The Follo~In8 Is an Alphabetical List of the Collection

The Follo~In8 Is an Alphabetical List of the Collection

Guardian Archives - Part 2 Guardian Editors’ Correspondence Series A-D Part 2 of the catalogue comprises the correspondence of successive Guardian editors dating from the 1890s to the 1970s i.e. C.P. Scott to Alastair Hetherington. It also includes the correspondence of the Guardian’s deputy editor and northern editor, Patrick Monkhouse. For a general description of the archive see the introduction to Part One of this catalogue. The collections are arranged as follows: Editor’s Correspondence A Series (C. P. Scott) pp. 2-31 Editor’s Correspondence B Series (Crozier/Wadsworth) pp. 32-138 Editor’s Correspondence C Series (Hetherington) pp.139-206 Deputy Editor’s Correspondence D Series (Monkhouse) pp.207-297 1 Editor’s Correspondence A Series (C. P. Scott) The following is a list of the correspondence previously known as “Manchester Guardian Staff Files”. These mostly comprise correspondence with staff and contributors from the period of the editorship of C.P. Scott (1872-1929). This collection is now known as the “Editor’s Correspondence A Series”. However, there is also some correspondence from later decades, and hence an overlap with material in the Editor’s Correspondence B Series (Crozier/Wadsworth). The collection contains about 13000 letters and other documents relating to over 1300 correspondents and members of the Manchester Guardian staff. Some of the correspondents covered in this series are also present in C.P.Scott’s more general correspondence (ref. Guardian 118-132, 135, 332-336 ). These items are indexed in Part One of the catalogue. The numbers in square brackets are former references assigned by the Guardian, but are now obsolete. ABBOT, Willis J A/A1/1-8.(1926-7) [747] ABBOUD, Ahmed. A/A2/1-8. (1927) [1232] ABERCROMBIE, Lascelles. A/A3/1-31. (1910-26) [327, 329, 641, 1102] ABERDEEN, Lord & Lady. A/A4/1-4. (1921, 1931) [138] ABERNETHY, Robert A/A5/1-8. (1928) [571, 1298] ACKROYD, Christopher A/A6/1-2. (1931) [480] ACKROYD, Mr. A/A7/1. (1926) [88] ACLAND, Arthur. A/A8/1-2. (1925) [1019] ACLAND, Sir Francis Dyke. A/A9/1-18. (1925-39) [1026] ACLAND, Sir Richard. A/A10/1-5. (1940) [985] ACWORTH, Bernard. A/A11/1-15. (1929-36) [1453] ADAMS, Frank M. A/A12/1-2. (1931) [219] ADAMS, J. K. A/A13/1-60. (1938-46) [1563] ADENY, Walter F. A/A13A/1. (1913) ADDISON, Christopher A/A14/1-8. (1922-49) [418] Admiralty, The. A/A15/1-9. (1913-40) [377] ADVERTISING A/A16/1-12. (1924-30) [794, 845] AGATE, James E. A/A17/1-8. (1906-15). [234] AITKEN Dan F. A/A18/1-18. (1931-2) [479] ALDEN, Percy. A/A19/1-6. (1925) [945] ALEXANDER, A. A/A20/1-10. (1920-43) [277, 902, 998] ALI, Mohamed. A/A21/1-10. (1913) [934, [951] ALLBUTT, Sir Clifford A/A21A/1-2. (1924) ALLEN, P. S. A/A22/1-24. (1928-32) [1249] ALLEN, Ronald E. T. A/A23/1-12. (1921-31) [19] ALLEN W. A. T. A/A24/1-6. (1904, 1907) [260, 278] ALLIANCE FRANCAISE. A/A25/1-2. (1921, 1925) [21] ALTMAIER, Jakob. A/A26/1-8. (1920-2) [451] 2 AMOS, Sir Maurice Sheldon. A/A27/1-6. (1922-8) [565] ANDERSON, Mosa. A/A28/1-9. (1921-8) [20] ANDREASIAN, O. A/A29/1-6. (1912-3) [471, 898] ANDREWS, Charles Freer. A/A30/1-45. (1922-40) [779] ANGELL, Norman. A/A31/1-5. (1922-30) [140] ANSON, Lady Clodagh. A/A32/1-13. (1931-2) APPLEBY, Frank. A/A33/1-8. (194?-57) [298] ARCHER, H. W. A/A34/1-3. (1930) [1435] ARCHER, William. A/A35/1. (1888) [1548] ARMITAGE, G. W. A/A36/1-l.3. (1928-31) [44] ARMSTRONG, Hamilton Fish. A/A37/1-2. (1924) [100] ARMSTRONG, George G. A/A38/1-3. (1901, 1924) [769] ARMSTRONG, R. A. A/A39/1-2. (1901) [769] ARMSTRONG, T A/A39A/1 (1907) ARNOLD, A. Linney [?] A/A40/1-2. (1925) [921] ARNOLD, F S. A/A41/1-2. (1903) [1517] ARNOLD, Friedrich. A/A42/1-2. (1926) [1086] ARNOLD, W.T. A/A43/1-4. (1884-98) [1507] ARNOLD-FOSTER, William. A/A44/1-23. (1924-32) [912] ARTS LEAGUE OF SERVICE. A/A45/1-4. (1926-7) [22] ARTHUR, Sir George R. A/A46/1-8. (1903-29) [66] ASCOLI, W.S. A/A47/1-3. (1930) [51] ASHBY, Margery Corbett. A/A48/1-4. (1930) [1454] ASHLEY, Monica L. A/A49/1-4. (1930) [71] ASHTON, Lord. A/A50/1-6. (1928, 1930) [1260] ASHTON, T. S. A/A51/1-17. (1930-2) [118] ASPINALL, Jane C. A/A52/1-5. (1929) [1382] ASQUITH, Anthony. A/A53/1-5. (1929) [1347] ASQUITH, [?H. H.] A/A54/1-2. (1923) [468] ASQUITH, Mrs, A/A55/1-4. (1922, 1924) [468] ASSOCIATION FOR MORAL AND SOCIAL HYGIENE, A/A56/1-3. (1928, 1931) [1332] ATKIN, P. W. A/A57/1-2. (1929) [13691 ATKINS, A. Harold. A/A58/1-35. (1936-43) [1560] ATKINS, J. B. A/A59/1-32. (l898-32) [239] ATKINSON, Arthur Richmond. A/A60/1-5. (1930) [114] ATKINSON, Donald. A/A61/1-3. (1932) [1480] ATKINSON, J. B. A/A62/1-3. (1902, 1904) [1528] ATTENBOROUGH, F. S. A/A63/1-22. (1904-47) [1430] ATTLEE, Clement. A/A64/1-3. (1950) [1048] AUSTRIAN LEGATION A/64A/1-6. (1924-29) AXON, Ernest A/A65/1. (n.d.) [1263] AXON, William A/A66/1-5. (1895-11) [1263] AYRES, John F. A/A67/1-2. (1936) [784] AZCARATE, P. A/A68/1-10. (1937-8) [673] BADEN-POWELL, Sir Robert. A/B1/1-3. (1929) [1375] BAERLEIN, Henry. A/B2/1-18. (1910-31) [774] BAILLIE, T. H. EVANS. A/B3/1-21. (1938-47) [883] BALDWIN, Stanley. A/B4/1-3. (1938) [1575] 3 BALL, S A/B4/1. (n.d.) BALTAZAR , Bishop. A/B5/1-6. (1930) [1440] BALTIMORE SUN. A/B6/1-41. (1921-34) [112] BARCLAY, Sir Thomas. A/B7/1-10. (1904-41) [722] BARDOUX, Jacques. A/B8/1-21. (1902-22) [253] BARING-GOULD, Char1es. A/B9/1-3. (1925) [1042] BARKER, Ernest. A/B10/1-8. (1927-31) [1192] BARKER, Sir Herbert. A/B11/1-15. (1925-6) [1040] BARLOW, C. A. Montague. A/B12/1-4. (1909, 1923) [390] BARNES, George N. A/B14/1-5. (1923-7] [692] BARNICOT, J. D. A. A/B15/1-9. (1925-31 [710] BARNS, S. Alexander. A/B16/1-2. (1929 [1361] BARTLETT, Vernon. A/B17/1-5 (1930-1) [1433] BARWELL , Noel. A/B18/1-5. (1911-12) [840] BASHFORD, J. L. A/B19/1-8. (1884-1909) [279] BASKERVILLE, Beatrice. A/B20/1-3. (1932) [281] BATEMAN, Robert. A/B21/1-3. (1924, 1930) BATES, Charles. A/B22/1-2. (1947) [685] BAYFIELD, Beatrice A/B23/1-4. (1928) [1252] BAYLEY, Ronald. A/B24/1-11. (1946-53) [484] BEAN, Thomas E. A/B25/1-6. (1931-2) [1471] BEAVERBROOK, Lord. A/B26/1-23. (1940-3) [1378] BEECROFT, A. A/B27/1-2. (1939-40) [938] BEERBOHM, Max. A/B28/1-2. (1921) BEGLEY, G. A/B29/1-18. (1934-8) [1142] BELL, Arthur F. A/B30/1-6. (1911-12) [76, 822] BELLOC, Hilaire. A/B31/1-2. (1911) [749, 856] BENES, Edvard. A/B32/1-6. (1941-3) [1561] BENJAMIN, Harold. A/B33/1-4. (1929- 30) BENNETT, Arnold. A/B34/1-4. (1912) [222] BENNETT, E. N. A/B35/1-27. (1911-30) [1331] . BENNETT, J. B. Sterndale. A/B36/1-3. (1932) [1465] BENNETT, Jack. A/B37/1-6.(1951) [1061] BENTINCK, Lord Henry. A/B38/1-4. (1921, 19231 [24] BERG, N. de. A/B39/1-11. (1929-31) [1421, 2021] BERKELEY, Reginald. A/B40/1-4. (1921-2) [26] BERRY, Sidney M. A/B41/1-2. (1928 [1295] BETTS, Ernest. A/B42/1-7. (1927) [1238] BEVERIDGE, Sir William. A/B43/1-13. (1925-43) [957] BIGGS, Arthur W. A/B44/1. (1888) [143] BIGGS, Walter. A/B45/1- 3. (1914, 1929) [1362] BIGWOOD, George. A/B46/1-2. (1913) [237] BINDER, Carroll. A/B47/1. (1931) [193] BINGHAM, Robert Worth. A/B48/1-10. (1937-9) [813] BINNS , Richard. A/B49/1-36. (1924-8) [637] BIRCH, F.L. A/B50/1-13. (1926) [383] BIRKENHEAD, Lord. A/B51/1-2. (1929) [1351] BIRKETT, Norman. A/B52/1-9. (1911) [440] BIRLA, G.D. A/B53/1-3. (1932) [1488] BIRRELL, A. A/B54/1-2. (1927) [1202] 4 BLACKBURN, Vernon. A/B55/1-6. (1901-2) [1533] BLAIKIE, Derek. A/B56/1-5. (1934) [546] BLEDISLOE, Lord. A/B57/1-5. (1929) [1379] BLIVEN, Bruce. A/B58/1-50. (1925-47) [1029] BLOM, Eric. A/B59/1-54. (1923-31) [748] BLYTH, Donald. A/B60/1-25. (1936-48) [757] BOARDMAN, H. A/B61/1-67. (1913 or 1914-1950) [1136] BONARJEE , Stephen W. A/B62/1- 33. (1934-46) [923] BONAVIA, F. A/B63/1-28. (1906-1919) [228, 232 427, 629] BONE, James. A/B64/1-17. (1901-1919) [1, 1138] BONE, Muirhead. A/B65/1-3. (1925, 1930) [1060] [+ Gertrude Bone, M. B.'s wife] BONE, Stephen. A/B66/1-8. (1948-55) [703] BONE, William A. A/B67/1. (1928) [1257] BOSE, Sir Jagadis. A/B68/1-3. (1929) [1380] BOSWELL, A. Bruce. A/B69/1-5. (1914, 1925) [444] BOTHA, General. A/B70/1. (1917) [1510] BOUGHTON, Rutland. A/B71/1-9. (1927-8) [1204a] BOURDILLON, F.B. A/B72/1-6. (1928) [1172] BOURGEOIS, Maurice. A/B73/1-2.

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