Table 5 Table 6 1.0:s and Tested Group Percentiles Distribution Corresponding to Scaled Scores of 1.0. Scores MOCSIS Scaled Tested Scaled Tested IQ Range Num. Score I.Q. Grp %Ile Score I.Q. Grp %de 116-119 12 00 116 00 55 145 54 120-123 13 05 118 05 60 147 61 124-127 14 fat JOURNAL OF 10 121 07 65 150 66 128-131 6 15 124 14 70 153 73 132-135 12 20 126 20 75 155 78 136-139 15 rift MISCA SOCISTS 25 129 20 80 158 84 140-143 16 30 132 25 85 161 90 144-147 22 35 134 28 90 163 93 148-151 15 idtitetitER US 40 137 33 95 166 97 152-155 17 45 139 38 100 169 98 156-159 13 50 142 43 160-163 11 matustar 1996 164-167 7 168-169 2 EDITOR R. Rosner Table 7 5711 Rhodes Ave Number Tested and Mean I.Q. for Selected Groups N. Hollywood CA 91607-1627 (818) 985-5230 Society X new address & phone number IC Group Number Mean LQ. 1.0. Cutoff Total 175 141.9 I'm sorry we got behind again and had to revert to a multiple mailing. Chris Cole and I each changed domiciles, and Chris relocated his business as well. Males 148 143.7 Females 26 132.2 AN ALMOST ENTIRELY KEVIN LANGDON ISSUE: POSTCARD FROM RICHARD MAY Age 10-19 2 146.5 LETTER FROM ROBERT BURNS? Age 20-29 23 146.5 Age 30-39 48 140.7 COMMENTS ON RECENT ISSUES OF NOES'S BY K.L Age 40-49 47 142.3 REPLY TO ROBERT DICK ON THE STATE OF THE EARTH FROM K.L Age 50-59 34 140.8 REPLY TO CHRIS LANGAN ON INTELLIGENCE AND CREDIT FOR Age 60-69 12 141.2 ONE'S INTELLECTUAL PRODUCTIONS FROM K.L Age 70-79 7 137.0 REPLY TO PAUL MAXIMS CRITICISM OF THE NORMING OF K.L.'S L4/T Mensa 84 141.8 133 THE HISTORY OF POLYMATH SYSTEMS NORMING #1 OF THE LANGDON SHORT FORM INTELUGENCE TEST Intertel 13 139.0 138 Top One Pct. 64 141.3 138 R. W. MAY'S POSTCARD Dear Rick ©1995 Richard May ISPE 26 146.8 150 One-in-1000 24 148.5 150 Triple Nine 18 150.3 150 Originally there were an infinite number of distinct and mutually contradictory divine revelations to an infinity of prophets. Endless free-market competition among Prometheus 4 1518 164 various infinities of revelations culminated in the torah of Moses (and the Quran, Four Sigma 3 1653 164 etc.) which outsold the others shekel for shekel, thereby validating its value. Hence we see that the free market is the source of revelation itself. Mega 1 160.0 176 As always, Without a hint of sardonic irony, Richard Polymath Systems, P.O. Box 795, Berkeley, CA 94701 MOWS Number 115 February 1996 page 28 The reliability of the LSFIT, calculated using Kuder-Richardson formula 20, is LETTER FROM ROBERT BURNS? .94. The standard error of measurement is 6.4 scaled score points, or 3.6 points of 1.0. The norming method used aims for maximum accuracy at the high end; the [Ed's comment-As you know, I do well on 10 tests but am an idiot in certain LSFIT is probably most accurate between two and four standard deviations above the general population mean. The floor of the LSFIT is identical to that of the [AFT; other areas. A couple months ago, I received a letter and tossed away the its ceiling is seven points lower. This is not completely unexpected, as most of the envelope. Turns out the letter is unsigned. I think it's from Robert Burns. Let hardest problems on the LAIT were not included on the LSFIT. me know.] Question: To address specific interests of members, Mensa has S.W.'s. Would Table 3 Special Interest Groups work with Mega Society members? I think that probably Scatter Diagram of LSFIT and Previous Scores there are informal groups but saw nothing clearly identified as such in the back Used in Norming, in Standard Deviations Above the Mean issues. If there seems to be interest in S.I.G.'s among Mega Society members LSFIT or readers of Noesis, would anyone be interested in Accelerated Achievement Techniques, which I am researching? 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 Total Accelerated Achievement Techniques differ slightly in focus and topic 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 from accelerated learning techniques such as NLP, speed reading and such P 1.75 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 which focus more on skills rather than rapid Goal achievement which is actually r 2.00 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 the primary focus of A.A. techniques. e 2.25 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 Subjects which can be successfully addressed and mastered On the v 2.50 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 i 2.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 9 sense that the goal has been achieved) with these techniques are, among other o 3.00 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 9 things: u 3.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 9 1) Financial independence s 3.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 2) Fast-tracking to the upper levels of one's organization or career field 3.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 6 S 4.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 6 3) Spiritual, mental, physical development c 4.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 In theory, at least, goal achievement can be sped up by 10X in most areas. In o 4.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 practice, however, one's rate of achievement depends on the intensity and r e consistency with which one applies these techniques/principles. Total 1 0 2 0 5 0 5 11 8 5 10 7 5 3 62 In brief, they are: 1) Knowing exactly what you want Table 4 2) Intense and non-stop pursuit of that goal Mean, Average Deviation, Standard Deviation, 3) Keeping the goal constantly before your awareness and Correlation with LSFIT (where applicable) of LSFIT 4) A sense of urgency and Reported Previous Score Distributions 5) Constantly asking oneself, 'What can I do NOW that might bring me closer to my goal?" Average Standard Correlation Test Number Mean Deviation Deviation with LSFIT 6) Acting immediately on any insights or hints of the next step to take 7) Distraction-proofing your mind with written reminders everywhere and LSFIT Total (Scaled) 175 49.3 22.2 27.1 a list of the next several steps to be taken LSFIT Total I.Q.) 175 141.9 11.7 14.3 8) Cultivating the habit of saying "No" to distractions LSFIT Used (Scaled) 62 66.2 17.4 22.2 LSFIT Used I.Q.) 62 150.6 9.2 11.3 9) Asking everyone for helpful ideas LAIT/ls4egafritan 62 3.17 .58 .71 .71 10) Constantly-applied pressure which gives momentum to speed your LAIT 30 3.24 .62 .77 .86 progress towards the goal Titan Test 6 2.83 .47 .68 .81 CTMM 18 2.34 .36 .55 .76 Quest Test 24 2.85 .33 .41 .74 Mega Test 26 3.16 .50 .60 .67 SAT 26 2.63 .38 .51 .64 Cattell Verbal 27 2.16 .33 .46 .55 GRE 11 3.30 .41 .50 -.62 Note: Previous score means are in standard deviations above the mean of the general population: average deviations and standard deviations arc in general population standard deviation units. MOWS Number 115 February 1996 page 2 SOWS Number 115 February 1996 page 21 Table 2 Number and Average Scaled Score of Testees Choosing Each Alternative, Comments on Recent Issues of Noesis Point Biserial Correlation with LSFIT Raw Scores, Number of Testees Answering the Item Correctly, and Weight, for Each Item Kevin Langdon P.O. Box 795 Alternative Point Berkeley, CA 94701 Item A B C D E Bisenal Number (510) 524-0345 Mum No. Av. No. Av. No. Av. No. Av. No. Av. Carrel. Correct Weight [email protected] I 17 35.2 2 47.5 127 57.9 0 -- 25 19.1 .50 127 116 2 7 13.9 109 63.3 9 18.2 32 28.3 10 25.3 .67 109 4.91 3 8 25.6 19 39.7 9 141 24 216 109 627 .63 109 4.61 I was glad to see Michael Price's review of Frank Tipler's The Physics of 4 34 25.1 30 403 7 21.1 8268.3 17 36.1 .66 82 6.41 Immortality in Noesis #101. Tipler has some interesting ideas, though his opposition 5 19 47.3 101 40.2 2 4.0 44 78.3 8 27.1 .61 44 11.17 to the SET! (Search for Eictraterrestiral Intelligence) program is dumb and probably 6 114 576 8 39.3 17 24.8 32 38.9 3 14.7 .42 114 2.91 contributed to NASA's withdrawal of funding for this important area of research 7 28 4I4 9 33.1 13 23.8 81 60.1 39 44.9 .37 81 3.70 (fortunately, the SETI prgram has continued with private funding).
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