Volume 34 | Issue 1 Article 10 1972 Some Aspects of the Veterinary Medical Education in India N. G. Ghoshal Iowa State University Follow this and additional works at: https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/iowastate_veterinarian Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Veterinary Medicine Commons Recommended Citation Ghoshal, N. G. (1972) "Some Aspects of the Veterinary Medical Education in India," Iowa State University Veterinarian: Vol. 34 : Iss. 1 , Article 10. Available at: https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/iowastate_veterinarian/vol34/iss1/10 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Iowa State University Veterinarian by an authorized editor of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Some Aspects of the Veterinary Medical Education in India by N. G. Ghoshal,* G.V.Sc., D.T.V.M., Dr. vet. med., Ph.D. The basic educational system of India main of either veterinary medicine or ag­ has been inherited from the British coloni­ riculture or both. al time and accordingly the curricula on At present there are 20 veterinary col­ veterinary medicine and agricultural sci­ leges in India offering undergraduate and ences have been developed similar to that graduate courses, in addition to a separate of the United Kingdom. Unlike the U.S.A., college of animal sciences which is a con­ Canada and a few other countries, the stituent college of the Hariana Agricultur­ subjects of animal husbandry (animal sci­ al University. The information in regard ence), viz. animal nutrition, animal breed­ to admissions and output for the Bachelor ing, animal genetics, animal management, of Veterinary Science and Animal Hus­ dairy science, livestock production and bandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) course has been marketing, etc. have been taught as a part mentioned for 19 colleges as is readily of the program in veterinary medicine, available. The name and place of differ­ though some of the above disciplines of ent veterinary colleges, and their founda­ animal husbandry fall well under the do- tion dates, the name of the universities * Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary to which they are affiliated for administra­ Anatomy, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State 1 University, Ames, Iowa 50010, U.S.A. tive reasons have been shown below. ,2,4,5 Foundation Name of Institution Dates Affiliated To U.P. College of Veterinary 1947 Agra University Science & Animal Husbandry, Agra, U.P. Mathura Veterinary College, Hebbal 1958 University of Agricultural Sciences HebbaI, Bangalore College of Veterinary Science, 1955 Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Tirupati Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, A.P. College of Veterinary Science, 1946 Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, A.P. Bombay Veterinary College, 1886 Mahatma Phule Krishi Parel Vidya Peeth, Raburi, Maharashtra Assam Veterinary College, 1948 Assam Agricultural University Khanapara Gauhati, Assam Jabalpur Veterinary College, 1948 Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University Jabalpur Krishinagar, Jabalpur, M.P. Mhow Veterinary College, 1955 Jawahar]al Nehru Agricultural University Mhow Krishinagar, Jabalpur, M.P. Kerala Veterinary College & 1955 Calicut University Research Institute, Mannuthy, Calicut, Kerala Trichur Madras Veterinary College, 1903 University of Madras Vepery Madras 36 Iowa. State Unive1'~ity Veterinarian Bihar Veterinary College, 1930 Rajendra Prasad Krisbi Vidya Patna-14 Peeth, Bihar College of Veterinary & Animal 1948 Haryana Agricultural University Science, Hissar Punjab Gujarat College of Veterinary Science 1964 Sadar Patel University and Animal Husbandry, Anand Vallabh Vidya Nagar, Gujarat College of Veterinary Science, Rajendra Prasad Krishbi Vidya Peeth Rancbi Ranchi, Bihar College of Veterinary & Animal 1954 Rajasthan Agricultural University Scienc'e, Bikaner Udaipur, Rajasthan College of Veterinary Science, 1960 U.P. Agricultural University Pantnagar, U.P. Pantnagar. Nainital, U.P. College of Veterinary Medicine 1970 Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana Ludhiana. Punjab College of Veterinary Science & 1955 Orissa University of Agriculture & Animal: Husbandry, Bhubaneswar-3 Technology, Orissa Nagpur Veterinary College 1958 Punjabrao Krishi Vidya Peeth Nagpur Akola, Maharashtra Bengal Veterinary College 1892 Kalyani Agricultural University Calcutta Kalyani, West Bengal Basically, the rural economy of India is closer relationships with extension and ed­ dependent on agriculture (including ani­ ucational efforts. Consequently, at first mal resources) and approximately 78% the Technical Cooperation Mission (TCM) of the people live off the land. But due to and later the Agency for International De­ the traditional method of cultivation, atti­ velopment (AID) of the United States Gov­ tude and socio-economic condition of the ernment have been involved in an Agri­ country the overall food production was cultural Universities Development Project far from being adequate and satisfactory with the Government of India for several in many respects when compared with years. The reports of the recognized edu­ various advanced countries. cators, scientists and administrators were Since the independence of India in reviewed and the information was adapted 1947, it was quite obvious that the devel­ into a workable format providing the basis opmental endeavors should primarily be for Significant changes.3 In this manner, directed to agriculture and agriculture re­ the veterinary medicine and agriculture lated industries to alleviate the chronic curricula have been modified and restruc­ food shortage of the country which will, in tured under the agricultural universities in turn, promise a better quality of life to the pattern of the U.S. Land Grant univer­ the people by satisfying the basic social sities. This, no doubt, has marked a defi­ and economic needs. With this objective nite departure from the traditional educa­ in mind, India was keenly looking to the tional pattern to orientation of education outside world for technical assistance and and research on practical problems of the cooperation for rapid modernization of her nation important to agriculture. This has agrarian economy in general. Besides, the provided changes in institutional attitudes Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) on educational matters characterized by of the United Nations, the U.S. Govern­ more practical laboratory work and better ment has signed several contracts over the library use, teaching devices of daily quiz­ years (since mid-1950's) with different In­ zes, monthly examinations, judicious use dian Universities for modernizing and up­ dating the entire veterinary and agricul­ of visual materials for instruction, updat­ tural educational set-up in the country as ing the course outlines and curricula, in­ the U.S. Advisors/Experts recognized that creasing research capa1;lilities focused on the new orientation of research toward de­ practical problems of agriculture, and the velopment objectives will require much like. Issue No.1. 1972 37 Entrance Qualification for Admission to ence and Animal Husbandry courses. the Professional Veterinary Medicine The medium of instruction is predomi­ Curriculum nantly English allover the country, though increasing use of Hindi (national The eligibility of candidates seeking language) has been emphasized at some admission to the professional veterinary places. curriculum is usually the successful com­ pletion of the pre-university or higher Duration of the PrOfessional Veterinary school secondary examination from a rec­ Medicine Curriculum ognized institution with prescribed sub­ jects or its equivalent. The above exam­ The length of the professional veteri­ ination favorably corresponds to the high nary curriculum consists of 4 academic school examination of the U.S. education­ years in all veterinary colleges for the al system. students who have successfully completed the first science (medical), pre-medical or Other Conditions of Admission: pre-veterinary courses for a period of at least 2 academic years or their equivalent A candidate seeking admission to the from a recognized institution. professional veterinary medical curricu­ The veterinary colleges which admit lum must be at least 17 years old. In addi­ successful candidates with pre-university tion to pre-professional educational back­ or higher school secondary examination, ground necessary for admission to the vet­ the curriculum is offered as a 5 year in­ erinary college, extra-curricular activities, tegrated course. viz. athletic achievements, personality, general knowledge, etc. are also considered Examinations: in the selection of future veterinary stu­ dents. The academic year stretches over a Foreign students with requisite qualifi­ period of about 9 months from June or cations are admitted in all colleges pro­ July through March and consists of either vided they are sponsored by the federal two semesters or three terms. government. In some colleges the tuition All veterinary colleges are affiliated to fee is waived away by the respective State the universities and the latter is charged Government and the same benefit is also with the responsibility of regulations, syl­ extended to the non-resident students if labi and examinations over the respective they agree to serve the state for five years institution. The examinations include after graduation. In other colleges, where written, oral and practical tests and are
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