Author(s) Welch, William J.; Olsen, Richard C.; Landers, Mark F. Title Project SKYLITE: a design exploration Publisher Issue Date 1987 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10945/22435 This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 23:30:03 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS PROJECT SKYLITS DESIGN EXPLORATION by William J. Welch and - Mark F. Landers September 1987 i Thesis Advisor Richard C. Olsen Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. T234415 6 SECUR''* Cl ASS'flCATiON Of Tm>s paGE" REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 14 REPORT SECuRiTr CLASSi'lCATlON 'b «£S r RiO'vE MARKINGS UNCLASSIFIED NONE 1 ;* ifCuB'" ClasSiHCAtion Au'hORiTy ) DISTRIBUTION/ AvAiLAB'LiTY Of REPORT N/A Approved for public release; ^b DEUASS'fiCAT.ON DOWNGRAO'NG SCHEDULE N/A Distribution is unlimited 4 rtRfORM'NG organization report numberiS) S MON1TOH1NG ORGANISATION REPORT NUVBER(S) tt NAVE Of PERFORMING ORGANISATION tO O'HU S'MBO'. .'* NAIVE O*' WONi'OrfNG 0*"GANi/A!iON Naval Postgraduate Schoo 72 Naval Postgraduate School (x AOORESS (dry Hit* *nd /IP Code) ?b ADDRESS (Gry Sure tntj tif> Coat) Monterey, California 93943-5000 Monterey, California 93943-5000 8a \AVf Of fuSOiNG' SPONSORING 80 OMiCE S»M80l 9 PROCUREMENT .NSTR.j'/tNT iDEN' t'CATiON NUMBER ORGANu'ATiQN (it 4ppin*bit) 8c ADORESSfOry Sf*ff *r>d /iPCoot) '0 SO'jBCt Of fuND'Nu N'MBfRS PROGRAM pro. EC fAS< AORii „NiT element no no NO ACCESS ON NO '• T.T-. t (m(i u at Security CiiUit'tti'on) Project SKYLITE: A Design Exploration : PE'SONAi AuTmOR(>) Welch, William J and Landers, Mark F • tj »r, ,->c ' «f port tp "ME C Ovl RE '4 0AT[ Of RfPORT ir>*' Mo"Ci O^rJ S PA(.( I J_N Master's Thesis 1987 Seotember 144 fi Sl -'.( Vf NTAR* NO'A' ON COSAf ;DES '8 SUBJECT 'ER'/S Conf'no* O" 't**nt 1* rintutry 4nd lOenf.fy by ft'0<* n u mo*'l £ EtD GROUP SuB GROUP SKYLITE, Satellite Design, Spacecraft Design Satellite, Spacecraft, Orbit Analysis, Thermal J. Analysis, Orbital Selection T 9 £.8STR^AC {Continue on rt*ent if ntctutty tnd identify bv £>'<X* number) This thesis proposes a design for the project SKYLITE satellite. Project SKYLITE is an experiment which will assess compensating techniques designed to reduce laser wave front distortion caused by the atmosphere. The satellite will measure and downlink the propagated beam irradiance of the Mid-IR Advance Chemical Laser (MIRACL), based at the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico. The spacecraft will be designed to measure beam quality and power of both high and low power laser experiments. The irradiance and power values will vary as different compensating methods are employed. The spacecraft, which is gravity. gradient stabilized, provides an array of IR sensors in the 3. to 4. 2 micron window to measure laser irradiance. The use of several retroref lectors appended to the satellite will provide for precision pointing and turbulence correction measurements using a ground based ) S'R'SUTiON' AVAILAliliTY Of ABSTRACT l\ ABSTRACT SECURITY ClASSiHGA TION OuNCLASSiHEOAjNi'MiTED SAME AS "PT DOTiC USERS UNCLASSIFIED •dtsfiff/srattjv.00*1 iio telephone (include Art* Cod*) 12t Of SKI SYMBOL 408-646-2019 Code 61 DfORM 84 8J APR nation T>«y be uied until cin* 1473, mar u tttd SECURE* CLASSif'CATiQN Of t*i$ PAGE All Otn«r td'tiOnt »'• ObtOl«t# UNCLASSIFIED • 1 UNCLASSIFIED »»G» (**- <>— *"«"<> «eU-„TY CUASSIF.CAT.OH OF TH.S Due to the high energy involved during the *i*vandrite laser. shielding of ^sina experiment highly reflective, radiation solar array will be required both Sensitive equipment and the throughout its three year life with- to allow forlurvivability Project structural degradation. To minimize cost, out dermal or canister ^Jf; U utilize the STS (Space Shuttle) standard payloada known as the Extended Get Away rofsmall self-contained the The satellite has been designed to use Special (GAS) Can. off-the- currently being designed by NPS The use of Orion bus procurement pro- technology for both economy and rapid shelf throughout the design to cesses has beefa prime consideration Operational Capability deadline of first quartei meet the Initial Force Un- satellite expense, estimated with the AIR F?- 89 The 3.9M$ for recur manned Spacecraft Cost Model, is approximately nonrecurring costs. ring costs and 14 . 8M$ for s n 0102- lf. ou- 6601 UNCLASSIFIED «CU«ITV CUAMI^lCATtOW OF TMIi P*e*< Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Project SKYLITE a Design Exploration by William J. Welch Lieutenant , United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy 1979 and Mark F. Landers Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy 1981 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY (SPACE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS) from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL „ / September 1987 * ABSTRACT This thesis proposes a design for the project SKYLITE satellite. Project SKYLITE is an experiment which will assess compensating techniques designed to reduce laser wave front distortion caused by the atmosphere. The satellite will measure and downlink the propagated beam irradiance of the Mid-IR Advance Chemical Laser (MIRACL), based at the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico. The spacecraft will be designed to measure beam quality and power of both high and low power laser experiments. The irradiance and power values will vary as different compensating methods are employed. The spacecraft, which is gravity gradient stabilized, provides an array of IR sensors in the 3.6 to 4.2 micron window to measure laser irradiance. The use of several retroreflectors appended to the satellite will provide for precision pointing and turbulence correction measurements using a ground based Alexandrite laser. Due to the high energy involved during the lasing experiment, highly reflective, radiation shielding of both sensitive equipment and the solar array will be required to allow for survivability throughout its three year life without thermal or structural degradation. To minimize cost, Project SKYLITE will utilize the STS (Space Shuttle) standard canister for small self-contained payloads known as the Extended Get Away Special (GAS) can. The satellite has been designed to use the Orion bus currently being designed by NPS. The use of off-the-shelf technology for both economy and rapid procurement processes has been a prime consideration throughout the design to meet the Initial Operational Capability deadline of first quarter FY-89. The satellite expense, estimated with the Air Force Unmanned Spacecraft Cost Model, is approximately 3.9 MS for recurring costs and 14.8MS for nonrecurring costs. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 14 II. SKYLITE MISSION OVERVIEW 16 A. PROJECT SKYLITE MISSION REQUIREMENTS 16 1. Orbit 16 2. Attitude Control 16 3. Retroreflector 16 4. IR Sensors 17 5. Gravity Gradient Boom 17 6. Satellite Survivability 17 7. Electrical Interfaces 17 8. Launch Requirement 17 B. SKYLITE SATELLITE DESCRIPTION 17 C. SKYLITE LAUNCH PROFILE 20 D. MISSION OPERATION SUMMARY 20 III. THE ORION CONCEPT 22 IV. ORBITAL ANALYSIS 25 A. INTRODUCTION 25 B. ORBITAL INCLINATION 27 C. MINIMUM ORBITAL ALTITUDE '.. 28 D. MAXIMUM ORBITAL ALTITUDE 28 E. FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF LASING PERIODS 30 F. CONCLUSION 34 V. PROPULSION ANALYSIS 35 A. INTRODUCTION 35 B. TOTAL FUEL AVAILABLE 37 C. FUEL REQUIREMENTS 38 . 1. Orbital Decay 38 2. Spacecraft Spin Up and Spin Down, and Boom Length Determination 41 3. Spacecraft Insertion 45 D. CONCLUSION 48 VI. THERMAL ANALYSIS 49 A. INTRODUCTION 49 B. SATELLITE TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS 51 C. EFFECTS OF DIRECT SUNLIGHT ON THE SATELLITE 51 D. EFFECTS OF THE EARTH'S ALBEDO ON SATELLITE TEMPERATURE 56 E. EFFECTS OF THERMAL RADIATION FROM THE EARTH ON THE SATELLITE 57 F. EFFECTS OF INTERNAL HEAT DISSIPATION 58 G. EFFECTS OF INCIDENT LASER ENERGY ON THE SATELLITE 59 H. CALCULATING THE AVERAGE HOT AND COLD TEMPERATURES : . 60 I. CALCULATING THE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM TEMPERATURES 61 J. PASSIVE THERMAL CONTROL 64 K. CONCLUSION 64 VII. SPACECRAFT POWER ANALYSIS 66 A. INTRODUCTION 66 B. POWER SOURCES 67 1 Solar Array 67 2. Minimum Power Orbit 69 3. Maximum Power Orbit 73 4. Battery 76 C. SOLAR CELL PROTECTION 78 D. CONCLUSION 80 VIII. SPACECRAFT STABILIZATION 81 A. INTRODUCTION 81 B. GRAVITY GRADIENT BOOM LENGTH DETERMINATION 82 1. Boom Length Calculations 83 C. ATTITUDE SENSING 87 D. CONCLUSION 88 IX. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 90 A. INTRODUCTION 90 B. STRUCTURAL LOADING 90 C. CENTER OF MASS VARIANCES . 91 D. MOMENT OF INERTIA DETERMINATION 94 1. Baseplate Moment of Inertia 96 2. Cylinder Moment of Inertia 97 E. MAXIMUM STRESS EVALUATION 98 F. MAXIMUM STRUCTURAL DEFLECTION 102 -. G. VIBRATION LIMITATIONS UNDER BASE EXCITATION 103 H. MAXIMUM STRESS AND DEFLECTION OF THE DEPLOYED STABILITY BOOMS 106 I. CONCLUSION 109 X. RETROREFLECTOR DESIGN 110 XL IR SENSOR SELECTION 113 A. INTRODUCTION 113 XII. COMMUNICATIONS CONSIDERATIONS - DATA & TELEMETRY 117 A. INTRODUCTION '. .... 117 B. RADIO FREQUENCY SUBSYSTEM 117 C. TELEMETRY, TRACKING AND CONTROL (TT&C) SUBSYSTEM 118 D. PRELIMINARY COMMUNICATIONS ANALYSIS 119 1. Satellite Downlink 119 2. Data Storage 119 3. Transmitter Power On/Off Capability 119 E. CONCLUSION 120 XIII. PROJECT SKYLITE COST ESTIMATION UTILIZING THE SPACE DIVISION UNMANNED SPACECRAFT COST MODEL 121 A. INTRODUCTION 121 B. THE FOUR METHODS OF COSTING 121 C. UNMANNED SPACECRAFT COST MODEL DESCRIPTION 123 1. Unmanned Spacecraft Data Base 123 2. Nonrecurring vs Recurring Cost 123 3. Areas of Activity 123 4. The Model Methodology 125 D. SKYLITE COST ESTIMATES 127 1. SKYLITE Cost Estimates 127 2. Cost Variations 130 3. Normalized Cost Estimates 131 4. Launch and Payload Costs 132 E. CONCLUSION 133 XIV. CONCLUSIONS 135 LIST OF REFERENCES 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY 140 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST '. 142 8 LIST OF TABLES 1. POTENTIAL FUEL REQUIREMENTS FOR SKYLITE 38 2.
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