' ... , .. Vol. L, No.9 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Friday, April 28, 1967 + '. ~ Five Game Football Season ., Approved For Coming Year by Tony Lauinger The S.A.C. does not consider the ed last winter. The statement five-game schedule to be just an- reads in part: " ... we herein The University's Board of Direc­ other step which will be followed state our view that Georgetown tors gave official approval for a by further expansion. True, over University football should be five-game football schedule this the past three seasons there was AMATEUR football, strictly and coming season at their monthly first one game, then two, then in every sense of the word. meeting last Friday. Their action three; and now there are five. But (Continued on Page 19) r.followed promptly on the heels of five is the goal which has been a Faculty Senate resolution of sup­ sought, the amount of football port, passed at the Senate's April which the S.A.C. (and the team) 13 meeting, and the long-hoped-for considers best for Georgetown. five-game schedule is now a reality. There is a very particular reason Originally proposed last spring for this, the calendar being chiefly by the Student Athletic Commis­ responsible. From the b~ginning of sion and overwhelmingly supported school (about September 22) until by all three Student Councils, the Thanksgiving vacation, there is White-Gravenor is decked with political banners every year at this time University Athletic Board and the time for four weeks of practice when class elections are held. See election story on page 2. Alumni Board of Governors, the and then games on five successive proposal ran into trouble when the weekends. school year ended last May. The Board of Directors desired To schedule more games would Too Late To End Oral the Faculty Senate's opinion on the necessitate starting practice before matter before considering it and, the opening of school and this despite the efforts of Senate Chair­ would immediately put George­ .1 COlDpS Says Dean Sehes man Dr. Thomas McTighe, this was town football in a different realm; impossible due to insufficient time. it would remove it from the spirit "If the senior class as a class acting Dean, a position he held dur­ With the coming of the new and the basis on which it has been lost confidence in my leadership, I ing the last two years. school year, the Faculty Senate built-amateur football, fun for think they ought to bring this to "The comps were only one of was delayed with problems of fac­ the players as well as the fans. the attention of the Administra­ many problems that I had to deal ulty salaries, pension plans and the The S.A.C. proposal also calls for tion." Thus Father .1oseph S. Sebes, with in my first year as Dean. I like; and action on the football pro­ no scholarships because this type of S.J., Dean of the School of Foreign can't solve all the problems in one posal was postponed until the program simply costs too much for FATHER CAMPBELL Service, discussed his position in year. If they had come to me in April meeting. Their recommenda­ a private institution in George­ the current controversy over oral September, I would have taken tion was forthcoming and the Di­ town's situation. Nonscholarship comprehensives. action." rectors' approval followed immedi­ football, however, is well within Prexy Talks Fr. Sebes pointed out that the Speaking on the possibility of a ately. the reach of Georgetown, and the time to discuss the orals is not 'no confidence' vote by the senior The decision marked the culmin­ benefits of such a program have when they have already begun nor class, Dean Sebes commented, "I ation of a long quest by the Stu­ clearly proven themselves over the On University when they are already a require­ conceive of my job as being at the dent Athletic Commission which past three years. ment for graduation this year. "It disposal of both the students and was established by Rory Quirk The team members themselves Policy-Making is too late to abolish them this year the faculty. This is my trust as four years ago for the express consider scholarships and early fall after 186 seniors have already Dean, and if I cannot fulfill this purpose of seeking to bring foot­ practice to be a violation of their by Brian O'Connor taken them. I can't abolish them trust, I am not fit to be in this ball back to Georgetown on an code, as expressed in a document for those who failed." job." amateur basis. which the players wrote and sign- Father Gerard .1. Campbell, S ..1., The Dean was obviously con- President of Georgetown Univer­ sity, addressed the 'student body cerned over all that was written and said accusing him of lack of R · b l last Thursday in a speech which, leadership in abolishing comps. "I it was hoped, would point out in 0 S S I e Revision Purports definite terms the goals of the will propose the issue next Sep- tember when I have all the facts school. The President touched upon before me. This year I took all a number of items of "fundamental measures possible and feasible." It importance for the directions of was Fr. Sebes who reorganized the To Give Profs More Voice the University," but in stating that comps for the Business School as he "would not presume to be able If the new Constitution of the posed of 50 elected faculty mem­ Educational affairs of general to tell all about where Georgetown Georgetown Faculty Senate is bers from the various schools. University interest; is going," he clearly indicated the adopted by a faculty referendum The main areas of participation The determination of conditions tone of his address. Zeits Resigns; today, the Senate will gain a con­ of the Senate as set forth in the of academic freedom and responsi­ The most significant proposal siderable amount of stature in the Constitution would include the fol­ bility, including the recommenda­ outlined was one to reorganize the policy making of Georgetown, in­ lowing: (Continued on Page 19) academic policy-making procedures I Requests New cluding the right of "consultation of the University. The proposition, .. concerning the appointment of the presented in considerable detail by university president, academic Fr. Campbell, suggests the crea­ GU Position- vice-president, and academic deans, tion of Academic Boards, composed "There is a persistent rumor on and recommendation of appropriate of elected and appointed faculty Campus that I will not be Director procedures for selection of depart­ and administrators, at University of Student Personnel during the mental chairmen." and at the individual school level. next academic year," Father An­ "The Constitution has passed the The plan seeks to involve a repre­ thony .1. Zeits, S ..1., said in com­ first two obstacles in its accept­ sentative portion of the faculty in menting on his future at George­ ance," stated Dr. Thomas P. Mc­ policy decisions and combat the town. He continued: Tighe, president of the Provincial trend of faculty members isolating "I have discussed the matt~r of Faculty Assembly which is in themselves from the schools in my assignment with Father Camp­ charge of drafting the Constitu­ which they teach in the process of bell and Father Provincial recent­ tion, "namely the approval of the identifying themselves with their ly. I requested that I be relieved PFA, and then the approval of individual departments. We would of my present assignment. the Board of Directors, all that is preserve the advantages of the de­ "I have not requested reassign­ left now is for the faculty to vote partmental system and the vari­ ment because of my relations with on it." ous graduate and undergraduate the Student Body, Faculty or Ad­ If the Constitution is accepted schools. ministration of Georgetown. I have by the faculty today, then it goes He also hopes to bring the Nurs­ been happy with the friendship of into effect immediately since the ing School into "greater contact all at Georgetown. I believe the Board of Directors has already with the main campus," contingent students of Georgetown are ma­ passed judgment on its acceptabil­ upon reforms in this school's cur­ ture, co-operative ladies and gen­ ity to them. The Board made only riculum. tlemen whom it has been my priv­ four small changes in the original The President then described the ilege to serve; and to guide. draft, all of which were unanimous­ Dr. Thomas P. McTighe, president of the Provisional Faculty Assembly. formation of the Faculty Senate. "The reasons for my wish to be ly approved of by the Provincial has outlined the main parts of the new Constitution of the Georgetown He pointed out that the proposal relieved of my duties are personal Faculty Assembly. Faculty Senate which will be voted on by the faculty in a referendum had originated with him two years ones." The new Senate would be com- today. (Continued on Page 20) Page Two 'rHE HOYA Friday, April 28, 1967 Schedule Set For GU Yearbooks To Be Parents Weekend; Starts Tomorrow COIllbined Next Year by Paul J. Gudel by Louis Jurika rather than the separation that The annual Parents' Weekend now exists. Under the present for­ for both College and East Campus The amalgamation of the Prot<J­ mat there is an unnecessary parents will be held at the Univer­ col and Ye Domesday Booke was amount of duplication involving sity this weekend.
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