The Maymester begins in Geneva, there is no Vanderbilt segment this year. Thursday May 3rd, we will meet up at Hotel Cornavin, in Geneva at 4PM in the restaurant upstairs. Participants book their own flights, but can work with Vanderbilt's travel agent if desired. I will provide every participant with a Swiss train pass, good for travel anywhere in Switzerland, and a one-week public transportation pass, good for travel anywhere in Geneva. Geneva, Switzerland Hôtel Cornavin, Gare de Cornavin, 1201 Genève T: ++41 22 716 12 12 Fax: ++41 22 716 12 00 cornavin@fhotels.ch <http://cornavin@fhotels.ch> SCHEDULE: Thursday May 2nd, departure from US; students book their own flights. Friday, May 3rd, first meeting in Geneva with Professor Barsky, top floor of Hotel Cornavin, in the luncheon area. Saturday, May 4th, 2-5 PM: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Organization. We will go on a guided tour to recapture the work of Henry Dunant and the founding of the Red Cross. The walk, mainly in the Old Town of Geneva, will include visits to the places associated with the life of Henry Dunant, the founding of the Red Cross and the establishment of the Geneva Conventions. Sunday, May 5th, boat ride on Lake Geneva to Montreux, to visit areas associated with Wladimir Nabokov, Lord Byron and Percy & Mary Shelley, followed by a meeting with Dominique Oliva, International Red Cross, and supper with her and George Hofflin, Linguist.. Monday, May 6th, World Health Organization (prov. programme) Venue: small library meeting room, World Health Organization Headquarters Visit Vanderbilt University 6 May 2013 Venue: library meeting room 09.00 Arrival WHO reception (Avenue Appia 20) 09.15 – 10.00 Introduction WHO – Dorine Da Re – van der Wal, Partnerships 10.00 – 10.45 Polio Eradication – Mr Oliver Rosenbauer, Communications Officer, Polio Eradication Initiative 10.45 – 11.15 Break 11.15 – 12.00 Mental health – Dr Mohammad Yasamy, Medical Officer, Mental Health: Evidence and Research 12.15 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 14.45 Alcohol – Mr Dag Rekve, Technical Officer, Management of Substance Abuse 14.45 – 15.00 Break 15.00 – 16.00 International Health Regulations – Mr Fernando Gonzalez-Martin, Technical Officer, International Health Regulations 16.00 - 17.00 CONCLUSIONS and DISCUSSIONS Tuesday, May 7th, United Nations High Commission for Refugees 09h30-11:00 Cathy Jewell | Senior Information Officer | Editor, WIPO Magazine | Communications Division | World Intellectual Property Organization, 34 chemin des Colombettes, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland | T +4122 338 95 47| M +4179 615 60 38 | cathy.jewell@wipo.int | www.wipo.int 11:30-1PM, United Nations Sophie Aleksa, Visitors' Service, Palais des Nations, 14, avenue de la Paix, CH - 1211 Geneva 10 Tel: +41 (0)22 917 48 96 or +41(0)22 917 45 39, Fax: +41(0)22 917 00 32, Email: visit- gva@unog.ch 2PM-4PMresentation from Guido Ambrosio and Jeff Crisp, Research Directors, UNHCR 4PM-5PM Informal meetings at the UNHCR Wednesday, May 8th, World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Organization for Migration (OIM) 10:00 AM-1PM, meetings with Máire Ní Mhaidín Kiiamov, Information and External Relations Division, World Trade Organization, Centre William Rappard, Rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland. LUNCH International Organization for Migration (OIM) 2PM-5PM, meetings with TOUZENIS Kristina, International Law Division, OIM, 17, Route des Morillons, CH-1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland, Tel: +41.22.717.9111, Fax: +41.22.798.6150 SUPPER with TOUZENIS Kristina Thursday, May 9th, Visit to Cologny and private guided tour of the Fondation Martin Bodmer 11AM departure for Cologny. 2PM, Private tour of the Fondation Martin Bodmer, with le professeur Méla et Claire Dubois, Assistante de direction Fondation Martin Bodmer, 19-21, route Martin Bodmer, 1223 Cologny Ligne directe : + 41 (0) 22 707 44 38 (le matin); Fax : + 41 (0) 22 707 44 30 Friday, May 10th, International Labor Organization (ILO) 9:30 Meeting at the reception of the ILO (R2 North) with Mr Remo BECCI, Archivist Internal Services and Administration Department Overview of the ILO: History, mission, structure and activities 10:30 Social Justice by Ms Adina FULGA RADI, Communication and Information Officer, Information Management Services Section 2:00PM departure for Zurich until May 14th. Franziska Jahn, The Central Plaza Hotel Central 1, CH-8001 Zürich; Direktwahl: +41 44 256 56 70 Tel.: +41 44 256 56 56 Fax.:+41 44 256 56 57 Saturday, May 11th: Museum and archives of Zurich DADA CABARET VOLTAIRE, Spiegelgasse 1, CH-8001 Zürich: info@cabaretvoltaire.ch Sunday, May 12: Museum day: Museum of Art (Kunsthaus Zurich) Heimplatz 1 | Zurich 8001 | evening (if available): Zurich Opera House (Zuricher Opernhaus), Falkenstrasse 1 | Zurich 8008 | Official website Monday, May 13: German Expressionism and TIME 10AM Expressionism 2PM TIME: Beyer Museum of Time, Bahnhofstrasse 31 | Zurich, Switzerland | Official website Tuesday, May 14, Departure for Grindewald, until May 19th Katarzyna Morgenstern Romantik Hotel Schweizerhof: Familie Anneliese & Otto Hauser-Seger: Swiss Alp Resort 1 CH-3818 Grindelwald Tel: +41 (0) 33 854 58 58;Fax: +41 (0) 33 854 58 59 Highlights Hiking along the «Öpfelchüechliwäg» high-altitude trail from Holenstein to Brandegg is an unforgettable experience. The trail leads through lush pastures, flower-filled meadows and inviting woodlands. Test how much you know about fruit and learn even more on the six information panels along the way. At the end of the hike you will want to reward yourself at the Brandegg mountain restaurant with its famous «Öpfelchüechli» (apple fritters). Jungfraujoch – snow and ice are guaranteed on the «Top of Europe» at 3454 m, the ultimate excursion destination in the Bernese Oberland. Eiger north face – one of the most spectacular and difficult faces to climb in the world; successfully climbed for the first time in 1938. Eiger Trail – mountain tour imparting an ‘Alpinist’ feel: starting from the Eiger glacier station, the route sticks closely to the rock along the foot of the Eiger north face and leads down to Alpiglen. Gletscherschlucht (Glacier Gorge) – at the village end of Grindelwald lies the wildly romantic, thunderous glacier gorge with its glacial mills and striations as well as the pink and green marble blocks, through which a path leads over man-made footbridges and through rock galleries and tunnels. First (2168 m) – over 100 km of hiking trails as well as 50 km of ski pistes and a toboggan run can be found on the south-facing, not overly steep First slope. Männlichen (2229 m) – gentle walking and winter sports terrain with a link to the nearby Kleine Scheidegg and with the perfect panorama across the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau. Pfingstegg – at 1391m is the lookout post of Grindelwald and offers a unique vista across the valley floor. Saturday, May 19th Travel to Ascona For book lovers, Foundation Bodmer, one of the best collection of autographs bibliophiliacs haven in beautiful romantic Cologny of the Shelley house hold; http://www.fondationbodmer.organd then departure by train for Ascona and the Monte Vérita. May 19th-May 24th, Monte Verità, Ticini, Locarno, and the Swiss Alps Monte Verita (the Mountain of Truth) attracted those concerned with 'life', with what it is to be human; they congregated to experience nature, the spiritual, and in some cases the feminine. Key figures included Gusto Gräser, Naturmensch, poet, Taoist and rebel; Otto Gross, intent on fighting 'the Goliath of German patriarchy', applying psychoanalysis to obtain liberation from the ego and seeking the sacredness of love; Rudolf Laban, the 'magician' of 'salvation-through- dance'; and Mary Wigman, who expressed herself through nature, the great god Pan and the demonic. Hermann Hesse, D.H. Lawrence, Isadora Duncan, C.G.Jung, Franz Kafka, Paul Tillich and Max Weber were among those who visited - or were familiar with - the 'life-experiments', die Neue Zeit, of Ascona. May 24th, students depart to travel, or head back home! .
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