Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow REVERE DENTISTRY AND BRACES REVERE DENTISTRY AND BRACES General and Cosmetic Dentistry for Adults and Children TOPGeneral and CosmeticBILLING Dentistry for Adults and Children TOP BILLING Call 781 485 0588 Call 781 485 0588 Call 781 485 0588 Call 781 485 0588 370 Broadway • 781-629-9093 • Offers.RevereDentistryAndBraces.com Your370 Broadway Ad • 781-629-9093 Here • Offers.RevereDentistryAndBraces.com Your Ad Here Your Ad Here Your Ad Here BOOK YOUR POST IT Call Your Advertising Rep REVERE JOURNALT HEREVERE L YNN J JOURNALOURNA L (781)485-0588 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCEYOUR 1881 HOMETOWNThursday, MayNEWSPAPER 10, 2018 SINCE 1881 VOLUME 19, No. 41 LynnVOLUME 19, No. 41receives WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY Revere's TND Revere's TND February 14, 2018 MassDEPFebruary 14, 2018 award By John Lynds and again,” said Energy and En- INDEX INDEX receivesvironmental Affairs $50,000 Secretary receives $50,000 Editorial 4 EditorialThe City of Lynn’s 4Water and Matthew Beaton. “The Bak- Sewer Commission was one of er-Polito Administration is proud Police News Police News 16 several cities and towns16 in statethe to celebrate grant the accomplish for- jobs state grant for jobs Sports 11 stateSports to receive special11 recogni- ments of this year’s select group tion this week from the Massa- Specialof drinking to The Journal water professionalsthe business community that Special to The Journal the business community that Classifieds 18-19 chusettsClassifieds Department of18-19 Environ- whose accomplishmentsare incritical this to fostering eco- are critical to fostering eco- mental Protection (MassDEP). Mondayfield morning rises above the Bak the- alreadynomic successde- and building Monday morning the Bak- nomic success and building Cyan DEATHS DEATHSEach year in recognition er-Politoof manding Administration work and earnedstronger this neighborhoods in ev- er-Polito Administration stronger neighborhoods in ev- National Drinking Water Weekawarded special $500,000 merit.” to nine ery region in Massachusetts.” awarded $500,000 to nine ery region in Massachusetts.” Thomas Boyan, Sr theThomas MassDEP Boyan, awards Sr cities andprojects throughLynn received the Urban the award Revere in the is rebuilding its projects through the Urban Revere is rebuilding its Magenta Agenda Grant Program. The economic and employment Agenda Grant Program. The economic and employment Marie Butera townsMarie across Butera Massachusetts with category of “Medium and Large base by utilizing large-scale base by utilizing large-scale the annual Public Drinking WaterRevere Community arm of The Systems” Neigh- that serve Revere arm of The Neigh- Richard Buttiglieri Richard Buttiglieri and high value assets includ- and high value assets includ- System Award. borhoodresidential Developers communities (TND) with a borhood Developers (TND) was one group given $50,000 ing Suffolk Downs, Wonder- was one group given $50,000 ing Suffolk Downs, Wonder- Yellow Theresa Conte TheresaLynn and Conte 70 other cities and population of 3,301 to 49,999 for in funding to help establish land, a soon-to-close NECCO in funding to help establish land, a soon-to-close NECCO medium and more than 50,000 Dr. Adrian Costanza townsDr. Adrian will Costanzareceive the awardworkforce development ser- plant, and the MassDevelop- workforce development ser- plant, and the MassDevelop- They told the story well of David J. Solimine Jr. (far right), successful businessman, community leader, and during a special ceremony at vicesthe infor Revere large. to support lo- ment TDI Waterfront District. vices in Revere to support lo- ment TDI Waterfront District. Dorothy Cordaro Dorothy Cordaro philanthropist. Award recipient David J. Solimine Sr. is pictured with his three introducers, lifelong friend Black State House to honor drinking “Massachusetts residentsThe andprogram seeks to un- The program seeks to un- cal residents to acquire newly Nick Mennino (far left), son David J. Solimine Jr., andcal grandson,residents to Joel acquire Solimine. newly Gerardo Iannuzzi waterGerardo professionals, Iannuzzi while createdac- businesses jobs. are fortunatelock to havecommunity-driven re- created jobs. lock community-driven re- knowledging certain noteworthy so many outstanding public water Patricia Muse Patricia Muse Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito along sponses to local obstacles, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito along sponses to local obstacles, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Ann Houston of The Neighborhood Developers,accomplishments State Rep. RoseLee Vincent,that involve withLt. Gov.Housingsystems Karyn and Polito,that Economic combine Ann Houston toand perform of promote The Neighborhood economicBoston devel Developers, -North State Cancer Rep. RoseLee Vincent,Assoc. with honors Housing and David Economic J. andSolimine promote economic Sr. devel- Paul Penta, Jr. Bob O' Brien of Revere Economic Department, Mayor Brian Arrigo andexcellentPaul Secretary Penta, water of Jr. Housing service and to DevelopmenttheBob O'a Brienvital of Secretary essentialRevere Economic Jayservice,” opment Department, said opportunities Mayor Brian through Arrigo and Secretary of Housing and Development Secretary Jay opment opportunities through Boston North Cancer Ecomonic Development Jay Ash at the announcement of the Urbanpublic. Agenda Grant Program on AshEcomonic cameMassDEP to Development Revere Commissioner City Hall Jay Ash partnership-building, at Martinthe announcement problem of the Urban Agenda Grant Program on Ash came to Revere City Hall partnership-building, problem Antonetta Salamone Monday morning in the Revere City Council Chambers. Antonetta Salamone Monday morning in the Revere City Council Chambers.Association presented David J. “The Commonwealth requiresto present Suuberg. the check “There to arethe manysolving, great and shared account- to present the check to the solving, and shared account- Solimine Sr. with the prestigious our water systems to deliver safe,Neighborhood public water Developers. systems thatability submit in urban centers. The Neighborhood Developers. ability in urban centers. The Obituaries Pages 8 + 9 Obituaries Pages 8 + 9 clean drinking water, and each of“Our the administration proper reports under and- importantcompetitive awardsHope offer Begins flex -Here Award in rec- “Our administration under- competitive awards offer flex- the 776 systems has answered standsthe the importance of local ible funding forognition local effortsof his service to BNCA, stands the importance of local ible funding for local efforts Real estate values continue to be strong in Revere Real estate values continuehis charitable to be endeavors, strong and in his Revere call with exemplary service againleadership and Pleaseits impact see AWARD on Pagethat 2 bring together commu- leadership and its impact on that bring together commu- INDEPENDENT days on the market in 2016. “2017INDEPENDENT was a fantastic year days on the marketcommitment in 2016. to the care“2017 of was resi a- fantastic year NEWSPAPER GROUP By Sue Ellen Woodcock NEWSPAPER GROUP the livesBy Sueof Ellenresidents,” Woodcock said nity stakeholders to pursue the lives of residents,” said nity stakeholders to pursue The number of listings in to be in real estate,” said Joe Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. economicThe number developmentdents of listingsthroughout ini -in toBoston be in realNorth estate,” said Joe Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. economic development ini- communities. The Revere real estate mar- 2017 also dropped to 265, MarioLynn of Century City 21 CouncilMa- “TheThe Urban Revere takes Agenda real estate Grant marup - tiatives. 2017 alsoThese dropped awards to will265, Mario of Century 21 Ma- “The Urban Agenda Grant tiatives. These awards will fund projects in Boston,Kevin S.Clin McCarthy,- vice pres- fund projects in Boston, Clin- ket in 2017 was definitely a 10.8 percent down from 297 rio Real Estate. “There’s a Programket in 2017relies was on thedefinitely strong a 10.8 percent down from 297 rio Real Estate. “There’s a Program relies on the strong good one with higher prices in 2016. The good news for partnershipsgood one withbetween higher localprices in 2016. Theident good of news BNCA, for who grew up in partnerships between local lot of confidence and equity See TND GRANT , Page 3 lot of confidence and equity See TND GRANT , Page 3 $1.5 MILLION FOR for homes than in 2016, but sellers is that the original list- two$1.5 MILLIONissues, FOR confirmsgovernment,for homes thannon-profits in the2016, andbut sellers is thatLynn, the original praised list Solimine- for his gen- government, non-profits and in homes. For 35 years now erosity and kindnessin andhomes. his Fordeep 35 years now NORTHERN STRAND a drop in the number of new ing price was matched 100 NORTHERN STRAND a dropBy Sue in Ellenthe Woodcocknumber of new Councilloring price Robertwas matched Haas Jr.100 By Sue Ellen Woodcock Councillor Robert Haas Jr. COMMUNITY TRAIL listings, making home-buying percent of the time. it’sappointmentCOMMUNITY been positive. Now TRAIL is the oflistings, three making home-buying residents triedpercent to get of thebarrierscommitment time. installed to the it’shealth been and positive. well Now is the tried to get barriers installed time to sell. Revere is getting being of North Shoretime residents. to sell. Revere is getting The Executive Office of an adventure. The condominium mar- The Executive Office of anFor adventure. heyears was the unaware abutters thatof therein 2011 Thewere and condominium received no remar- - For years the abutters
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