University of New Orleans ScholarWorks@UNO Wavelength Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies 9-1984 Wavelength (September 1984) Connie Atkinson University of New Orleans Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength Recommended Citation Wavelength (September 1984) 47 https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength/47 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies at ScholarWorks@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wavelength by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • NEW ORLEANS JAZZ & HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC • Presents • Featuring Allen Toussaint I Dr. John 8t Dave-- Bartholomew-- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1984,8:00 PM SAENGER THEATER Tickets $10/$15 At All Ticketmaster Locations lit Saenger Box Office Proceeds wUl go to the Longhair PamUy. 11 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sponsored by The Downtown Development District and The Arts Council of New Orleans in cooperation wirh The Ciry of New Orteons, The ISSUE N0.47 SEPTEMBER 1984 Recording Industries. The Musicians· Union and The e Louisiana State Arts Council. Division of The Arts. "I'm not sure, but I'm almost positive, that all music came from New Orleans." - Ernie K-Doe, 1979 ERTS Fall1984 FEATURES Fans: Front Row Fashions ......... 14 From Russia with a Beat 1ST WEEK DUNCAN PlAZA 3RD WEEK VARIOUS LOCATIONS by Jim Motavalli . .............. 19 Isidore "Tuts" Washington by Almost Slim ................ 21 DEPARTMENTS September News ................... 4 Golden Moments by Almost Slim ......... .. ...... 6 Rbythmatic by Gene Scaramuzzo ..... .... .. 6 Flip City by Carol Gnyadi ..... ......... .. 8 Dinette Set by Bunny Matthews .. .. .... .. 10 Zekespeak by Zeke Fishhead ............... 13 CULlU Listings . .. ....... .............. 24 Classifieds ....................... 29 HABITS Last Page ............... .. ...... 30 in LAFAYEIIE Oct. 17 Johnny P.epak Cover photograph by Alice Quarles Hargrove. Southemers' Ord'lestro SQUARE Oct. 24 Deacon John Ncre Oct.-31 Lady ru SATURDAY FESTIVALS Polollohr, Nauman S. ScotL ltclllor, Connie At.kinoon. Sealor Editor, BuMy Drown Dog Concens !han ever­ Mettbowo. Ofl'lce Muacer, Diona Rounberr. ltclllorlal A.olotant, Allioon and they're oil srtll free! and Spectrum 12 noon to 4 p.m. Bnndin. PnMhacllon, Studio G. Ad,..rt!.lnc Salee Mu.. er, Rhon Fabian. Now Soturdoy shopping downtown wl!h Dlotri...,lloe, Joe Ton:aon. C011trlbut01'e: Allioon Brondin. Bob Cataliotti. WEDNESDAYS Nov. 7 Banu Gibson and Zeb Fi•hh ..d. Jon Foooe. C.rol Gunyodi, Tad Jone•, .Jon Newlin. Ric Olivier. the New Orleans the family con Include o visit to Dione Rooenbe11, Kolomu yo Solum. Shepard Samuel.. Gene Scaromuno. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. l.afoyene Square and some of the best llo1D111011d Scott. Almoot Slim, Keith Twitchell. Nan<y Weldon. Le• White. William D. White. Join us fNefY Wedne5day In October and Hat Jazz Ord'lestra music in NO'V'elllber In beourlfvl l.ofoyene Square Nov. 14 Nature New 011eons. foro new development in oo.x Nov. 21 Original Camellia Wovtl...,rh ia published monthly in New Orleono. Telephone (S04) 89S·2342. Drown Dog sertes--Cullurol Hoblts. Sept. 29 Jazz A'NOreness Festival Mail subocriptiono. eddre11 chonre• to Wovtl•"'th. P.O. Bo• JS667 . New Jazz Band Orlo1111.LA. 7017S. Subocriptionrate io$12 peryear . ForeirnS20peryear. Firot Oct. 27 Rhytnm and dUioubocriptiono. $28 peryur(domeotic• Canada). AO airmail rate at $40 per Oct. .:3 U5. Navy Show Band Nov. 28 Noel Kendri~ Blues Festival ,... (overoeu). The entlra contento of Wovtl""'h are copyrichted 0 1984 W~h. Oct. 10 Tim Williams CountTy Band and Company Dec. 1 Christmas Celebration Bock iooue• are available by writinc to Back luu.. P.O. 801t IS667. New Orleano. LA. 701 7S. Becauoe or a limited oupply. back iuueo are ovoilable for S4 eo<h. Pleue oDow o few weeki for proceuinc ond delivery or ordero. New Sub· O<ribero: Pie... allow up to oi• weeko for re<eipt or fll'ot iooue due to our om all. DOn ·<'Omputerited aubacripti(, n department. Forticn cuotomero may pay by I.M.O. or check drawn on o U.S . bonk. Becauoe or norbitent bonk proceuinc chorceo. we cannotoccept checkoin Conediandollaro ,. other foraicn currt~ncy . or checkl drown on 1 foreicn bonk. All these lunch-time concerts ore FREE and open to the public. Subocribero muot notify ua immediately or ony chonce or eddrou. U notifocotion il not received, mapzine1 tent to inco~t old addr•ue1 will not be replaced. U.S. cu1tomera mutt include zip code. J September 1984/ Wavelength 3 SEPTEMBER NEWS Normally Acoustic David Normal, formerly of the Normals and known to family and loved ones as David Brewton, played a recent comeback gig at -you guessed it-The Penny Post. No slamdancers were to be seen, however, amidst the flut­ tering candles, incense, and scattered pillows. David played an acoustic set (no electric guitars are allowed on the premises) of some of his favorite '60s songs as well as many of the Normals greats, such as "Around the Downtown" and "Philosophy." Joining him for a bit of harmonizing was ex-Normal Chris Luckett and friends Vance DeGeneres, Kevin Radecker, and Rick Polizzi. Mr. Normal has recently returned to music after a somewhat extended Sabbatical to contemplate religious mysteries and explore a normal kind of life. As for the future, the Normals are not getting back together but David is releasing a 45 in September and a new band is on the drawing board. -Allison Brandin Europe Goes Red Rockers join the circus. To War and the one before that was done summed up what we thought about Even though 1984 has been a Schizophrenic in about two days. So it was quite the world at the moment. You banner year for the European R&B Rockers an· experience for us." wouldn't believe how much grief album manufacturers, next year The Big Sound: ''A lot of it has CBS gave us about it. I think they looks to be even better. The year From a lonely motel room in to do with microphone placement. just couldn't spell it. They didn't 1985 could see a "war" between Arizona, Red Rockers bassist/ We used about three mikes on the think it was good. the big independents: Ace, Charly, spokesman Darren Hill called in snare, in different positions. Then "We did an unusual album Demon-Edsel, Flyright and Pathe mid-August to report that the it's all in the mix after that. These cover shoot and CBS didn't like Marconi. band's third album, Schizophrenic guys really know what they're that, either. We did a double-sided Ace Records prexy Ted Carroll Circus, would be in the nation's doing when it comes to drums. We album cover. We set up a circus recently visited these shores and record stores by the time you read used a really big room at the scene-an 1800's-type circus-on a left with a parcel of sides from the this. The Rockers spent most of Record Plant, too. That has a lot beach on Staten Island. We did American Ace label Starday, August touring the Southwest with to do with the drum sound. It's a one shot where we were in these Dixie, Crazy Cajun, Teardrop and the Go-Go's and preceding their really hard room-all wood." really weird-looking antique circus Modern, that are destined for own year-long worldwide tour On re-recording "Eve of costumes. reissue early next year. He also (which will include the band's first Destruction," Barry McGuire's Then on the other side. began negotiations for material on European and Japanese appear­ 1965 Number One hit: "Well, we it's the same shot-only we're the Jin, Swallow and Instant labels ances), the Red Rockers plan a were just sitting around the studio standing there in regular clothes. that could well be available in 1985 series of American dates with -and we needed to do another song. One shot is upside-down so that as well. Ireland's U2. Except for the part Originally, it was just going to be a when you flip the album, you can't Charly on the other hand is about Barry McGuire probably B-side for a single. We recorded tell which side is the front and which finishing up its excellent Sun being a burned-out acidhead, this tons of songs-Beatles songs, is the back. CBS is doing it but we records reissue program and hopes is the bulk of what Comrade Hill Dylan songs. 'Eve of Destruction' had a battle with them over it." to have a three-lp, Sun Blues Box had to say: just came out the best so we spent a The future: "We're really in the shops sometime early next On the new album: "I think it's lot of time working on it. When we looking forward to this year. I year. They are also packaging up as much of a change from the last got done, it turned out better than think this is going to be the year. I Eddie Shuler's Goldband sides (22 album as the last one was from the anything else on the album. We did feel really confident about this albums' worth!) and are in the first one. We got a really big sound kind of a Byrds arrangement of it. album." process of compiling many of the on this one, a lot bigger than on It was real interesting because Shawn Paddock, the new classic Atlantic and Vee Jay sides the other ones. For producers, we [vocalist] John [Griffith] had never guitarist: "He was a friend of ours into 16-track Ips.
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