MAAK .F. O~BRJEtf NEWSLE TER of the MICHIGAN ENTOMO LOGICAL SOCIETY Volume 18 Num be r 3 & 4 N ovem ber 6 1973 MYAVIAN LEPIDOPTERIST It is a known fact that insect feeding Instead, I rapped the walls of the trap with birds as bluebirds, Phoebes robins, wrens, my hand, making him fly from one corner to chi ckadees, and sparrows are fond of the the other, until he sat exhausted. I then larvae and adults of lepidoptera. This story picked him up and let him fly, hoping that is about one of them, the song sparrow Melo­ he wouldn't dare to enter again. But no , the spi zer me l odia. same nervey bird was inside again the next Some years ago, living in Short Hills, day having a good time and leaving only wings N.J. I used a wire cage for a light trap for me. I repeated the banging on the wall measuring 3' X 2' X 2 1/ 2' with 1 1/2" p'rocedure, picked him up, dipped him in the openings on top of all four sides. The light bird bath for a fraction of a second, and source .las a 200 W. whi te bulb and the trap gave him his freedom. This avian lepidopter­ stood on a barrel four feet high and four ist did not take no for an answer and again feet off the stucco wall on the back side of was feeding very contentedly inside the trap the hous e facing a deep woods . This was the on the third day. To get rid of him once time I began col lecting moths, and as each and for all, I put him in a paper bag and one was new to me I collected everyone for took him down to Newark, the place where I mounting. The light burned nightly until worked. At 10 a.m. I tied a white string half an hour before daybreak when I looked around one leg, took him out to the middle over the trap for catches before going to of a busy street and sent him on his way, work each morning at times when the insects disappearing over the roof tops. Two days were plentiful and covered the walls inside later I found, to my pleasant surprise, my and outside of the trap. song sparrow again horne in the trap with the On several mornings I found the ground white string a little dirty. To get back around the trap littered with the wings of horne he had to fly over three towns and two the moths, surely the work of some early bird mountain ridges to the woods where I lived. that was getting up before I did. After sev­ Being proud to have such an intelligent bird, eral days of this, the culprit, a song sparrow, I promised him all the moths he could eat caught himself in the trap. He was able to from then on without my interference. He find his way in, but too excited upon seeing visited the trap twice more after that and me to find his way out. Seeing the number of then disappeared forever, perhaps a victim wings in the trap I couldn't believe that a himself of a larger predator. little bird could eat so many moths. One can understand my feelings, because seeing the Joseph Muller thief I was thinking of murder. Being a Lebanon, N.J. "birder", however, I wouldn't do such a thing. The NEWSLETTER of the Michigan Entomological Society is published four times yearly, with luck, at irregular intervals. Please send all notes, news, new insect records, research re­ quests, season summaries, important dates for the Entomologists' Calendar, other items for the NEWSLETTER, membership inquiries, dues, etc. to the Executive Secretary, Michigan Entomological Society, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48823. The Exe cutive Se cretary's Page 1973-74 OFFICERS OF THE MICHIGAN ENTOMOLOG­ FOR SALE: Large quantities of papered but­ ICAL SOCIETY terflies and moths of worldwide distribution. Also hundreds of insect species from families President .•........••... Richard C. Fleming seldom offered for sale anywhere. Complete President-Elect .......... Robert W. Husband list of all specimens available for $1.00. Executive Secretary .......•.. M. C. Nielsen Write to: Philip A. Holzbauer, Rt. 1 Box 214; Palmyra, Wisconsin 53156. NEWS OF BRANCHES FOR SALE: Papered perfect specimens of Paanias astylus and Sphi nx ga rdius as well as other Eastern U.S. Sphingoidea. Please write EAST LANSING: William Sanders, graduate stu­ for information. Fairly large quantities dent, MSU Dept. of Entomology, is the new available. Write: Jeffrey C. Gilbert, P.C.T. chairman of the East Lansing Branch. Notices 116 Augusta Court, York, Pennsylvania 17404, of upcoming programs will be sent to members in the Greater Lansing area in the near fu­ FOR SALE: Insect pins, $4.00 per 1000 + l2¢ ture. postage. Prompt delivery. Lowest prices in United States. Also redwood insect storage DETROIT: The winter meeting was held in the boxes, 9" x 13" x 2 1/2" with composition or Prentis Bldg. at Wayne State Univ. on Febru­ polyethylene pinning bottoms. $3.75 each + ary 21, 1973. Mr. Mark Nelson of the WSU shipping. Clair Armin, 191 W. Palm Ave., Dept. of Biology spoke on "Collecting Orthop­ Reedley, Calif. 93654. tera in Spain". Professor E. Driscoll of the WSU Dept. of Geology presented "On the Track FOR SALE: Blacklighting equipment: Ultra­ of Marine Relationships". Anyone interested violet tubes, fixtures, inverters, portable in the activities of the Detroit branch is invited to contact M. Tyrkus, Dept. of Biology, lighting units etc. Biological Exchange, P.O. Box 2551, Santa Fe Springs, California Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Mich. 48202. 90670. FOR SALE: Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., Vol. 41, 43, ELECTION RESULTS 62, 63, 64, ea ... $15.00; Proc. N. Cent. Branch E.S.A., Vol. 24-5 ... $10.00; Practical Entomo­ logist - Vol. 1-2 (1865-7) ... $10.00; American Ballots for the election of officers for Entomologist - Vol. 1 (1868-9)* .•. $8.00; Proc. 1973-1974 were tabulated on the 21 April dead­ Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol 39, 55, 56, the lot* ... line. A total of 142 ballots were returned, $10.00; Ecological Monographs, Vol. 34-40, representing 31% of the membership. Results ea... $10.00. were as follows: *original binding, all others, new buckram. All prices postpaid. Russell A. Rahn, 314 N. PRESIDENT-ELECT 5th St., Watertown, Wis. 53094. David C. L. Gosling 55 WANTED: Will purchase in small or large quan­ Robert W. Husband 85 tities, living cocoons, pupae, and Catacal a ova. Please write and offer me your surplus EXECUTIVE SECRETARY stocks. Anything considered. Write stating price required and quantity available to: M. C. Nielsen 140 Ronald N. Baxter, F.R.E.S. Forest Gate, Louis F. Wilson (write-in) 1 London E.7, ODP, ENGLAND. Much success to the winners, and thanks to all members who returned their ballot. NOTICES WANTED: Specimens and data on Euphyes dian dian and E. dian alabamae needed for research. Ivould like to borrow or exchange for. Charles T. Bryson, Box 1414, Mississippi State, State HELP YOUR SOCIETY--ENROLL A NEW MEMBER TODAY College, Miss. 39762. 2 GOVERNING BOARD FALL MEETING PROPOSED CHANGES TO MES CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS The fall meeting of the MES Governing Board met on October 29 to discuss Society business. Adrian College was proposed as a Constitution Article V--Governing board site for the 1974 Annual Meeting, arrange­ Section 1 reads: "The Governing Board shall ments to be made by Bob Husband for sometime conduct the business of the Society, subject around mid-May. Nominees for President-Elect to the decisions on policy by the membership and Executive Secretary were discussed. by mail ballot or at an annual meeting. This Ballots will be sent out shortly. Board shall consist of the following officers: Mike Tyrkus presented changes and amend­ President-Elect, Executive Secretary, the two ments to the Constitution and By-Laws (in most recent available past Presidents, the this issue). Irv Cantrall presented the Chairman, or his appointed representative, of status of the Great Lakes Entomologist. He each regional branch, and the editor of the said articles were now coming in at a regu­ Society's Journal. lar rate and that he had sufficient material Proposed changes: delete "the Chairman, for more than a full year ahead. Mo Nielsen or his appointed representative, of each re­ reported that the Society was still solvent, gional branch" and replace with "three eleeted even with rising costs of publication and membe rs at large." printing increasing to 35 percent. Dues By-Laws Article III--Governing Board, pro­ would likely remain the same for at least pose addition of: Section 2: "Members-at­ one more year. Subsidy of journal articles large shall be eleeted by mail ballot to has partly off-set this rising cost . Louis serve a three year term. The terms of ser­ wilson reported that the Newsletter was on viee of the three members-at-large shall be schedule but he desired more lead articles staggered sueh that one member-at-large is and more volunteers for the MES Note series. eleeted eaeh year." By-Laws Article VIII--Meetings, quorums, voting, etc., Section 2, reads: "Four mem­ bers of the Governing Baord shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of its business, provided, that one of those four shall be a HELP NEEDED FO RM EMBERSHI P LIST Branch Ch airman . " Proposed changes: delete "shal l be a Branch Chairman" and replace wi t h "that all members of the board have been informed of the in­ We are looking for a member l iving in the tent to meet.
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