i .■ ........ ■ <' - ’ ■ '7^: .. ’ » > * s. tlM f W m & tK t t i C » W M M tl ^tMWMkiBsMr:. / ■ r ' WMm, M M . r. lAW «6 to 3^ ‘ 13,7181 r. M*, MfnU, dM ee •< MEMBbar « ( t t « Andtt en. n g h In ttie p im fa 'p t ObtnliiM ^ M anth^m r--^ City €>f Vttlag0 Charm > MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY^ JULY 1, 1963 ^ t y t y - 1 ») PRICE SEY!EN c e n t s TOL. LXXXn, Nd> 281 (TW ENTY r k S E f) 0 ' r • ; V-- ^ :es Peace and Unity Senate VATICAN CITY (AP)—',f>can relations' ^th MJommunits Vital countries, eventually , he may also Pope Paul Vl d^ipated his receive Soviet Premier Khrush- reign . to world pieace and «ihev.- Christian unity Sunday night, ’The unusual coronation ce're- WASHINGTON%iAP) — stressing the universality of mony yras seen by millions Atty. Gen. Robert F. Re^Medy throughout Europe .via a televl- his pledge with a coronation told senators today that'_ aion hookup. A tommunication sage: of the administration^ address in nine, languages. satkUlte relayed the! ceremony to A quarter of -a minioii apecta- the United States. publi^xaccommodations bill is tors, the greatest throng ever to About 2,800- in-viied guests, in­ imperative “to remove a dbily witness a papal coronation. cluding special missions from^ 82 insult to Negroes.” Jammed St. Peters Square to see nations and nine international or­ If all the rest of the Presi­ Paul V I crowned amid ritual ganizations, watdhed from spe­ splendor. cial seats on the raised portion dent’s civil rights program , Speaking first In tatln and then of the square. were adopted except for teis In eight modem languages, the Among the guests were King hotly disputed plvpo^, he 962nd supreme pontiff « f the Ro­ BaudoUln of Belrium, Presidents said, “we’-d not be getting the man Catholic Church dedicated Joao'^Goulait Of Brsizll, Batooii da ' vV his reign to the twin goals of his Valera o f Ireland, ahd Antonio job dohe.” - s world - acclaimed predecessor, Segnl of Italy, Chief Justice Earl And in an apparent Pope John X X m . V/airen of the United States and ence to racial demonstrations, He appealed for sacrifice In the French Preimier Georges Popml- Kennedy said that failure to Interest of world peace and ’ ack­ dou. nowledged the “ gravity of the ob­ .The ceremony began as a Mt- adopt this part of the^'pro- stacles” on the road to Christian liant sum.mer sun settled into a gram would mean “we are go­ unity. He warned that neither violet sky. ing to have a good deal m ore' goal -can be reached easily. At first Pope Paul appeared difficulties in the , Unit the highlight of the 2% hour bothered by the heat. He wore ceremtHW, Alfredo' Cardinal Otta- a great conical cape embroidered Premier Khru.schev. joins other Soviet bloc leaders in a pleasure cruise on an East Berlin States.” ' vlanl placed a new lightweight with gold thread and encrusted Lake. From left, jn. foreground, around table: Antonin Novotny, Czechoslovakia Red Kennedy, testifying before . the beehive orowh; on the head of with seed pearls and an em­ ' chief; Wladyslaw Gorhulka, Polish leader; Khruschev;. Willy Stoph, East German pre­ Senate Commerce Committee, Pope Paul, the' former Olovanni broidered white bishop’s mitre. said, however, that tiie public Battista Cardinal Montlni Mi­ The ceremony ran 2^ hours into mier. (A P Photofax.) ' ______ . _________ accommodations bill is not Intend­ lan. the night. Great spotlights lit up ed to apply to the smallest estab­ As he did so, he said; '^Receive the baroque facade cd St'. Peter’s lishments where customers have this tiara, adom<^ 'with three BasUtoA where sdtar, canopy and a sort of "social relaticmehip.': crowns,... and knovf' that you are throne had been set up. He gave a rooming house with the father of princes and kings, Three times as Pope Paul w m Absence of Romanian Chief two or three boarders as an 'ok- guide of the world and vicar on ample. ' - earth of Qirist Jesus our Savior,” (Ooattoaed'oa Page Two) . He was questioned closely by m r ^ r »Jl-rt The new spiritual ruler of half Sen. Norris (fotton, R-N.H.,, as to .billion Roman Catholics opens his Just what businesses would 'be cov­ personal quest in the cause of Mars Red Show of Harmony ered by the bill, which would ban peace Tuesday in a historic meet­ JFK in Rome, racial discrimination in privately ‘ ■: 3 owned establislunents servtog the ing with President Kennedy, first to Romania, who.se Communist Roman Catholic chief executive of BERLIN (A P ) — Soviet satellite^Ulbrlcht, the Soviet premier v public and substsmtialiy .affecting leaders headed home today after praised him for his support of the leaders have demonstrated their interstate commerce. the United States. wm See Pope independence on several recent (AP PbotofM.) If Pope Paul continues changes a weekend meeting with Premier international Communist move­ For example, Kennedy said that Khrushchev, apparently called to ment. ' , occasions- whether a barbershop would be Crowned Pope, smHing, blesses crowd ’ Instituted by Pope John hs, Vati- ROME (A P )—President Kenne­ renew support for him in his wor­ The audlencf of some'3.000 East A Romanian cultural mission ar­ covered would depend on whether dy arrived In Rome today for sening dispute with Communist Germans cheered enthusiastically rived to Peiping Sunday, and re­ tMks with Italian government it serves interstate travelers to a C9ilna. when Khrushchev pledged that cently Romania restored its am­ substantial degree. He , said he leaders and a historic audience Janos Kadar of Hungary left for Germany would one day be united bassador to Albapla. Last -week with Pope Paul VI. - thought barbershops in hotels or Budapest Sunday night. IVlady- but under communism. Bucharest newspapers published bus and train terminals would be Throngs Gather to Witness The President flew to toe Italian the recent Chinese attack on slaw Gomulka of Poland flew back But there was little enthusiasm subject to the act. This also would capital from Milan stitor spending to Warsaw today. in the grim faces of four major Khrushchev. It wias barred from be true of beauty shops, he said. a n i^ t relaxing at a villa be­ The show of unity was marred Soviet bloc leaders—Janos Kadar “publication to 'the other European Kennedy said he didn’t think tiie side Lake Como. by toe conspicuous absence of Ro­ of Hungary, Antonin Novotny of Communist states. bill would apply to bowling allays About BOO Americans ofa’eered mania’s veteran Red leader, Czechoslovakia, Todor Zhikov of There was no official explana­ or poor halls, nor to laundries and Pageant of Gettysburg Battle the President from toe observa­ Georghe Gheorghiu-DeJ. This Bulgaria and Wladyslaw Gomu'lka tion of the absence of Gheorghiu- dry cleaning eatahlishments ck- tion platform on the roof of toe rous^ speculation there may be of Poland.' DeJ. “ Apparently he had other cept“under unusual circumstances. -- new seaside airpen't building. By R A YMOND J.^JBOWIJBY Awslcome was Opv. -WillUDit W .^c^tured some Confederate s(d- a new break in the Red facade. Not once did Khrushchev refer- things to do,” one diplomat said. He said it would not apply to dot- CniTTOSBURG BATTLlOFIBiLD, Scranton of Pennsylvania. ^ diers. One prisoner recog^iised the President Antonio Segnl, pre­ Khrushchev will address a rally tors, lawyers or others providing Pa. (A P )—Drawn by the magnet Another event on today's pro­ corporal as his brother whom he mier Giovanni Leone, and for­ here Tuesday, the East Berlin professional services. of awesome history; throngs .fTbm gram was the dedication by Post­ haden’t seen for years..There was eign mtotster Attilio Plocioni press announced. Describing what he called "the North, and South com^oRim'ate master General J. Bdward Day a bai^y but brief reunion. headed "toe official welcoming Khrushchev told an East Ger­ Immoral logic of bigotry,” Ken­ party. today the beginning of .ate Reat- of a Gettysburg commemorative Nobody In autborlty oould aay man audience' Sunday night that Soviet-Chinese Break nedy said hi'Ms prepared state­ The Italiaii. president told Ken­ est battle ever fougnt fat the West- stamp. Half grgy and half blue, todao^ how many thouMtods of Vis­ •ommunlsm stands “ as firm as ment: em Xluniephere. the stamp shows a federal and itors haVo ooma to this flag-bo- nedy -their talks would snable granite.” But. the gim In the ranks “ Whita people of iriiatever kind Ob this day 100 years ago Oen. a man from Dtade loclied in bay­ dscked town-rpopulatlon 8,(XX)— ,tbaQi..Ja review “ in a iqdrit of of toe European Reds'-'standing —even prostitutes, narcoties push­ mutual coUahanition and with a Appears Certain Soon Robert S. Lae’s Confedmtes onet combat. in whoaa abops one can buy any­ glumly around Mm underlined the ers, Communists or bonk robbers high senae of fispmuibtuty . I ■. drove the bbsts of den. George Throughout the three-day ob­ thing from statuattoa of L m and growing crisis In toe world Cgm- -—are welcome at establishments Gordon Meade abroes rolling coun­ servance “Vignettes of History” Meads to Ovli War rifles guaran- the grave problems of the hour.” munist movement. Kennedy In reply said he came By JAMES MARLOW ^wbuld explode toeir first atomic which will nol admit certain of tryside and through the streets of wlU'be givien by amateur theatric­ taed to be shdotable. But this side­ Aasoedated Press News Analyst bomb this year or next. They have our federal Judges, ambassadors al groups,clad - in reproductions to determine .how the United.
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