University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-29-2006 Central Florida Future, Vol. 39 No. 17, September 29, 2006 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 39 No. 17, September 29, 2006" (2006). Central Florida Future. 1917. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1917 (. GREEKS GET DOWN Kappa Delta sorority BROKEN DOWN raises thousands for Knights fall as turnovers lead to charity at 'Shakedown' -SEESPORTS,A7 19 Southern Miss. points - SEE NEWS, A2 (. FREE ·Published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays www.CentralFloridaFuture.com ·Frida* September 29, 2006 ( SGA ELECTION RESULTS SGA election fills 46 seats, Arts and Humanities approves two amendments, Seat 7: Austin Smith ' Seat 2: Patrick Defaria schedules three run-offs Seat 3:Eric Eingold Seat 4: Julie Sackett NATALIE MORERA and JESSICA SUNDAY Contributing Writers Health &Public Affairs Seat 1: Whitney Mackay The Student Government Association Seat 2: Sean Whitaker announced the results of its senatorial elections Seat 3: Tabatha Calabrese Thursday, reporting that 46 out of 52 seats were Seat 4:Jennifer Upinski filled and both amendments passed. Riin-off elec­ Seat 5: Logan Berkowitz tions for three seats will take place early in Octo­ Seat 6: Victoria Manglardi ber and the remaining three open seats will be Seat 7: Sloane Rosenberg appointed. Senate elec- Biomedical Sciences tions were held outside the Stu­ Seat 1: Dane Schlinsky "I just wish that dent Union Mon­ they had College of Sciences day through ( Wednesday, while advertised more. Seat 1: Aida Latorre individual Seat 2: Alex de Lara prospective sena­ All I see is a Seat 3:Caroline Talev tors set up voting Seat 4: Nick Gianinni stations in strate­ poster on a wall Seat 5 (Run-off): Alex Berkun, gic places around Brooke Latta campus. with Seat 6: Stephen Mortellaro Alexzandar representatives Seat 7: Stefanie Matthews Masic, a 20-year­ Seat 8: Brian Sandor old computer and I don't even Seat 9(Run-off): Richard Skandera, . engineering major ,know what they i( Jenny Zilner and senatorial can­ didate, was among are Education those asking stu­ Seat 7: Kristen Kushner dents for their representing." Seat 2: Adam Giery votes. Seat 3: Andrew Johnson "A lot of people - NEPHTALIE PIERRE Seat 4: Josh Abolafia are very hostile LAW STU DIES MAJOR ·toward us," Masic (< Seat 5:M(J)( Friedman Seat 6: Sara Toigo said. "Some respond in a positive way. They'll help us out, cast Business a vote and make it count. Then some-people are Seat 1: Anthony Furbush in a rush or don't care." Krystal Serino, elections supervisor, said Seat 2: Michael Opperman ·many students were drawn into the tent she Seat 3: Sean Lavin worked by the freebies offered or the btistle of Seat 4: Matt Passarella activity. Seat 5: Rafael Padron . ."A lot of people get drawn into our tent Seat 6: Gaston Blanchet because of the shirts," Serino said. "We get a lot of Seat 7: Sarah Biggar [students asking] 'What are you doing?' They Seat 8: Brian Peterson want to vote, they want the free shirt. All [Mon­ Seat 9: Kaitlyn Kludjian day] morning there was a line for people to vote." Seat 10: Brett Upinsky But a vast majority of students chose not to vote. While some simply preferred to abstain, Engineering and Comp. Sciences others said they were unaware that the elections Seat 1: Sarah Rogers were taking place at all Seat2:A/exzandrMasic "I just wish that they had advertised more," Seat 3: Ricky Ly law.studies major Nephtalie Pierre said. "All I see Seat 4: Reece 7hompson is a poster on a wall with representatives and I Seat 5 (Runoff): Eric Mossor, don't even know what they are representing." Charles Spanos One voter knew one candidate, but not others. Seat 6: Joseph Cowap ''I voted for the free shirt,'' said Nathan Hqtal­ ing, a 22-year-old mechanical engineering major. · 1 For more election results see page A6 • • CHARLIE BENTON I CENTRAL FlORIDA FUTURE "I knew one of the people and I was randomly Atent was set up in front of the Student Union Monday through Wednesday for the 2006 SGA senatorial elections. Students who voted received a free T-shirt. Besides electing new Senate members, stlidents also voted on two amendments dealing with the SGA line of succession. Some students chose not to vote. PLEASES EE PEGASUS ON A6 (f . Search engine UFO enthusiast comes to UCF Not your WOODY WOMMACK man-powered Contributing Writer ordinary Robert Hastings came to UCF LAUREN ERLICH on Monday night to inform stu­ dents of what he called the reality GEPclass Contributing Writer of UFOs in America Hastings was ChaCha Search, a new search engine, is hoping brought to school by the Campus JAIME JOSHI· to revolutionize the way Internet users find infor­ Activities Board Speakers Com­ Contributing Writer mation. mittee and its· director, Kevin Professors often' quote wise II The search engine reaches beyond the typical Chen. "enter term here" process by using a human-to­ "It was exciting to have him men in their lectures. Philoso­ human interaction rather than a human-to-com­ here, and we had a pretty good phy professors talk about puter interface. him-out" Chen said. · Socrates and Kant. English • ChaCha inventor Scott A. Jones, the man ·Hastings began his speech by professors memorialize Shake­ behind the creation of voice mail as well as the telling students he was directly speare and Hemingway. Biolo­ technology used for iPods and iTunes, claims the involved in the sighting of UFOs gy professors launch into pas­ engine will be the biggest thing he's ever done. in March 1967. Hastings, who sionate discourses about (l Jones' previous technologies are used by over half described himself as an ·~ Force Darwin, and in Contemporary a billion people. brat,'' spent his teenage years liv­ Popular Music: Punk in the The site connects the user directly to a ing on the Malmstrum Air Force History and Practice of Rock, Dr. Eugene Montague rhap­ "guide": a liv~ person that is trained to help Base in Montana He claimed to be searchers find what they're looking for. A small present in an air traffic control sodizes about Joe Strum.mer, chat box on the side of the screen complements tower when "five unidentified aer­ Wayne Kramer and Joey the search and allows both the user and the ~de ial targets" were spotted by the Ramone. to work together to acquire the requested infor­ controllers. This began his inter­ "My interest in the punk CHARLIE BENTON I CENTRAL FWRIDA FUTURE movement is what inspired me mation. est in UFOs and other space crafts Robert Hastings speaks to a crowd at UCF on Monday about his research into UFOs. Hastings says that he The gui~e begins by asking questions to ~et to and he has been researching ever does not blame the governme.nt for being secretive about UFOs, but that people should know the truth. to teach this class,'' Montague the core of the of the user's search. These ques­ since. said. "Not just as a fan or tions are then used to eliminate irrelevant Web After introducing himself to the slideshow that he produced and through 1985; and contained many as someone who grew up audience and recalling his initial narrated. PLEASE SEE SEARCH ON A2 PLEASE SEE HASTINGS ON A6 PLEASE SEE UNUSUAL ON A13 .. UFO eiperience, Hastings began a The timeline ran from 1948 A2 www.CentralFloridaFuture.com September 29, 2006 • (eutrnf Jforib 1utlU't AROUND NATION & • CAMPUS GreekS 'Shakedown' for charity WO RID • I News and notices for JEN GLANTZ Keep current with!headlines the UCF community Contributing Writer . you may have rissed Interview practice 63 Kazakh children infected with Career Services & Experien­ "Bringing sexy back" was HIV; some blame corruption tial Learning will host inter­ the slogan for the annual SHYMKENT, Kazakhstan. view practice sessions today at Kappa Delta Shakedown held - This industrial city is reeling •• the Career Resource Center, Sunday. The Pegasus Ballroom after learning that at least 63 Building 7F, Room 185 from 9 was packed with students children have contracted AIDS a.m. to 4 p.m.. cheering on their favorite through medical negligence Students will have a chance teams as they performed origi­ many blame on corruption and • to practice their interview skills nal dance routines to the latest the illicit sale of blood · to give them practice to prepare jams. At least five infected tod­ for interviews for jobs or The sorority's event helped .dlers have died after receiving • internships. · raise money for the Llsa Merlin injections or blood transfu­ For more information, con­ House for battered women and sions in hospitals in Shymkent, tact Annie Ware at (407) 823- children, a philanthropy the a city in Kazakhstan's most 2361. UCF chapter has worked with densely population region for nine years. 1,000 miles south of the capitaL Fitness Orientation "The Lisa Merlin house is a Valentina Skryabina, leader The Recreation and Well­ safe haven for women to go to of the nongovernment group ness Center will be holding fit­ raise their children in a healthy Nadezhnaya Opora, which ness orientations today from 11 non-abusive environment," .
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