University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 4-15-1993 Central Florida Future, Vol. 25 No. 55, April 15, 1993 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 25 No. 55, April 15, 1993" (1993). Central Florida Future. 1199. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1199 • • • entra uture© • Serving The University of Central Florida Since 1968 Vol. 25, No. 55 THURSDAY April 15, 1993 16 P~ges AASU, Zeta promote Black Awareness t by Jill Krueger at the Bush Auditorium. NEWS EDITOR Other events happening are an art and fashion show on· The African-American Stu- Saturday. dent Union will celebrate Black The art show can be seen from Awareness Week along ·with · 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the Mills Rollins College beginning Lawn. The fashion show starts at Thursday. · 7 p.m. at the Cornell Arts Patio. Black Awareness Week, Rollins will present "Can I April 12-17, was Speak for You a means of pro- Brother," a the- moting aware- ater production, Saturn brought its newest models to UCF for a two day aisplay. The company f Af · "Black Aware- d ness o ncan ness Week is a at 6 p.m. 8un ay gave away $500 scholarships. Senior Victoria Oelcastillo and junior Joe Americans to the night at Knowles Mandato check out the features. ( DeHoog/fut~re) national cultura1 Celebration ... ,, · Chapel Williams · d and societal life said author Terry before Black His- McMillian _will Saturn awards Stu ents tory Month was ·Katrina Wi"lliams also speak at 1 designated. MSU MEMBER p.m. Sunday at . I b • -· "Black Aware- Lake Eola. and C U S ID ceremony- nessweekisacel- OnUCFscam- . ebration of the cultures and pus, Zeta Phi Beta hosted Zeta people ofAfrican descent," said Week to promote black aware- pj Sigma Epsilon-Delta Delta wins annual Saturn awalid Katrina Williams, the former ness.ZetaWeek~ndswitha"Bring by ~oslbel Monserrate our accomplishments and the ment," said Ronald Atwell, di- vice president ofthe AASU. She in the New School Jam" Friday in t CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE accomplishments of all the rector of Veteran Affairs. "Not said members will participate the Multipurpose Room ofUCFs -._./ otherorganizations,"saidJudy all educatioz:i happens in the in an African Fest at Rollins EducationBuilding.Admissionis Pi Sigma Epsilon-Delta Lauterette of PSE, a national classroom.''. Co11ege. $2 and for Greeks with parapher- Delta chapter was named the professional marketing society. Saturn awards $1,000 in The ceremonies begin with a nalia, $1. winners of the 1993 UCF Sat- ''Teamwork is the key .. Sat- support of campus program- keynote address, "Africans in the The Zeta members will offer urn Award Tuesday. urn ' emphasizes total team- ming and two $500educational · NewWorld,"at8p.m.intheHauck · free food and fun at a picnic Saturn, in partnership with work and total dedication," said grants, in addition · to the · Auditoriwn. The theater perfor- ·Saturday. Activities include, UCF, recognizes exceptional Saturn field executive . Gary $1,000 teamwork award. mance''MalcolmSpeaks"willtake amongotherthings, swimming student teamwork and com- Marks. Pi Sigma Epsilon, selected placeat5p.m.andat7p.m.Friday and basketbaJl. munity service. UCF is one of He said students made a from a pool of 12 entries, orga- 16 universities nationwide valuable contribution to the nized Hurricane Active Inter- who participate in the Saturn community, vention in Disaster. Bookbag fashion gives program. ''What you do as teams is "We are extremely proud of important in overall develop- SATURN continued page 3 ·way to back pain Future plans to ~ake many changes College Press Service Students expressed the problems that they have had by Heather Asche to become friends with every­ semester. ''We have many op­ LINCOLN, Neb. - There's a as a result of improper wear of one," Bauer said. tions open, but we haven't ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR proper way to wear a backpack packs. One of the biggest changes made a definite decision as to - but most students opt for a "I feel fatigue or cramps in The Central Florida Future, beginning wlt'h tbe fa.11 semes­ where we will be·publishing," more fashionable one-shoulder my shoulder," said Chris UCF's student newspaper is ter is The Future will be pub­ said Bauer. One possibility for look. Worthley, a senior psychology plans t'o,.. undergo several lishing once a week instead of The Future is to go under the However, following fashion major. every Tuesday and Thursday. changes next semester under direction of the School of Com­ can be dangerous, health offi­ . Herb Hess, a senior educa­ newly elected editor in chief "We have many new staffmem­ munications. "I think that this cials say. tion major, said when his shoul- Dave Bauer. bers and editors and meeting is a good idea," said current Wearing backpacks, der muscles became tired, he "Wehavealotofnewpeople two deadlines in one week will editor in chief Bill Cushing, shoulderpacksorshoulderbags switch shoulders. This is the in the editor positions, and all be too much pressure for ev­ "This move would be benefi­ improperly can lead to problems treatment recommended by the changes that are going to eryone, especially since many cial for everyone, but knowing in the back, lower back and tra­ Feight. be made are definitely for the will be just learning produc­ how administration is, this will pezius muscle, said Mark Feight, "Students should carry less better," Bauer said. tion and style," Bauer said. not be happening in the next an athletic trainer at Injury Pre­ or alternate shoulders, but they He said the Future's main Instead of two 12-page issues academic year. The staff must vention and care in the Univer­ get in a habit of using only goal is to improve relations the paper will be condensed seriously look at other alter­ sity of Nebraska Campus Rec­ one," Feight said. with UCFs administration, into one."This will not mean a natives." As a last resort, The reation Center. The problems.can be ampli­ clubs and organizations and reduction of pages; the two is­ Future would move off cam­ Hip problems, ranging from fied if students have had a pre­ fraternities and sororities. "We sues will be condensed into pus. "This will be one of our minor irritation to pain when vious shoulder or back prob­ are tired of being at odds with one." last options," said Bauer, "but standing, can also result from lem. certain organizations on cam­ The Future will be relocat­ disproportional backpack Rebecca Hinks, a senior bi­ pus and plan to make an effort ing at the beginning of the fall FUTURE continued page 4 weight, Feight said. ology major said, "I have a pre­ "The body is designed for bal­ existing injury in my shoulder, ance," he said, "so you throw and I get a lot of pain because I your hip out to balance the bag." carry too much. " : · CLASSIFIEDS page 8 2 The Central Florida Future • April 15, 993 • Sponsored by Student Government . Awarded Annually to Ten Students • 'WHO HAVE IMPROVED STUDENT • LIFE ONCAMPUS" • • Applications Avaiable in • • or Student Government • • : I • 1\1 f Self ·. 11l$COUn · storag~ '. • 11 MORE STORAGE for LESS 11 Month To Month JOBS • Ali SIZES RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL • RESIDENT MANAGER & SECURITY SYSTEM • RV BOAT & EQUIPMENT OUTSIDE STORAGE • FENCED, LIGHTED, CLEAN & PRIVATE ~ ·· OPEN 2875 FORSYTH RD 678 · 1soo ~ 7 DAYS ORLANDO • WINTER PARK - 1993 COLLEGE GRADUATES . LET THE PROFESSIONALS TEACH YOU "HOW TO" GET THE JOBS PEOPLE PAY FOR A Career scarcli seminar rorufuctd &y Catifud Personnc! Cons~: Carfa PC19e, C.P.C. • ~ EAST HWY 50 CdesteAlfonso, C.P.C. 273-1668l • . A "HOW T011 PROGRAM DESIGNED TO TEACH YOU: 7200 0 Id Cheney "We'l'e Just Al'ound Hwy. (Old Cheney The Col'nel' Fl'om Home" at Goldenrod) * HOW TO INI'ERVIEW • * HOW TO DRESS FOR SUCCESS * HOW TO WRITEA RESUME AND MUCH) MUCH, MORE!!! WEDNESDAY APRIL 21ST AT 1 PM • - =-· , I HOLIDAY INN - UC!j 12125 IIlGH TECH AVE. ~ ~ Arbour Village Apartn1ents • Arbour Village ... N ature'§ Beauty Surrounds You. I (407)672-5130 The freshness of coumry living ·with the convenience of · urban-:-life. Lush landscaping, towering pines and oaks, and a • CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS park-like atmosphere complen-:ent Arbour Village. Just LIMITED SEATING walking distance to UCF. • 2 laundry facilities .Oversized walk-in closers • · .2 swimming pools .Small pets accepted · · ONLY $49.00 • Professional managemenr • Volleyb.tll/ 2 tennis courts •Exercise Room •Sauna • AMBITIONS, INC. FURNISHED APARTMENTS AVAILABLE This Seminar may fie deductibfe for tax purposes. • 11600 MacKay Boulevard• Orla.1.do, Florida 32826 ( 407) 282-7333 • April 15, 1993 •The Central Florida Future 3 HOT DOGS AND SODA POP ---Announcements---- GarageSa1e The National Organization for Men at UCF will hold a garagesalefrom8a.m.to2p.m.Saturday.Anydonations will be accepted. Bring items Thursday and Friday to Administration Building room i48. Peace in the Middle East The political science department at UCF and the Arab­ American Community Center will host professor Naseer Aruri in "The Palestirian Vision of Peace in the Middle Easf' at 8 p.m. today in the Visual Arts Center Auditorium . • Win Big Bucks! Design a UCF Staff Council logo or T-shirt and win $50 cash and other prizes for either contest or both.
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