GEPA Wastewater Stabi I ization llllll llllllll llllll i EPA-625/1-83-015 - DESIGN MANUAL MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER STABILIZATION PONDS U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of Research and Development Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory Center for Environmental Research Information Office of Water Office of Water Program Operations October 1983 NOTICE This document has been reviewed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's peer and administrative review policies and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ii FOREWORD - .The forma ion c the Environmental Protect Nn Aaencv marked a new era o environmental awareness in America. This Agency'sdgoais are national in scope and encompass broad responsibility in the areas of air and water pollution, solid wastes, pesticides, hazardous wastes, and radiation. A vital part of EPA's national pollution control effort is the constant development and dissemination of new technology. It is now clear that only the most effective design and operation of pollution control facilities using the latest available techniques will be adequate to ensure continued protection of this Nation's natural resources. It is essential that this new technology be incorporated into the contemporary design of pollution control facilities to achieve maximum benefit from our expenditures. The purpose of this manual is to provide the engineering community and related industry a new source of information to be used in the planninq, design, and operation of present and future stabilization ponds treating municipal wastewaters. It is the intent of the manual to supplement the existing hody of knowledge in this area. This manual is one of several available from Technology Transfer to describe technological advances and present new information. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many individuals contributed to the preparation and review of this manual. Contract administration was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Environmental Research Information, Cincinnati, Ohio. CONTRACTOR-AUTHORS Major Author: Dr. E. Joe Middlebrooks, Newman Chair of Natural Resources Engineering, Clemson University Contributing James H. Reynolds, James M. Montgmery Consulting Authors : Engineers, Inc. Charlotte Middlebrooks, Middlebrooks & Associates, Inc. R. Wane Schneiter, KennedylJenks Engineers Richard J. Stenqui st, Brown & Cal dwell Consulting Engineers Bruce A. Johnson, CH2M Hill Engineers CONTRACT SUPERVISORS Project Officer: Denis J. Lussier, EPA-CERI, Cincinnati, OH Reviewers: Edwin F. Barth, Jr., EPA-MERL, Cincinnati, OH Ronald F. Lewis, EPA-MERL, Cincinnati, OH Sherwood C. Reed, COE-CRREL, Hanover, NH Richard E. Thomas, EPA-OWPO, Washington, Dc TECHNICAL PEER REVIEWERS Dr. Ernest F. Gloyna - University of Texas-Austin, Austin, TX George W. Mann - City of Kissimmee, Kissimmee, FL Dr. Walter J. O'Brien - Black & Veatch Engineers, Dallas, TX Dr. A. T. Wallace - University of Idaho, Moscow, ID Review comments were compiled and summarized by Mr. Torsten Rothman, Dynamac Corp., Rockvil le, MD. iv CONTENTS Chapter - FOREWORD iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iv CONTENTS V LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES xi 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and History 1 1.2 Manual Objective and Scope 1 1.3 Types of Ponds 2 1.4 Nutrient Removal Aspects 7 1.5 References 7 2 PROCESS THEORY, PERFORMANCE, AND DESIGN 2.1 Biology 8 2.2 Biochemical Interactions 11 2.3 Controlling Factors 16 2.4 Performance and Design of Ponds 20 2.5 Disinfection 53 2.6 Odor Control 64 2.7 References 71 3 DESIGN PROCEDURES 3.1 Preliminary Treatment 75 3.2 Facultative Ponds 7'5 3.3 Complete Mix Aerated Ponds 98 3.4 Partial Mix Aerated Ponds 114 3.5 Controlled Discharge Ponds 129 3.6 Complete Retention Ponds 135 3.7 Combined Systems 143 3.8 References 144 4 .PHYSICAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 4.1 Introduction 147 4.2 Dike Construction 147 4.3 Pond Sealing 150 4.4 Pond Hydraulics 182 4.5 Pond Recirculation and Configuration 18 5 4.6 References 190 V CONTENTS (continued) Chapter -Page 5 ALGAE, SUSPENDED SOLIDS, AND NUTRIENT REMOVAL 5.1 Introduction 192~ 5.2 In-Pond Removal Methods 192 5.3 Filtration Processes 202 5.4 Coagulation-C1 arification Processes 247 5.5 Land Application 259 5.6 References 27 1 6 COST AND ENERGY REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Capital Costs 280 6.2 Cost Updating 285 6.3 Energy Requi rements 280 6.4 References 290 APPENDIX EVALUATION CF DESIGN METHODS A.l Facultative Ponds 292 A.2 Aerated Ponds 312 A. 3 References 32 7 vi FIGURES - Number Paoe ~ iw 2-1 The Nitrogen Cycle 13 2- 2 Calculated Relationship Among pH, CO2, CO3', HCO3-, and OH- 15 2-3 Chanqes Occurring in Forms of Nitroqen Present in Pond Environment Under Aerobic Conditions 18 2-4 Schematic Flow Diaqram and Aerial Photograph of the Facultative Pond System at Peterborough, New Hampshire 21 2 -5 Schematic Flow Diagram and Aerial Photograph of the Facultative Pond System at Kilmichael , Mississippi 23 2-6 Schematic Flow Diagram and Aerial Photograph of the Facultative Pond System at Eudora, Kansas 25 2-7 Schematic Flow Diagram and Aerial Photograph of the Facultative Pond System at Corinne, Utah 26 2-8 Facultative Pond BOD Effluent Concentrations 37 2-9 Facultative Pond SS 2 ffluent Concentrations 29 2-10 Facultative Pond Fecal Coli form Effluent Concentrations 31 t 2-11 Schematic Flow Diagram and Aerial Photograph of the Aerated Pond System at Bixby, Oklahoma 40 2-12 Schematic Flow Diagram and Aerial Photograph of the Aerated Pond System at Pawnee, Illinois 41 2-13 Schematic Flow Diagram and Aerial Photograph of the Aerated Pond System at Gulfport, Mississippi 42 2-14 Schematic Flow Diagram and Aerial Photograph of the Aerated Pond System at Koshkonong, Wisconsin 44 E1 2-15 Schematic Flow Diagram and Aerial Photograph of the Aerated Pond System at Windber, Pennyslvania 45 2- 16 Aerated Pond BOD Effluent Concentrations 46 2-17 Aerated Pond SS 2ffluent Concentrations 48 2-18 Aerated Pond Fecal Coliform Effluent Concentrations 49 2-19 Chlorine Dose vs. Residual for Initial Sulfide Concentrations of 1.0-1.8 mg/l 55 2-20 Changes in Soluble COD vs. Free Chlorine Residual-- Unfiltered Pond Effluent 56 2-21 Chlorine Dose vs. Total Residual--Filtered and Unffl tered Pond Effluent 57 2-22 Total Coliform Removal Efficiencies--Filtered and Unfiltered Pond Effluent 58 2-23 Combined Chlorine Residual at 5OC for Coliform = 104/100 ml 60 i; 2-24 Conversion of Combined Chlorine Residual at Temp. 1 to Equivalent Residual at 20°C 61 2-25 Conversion of Combined Chlorine Residual at TCOD 1 and 20°C to Equivalent Residual at TCOD = 60 mg/l and 20°C 62 2-26 Determination of Chlorine Dose Required for Equivalent Combined Residual at TCOD = 60 mg/l and 2OoC 63 vi i FIGURES (continued) Number -Page 2-27 Conversion of Combined Chlorine Residual at TCOD 1 and 5°C to Equivalent Residual at TCOD = 60 mq/l and 5°C 65 2-28 Determination of Chlorine Dose Required When S = 1.0 mg/l, TCOD = 60 mg/l, and Temp. = 5°C 66 2-29 Sulfide Reduction as a Function of Chlorine Dose 67 3-1 Wehner and Wilhelm Equation Chart 93 3-2 kct vs. Co/Cn for Complete Mix Model 102 3-3 Layout of One Cell of Complete Mix Aerated Pond System 113 3 -4 Layout of Surface Aerators in First Cell of Partial Mix System 127 3-5 Layout of Aeration System for Partial Mix Diffused Air Aerated Pond System 128 3 -6 Portion of Advected Energy (Into a Class A Pan) Uti1 ized for Evaporation 138 3-7 Shallow Lake Evaporation as a Function of Class A Pan Evaporation and Heat Transfer Through the Pan 139 4-1 Eroded Dike Slopes on a Raw Wastewater Pond in a Dry Climate 149 4-2 Top Anchor Detail--Alternative 1, All Linings 167 4-3 Top Anchor Detail--Alternative 2, All Linings 168 4-4 Top Anchor Detail--Alternative 3, All Linings 169 4-5 Top Anchor Detail--Alternative 4, All Linings Except Asphalt Panels 170 4-6 Top Anchor Detail--Alternative 5, All Linings 171 4-7 Seal at Pipes Through Slope--All Linings 172 4-8 Seal at Floor Columns--Asphalt Panels 173 4-9 Pipe Boot Detail --A1 1 Linings Except Asphalt Panel s 174 4-10 Seal at Inlet-Outlet Structure--All Linings 175 1' 4-1 1 Mud Drain Detail --A1 1 Linings 176 4-12 Crack Treatment--Alternatives A and B .177 4-13 Wind and Gas Control 178 4-14 Cost Comparison for Linings in the United States 179 4-15 Special Fiberglass Plug 184 4-16 Commn Pond Configurations and Recirculation Systems 187 4-17 Cross Section of A Typical Recirculation Pumping Station 189 5-1 Length of Filter Run as a Function of Daily Mass Loading for 0.17 mm Effective Size Sand 206 5-2 Length of Filter Run as a Function of Daily Mass Loading for 0.4 mm Effective Size Sand 207 5-3 Length of Filter Run as a Function of Oaily Mass Loading for 0.68 mm Effective Size Sand 208 viii FIGURES (continuedl Number -Page 5 -4 Length of Filter Run as a Function of Daily Mass Loading for Pond Effluents Having Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Problems 209 5 -5 Sand Grain Size vs. Sand Size Distribution 213 5-6 Sand Grain Size vs. Sand Size Distribution for AASHO M6 Specifications 216 5-1 Cross Section of a Typical Intermittent Sand Filter 217 5-8 Common Arrangements for Underdrain Systems 219 5-9 Typical Upflow Sand Washer and Sand Separator Utilized in Washing Slow and Intennittent Sand Filter Sand 223 5-10 Plan View, Cross-Sectional View, and Hydraulic Profile for Intennittent Sand Filter 229 5-11 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODS) Performance of Large Rock Filter at Eudora, Kansas 232 5-12 Suspended Solids Performance of Large Rock Filter at Eudora, Kansas 232 5-13 Rock Filter Installation at California, Missouri 233 5-14 Schematic Flow Diagram of Veneta, Oregon Wastewater Treatment System 2 34 5-15 Performance of California, Missouri Rock Filter Treating Pond Effluent 236 5-16 Veneta, Oregon Rock Filter 237 5-17 Performance of Veneta, Oregon Rock Filter 2 38 5-18 SS Removal vs.
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