NORTHEASTERN SECTION NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 Volume 34 Number 2 Web Page: http:/www.maa.org/northeastern Webmaster: Rob Poodiack, Norwich University EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR GOVERNOR Karen Stanish Tommy Ratliff Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics/CS Keene State College Wheaton College Keene, N.H. 03435 Norton, MA 02766 (603) 358-2587 (508) 286-3968 [email protected] [email protected] PAST CHAIR SECRETARY-TREASURER RoB Poodiack Ann Kizanis Department of Mathematics Mathematics Department Norwich University Western New England College 158 Harmon Drive Springfield, MA 01119 Northfield, VT 05663 (413)782-1784 (802) 485-2339 [email protected] [email protected] TWO-YEAR COLLEGE REP. NEWSLETTER EDITOR Philip Mahler Frank Ford Mathematics Department Department of Mathematics/CS Middlesex Community College Providence College 591 Springs Road Providence, RI 02918 Bedford, MA 01730 (401)865-2635 (781)280-3861 [email protected] [email protected] UPCOMING SECTION MEETING November 16 and 17, 2012 Fall Section Meeting Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA. FUTURE SECTION MEETINGS May 31-June 1, 2013 Spring Section Meeting Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT. Program Committee Chair: Becky Hall, WCSU Local Arrangements: David Burns and Chuck Rocca, WCSU November 22 and 23, 2013 Fall Section Meeting Wheaton College, Norton, MA. OTHER ACTIVITIES November 16, 2012 Section NExT Meeting Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA. Other Committee Chairs Undergraduate Student Papers ContriButed Papers Coordinator Coordinator Shannon Lockard Raimondo Kovac Department of Mathematics Mathematics and Computer Science Bridgewater State University Department Bridgewater, MA 02325 Rhode Island College (508) 531-2830 Providence, RI 02908 [email protected] (401) 456-9753 [email protected] Graduate Student Papers New Colleagues Papers Coordinator Coordinator Lynette Boos Sarah Mabrouk Department of Mathematics and Department of Mathematics Computer Science Framingham State University Providence College Framingham, MA 01701-9101 Providence, RI 02918 (508) 626-4785 (401) 865-2630 [email protected] [email protected] Section NExT Coordinator Dinner Meetings Coordinator Jason Molitierno Lucy Kimball Mathematics Department Department of Mathematical Sciences Sacred Heart University Bentley University Fairfield, CT 06825-1000 Waltham, MA 02452 (203) 371-7775 (781) 891-2467 [email protected] [email protected] Student Problem Solving Student Problem Solving Competition Competition Co-Coordinator Co-Coordinator Joe Fields Jennifer Berg Mathematics Department Mathematics Department Southern Connecticut State University Fitchburg State University New Haven, CT 01420-2697 Fitchburg, MA 01420-2697 (860) 392-6519 (978) 665-3787 [email protected] [email protected] Message from the Governor……………………….Tommy Ratliff I attended my first meeting of the Board of Governor's this summer before Mathfest in Madison, Wisconsin, and it was quite interesting to get a broader perspective on the initiatives of, and challenges facing, the MAA. The largest challenges are financial as the national MAA will again run a deficit this year. Paul Zorn, President of the MAA, explained that the easy belt-tightening has already been implemented, and therefore, the emphasis moving forward will be on the investment in strategic priorities. Paul and Michael Pearson, the new Executive Director of the MAA, outlined several of these initiatives. * The MAA will continue to focus on its textbook options as low cost alternatives to many other offerings in the market. This will not only serve the mathematics community but is also an area of potential growth for the MAA, especially as e-book options become more easily deployed. * There will be some adjustments to the membership dues structure in the near future, including a move toward the electronic delivery of journals. * The MAA website is getting a major redesign and will be launched in Spring 2013. The new online bookstore powered by amazon is already active. * With its 100th anniversary in 2015, the MAA is laying the groundwork for a fundraising campaign for its Second Century. * The MAA is very active in mathematics competitions, sponsoring both the Putnam Exam and the American Mathematics Competitions for middle-schoolers and high-schoolers. If you are interested in offering the AMC, see the website at amc.maa.org. The hope is that short-term investments now will lead to higher revenues in the future. The Board of Governors expressed general support for pursuing these initiatives, although the Governors will still need to vote on specific budget requests. There were several other items discussed during the meeting that I think will be of interest to the members of the Northeastern Section. * The MAA and NCTM have a joint position statement on the teaching of calculus at http://www.maa.org/news/2012_maanctm.html. I would encourage you to read this and consider the implications for the calculus offerings at your institution. * The MAA also has a series of guidelines for avoiding implicit bias in MAA selection committees at http://sections.maa.org/avoiding_bias.pdf. We should be aware of the issues in our Section committees, and I think many of the guidelines may be useful at our own institutions. * The most animated discussion of the Governors surrounded the issue of implementing a policy of double-blind reviewing for the MAA print journals. After much discussion, the Board of Governors voted in favor of the policy for the print journals while giving the journal editors some latitude in implementing it. One of my primary roles as Governor is to explain not only the decisions that are made at the national MAA but also the motivation for these decisions. If you have any questions related to the national MAA, please do not hesitate to contact me. Message from the Chair……………………….Karen Stanish We enjoyed another fantastic meeting at Central Connecticut State University on June 8-9, 2012. Thank you to Charles Rocca, from Western Connecticut State University, and his program committee for putting together an engaging program and to Rachel Schwell and her colleagues at Central Connecticut State University for being such wonderful hosts. At this Fall’s meeting at Bridgewater State University we will be electing Section Officers including my successor. I’m happy that Ann Kizanis who handles our money and makes our reports to National, and Phil Mahler who is always ready to serve on a program committee have agreed to run again for Secretary-Treasurer and Two-Year College Representative, respectively. I will be proud to hand over my gavel to whichever of the two candidates for Vice-Chair -Eric Johnson of the Coast Guard Academy, and Lynette Boos of Providence College – wins and succeeds me in Fall of 2013. The vote will be at the Business Meeting on Saturday. The Section is interested in using some of its funds to assist in funding activities in the Section. If you have plans for a speaker but cannot find all the money you need or have another idea for an activity that the section could help fund, just send me an email and I will present your proposal to the Executive Board. We are now accepting nominations for the 2013 NES/MAA Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching. Do you have a colleague in your department who has been an excellent teacher for years? Someone whom you strive to be like in the classroom? Is there a math professor in your college whose classes students talk warmly about for months or years afterward? Is there someone you know who has been doing great work for a long time, but is deserving of wider recognition for their success? That person would be an excellent nominee for this prestigious award. Please see the Section website for more details and the nomination form. Nominations can be either emailed or postal mailed to me by January 15, 2013. I hope you all are enjoying a fruitful semester and will make time to join us at Bridgewater State University on November 16- 17, 2012 and at Western Connecticut State University on May 31-June 1, 2013. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for MathFest 2013 that will be held in Hartford, CT this summer. Message from the Secretary-Treasurer ............. Ann Kizanis In the spring newsletter, I reported a balance of $22,894.15. Since that time, the expenses from the successful spring meeting at Central Connecticut State University were $2,473.97. The revenue from meeting registrations was $4,302.66. The expenses for the printing and postage of the spring newsletter totaled $707.10. Moreover, we earned $86.43 in interest from money placed into an 18 month CD. We also received our subvention check in the amount of $2,772.00 from the national office this fall. Our present balance is $26,874.17. The expenses for our spring 2012 meeting were $3,349.36 less than the total fall 2011 meeting expenses, and the revenue from spring meeting registrations was $1,342.11 less than the revenue from fall meeting registrations. The expenses for the postage and printing of our newsletter last spring decreased from last fall. We spent $1,305.52 for the printing and postage of the fall 2011 newsletter and $707.10 for the printing and postage of the spring 2012 newsletter. In the spring, I wrote and submitted the yearly Financial Report of the Northeastern Section of the MAA. I also wrote our section’s Annual Report at the beginning of the summer. That is my update for now! We are all looking forward to the Fall MAA meeting at Bridgewater State University, on November 16-17, where I will update you further on our finances. I wish you all a very enjoyable fall semester! From the Newsletter Editor ................................. Frank Ford Our meeting at Central Connecticut State was another excellent outing. Rachel Schwell and her team of Roger Billsoly, Yuanqian Chen, Karen Santoro and Roger Vogeler were excellent hosts and even managed to extend the due dates for the hotel reservations.
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