Death' igator Misuse ·of Student Senate F.und,s Revealed iZZIe was Pr1!lled Iy CAITO GRIFFIN miaiener .... aMIMt rithts ... Round trip passage fOl' all five Festival. It WM .1.. Mether'1 conference communieat.iolls was the c.ference.... Hid he w.- IN at each shot. fwmer s.n.te pruWent; • nil delegates was quobld by an Ozark o.y W__ .. MkWtI-. fauli of the Michigan student. gov- ... .. I'HCh Slado...,.. - StaH Writer Retter Wiley, 4Irecter .. ,.,.... ticket agent as $365. An original estimation 01 ft- ernment group. He said that let· the c.lI Wal t ..... by • ...,... i jurors, "whether nel. SchMtI said he c:t..e .... R ...... trip by r.1 w.uId MY. penses turned into Geiger Mooday ten to all Big Ten scbool.s wen ....... ...... fr...... ity- ........ e Sol Estes bad An apparent over-e.~di. ........ from his uecvtiY. ~ CMt $111.45. Tr.lns .... schIdvlecl ouWned tDtal expeoditures at $665, prepared, but never IIMl Accord­ .. St.ckmeyef'. ilh this case is DOt ture of student Senate funds lnet wN ..... ...,..... .., .... to INve 1_. City fer ANt Artaor $16.25 ~ than the voucbet- sub- ~ to G'seU, they were later {OUDd "At that time," SChanb ui bould know aa a an by .. 3:47 a.m. Mel .rrive .. 3:22 mitted Tuesday. Tbi.s voucher was in the basement the student Ivestigation. " has led to in estigation s.n.... at "we were told that the confer'eD The Daily Iowan. Richard G'~, executive vice p.m., Hid a Rock I... "'" R.i!­ authorized by SehaDtz and will be- ActivitJes 8Wldinl". was to be the next day at 4:30." fraud indicbnellt president of the student body at ,...., ticket ....,t. come official wben signed by Gel· G'sell Hid the confet etICie did Tbe "next day" would be Frida k deals involviDg Fh'e m mbers of the Sen te the University of Michigan aDd Returning to lowa City by plane ger. IMIt ... "'*,...,ay utttil s.turhy Andenen and Niemeyer a a i I million, and hia Executive Cabinet went to the ronference chairman, told a Daily Sunday, May 5. the delegation left Acam:Ung to M. L. HWl. dean of meming. He ...... there WM .. they too thought the CODfereo ing surplus grain Big Ten Student Government Iowan reporter that most schools Ann Arbor at 4:20 p.m. and ar· students, all of the funds allocated inform.1 rneetint scheduled fer began Thursday. sent only one or two delegates to rived here aboul7:23 p.m. By train, to the Senate are drawn from stu- FrW.y "I..... Niemeyer said there Wlllt geuer r valuable cottoa they would have left Ann Arbor at dent and subject to the However, G'sell be attempt· agreement among the Big Ten St Ider congressiOllal (See Edltori.l, P.,. 21 the conference. fees, are said, Dr. Schreck, director 01 student 8:30 a.m . and arrived bere about approval of the Board of Regents ed to reach all Big Ten Student dent Body PresideIJta. at a. IJleI fllUlnCe committee. Presidents. inc Iud i n g each Conference at the University of activities at Indiana University, 5:50 p.m. Body ing in November. that del told the OJ that his school thought In addition to the $365 transpor­ SchMtz ..w it.. ............. Wt Scbantz, before the coolereoce by gatioo would arrive the Tbund. Michigan in Ann Arbor, two it was \lIlIIeCeSSII.l to aend more tation expense, the delegation sub­ ..rty uncW the 1m,. ••Ion tlNtt lont distance telepbooe. before the cooference_ days early and spent a total of than its Student Body Pre$ident miUed a voucher Tuesday to Waldo it.. C*lfeAnce w I u I lI ....in Each school should have Imown "In addition," be said. "it w $.588.25. This is more than 14 Mike Donovan as a delegate. Geiger, auditor of student accounts, Thu"'y Iyeni",. I" 4IfW to all about conference plans, he em· decided that each IChool WCKl His expenses, according to Sch· for other expenses totaling $223.25. CIftUf'V. time .... fNm cl..... , phasized. send five delegatee." per cent of the Senate's budget for reck. were "minimal." Included among the expenses were he upl.ined. the dodllon w.. Schantz claims to know nothing Andersen said be bued b1s • the 1961-62 fiscal year. Ln! Schantz said that the SUI dele­ hotel charges of f70.25, cab fares m_ te fly, aboul thiL He said the call nevft surnption of the TburIclay date I Att.ndinll it.. confer.tlc. frem gation lelt Iowa City on Thursday, oC $38, registration fees of $25, and Schantz said DO communicaUons reached him. Niemeyer's report and a pbOI Ica~ n,lIId( SUI w.... Martt ScMntJ, Al, Sen· May 3, at 8:37 a.m. for Chica", a food bill of $90. were received from the University SchMtz ~ • DI roportor ....t call ScbantJ made to the Universl JOHN NIEMEYER MARK SCHANTZ .te pI'Hldent; LMry s.utwer, on an Ozark Airlines fUaht. In G'.. n •• I d tUt ell CMnpus of Michigan cooceming the cor:tfer· he pI.ad • uti .. it.. MIchi9M of Michigan for confinnatloa Girl B3, vice pruldeflt; R .... Anc1er· Chicago, the delegatioo boarded lleuli", .t t h. Unlyerslty .. ence date or number of delegates Student 8ecty Pres.Idont, Steve COIIferenee plana. _, Al, Prolect AID Commls- a United Airlines prop..jet tAl Ann Michl ••" w •• filled durilll tUt to he sent. Stoclcmey ..., •• r I y Thuncl.y In making the call, Schantz I ltcher's II_r; John N'-meY.r, Ll, com· Arbor. weekend eWe to tfwlr ennMI M.y G'sell admitted that the lack of momlnt befor. MV,", .... the ceived incorred inlormetiGll. .. I ~lubl CT,, ' 16 J-.Uhf, ' J .. !! ":I.-.5:~ On Tb. - ratchinq }J I Girl. I ail owan Sy ••• he Eye ... ca ...aUy..ty1ell with tile Olrl WIllCUr'. Iowa City, Iowa, Wednelday, MaJ 23,19 mOD, the It.... ucl lebe!'. lDIIqD4cj"CcaIr , back. Ma.... '01 /lite IOD willi .trlel. Ihulder t. CaIot-W~ , • . ; $4,95 Navy Alone Jet Airliner If,today, .. u.s. ;P1ud Fecmar.. RON ANDERSEN ROGER WILEY SO-Mile Winds:, • MIcb"CIIlA... Disappears; lIoIca9o 1.111. I •• ~nti-Medicare '. .. " I Doctors C!~s!b,~~ny ~~ A~!~~Navy 4S Aboard .. plane broke apart in rught Tu day and crashed in flames near Uninformed: Kennedy this soutb Bavarian town, killing all 26 aboard. Debris Reported Rip Iowa City Officials said at first the WV2 Lockheed Constellation - Near Centerville; WASHINGTON lA'I - PresidenL previous charge that the doctors, which apparenUy exploded in the Search Party Sent Kennedy was reported to have told who contend the provisions for fi· cloudless sky - was on a secret congressional leaders Tuesday that nancing health insurance for the mission. A spokesman for U.S. At­ Blackstone/s KANSAS ClTY IA'! - A big jet "'''TMMoftW American Medical Association doc· ~Id e rly through Social Security airliner with about 45 persons lantic Fleet Air Force headquarters Foreign Aid Section of te.) tors lighting his medicare plan are laxes means socialized medicine, aboard disappeared In stormy Thu~de~t:rms trying to confuse the people and have not studied the administra­ at Norfolk. Va., later said the skies on its way from Chicago to are not properly informed. tion measure. classified mission report had reo Proprietor: Kansas City Tuesday night and was Bill Sent Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of The AMA mounted a nationwide sulted from what he caUed a mis· two hours overdue at lL :45 p.m. Armory Roof Minnesota, assistant Senate Dem· televised counterattack Monday understanding. (CST ). R 0 To Senate r ocratlc leader, relayed this word night against pro.medieare rallies Officials said that the Navy De­ INo Comment' "The plane is down - there's no ange ver to reporters after a White House held over the weekend - one of partment in Wasbington confirmed question about that," a spokesman Is Blown OR' riting for the breakfast conference of the top them addressed by the President. 26 persons had been on the plane The owner of BlackstO!le Beaub' for the Federal Aviation Agency WASRlNGTON (UP[) - 'The in every pre­ Democrats and the President. Sen. Mike MansfiJd, (V·Mont.), although the flight manifesto indi­ Salon, Mrs. Noel Hamson, wu said in Washington. Most of Iowa Senale Foreign Relation. Commit· Tree Smashes Througl the 86IlS:ln, I He said Kennedy had repeated a Senate Democratic leader, said cated 27 had been aboard. asked Tuesday to comment on the Tho Missouri Highw.y P.trol tee Tuesday app~oved a $4.6 billion • \ I' some oC the congressional party The plane carried 22 Navy offi­ l'aC;ial discrimination controver'J,Y ..Id It roc.'ftd • TIport debris Damaging WinCls, foreign aid bill after agreeing on Burg_ Hall Window; .Us for me to chiefs had watched the telecast, cers and men and (our Army per­ which has sWTouoded her shop. from • pl.M hltd been dlKovend Hail, Lightning, Rain oompromisc languaae to crack Power Lines Down m-all things but White House press secretary sonnel. All bodies were recovered. She replied, "For the good ne.r Cente",ille, low., .nd • down on unfair seizure of Ameri· the community, 1 would rather It)/; ...,.eIt PMfy w .. dl ....tchM to Winds estimated at up to 8l m by natul'e. Key Votes on Pierre Salinger said Kennedy did The plane crashed in a grass Hit Many Communitie can property abroad. n everylxxl)r. not. He said the White House had say anything." cited . The vote was 14 to 3. The bill m.p.h. ripped through JOWl field 10 mlles east of Munich AIr· She was also asked about the Centeryielle Is about US mlJes By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ['bird, I work no comment on it.
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