/ 1 United States Opposes Panel Hears Support Panel Offers Plan MCC Basketball Team I Israel Treaty Attitude For Covered Ice Rink For School Spending Loses Home Opener [ Page 2 ^ , Page 2 Page 3 Page 13 . Sunny ^ ^ ^ \ ^ .A'A. 1 1 1 1 Highs Near 40 M i lurlT^Bt^r ic ^ A- * D9faf/t on pago 2 Vol. XCVIII, No. 52 — Manchester, Conn., Friday, December 1, 1978 A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 20$ Single Copy Carol Sing Set 15$ Home Delivered MANCHESTER-The ninth an­ nual Carol Sing, sponsored by the Christian Unity Divison of Manchester Area Conference of Churches and the town Park Department, will take place Sun­ day, starting at 6 p.m. in Center Injunction Delays Park. Capt. Arthur Carlson, comman­ ding officer of the local Salvation Army Corps, will be master of ceremonies. The Round Table Singers of Manchester High School, under UTG T akeover Bid the direction of Martha White, will sing carols. The program will SYRACUSE, N.Y. (UPI) - A longer statement later on his refusal UTC has subsidiaries that make it as also include a medley of Christ­ federal Judge has granted a tem­ to stop the takeover. He said he a “significant developer” of control mas music by the Salvation Army porary stay until Dec. 8 of a United would issue a “memorandum- devices similar to ones Carrier Band, under the direction of Technologies Corp. tender offer to decision containing the court’s fin­ makes for air conditioning. Bell said. take over 49 percent of the stock of dings of fact and conclusions of law.” Michael Orfitelli. The complaint said that in 1977, Those planning to attend the an­ Carrier Corp.-, the Syracuse-based UTC’s offer is to buy 17 million air conditioning giant. Carrier accounted for about one-fifth nual event are asked to bring shares of Carrier stock at J28 for of the residential single-unit heaters flashlights. Song sheets, donated each share of common stock and and air conditioner sales and 32 per­ U.S. District Court Judge Howard $50.82 for preferred shares. by the Lutheran Brotherhood in­ cent of the commercial systems sold surance firm, will be distributed Munson granted the inJunction one Carrier Chairman Melvin C. Holm day after he denied “in all aspects” a in the United States and had sales by Boy Scouts at the park en­ said his firm felt despite Munson’s totaling $316 million. trances. The public address move by Carrier and the U.S. Justice decision that “a merger with UTC system is being instalied by Department to stop the bid by UTC, would violate federal anti-trust laws The suit said United Technologies Stanek Electronics, and the based in Hartford, Conn. and that Carrier would suffer" if the sold about $4.5 million in heating and lighting system by the Park deal went through, then was broken air conditioning control devices to Carrier had planned to appeal Department. up by the courts. Carrier in 1977. Thursday’s ruling in federal court After the program, coffee for ’The Justice Department, despite According to the suit. Carrier buys today, but a spokesman said the com­ all carolers will be provided by not getting the injunction, likely will about $71.5 million worth of electric the^lvation Army at the Citadel pany may no)v delay filing the go ahead with a suit against the deal appeal. motors used in appliances and other on Main Street. in hopes' of having it declared illegal. devices. Holm said. United Technologies, a highly i If the inJunction had not been The government and Carrier had diversified firm which owns Pratt & Executions Due granted, UTC could have taken argued at hearings that a UTC delivery of the stock at 10 a.m. Mon­ Whitney Aircraft and Otis Elevator takeover would make a company so SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) - day. Co., has been aggressive recently in powerful — the 22nd largest U.S. cor­ Convicted killers Dale Pierre and seeking acquisitions. The company poration — that it would be illegal. William Andrews, former Air The Judge Thursday promised a had sales of $5.6 billion in 1977. Force airmen, are scheduled to be executed by a double firing squad at dawn Thursday, in what would be the first execution in the United States since Gary Gilmore was shot to death by a firing Yrets Escalate War squad at Utah State Prison in January 1977. Pointing The Way However, the Utah Supreme One of the figures in the nativity scene erected annually in Court has agreed to hear pleas for stays of execution less than 72 Center Park is highlighted by a spotlight as he points in the hours before the scheduled execu­ direction of Bethlehem in the traditional Christmas scene. tion. (Herald photo by Strempfer) WASHINGTON (UPI) - Viet­ capable airport, now almost com­ namese are expected to avoid such namese forces starting a dry season plete, with a 7,000-foot concrete an openly expansionist move, which offensive have handed Cambodia a runway near the central Cambodian would risk further antagonizing Test-Tube Baby “maJor defeat” that wiped out hun­ town of Kompong Chnang. China. Vietnamese columns, meanwhile, NEW YORK (UPI) - Dr. Eatery Retracts dreds of troops and key officers, U.S. Vietnam has massed well over Patrick C. Steptoe, the British intelligence sources said today. 100,000 troops'in former U.S. battle have pushed an unknown distance gynecoiogist whose research The battle, described as Cam­ zones of Tay Ninh and Binh Long beyond enclaves at Snuol and the produced the world's first test- bodia’s worst setback of the 18- provinces south to the Mekong Delta,’ Memot rubber plantation they have tube baby was in New York month-old border war, occurred the but most have not yet been ordered held since last June. The apparent Zoning Proposal into Cambodia. first aim is to consolidate positions Thursday to accept an award by weekend of Nov. 18 as fighting es­ A maJor push — which analysts say and possibly extend a continuous the New York Fertility Founda­ housing for the elderly in town, in­ calated and Jet fighters supplied to might put all of Cambodia east of the “buffer” area beyond the frontier. tion and said two test-tube baby By GKEG PEARSOIN cluding the Spencer Village proJect. Cambodia by China appeared for the Mekong River under a Vietnamese- Other Viet columns have entered clinics, one in Cambridge, Herald Keporler Richard Schwolsky, an MHA first time. controlled puppet regime — is Cambodian territory from Laos in England and the other in Norfolk, MANCHESTER — Spencer StJeet member, had researched the The sources said intelligence expected soon. the north in a-drive against economic Va., will open within six months. apparently will not be getting aTiew proposed restaurant for the authori­ reports indicate a Cambodian divi­ Although considered capable of centers in northeast Cambodia, fast-food hamburger restaurant that ty. He reported about the proposal at sion of up to 3,000 troops was “vir­ sources said. had been proposed for a site near the a Tuesday meeting of the board. tually massacred” after attacking a capturing Phnom Penh, the Viet­ Stock Market Spencer Village housing for the At that time, he said only two fac­ Vietnamese force of up to 8,000 men elderly. tors would stop the restaurant — driving deeper into Cambodia from NEW YORK (UPI) - Prices The application for a zone change failure to obtain the zone change or the captured plantation town of Snuol opened higher today in moderate needed for the restaurant has been failure to obtain financing. — one ofthe maJor zones of the 1970 trading of New York Stock When asked if financing could not U,S. invasion of Cambodia. Exchange issues. withdrawn, and the attorney be obtained for the work, Lutsk Spotter planes, artillery and U.S. The Dow Jones industriai representing the application does not replied that " a number of factors" Jet fighters captured in 1975 — all average, which climbed 8,92 expect the proposal to be made again. entered in the final decision of his used “exactly the way the U.S. used points Thursday for its best gain The applicant, CNE Ltd., has clients, but he gave no specifics. to fight" — killed hundreds of Khmer in a month, was ahead 1.82 to decided not to buy the property, at­ troops who included the division 801.36 shortly after the opening torney Bruce Lutsk said. commander, his deputy and many of­ bell. The firm had applied for a zone Birthday Gift ficers, the sources said. change for the 5-1-acre parcel at 195 Hundreds more were taken Reward Offer Spencer St. If the zone change had Is Stolen Tv prisoner or left wounded on the been approved by the Planning and battlefield. Eventual losses were put The Herald is seeking informa­ Zoning .Commission, the firm had MANCHESTER — An 80-year-old at from one-third to one-half the en­ tion and or witnesses concerning planned to locate Cindy's, a fast-food woman received a surprise birthday tire Capibodian unit. the theft of an American flag out­ hamburger restaurant, at the site. present today from an unexpected While the Vietnamese have side The Herald building. That was the only development source. stepped up bombing strikes as mon­ Any person having information planned for the proposal at this time, The woman, a West Side resident, soon weather has cleared and flown about the incident is requested to but now even that will not happen. was called this morning by photo'reconnaissance missions up to call The Herald at 643-2711, The item has been withdrawn from Manchester police, who said her 85 miles inside Cambodia, sources A reward of |100 will be paid for the PZC's agenda Monday night.
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