Document of The World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized Report No.: 18462-MOR PROJECT APPRAISAL DOCUMENT ON PROPOSED LOANS IN THE AMOUNTS Public Disclosure Authorized OF FRF 40.9 MILLION TO THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO AND FRF 40.9 MILLION Public Disclosure Authorized TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF FES-MEDINA FOR A FES-MEDINA REHABILITATION PROJECT October 7, 1998 Public Disclosure Authorized Infrastructure Development Group Middle East and North Africa Region CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of September 1, 1998) Currency Unit = Moroccan Dirham (MAD) US$1.00 = 9.3 MD MAD 1 = US$0.107 FISCAL YEAR July 1 - June 30 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ADER-Fes Agencepour la Dedensificationet la Rehabilitationde la Medinade Fes (Agency for the Rehabilitation of Fes Medina) BITS Board for Investment and Technical Support (Conseil a l 'investissementet a I 'appui technique) BOT Build, Operate, Transfer (Construction, exploitation, transfert, CET) CAS Country Assistance Strategy (Strateigie d'assistance aupays) CDG Caisse de dcp6t et gestion (Savings Management Fund) CIH Cre'dit immobilier et h6telier (Real Estate and Hotel Credit Institution) CUF Communaute urbaine de Fes (Urban Community of Fes) FADES Fonds arabepour le deiveloppement&conomique et social (Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development) FEC Fonds d'equipement communal (Municipal Fund) FES-SAIS Associationpour le developpementculturel, social et economiquede Fes (Association for Cultural, Social, and Economic Development of Fes) FIAHS Fund for Innovative Approaches in Human and Social Development (Fonds pour la promotion d'approches novatricesen matiere de developpementhumain et social) GIS Geographical Information System (Systeme d 'information geographique, SIG) GoM Government of Morocco (Gouvernement du Maroc) MCA Ministry of Cultural Affairs (Ministere des Affaires Culturelles) NGO Nongovernmental Organization (Agence non-gouvernementale) OFPPT Office de laformation professionnelleet de la promotion du travail (Vocational Training and Labor Promotion Office) RADEF Regie autonomede distributiond'eau et d'electricite de Fes (Water Supply and Electricity Public Utility of Fes) UDC Unite de developpement communautaire (Local Development Unit) UNDP United Nations Development Programme (Programmedes Nations Uniespour le Developpement,PNUD) UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (Organisationdes Nations Uniespour l 'education,les sciences et la culture) VAT Value Added Tax (Taxe a la valeur ajoutee, TVA) Vice President Kemal Dervi, Country Director Christian Delvoie Sector Director Jean-Claude Villiard Team Leader Frangois Amiot KINGDOMOF MOROCCO Fes-MedinaRehabilitation Project Project AppraisalDocument Contents Page No. BLOCK 1: PROJECTDESCRIPTION .................................................................... 2 1. Project DevelopmentObjectives ..................................................................... 2 2. Project Components.................................................................... 2 3. Benefits and Target Population.................................................................... 3 4. Institutionaland ImplementationArrangements .................................................................... 3 BLOCK 2: PROJECTRATIONALE ................................................................... 4 5. CAS Objective(s)Supported by the Project .4 6. Main SectorIssues and GovernmentStrategy .4 7. SectorIssues To Be Addressedby the Project and StrategicChoices. 5 8. Project AlternativesConsidered and Reasons for Rejection. 6 9. Major Related Projects Financed by the Bank and/or Other DevelopmentAgencies 6 10. Lessons Learnedand Reflected in the Project Design........................................................... 6 11. Indicationsof BorrowerCommitment and Ownership.......................................................... 7 12. Value Added of Bank Support.................................. 7 BLOCK 3: SUMMARYPROJECT ASSESSMENTS ........................................................... 7 13. EconomicAssessment ..................................................................... 7 14. FinancialAssessment ..................................................................... 8 15. TechnicalAssessment ..................................................................... 9 16. InstitutionalAssessment ..................................................................... 9 17. SocialAssessment .................................................................... 9 18. EnvironmentalAssessment .................................................................... 10 19. ParticipatoryApproach .................................................................... 10 20. Sustainability.................................................................... 11 21. Critical Risks.................................................................... 11 22. Possible ControversialAspects .................................................................... 12 BLOCK 4: MAIN LOAN CONDITIONS .. ............................. 12 23. EffectivenessConditions ................................................................... 12 24. Other ................................................................... 12 BLOCK 5: COMPLIANCEWITH BANKPOLICIES ........................................................ 13 ANNEXES Annex 1: ProjectDesign Summary.................................................................... 14 Annex 2: Detailed Project Description.................................................................... 17 Annex 3: ProjectCost Summary.................................................................... 21 Annex 4: Cost Benefit Analysis Summary.................................................................... 25 Annex 5: Financial Summaryfor Revenue Earning Project Entities........................................... 36 Annex 6: Procurementand DisbursementArrangements ............................................................ 40 Annex 7: Project Processing Budget and Schedule.................................................................... 43 Annex 8: Documentsin the Project File.................................................................... 44 Annex 9: Status of Bank Group Operationsin Morocco............................................................. 46 Annex 10: Morocco at a Glance.................................................................... 48 Map: IBRD No. 29303 INTERNATIONALBANK FoR RECONSTRUCTIONAND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATiONALDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Middle East and North Africa Regional Office Infrastructure Development Group Project Appraisal Document Kingdom of Morocco Fes-Medina Rehabilitation Project Date: October7, 1998 Team Leader: Francois Amiot Country Director: ChristianDelvoie SectorDirector: Jean-ClaudeVilliard Project ID: MA-PE-5524 Sector: Urban Lending Instrument: Specific InvestmentLoan PTI: [X] Yes [ I No Project FinancingData [X] Loan [] Credit [I [I Other [Specify] Amount FRF 81.8 million in two loansof 40.9 million each (US$14.0million equivalentin two loans) ProposedTerms: [ Multicurrency [x ] Singlecurrency (FrenchFrancs) Grace period: 5 years [ Standard variable [ Fixed [XI PIBOR-based Years to maturity: 20 Commitmentfee: 0.75% Service charge: n/a Financing plan (US$m):27.59 million Source Local Foreign Total Govermment 3.08 0 3.08 Municipalityof Fbs-Mddina 3.37 0 3.37 IBRD 5.80 8.20 14.00 Grants to municipalityof Fs-Jdid 0.59 0.54 1.13 Municipalityof Fes-Jdid 0.22 0 0.22 Private beneficiaries 3.76 2.03 5.79 Total 16.82 10.77 27.59 Borrower: Governmentof Moroccofor FRF 40.9 million and Municipalityof Rs-Medina for FRF 40.9 million Responsibleagency: ADER-Fes Estimateddisbursements (Bank FY/US$): 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Annual 1.5 3.2 4.2 2.6 2.5 Cumulative 1.5 4.7 8.9 11.5 14.0 Expectedeffectiveness date: 01/31/1999 Closingdate: 12/31/2003 Project Appraisal Dorument Page 2 Fes-Medina Rehabilitation Project Kingdom of Morocco Block 1: Project Description 1. Project development objectives (see Annex I for key performance indicators): Fes-Medina, a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1976 and center of Moroccan commerce and culture, also has a high concentration of poverty and substandard living conditions. Under a comprehensive defnition of cultural heritage as the historically built environment and the social structures which support it, the primary objective of the proposed project is to assist in the conservation and rehabilitation of the Fes-Medina, especially the historic housing stock and urban environment. To reach this objective, the project will: (a) expand and accelerate ongoing conservation efforts; (b) consolidate partnerships among the public and private sectors, World Bank, and other donors; and (c) use the rehabilitation process to alleviate poverty. 2. Project components (see Annex 2 for a detailed description and Annex 3 for a detailed cost breakdown): The proposed project will support the above development objectives by: (a) conserving cultural heritage through a variety of priority rehabilitation activities aimed at upgrading the historic housing stock and expanding the tourism offering; (b) providing priority access for emergency public services extending to the center of the medina, and facilitating logistical activiffes for residents and businesses, thereby creating favorable conditions for efficient urban development and private sector investment; (c) improving the urban environment by instituting programs for solid waste collection and pollution reduction for small-scale industries; (d) reducing poverty
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