
A ttirttffltnr E ttntfng VnraU l vxTDSDXT. XiiTii n sc Hoaa Company No. 4 o f the South A divorce WM grantod to Ura.l that will ba onnouncad aaxt Triik AVHBAffli DAELF OmOOLATION ntt'MVAYtUlil' ABODTTOWN Maachaatar Flra dapartmcot waa Ro m Rlsw FnntnlM of Hvtford TO CONCLUDE “ B D iO r ''’ineen of tha ragular play naxt fW tha Maath at April. IMS Faraeaat al 0 . fc Wai caUad twloa yaatarday afternoon from Michael PanUleo of Man chi Friday night will be eligible for the BariferS for Area. Both arara atfll alarma tor on tha grounds o f Intolerable spedal game. WATKINS ^PS., -I SomUiy Wnaa of Dalmaat Tha flrat at 3:80 eaUed tha com­ cruelty by Judge John A. C rneU In CAM S NEXT FRIDAT Flair taaicfct amt Tmaatart eealar pany to eatlngulab a Are that had Last night's winners at Tinker OfOURFORATXID 5 , 8 4 6 t m SM today from Naw York Superior Court yesterday after­ Hall were as foUewa: regular prlaea Msiabar at Ike A a«t la west portiaa toaight, ritokOy atartad in tha wooda n'aa. Arvlne , _ Uia Orlmto for a aaron-^ay noon. The divorce was not contest­ Margaret Fltapatrick, Mrs. Oeoige warmer TneaSoy. > Iniiaa to SEavana. place. Tha aeoond call came at 9:90 ed by Mr. PanUleo. Mrs. Pantaleo A . O. H. and Ladies' Anxiliary ROBERT K. ANDERSON Bai aaa af CNranlatlaiia. for a wooda Ara off Oardnar atraat WUllams, Irene McDonald, Mrs. Funeral DIroetev MANiTIESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE C^ARM was rsprasentod by Attorney Vic­ to Brinff Series of Weekly James Baker, Mrs. John Fentland, C O O L ^ T O R tor F. DeNaaso. 'nie couple Parties to a Close. ; Ih a Womaa’s Yadaimtloa o f tha Mrs. Margaret Sanderson, Mrs Funeral service in home­ The aacaeaUra eommlttaa o f tha married October 9, 1091. Mary Strong, Mrs. Elisabeth Brim- VOL. L V , NO. 184. I ASvertlatog ae Page 16.^ MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MAY 4, 1936. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN lkl Owtar COa(rantioiial ohunh win taithar League of tha Emanuel Lu­ like surroundings. , jBaat aoct Wa&aaday aftaniooa at ley, Miss Abble Fogarty, Mrs. Rose The A ir ComiBtioned Refrigerator theran church will hold an Impor­ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bertache of The series of *'blngo" partloe Oruessner, Oeorge Evens, Mrs. 9:90 o’clock to roU and pack aurgl- tant meeting neat Monday night at Henry street and Mlaa HatUe which have been conducted weekly 142 EAST CENTER ST. Cal draaatok. An Important buatoesa Julia MiUen and Frank Perkins; “ r r r T o'clock and aU offleera and com­ Schmelske o f Rockville are apendlng by the A. O. H. and Ladles Auxi­ special prizes, Mrs. Ralph Skinner inaetiiif wUl be bald and it ia uiirad mittee chairman ara requeatad to the week-end with reUUves in North liary will come to an end next Fri­ Telephone: Mine Katherine Evans, Mrs. a 1 that aU mambera ba proaaat ba praaent . Adams, Mass. Mrs. Bertsche’s day night, when the feature of the Office 6171 House 7494 •Patented air-conditioning mother, Mrs. M. Dillon, who has evening will bo apocial gams be­ Mark ham, Mra. Daniel Rudas, Mra been spending the past week with tween all the prise winners during Margaret Chetelat The $5 mer­ chamber keeps foods chandise order was won by Mrs her daughter, Mrs. Fred Atwood, In the season for a mammoth prize North Adams, will return home with Elizabeth Brtmley. I fresher longer. them. ETHIOPS ATTACK U. S. LEGATIO •F ood s do not dry out — S ¥ O K / l C « K Sikhs Guardingr British Legation VETERANS ADMIT Asparagus flavors do not mingle- — PEOPLED FRONT Wholesale and Retail no covered dishes needed. Y D D E L E G A m i ASPARAGUS OLCOTTPARM SWEEPS FRANCE ASSAULT BEATEN OFF; 408 W est Center Street 5 Min. Drive from Center. # C o sts only H as much IN T H E JIN -dF F Place Made for Association Edward Berggren, Prop. for big family siza. in Ex-Senrice Group; Plan] Louis L. Grant TeL 5748 IftL eftists After Orerwhebn- FASCISTS NEARING ADD Buckland, Conn. Phone 6370 to Ron Carnival. •Crystal dear, hard frasen ing Victory Ready to Form IcrCubes in five minutes. Report to Rome from Mar­ ^^tnation Is GettioR W o r s ^ Flawero and Ptanta Cabinet; D aladierO r Blmn The Manchester T-D Veterans for all oocaolonz. British Warship Takes Association w m admitted to mem- Delivered aaywheral shal Badoglio States That Wireless Sent to Wa ArShlp In the Manchester Veterans mEEI TAKE YOUR CHOICEI PREEI C A L L 4 4 9 6 May Head It Association at a meeting of the lat­ 9 lucky penona win be given their eholoe of Troops A re Vhrtaally at Selassie to Palestine ton by Minister Enfert' ter group lost night In the Army what they want for Sunday’s dinner. A nd Ask for Oimplete Information About (Toolentor. an Navy club. The by-laws of th" Faria, May 4— (API —■ A Social- ( organisation were amended to per­ 6 DRAWINGS — SATURDAY, MAY•XM, 2A ^ lot government for France woo In Appeals to Bi Make Your Spring Cleaning Easy Gates of Addis Ababa — London, May 4.— (AP) —An au-, . However, the Emperor and bU en­ mit the entry of the new National No strings attached, Jnst send In the oonpon. prospect today OS the result of yea- thoritatlve aourca disclosed that tourage were stated actually to have SEND YOUR CURTAINS - DRAPES - SLIP-COVERS ex-service group taking the place In terday's parliamentary election. the association recently occupied Fasists Wait Word. HaUe Selassie, fugitive Emperor of been aboard tha fast worship when Help Protect Legation. RUGS - ETC., TO U . S. CLEANERS N anae................................................ .. Leon Blum, Soclallat and leader Eden spoke. by the Dilworth-Cornell Post. FLOP/ST Vie o f his party, announced- he woa Ethiopia, boarded the British cruis­ American Legion, which several 11 Oak Street It woe sold the foreign secretory A ddresa............................................ ............... ready to take over power. er Enterprise at Djibouti today. weeks ago resigned. Delegates from Rome, May 4.—(AP)—A report held up the announcement a t the BULUratNt The Soclallato will be the largeot Shortly before this disclosure was actual embarkation until the Em­ Phone 7100 the TDVA will Join the group next POPULAR MARKET party In the new Chamber of De­ from Marshal Pietro BadogUo indi­ made, Foreign Secretary Anthony peror’s safety on the cruiser waa Paris, May 4^(AP) Friday evening. puties with 146 seats and they 88S Main Street Robinow Building cated today that Italy's Elritrean Eden told the House ot Commons assured. Bodard, Fienoh mtoistar W « CsR For u d Deliver. Member units of the association claimed the right to bead a "Peo­ L.T.W 00D C:o. infantry troops, acting as "advanos that H. M. B. Ehiterprisa hod been Informed sources sold oil precau­ BtUopla, reported today tfeeli now are: Army and Navy club. ple’s Front" government with Blum placed at tbe disposal ot the King of considered the likely premier. point” for the main Italian body tions bad been taken for a sate voy­ Veterans of Foreign Wars, Dis­ Kings. age. The precautions were )>elteved the BtUoplan eoldlere abled American Veterans, British The People’s Front parties — So­ from the north, were virtually at to guard hie Lega«ou had TOWN ADVERTISEMENT cialists, Radical-Socialists, and Com- Eden disclosed that Halle Selassie to include on escort for the Enter­ War Veterans, Spanish War Vet­ Addis Ababa. * would go to Haifa, Palestine. prise. timed and turned their e r : - and the Y-D Veterans Asso­ munlsta— swept the polls. Marshal BadogUo reported to ills U. S. CLEANERS Blum, in a manifesto, declared the tbe building. ciation. dally communique that tha advance THE NATIONAL UNION NOTICE OF THE Socialists were "ready to fill our [guard for the motorized column had Bodard reported that I The outdoor Carnival to be con­ rightful role, which la to form and A N D D Y E R S ducted by the association will be passed a point approximately SO F naoh Legattan bad been • lead a People's Front government.' miles from Addis Ababa. 838 Mala Street Phone 7100 held the week o f June 15-20 on the FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE OommmilstB May Balk A reign of terror swept Addis Ababa when news circulated that Emperor Halle Selassie and hla govern­ der elege aU aight loag. ment had fled from the capital to escape approaching Italian forces. Most foreigners took refuge behind the Since this advance guard la pre­ HAILE BLAMES REBELS Old Golf lots off East Center street, Unit No. 27, Will Hold Its Regular Monthly Meeting TAX COLLECTOR A difficulty in forming a People’s B e eald several foreigaars chairman Lawrence Converse an­ barb wire enclosed British Legation, guarded by 240 Indian Sikhs on duty there, some of whom are pictured ceded by the native infantrymen, it Front cabinet, hor.-ever, was seen was assumed that Italian flghten the Brittsli Legattoa hod nounced. Plans are being made to Public Approval In a request by Blum for "common marching to their posts. In the background ore legation buildings which have been augmented by trata to provide additional entertainment Monday, May 4 at 8 P. M. All persona liable by law to pay I action” in the government. This was shelter refugees. were practically at their goal. wounded by the ahoti ef Reports of the looting and burn­ FOR ETHIOPIA’ S DEFEAT acts for the Carnival In addition to Town Taxes, tr tha Town of Man­ interpreted In Chamber of Deputies dlte.
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