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Great Service and Support 7(&+5(17$/6KDVH[WHQVLYHUHQWDOVDOHVVHUYLFHDQGPDLQWHQDQFHFDSDELOLWLHVLQDOOWKHPDMRUFHQWUHVLQ$XVWUDOLD1HZ=HDODQGDQG6($VLD The Latest Models 7(&+5(17$/6DVWKHOHDGHULQWKHUHQWDOLQGXVWU\LVDGGLQJPLOOLRQVRIGROODUVZRUWKRIQHZHTXLSPHQWWRRXULQYHQWRU\HYHU\\HDUWRHQVXUHZHKDYHWKH HTXLSPHQWWKDW\RXQHHG7KHWHFKQRORJ\\RXQHHGWRGD\LVSUREDEO\DOUHDG\DSDUWRIRXULQWHUQDWLRQDOUHQWDOÀHHWDQGUHDGLO\DYDLODEOHIRU\RXULPPHGLDWH XVH,IWKHHTXLSPHQW\RXUHTXLUHLVQRW\HWOLVWHGWKHQZHZLOOHQGHDYRXUWRVRXUFHLWIRU\RX TR Services 7(&+5(17$/6RIIHUVRXUFXVWRPHUVPRUHWKDQMXVWUHQWDO75Services refers to our range of value added programs designed to assist you in your rental needs. Whether you need: x 'DWD'RZQORDG6HUYLFHV xOn-site Setup x(TXLSPHQW&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ xElectrical Safety Testing xCustomised Programming xTrained Operators xCalibration x Total Asset Management TR ServicesFDQWDLORUDSDFNDJHVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRU\RXUUHTXLUHPHQWV$IWHU\HDUVLQWKHEXVLQHVV7HFK5HQWDOVLVZHOOSODFHGWRKDQGOH\RXUPRVW FRPSOH[UHTXLUHPHQWV1H[WWLPH\RXFRQWDFWXVEHVXUHWRDVNDERXW75Services. Purchase Options ‘Rental Purchase Option’ SODQVPD\EHFRQVLGHUHGZKHQIXWXUHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUHTXLSPHQWFDQQRWEHFOHDUO\GH¿QHG$VNRXUIULHQGO\DQGH[SHULHQFHGVWDII IRU\RXUEHVWVROXWLRQZKHQ\RXFDOOµRental Purchase Option’ plans must be arranged at the inception of the rental and a minimum rental period may apply. 6WDQGDUGUHQWDOVPD\EHFRQYHUWHGWRDµRental Purchase Option’SODQE\PXWXDODJUHHPHQWDWDQ\WLPHDIWHUWKH¿UVWPRQWKRIUHQWDOEXWPD\UHTXLUHDUHYLVLRQ LQWKHPRQWKO\UDWHµRental Purchase Option’ plans are available for business purposes only. Damage Waiver )RU\RXUSHDFHRIPLQGDGDPDJHZDLYHULVDYDLODEOHWRFRYHULQDGYHUWHQWGDPDJHZKHQ\RXRU\RXUVWDIIDUHKDQGOLQJVWDWHRIWKHDUWHTXLSPHQW)RU DVPDOOIHH\RXFDQJUHDWO\UHGXFH\RXU¿QDQFLDOOLDELOLW\IRUDFFLGHQWDOGDPDJHWRUHQWHGHTXLSPHQW)XOOGHWDLOVRQWKLVVHUYLFHZLOOEHH[SODLQHGDWWKH time of ordering. Tax Deductions 5HQWDOSD\PHQWVPD\EHIXOO\WD[GHGXFWLEOHLQWKH\HDURIH[SHQVHZKHUHDVSXUFKDVHGHTXLSPHQWLVW\SLFDOO\GHSUHFLDWHGRYHUDORQJHUWLPHIUDPH5HPHPEHU WRFKHFNZLWK\RXUDFFRXQWDQWDVWKHUHDUHJHQHUDOO\WD[DWLRQDGYDQWDJHVDSSOLHGWRRIIEDODQFHVKHHWH[SHQVHVVXFKDVUHQWDO TR Corporation Headquarters Blackburn North Visit our website www.techrentals.com.au www.techrentals.co.nz www.techrentals.com.my TECHRENTALS 1 Quick Find Solution Guide Contents Test & Measurement Agriculture Maintenance & Automotive Engineering & Equipment 8 Management Design General Electronic & Test 8 cameras & video 125, 126 DLUÀRZPHDVXUHPHQW RF & Microwave 17 chemical analysis 120 air quality testing 106 Low Frequency 29 computers 127, 129 data logging 65 TV Test Equipment 30 data logging 65 dc power supplies 13 Data, Network & environmental testing 115 electrical insulation testing 42 Telecommunications 31 humidity measurement 106 endoscopes 77 Cable/Pipe Testers & Locators 39 light & UV measurement 111 force gauges 79 Power Analysis 41 OLTXLG JDVÀRZPHDVXUHPHQW gas analysis & monitoring 115 Data Acquistion & Recording 65 microscopes 79 high speed video recording 73 Physical Measurement 73 pressure measurement 74 humidity measure & recording 97 Non-Destructive Testing 83 temperature measurement 97 LQVWUXPHQWDWLRQDPSOL¿HUV General Industrial Equipment 90 weather recording 110 light & UV measurement 111 Temp & Humidity Measuremt 97 OLTXLG JDVÀRZPHDVXUHPHQWV Security Equipment 100 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration microscopes 79 Flow Meter 102 - Maintenance noise analysis 112 Air Conditioning & Air Quality 106 air conditioning system balance 109 non-destructive testing (NDT) 83 OH&S 111 DLUÀRZPHDVXUHPHQW pressure & vacuum measure 73 Gas Analysis & Monitoring 115 air quality testing 106 tachometers & stroboscopes 76 General Environment 118 data logging 65 temp measure & recording 97 Laboratory 120 dust detection 106 thermal imaging camera 99 gas analysis & monitoring 115 vibration measurement 83 gas leakage detectors 110 Business Equipment 121 humidity measurement 74 Building & Construction Audio Visual 122 OLTXLG JDVÀRZPHDVXUHPHQW ac power sources/inverters/ Scanners 125 noise analysis 112 generators 64 Cameras & Accessories 126 pressure measurement 73 DLUÀRZPHDVXUHPHQW Notebook Computers 127 temperature measurement 97 air quality testing 106 Desktop Computers 129 temperature/humidity/barometric cable & pipe location 39 PDA, Servers & Monitors 130 recording 97 cable integrity testing 39 Network Products & Fax 133 vibration measurement 83 concrete testing 85, 86, 87, 88 Point of Sale 134 distance measurement 76 Printers 137 Architecture electrical insulation testing 42 cameras - endoscopes 77 Bearcom 140 digital still & video 125, 126 gas analysis & monitoring 115 Radio Solutions computers - hardness testing 88 Service & maintenance desktop & notebook 127, 129 humidity & moisture measure 99 Engineering & System Design ¿OPVFDQQHUV light & UV measurement 111 Rental Solutions large format printers 138 OLTXLG JDVÀRZPHDVXUHPHQW Glossary of Radio Rentals studio lighting kits 122 load measurement 79 noise measurement 112 General Index 164 Archiving - Electronic non-destructive testing (NDT) 83 CD authoring 122 pressure measurement 73 Advertising & Art Production DVD authoring 122 security equipment 100 cameras - high speed document scanning 122 temperature/humidity/barometric digital still & video 125, 126 recorders 97 colour laser printers 137 Audio Visual & Presentation thermal imaging cameras 99 computers - audio systems 122 vibration measurement 83 desktop & notebook 127, 129 cameras - digital still & video 126 weather recording 110 data and video projectors 122 data projection systems 122 ¿OPVFDQQHUV electronic whiteboards 122 %XVLQHVV 2I¿FH(TXLSPHQW graphics monitors 130, 132 large format printers 138 ac generators & UPS 61 large format printers 138 overhead projection 122 audio visual equipment 122 studio lighting kits 122 screens 122 cameras 125 data & video projection 122 desktop computers 129 Call now 2 Australia 1800 632 652 - New Zealand 0800 832 473 - Malaysia 603 5632 1135 Quick Find Solution Guide Contents digital & VHS video cameras 125 endoscopes 77 multimeters & electrometers 12 digital photography 125 environmental - testing 115 phase meters 29 electronic whiteboards 122 gas analysis & monitoring 115 power transformers 63 fax machinces 133 high speed video capture 73 temperature measurement 97 inkjet printers - photo quality 137 light & UV measurement 111 thermal imaging cameras 99 large format inkjet printers 138 microscopes 79 voltage current recording 71 large graphics monitors 132 noise & vibraton analysis 112 laser printers – non-destructive testing (NDT) 83 Emergency Services monochrome or colour 137 notebook computers 127 ac generators & UPS 61 network servers 130 sound signal analysis 111 ac power sources/inverters/ network test equipment 32 spectroscopy 120 generators 64 notebook computers 127 temperature measurement 97 DLUÀRZPHDVXUHPHQW personal digital assistants - thermal imaging cameras 99 air quality 106 (PDA) 130 TV test equipment 30 cable, pipe testing & location 39 photocopiers - desktop 122 weather recording 110 data logging 65 plasma & LCD screens 122 endoscopes 77 point of sale systems (POS) 134 Desktop Publishing environmental - testing 115 scanners – colour laser printing 137 gas analysis & monitoring 115 $ÀDWEHG PP¿OP digital cameras 126 high speed video capture 73 security equipment 100 high performance light & UV measurement 111 touchscreen monitors 130 computers 127, 129 microscopes 79 training, seminar & exhibition LCD hi-res monitors 132 noise & vibraton analysis 112 equipment 122 portrait monitors 132 non-destructive testing (NDT) 83 video players 123 VFDQQHUV¿OP $ÀDWEHG notebook computers 127 wireless network equipment 133 wireless network equipment 133 RF & microwave testing equipment 17 Cad Design & Production Education sound signal analysis 111 digital cameras 126 audio systems 122 spectroscopy 120 high performance computers 127 cameras - still & video 125, 126 temperature measurement 97 high resolution monitors 132 colour printers - ink & laser 137 thermal imaging cameras 99 large format printers 138 desktop computers 129 TV test equipment 30 scanners 125 electronic whiteboards 122 weather recording 110 LCD hi-res monitors 132 Chemical Analysis network equipment 133 Entertainment air quality measurement 106 notebook computers 127 audio systems 122 ground water logging 118 projection equipment - cameras - video & still 125, 126 salinity testing 118 data & video 122 computers 127, 129 spectrophotometers 120 security & surveillance portable projection screens 122 water quality testing 118 equipment 100 projection equipment 122 video recorders 125 Data
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