of The Rengo News Agency (Japanese) ber of important advances, they have Russian party. “Semi-Trotskyist” de­ toward the scene of the fighting. After indignation. But it would be foolish to reports the seizure and operation of the failed to absorb even those social dem­ viations are being revealed in the Ger­ 13 hours of fierces skirmishes and air think that this has been so because of branch line between Harbin and Chang­ ocratic workers who have left the stan­ Friday, February 5, 1932 man and French parties. From Moscow raids, one report says, the occupation their good w ill, or because of pacifist chun of the Chinese Eastern Railway by dard of their party, and the Fascists i -self, the flat lie is being circulated a t 8 P. M. is not yet completed. But one thing is scruples. Nothing is further removed Japanese train troops! Add to this the have been s trid in g fo rw a rd w tih seven throughout the bourgeois and Stalinist certain The crux of '.(he Sino-Japanese from th at. planned invasion of Jehol vaiiey and league boots. It should now be clear press that “Trotsky has gone over to QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION conflict is already here. The reason why the Wes ern powers Mongolia by (he notorions Russian White to all that the Hitlerite hordes are de­ the German social democracy” ; that are refraining from prompt and drastic Guard general, Ataman Semionov, an ad­ liberately preparing themselves for the A D M IS S IO N : 25 Cents Undeclared Open War “Bruening, by the intermediary of Kaut- action to curb their yellow brother-un- venturer definitely known (o be in the seizure of the state power. Their sky, is going to give Trotsky a visa to Unemployed Workers Admitted Free The minions of the Mikado have been der-the-skin is that the present world pay of the Mikado’s government, and strength multiplies. A ll the recent elec­ steadily proceeding southward for weeks Germany” . situation is as combustible as a powder you have as arrogant a provocation tions show a distinct and threatening ever since th e ir fir s t easy successes in We warn the Communist workers that Auspices: New York Branch Communist magazine. Unemployment driving mil­ against the Soviet Union as can possibly shift to the Right from all the bour­ Manchuria. This time, China proper is these lies, these criminal and light- League of America (Opposition) lions to a choice between extermination be h flch e d up. The signal for an at­ geois parties. The bourgeoisie is stak­ the object of the imperialists* operations. minded diversions, are desperate maneu­ and bitter, uncompromising struggle. tack against the light-house of the in­ ing upon the victory of Fascism as the The game of the Japanese has been to vers of a bankrupt bureaucracy which Germany cn the verge of social eruption. ternational proletariat is being given In counter-revolutionary issue from the lop off one territory after another, while can discuss and argue on Marxian-Len- Unrest in Poland, class fighting in Spain, the East. terrific crisis in which it finds itself. protesting against breaches of the treaty inist strategy and tactics only by sland­ tormoil in Austria, Hungary and the The government of the Soviets is The big bourgeoisie press of the coun­ o f 1915, w h ile declaring the absolute ers and police concoctions. The issue other central European states. That is watchful and cau ious. And in a situa­ tries bordering upon Germany, like I N O U R N E X T ISSUE,: altruism of their motives. At this rate, cannot be settled in this way. Fascism what .the capitalist world is faced with tion surh as this, it must be. But, if France, is already preparing to “re­ the official declare Son of war ought to w ill not be destroyed by lying about the 1. ‘‘ The ‘Armed* Uprising of today. A “working agreement” for the we are to believe quotations from concile” itself to a Hitler regime. come just about at the time when the Left Opposition and its leader, comrade November 7, 1927” time being, or at least an “entente” is Pravda and Isvestia in the capitalist Nippon capitalists are ready to sign the WHAT WILL DECIDE? Trotsky. by Leon Trotsky the most natural thing to expect among press, the stress is being pu altogether 2. The Second Article In the Series peace treaty. the various national master classes. The But H itler’s march to power has not WHAT A FASCIST VICTORY MEANS and exclusively—for the present, at on Spain throttling of a social conflagration and yet been crowned with success. His vic­ So far, the other imperialist powers on the danger at the Eastern frontier A victory of Fascism, which threate by Max Shachtman have shown eareme restraint and cau­ the victorious subjugation of the fortress of the U. S. S. R. That danger is hard­ tory or his annihilation w ill be decided ens in Germany, means— if Italy teaches ly '.to be underestimated.. It can and by the relationship of forces, and pri­ us anything— the crushing of the Com­ marily by the course which the German probably w ill serve as the spark of an munists, the social democratic workers, round attack. Communists w ill pursue in the coming their trade unions, their press, their months. centers—in a word, the complete and But, for a revolutionist with open eyes Utilize Feb.4 Meets to Build Jobless Movement it cannot help being clear thnt the real The German Communist Party, to this bloody extermination of the whole work­ There w ill be another unemployment main factor in this. It therefore also movement can hardly be disputed. day, has folowed a false policy. It has ing class movement. and the main danger is in the West. day with nation-wide demonstrations' carries the main responsibility for the It might also be appropriate to propose not yet adopted the course which would A victory of Fascism would mean the Developmen s in the Far East generally for unemployment relief on February opportunities not being utilized. As the to the party that the unemployment de­ drag, must drag, because of the physi­ successfully exterminate the Fascist dan­ reactionary, ocunter-revolutionary solu­ objective conditions mature further this ger. tion of the present crisis, not merely 4th. It should receive the undivided monstrations be no longer concieved cal character of the land, because support of the working class everywhere. responsibility becomes heavier and the of the lack and inadequany of transporta­ Following the last Reichstag elections for the German bourgeoisie but also for purely as objectives and means of adver­ But it is imperative that it become more party failures become real obstacles in tion facilities, because of natural diffi­ and for many precious months there­ the bourgeoisie in other countries, in­ tising but on the contrary to be con­ than just one other demonstration. the way. Its failures have been appar­ culties. Should Fascism, however, suc­ after, the party leadership lulled the cluding the United States. ceived primarily as an integral part of ent in the slogans presented in its atti­ ceed in crushing the German proletariat, masses into a false security with its A victory for Fascism would break Can it become more than that? We agitation and organization activities to tude of approaching the unemployment and therebey pave the way- for a com­ baseless assurances that Fascism had the spinal column of the Communist In­ believe it can. There can hardly be any build a movement.
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