PAGE 2 TORRANCE HERALD, Torranco, California Plaza Theatre Purchases STAGE STAR 'Dead End' Kids LCM1T f,000,000 Improvement Program In New Drama Reflects Beauty at County Fair T^pe of Equipment 243S.1-Nnrboiii» one The Plaza theatre In Hawthorne announces that con­ Described by critics as the Tel. 2« *V- most natural young actors on tracts have been signed for the purchase and Installation of the stage or screen,-the "Dead new projection equipment, new optical units and a new End" kids givr the full play to Thursday, Friday. Saturday screen. Consistent with his'policy of giving big patrons the their unique1 talents In "Little Sept. 22, 23, 24 utmost In entertainment, Manager Ned Calvl points with Tough Guy," nn astonishing doci Wallace Beery In pride at the new machinery umcnt of reckless youth, which ' "Port of 7 Seas" which will be on display In the starts Saturday aTthe Plaza the­ also theatre foyer for a week prior atre In Hawthorne. to Its installation in the pro­ DETOUR The boys are featured with Mclvyn Douglas, Florence jection room. Col'm Under Construction Helen Parrish, Robert Wllcox, Rice The machines, the new Sim­ By BETSY BYRNE8 Jackle Searl and Marjorlc Main. "Fast Company" plex E-7, are the result of sov- Miss Parrish won the sister part NmvB - Serial - Cartoon cral years observation on the "Season of mists and mellow In the picture as a reward for older models, and arc designed frultfulnesg! her performance as the "meanlc" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday to overcome all of the operating Close bosom - friend of the with Deanna Durbln In "Mad Sept. 25, 26, 27 faults which have heretofore de­ maturing sun; About Music." Mickey Kooncy In tracted from the perfect pre­ Conspiring with him how to The story Is a simple and pow­ sentation of the picture. The load -and bless "Love Finds Andy most ' notable improvement Is erful narrative about what hap­ With frnlt the vines that round GERTRUDE LAWRENCE pens to one family when the the elimination of cyestrain while the thatch-eaves ran." Hardy" watching the picture for a long Who Is now starring In the father Is sent to jail oa a mur­ with Lewis Stone, Judy Those are the first four lines John Golden production of Ra­ der charge, and follows tho period such as Is experienced of Keats' lovely poem, "To Au­ Garland with the present double feature chel Crothers' comedy, "Susan mother, son and daughter after tumn." We arc using them today, nd God" at the Blltmore theatre they move to cheap quarters In programs. This Is accomplished Just to remind you (as, Indeed, by having the picture remtln In LOH Angeles. The play's run a sordid section of the city. "Saint IiTk Y." the weather does not!! that to­ here ends Saturday, Oct. 1. Biliy Halop, as the son who A Modern Roblnhood perfectly steady on the screen morrow will be the first day of sells newspapers to help sup­ at all times. autumn. port his broken family, por­ Sept. 28 The new optical equipment QUESTIONS trays the hoy whose heart Is 2 FEATURES!! promises a clearer, sharper pic­ Shaksperer Keats, Shelley and AROUND HOLLYWOOD filled with resentment and bit­ OVENWARE ture With much more apparent Byron are some of the greatest terness over what he feels has depth. The massive pedestal up­ of the English poets. Can you FILM LOTS fbccn unfair treatment of his on which the entire picture and give us the first names of those father. Joining n young gang of With fourteen new buildings, Fair Is on view to the 750,000 HOLLYWOOD (U.P.) Ameri­ two of them huge steel and con­ visitors at Pomona until Oct. 2. sound mechanism Is mounted is famous four? And which one was street hoodlums he begins a designed to eliminate vibration the son of a livery-stable keeper? ca's latest women's hair-dressing scries of escapades which build crete exhibit-structures .and.ivith Over. $1,000,000 was spent In craze In which the hair Is piled an entire rearrangement of the major Improvement program ex­ of the picture on the screen due Calisthentics make one feel fine. to a breath-taking climax. TORRANCE THEATRE to a vibrating mechanism. The (-.Those Who faithfully do their on top of the head was branded grounds, a new and still more tending over the entire 300 acres new screen will be larger, mak­ "commercially-Inspired fad' ADULTS 25c Pjione Torrance 132 CHILDREN 10c beautiful Los Angeles County of the exposition park "Dally Dozen" are undoubtedly by Nina Roberts, spokesman for Highway Group to ing seats in the rear and on the In better form than those who di sides of. the house more desir­ Hollywood studio hair stylists Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sept. 22, 23, 24 not. Who originated'the famous Meet Here Sept. 29 SOUTHLAND STORMS LEAVE CITY able, and will reflect a greater "Dally Dozen" system of setting- Declared Miss Roberts: RAT O'BRIEN JAMES CAGNEY percentage of perfectly diffused up exercises? Hollywood Is convinced the A meeting of the Southwest RESIDENTS SAFE, HIGH AND DRY pure white light to the patrons itylc Is a deliberate commercial District Highways association "BOY MEETS GIRL" In the seats. What are phonograph records will be held at Daniels cafe, 1625 —ALSO— "Conditions causing the major cut off by inundated highways made of? halrdress. upon American women Cabrillo next Thu portion of the precipitation In TODAY'S PROVERB RICHARD DIX leading to Torrance in th "The halrdress which looks night, Sept. 29, at 6:30 o'clock, the March storms of 1938 were worst storms to have drenched STATE PICNICS "A woman will, or won't, de­ like a bedspring with its cover according to Secretary Leonard "SKY GIANT" not unusual and may occur dur­ Southern California. pend on't off has no foundation cither In Young, acting city engineer. $$$— PLAY NITE FRIDAY—$$$ ______ ing any rainy season here, even Last March when homes were NEW ENGLAND ... The an If she will . , she will; nnd history or in the evolution of tho that rainfall set a record.' wrecked, damaged and lives lost nual picnic reunion for the Nev there's an end on't." beauty. It Is unwanted both by Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Sept. 25, 20, 27 Excerpt from a report Aaron Hill. Ing made up solely of women-j elsewhere, Torrance men and Englanders will be held in Syca women on whom It Is being who play to a minimum audi-* RANDOLPH SCOTT JOAN BENNETT :' compiled by hydraulic engin­ women wSnt about their dally more Grove Park, Los Angeles ANSWERS tried and by those who arc eers of the County Flood Con­ Here are the poets' full names encc at most a n i g ht club "THE TEXANS" occupations with no inconveni­ Saturday, Oct. 1. All former res forced to look at It. crowd." trol district and Hied with the ence. Streets here were passable idents of any. of the six states just In case you forgot one or —ALSO— board of supervisors late last two of them: William Shak- "Milliners the nation over "If we screen hairdressers had at all times and rare was the arc urged to meet old friends in have complained about Its im­ no audience to consider, we SPENCER TRACY month. home even in lower^parts of the this way. Each state will have spere, John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Gordon Byron. practicability, and women arc could dream up some of those "YOUNG AMERICA" _That statement and this : "From city that was threatened by high ts own section in the park and bemoaning the fact that It Is 'a fantastic hair-do's, but every­ water. will open county registers for en Keats was the son of the livery a meteorological point of view, stable keeper. coiffure they cannot do up thing seen on the screen Is STARTING WEDNESDAY FOR FOUR DAYS worse conditions are possible Workers in local industrial rollment. Among the many at themselves. copied. and could be expected to pro­ plants, stores and other places ractions are Boston baked beans, Walter Camp, famous football "Therein lies the secret of the "We set styles that are 'prac­ The Picture You Have Been Waiting For! of business, if they lived In Tor- Vermont maple syrup, hot coT expert, devised the "Daily Dozen" TYRONE POWER—ALICE FAYE—DON AMECHE duce a storm of more intense 'ad. It was hatched by hair­ tical , and attractive, not the and of longer duration than that ranee, lost no time in getting to (ee, fine program and sociability, during the World War for use in dressers whose primary purpose kind that, require the attonion of —IN— which occurred from Feb. 27 to and from their jobs and there the training camps. hairdressers every day." March 4, 1938" gave many a Los were no shutdowns because of Band Invited to Phonograph records are made their "shops so that their, busi­ Angeles county resident some storm-bound help or flooded of bakellte. Bakelite Is the trade ness may Increase, "ALEXANDER'S working spaces. Long Beach Event name of synthetic resin. It gets food for speculative thought. its name from the man who In­ "1 won't say that it hasn't a But Torrance residents have Selected as one of the top vented It, L. H. Baekeland. following; there are some wom- RAGTIME BAND" no fear of flood destruction. 'Boys' Town' At ranking musical organizations of ADIOS ?n who would go around with No Keno Wed. Night They have seen their city stay Fox Cabrillo its type and class In Southern "What Is there sudder under ;heir heads shaved if it were high and dry altho temporarily California, the Torrance Mun­ i the sun ashionable.
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