Amnesty International July 1978 Volume VIII Number 7 newsletter REHABILITATION OF RIGHTISTS AI Publishes Report on ANNOUNCED IN CHINA The authorities of the People's Republic Northern Ireland of China have decided to rehabilitate several On 13 June, Al published the report of its mission to Northern Ireland late thousand people who had been classified as last year to investigate in detail allegations of police ill-treatment of persons "rightists" since 1957, according to recent detained on suspicion of involvement in or knowledge of terrorist offences. news agency reports from Peking. The A 1 mission, consisting of a Dutch lawyer, two doctors from Denmark The decision, which was adopted by the and a member of the organization's research staff, spent ten days in Northern Chinese People's Political Consultative Ireland in November-December 1977. The delegates met government, police Conference—a national united front institut- ion -was endorsed in April by the Central and judicial officials. They examined allegations of ill-treatment of 78 persons, Committee of the Chinese Communist detained for up to seven days under emergency legislation, most of them during Party. It implies that the accusations made 1977. The delegates obtained direct testimony from 52 persons. They obtained against people classified as "rightists" in medical reports relating to 13 of these cases, and five of the 52 individuals were the past, or the verdicts passed against them, examined in detail by the medical members of the delegation. The delegates will be reviewed. The Japanese news agency also examined medical reports relating to the cases of a further 26 persons. Kyodo reports that the measure will affect Most of the allegations studied by Al's 100,000 people who were labelled as delegates were of beatings to the body and "rightists" after the brief liberalization extremities, beatings to the head, psycho- movement of the "Hundred Flowers" in logically and/or physically exhausting pro- Human Rights 1957. The people thus labelled were either cedures (such as prolonged and oppressive dismissed from office or imprisoned or questioning, being made to do physical Violations in punished in other ways. exercises or wall-standing for prolonged Al welcomed this decision in a letter to periods), threats and humiliation. Vice-Premier DENG Xiaoping in May, On the basis of the information available Guinea requesting details on its implementation and to it, AI concluded that maltreatment of sus- On 21 June, Al released an 11-page raising individual cases of prisoners known pected terrorists by the Royal Ulster Briefing on Guinea which describes in to Al . This concerned in particular WANG Constabulary (RUC) had taken place with detail the longstanding pattern of human Mingdao and LIN Xiling, arrested after sufficient frequency to warrant the estab- rights violations in the country. Expressing the "Hundred Flowers" movement and said . lishment of a public inquiry to investigate concern at the widespread use of detention to be still imprisoned in the mid-1970s. Lin it. The evidence presented to the mission without trial in Guinea, Al urged President Xiling was a 20-year-old student at China did not suggest that uniformed members of Ahmed Sékou TOURE to take immediate People's University when she was labelled a the RUC were involved in the alleged mal- and effective action to improve the human "rightist" in 1957; she is reported to have treatment. rights situation. been subsequently sentenced to 20 years' In particular, the report expresses concern AI estimates that there are between 2,000 imprisonment with deprivation of civil rights about changes in the rules relating to the and 4,000 political prisoners in Guinea, a for life. Wang Mingdao was a Protestant admissibility of statements in trials of persons country whose population is only some five pastor from Peking who was arrested for the charged with terrorist offences, which allow million. Most of the prisoners are held in second time in 1957 and sentenced to 15 for confessions to be ruled admissible evid- two main prison camps, Camp Boiro in the years' imprisonment; his sentence was later ence where, under normal law, they would capital, Conakry, and the Kémé Boureima extended to life imprisonment. have been excluded. The report notes that Camp at Kindia. Conditions of imprisonment a large proportion of persons convicted of are reported to be particularly harsh. MASS ARRESTS IN PERU terrorist offences in the special (Diplock) Political prisoners are completely isolated Constitutional guarantees were suspended non-jury courts are convicted solely on the from the outside world and are not allowed and a state of emergency decreed in Peru basis of self-incriminating statements. The to receive visits or even letters from their on 20 May in response to widespread evidence also indicates that the machinery families. Many prisoners have been detained disturbances. The unrest followed austerity for investigating complaints against the without trial for seven years; others were measures which doubled public transport police of assault during interview is not sentenced to life imprisonment after fares and raised basic food prices by an adequate. arbitrary legal proceedings at which they estimated 80%. The report also condemns in general the were not allowed to be present. These measures were introduced after use of political murder and maiming by AI also found that the death rate among government negotiators met a team from the paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland. political prisoners is particularly high and International Monetary Fund in Lima to On the basis of its conclusions A/ reports that more than 250 deaths occurred discuss credits to ameliorate Peru's severe recommended to the United Kingdom in one particular section of Camp Boiro financial crisis. Opposition spokesmen have government that a public and impartial alone between March and September 1974. protested that the conditions imposed by inquiry be established to investigate the Many prisoners are said to have been starved international financial bodies would seriously allegations of maltreatment. It also suggested to death. In some cases it is not known jeopardize the elections, scheduled for 18 that the terms of reference of this inquiry whether individual prisoners are now alive June, and would lead directly to violations of should include consideration of the rules or dead. human rights. Continued on page 2, column I. Continued on page 2, column 2. Continued on page 2, column 2. 2 AI PublishesReport on Northern Ireland testify in private before the committee. Jujuy. Most were subsequently granted Continued from page 1, column 1. AI said that "on the basis of the findings asylum in other countries relating to interrogation and detention, of this investigation" the committee should An AI mission to Peru between 6 and admissibility of statements, and the "review the rules relating to interrogation 14 April had met government officials, indivi- effectiveness of machinery for investigating and detention, admissibility of statements duals and organizations to discuss human complaints against the police of assault dur- in the courts and the effectiveness of exist- rights issues of concern in Peru, especially the ing interview. It further suggested that the ing machinery for investigating complaints periodic and indiscriminate mass arrests of inquiry should have access to all relevant against the police of assault during inter- trade unionists and political activists. data on individual cases of alleged maltreat- rogation". The full report of the committee Attention was drawn to at least 1,800 ment. Finally, Al recommended that, pending should be made public, AI said. arrests which followed demonstrations and a the establishment and reporting of such Report of an Amnesty International general strike in July 1977 in protest at an inquiry, immediate steps be taken to Mission to Northern Ireland (28 November- transport and other price increases. According ensure that suspects being interviewed by 6 December 1977) is available from Al's to military court officials these arrests led the RUC on suspicion of terrorism are pro- national sections or from the International to less than five convictions although many tected against possible maltreatment. Secretariat. detainees were held for six months or more. Measures to this end should include early Human Rights Violations in Guinea The mission was led by Senator Hans RAU, access to lawyers. Continued from page 1, column 2. a specialist in Latin American law who is a The report was sent to the British The briefing paper says that torture has former Finance Minister and Deputy Mayor government on 2 May. become "an essential part of the machinery of Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany. • On 8 June the British government issued of repression" since Guinea's independence He was accompanied by a researcher from a public statement in response to Al's in 1958. It is used both as a means of general Al's International Secretariat. request for an impartial and public inquiry intimidation and in order to extract "con- Despite prior arrangements, no member into the allegations of maltreatment. In this fessions" from real or suspected opponents of the Peruvian cabinet met the delegates statement the government announced that, of the government and those who have been and a meeting with the Minister of the having examined Al's report, it had decided made "scapegoats" for the country's political Interior, which was scheduled for the last to establish an independent committee of and economic problems. Methods of torture day of the mission, was cancelled. inquiry into police practice and procedure include the use of electric shocks, severe The mission did, however, hold extensive in Northern Ireland relating to the inter- beatings, burning with cigarettes, and partial talks with officials of the military courts on rogation of persons suspected of scheduled suffocation. political prisoners and due process of law. (terrorist) offences.
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