zx'taxing r. LINDEN, NEW JERSEY,, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1929 PIMCE THREE CENTS FURTHER TRIALS PETITION RELEASE Council Meeting Interesting As Boy Hit By Auto As 4th Celebration a Success With OF JOE WRONSKI Parade Approaches NOW INDEFINITE Vanderwall, Watson Take Seats Parade, Dance and Fireworks No Judge Available io Hear Cases, A little boy narrawlv escaped ser­ is Word from Prosecutor. Friends Make Pica In Behalf of Ku- ious injury in the excitement of the biaks' Brother-inlaw. Fourth of July parade in. Linden yes­ Police, Firemen, Scouts, Moose and D. of A. Make Neat When the further trials for six in- New President Guides Governing Body Capably. Wat­ terday afternoon. Although rumor had it in a cer­ V score of persons were crowded Appearance. Councilman Hall as Drum Major. dieted Linden official< on counts or tain ([Harter that Frank Kubiak was son’s Experience Aids Efficient Session. along the sidewalks at the city hall malfeasance and misfeasances, will out of jail and reported seen on the listening to the music of the parade corner of Wood and Elizabeth av­ be held is now prob ematical. Ac­ as it was approaching when they program parade in cars appropriately decorat­ enues. dispatches cumins' from the The Common Council of the City ehairman, explaining that he had A plain but impressive cording to the Proe>tutor's office. were attracted by the squeaking'of Day was ed and carrying banners with the court house, Elizabeth, definitely of Linden seemed to he much en­ talked the matter over before the in honor of Independence Judge Stein will not :>c available to | brakes. club’s letters. state tlnd the one-time Councilman livened with the formal induction of conducted in this city. meeting and Mr. Horn taking the re­ Little Bobby Daniels, four, son of The Moose lodge was adjudged the hear cases, while Judge Thompson is is still more or less peacefully repos- John J. Vanderù-ali, Sr., as the new buke in good spirit, promising to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Daniels, ol TIN The parade, as predicted, lacked best appearing group, the Boy Scouts, busy in the circuit court, sitting in insi in a cell there. ■ president to replace Thomas A. Ar- East Brice Street, was struck by a support hut it carried the necessary for the largest number on parade, place of Judge Daly, who is confined Kubiak, together with Jose ph chipley, former leader, at the meet- abide- by the new president’s sug­ J ear driven by Joseph Valvano. of with illness. Therefore, a presiding ’Wronski. of Bachellor avenue, w astingI Monday night. Leon \. Watsons’'! gestion. Holiday effect. There were only five and the D. of A. for their good show­ South Wood avenue, directly in justice to hear the cases will not be sentenced to three months in the Iacceptance of the appointment as) Louis DoEraneoseo, of Westfield, ing. The Moose members \x-ere nat- front of the City Hall steps, as police organizations represented in the line accessible until a week from .Monday, County Jail because of perjured tes­ First Ward Councilman to lilt Ar- jtil.v attired in white duck trousers, uas giicii the contract for paving of march. Three of these were it was said. timony in the ease of the Linden chipley’s unexpired term, added dig­ and officials looked on. white shirts, oversea white hats with Elizabeth avenue with curbs, wings In boyish excitement, Bobby's com­ It remains in the hands of Prose­ National Bank and Trust Company nity and an air of business-like pro­ awarded prizes. the Moose insignia and blue cravats. panion, Joe Brzytllla, six. of Brook­ cutor A. J. David to (ix the trial against the former official to set and gut I c.r.s at the low hid of $91.~ Those who did parade presented The D. of A. marchers also looked cedure to the session. lyn, darted across the street jnsl as dates anti this lias not yet been done, aside a deed on his house. This was iTI.od. There was a wide range of a worthy showing; the police in their In welcoming .Mr. Watson as its the ear was approaching. He reach­ neat in white dresses and dark mili­ apparently because <( the reported in Chancery Court, Elizabeth, three bidding for tli : w >i .. new dark blue summer blouses, the new representative from the First ed the other side safely but the tary caps. The Moose, were accom­ lack of a magistrate to sit. il w as de­ Bids for the grading of Hackensack Linden Chapter, Daughters of Amer­ weeks ago. Ward, temporary chairman Stephen] younger Daniels boy ran into the panied by their own band. clared. Kubiak owed the bank money on a Bernard and Barnes avenue were re­ Pekar eulogized the former presi­ path ot the machine as the driver ica, the Boy Scouts, the Linden The block dance and elaborate fire­ note and, in order to collect, the coiled and work awarded to lowest dent in carefully chosen words of hurriedly applied the brakes and Lodge, 913-, Loyal Order of Moose, works display at 7:30 P. M. and 9:30 bank sought to levy on the house commendation of his former service, bidders. the Women of llooseheart Legion An ordinance was introduced for swerved sharply, striking the lad ! p. M. respectively were the other fea- Basking Ridge Man but found it was in Mrs. Kubiak's Mr. Watson replying that he appre­ and the Knights of Lithuania, who al­ the widen’!.g of East Blaneke street with the right bumper and knocking i lures as wolf as the awarding of the name. Evidence showed that both ciated the expressions of esteem be­ though not marching, followed the men perjured themselves in court to to 12 feet instead of 32 feet for a him to the ground as many witnessed Chevrolet car by the American Le­ cause he knew they were sincere and the mishap. It was unavoidable. Gets Legion Auto avoid payment of the claim and, af­ gion after the celebration. promising to be of all the assistance Sergeant Frank Willison and Over­ ter A'ice Chancellor Buchanan had The usual enthusiasm was display­ he could to the governing body. seer of the Boor William Moore ran Amid intense intenst. the drawing urged them to tell the truth, the two ed as the line of march passed alone “ For me it is a hardship to serve to tile spot. The hoy was picked up the main thoroughfare, young and for the Chevrolet co: ell awarded by met were sentenced for contempt of the American l-egion was held yes­ as the new eouncilmanic appointee." by Moore, pill in the ear and taken old looking on admiringly as patriotic court. to Dr. Barr's office. He was treated terday while more than a thousand After confinement, it is said, the explained Watson in accepting his music filled the air. for a cut on the heel of the foot persons looked on, the winner being two prisoners came to blows, \Y ron- seat. 1 feel it a duty to serve and I The parade was begun from School which required three stitches, and a an out-of-towner. The drawing was ski blaming Kubiak. bis brother-in- will work toward the proper purpos­ cut on the back of to head. 2 shortly after 2 o’clock. Presser’s conducted as an aid to the building law, for his predicament. es of the council and accomplish­ Had it not been for to way Valvan- Band with some 30 pieces led in fund campaign of the Legion and a A petition is being circulated in ments for the welfare of our city.” o maneuvered the care, witnesses be­ black uniforms & caps. substantial profit is expected when behalf of Wronski by friends, offi­ In presenting the resolution nam­ lieved, the lad would have suffered One of the sensations of the day all returns are in. cials and acquaintances of the popu­ ing .Mr. Vandervall as head of the more serious hurts. The ear was and which attracted a good portion ('.hards Buck, of Basking Ridge, lar ball player, whose reputation has Council. Mr. Watson described the traveling north on Wood avenue and of the attention was tbe crimson V J.. is the lucky ti -ket holder and never been questioned before. graving executive as "always an hon­ est and hard worker.” In accepting the Daniels !)<)> was crossing the suit, black boots and high flowing representatives of the local post will notify him of liis good fortune. the chairmanship, which was con­ street from the City Hall side when WBSTF.Y (>. HALL , white headgear worn by Wesley 0. ¡i happened. Alter the block dance, Adjutant ferred upon him unanimously. Mr. Councilman Who Led Band Hall. Seventh Ward Council-man who Vandervall said: The y. imgster is a grandson of De­ strode along as drum major. He John Moison. Stephen Mannuzza and Drum-Major Vesterdev. other legionaires conducted the YOUTH HELD ON “ I accept the honor and appreciate tective Sergeant and Mrs. Joseph towered high above the marchers and drawing with little Vera Sharkus. tli«' confidence placed in me. I will Daniels. presented a colorful setting to the pa­ do the best I can to serve the public daughter of the cit> hall custodian, ROBBERY CHARGE rade, as the hand played and In- drawing the nunibcis. with the same interest and faithful­ PHONE CABLES swung his baton. ness that 1 have tried to do in the Thirt.cn were taven out of tiie Edvard Stezak Caught in Poolroom MISHAPS MAR 4TH The marchers passed along proud­ batch, the first one lulled being that After Police Search.
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