Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-7-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1963). Winona Daily News. 393. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ^ w 17,000 Sovfef Freezing Drizzle Tonight arid Troops; 100 Early Friday MIGs There By FRED S. HOFFMAN WASHINGTON (AP)-Tiie Ken- nedy' administration has . flashed across the nation 's television Dunn Submits screens an unprecedented display of intelli gence data to support its stand that Cuba is free of Soviet Draftof New offensive weapons; Kennedy Offers . The report to the nation late Wednesday had a double purpose: To reassure the people and (o Taconite Plan (AP) sq u eeze the steam out of a boilin g ST. PAUL — A proposed political controversy- over Cuba's draft of a taconite amendment ac- ¦ armed might ¦< ?' • ceptable to both the Steelworkers But despite Secretary of De- Union and the northeastern Minne- sota iron mining companies was Health Bill ' New fense Robert S. McNamara s made public today by Rep, Roy- statement that he believes beyond Dunn of Pelican Rapids , chair- any reasonable doubt that all of- man- of the House Tax . Committee. fensive weapons have been' re- . - . He said . the drafl , along with a Medicare Plan moved from Cuba, Sen. Kenneth letter signed by Earl T. Rester , B. Keating seemed in no? mood representing the Steelworkers Un- ¦ ¦ ¦ to lei up. - . -" - • • ion , and Everett L. Joppa , presi- dent of the Lake Superior Indus- TaBe Ready Keating , a New .York Republi- trial Bureau , which represents the can who has been making charges mining companies, were presented since last .August . about Cuba 's to members - of a tax subcommit- military might ,, said none of his tee, at a meeting Wednesday night. Nexf Week statements had been disputed by television re- Members of the subcommittee- , By? JOHN BARBOUR McNamara in the. FELL.OWS' . Defense Secretary Robert Mc- port which featured an? intelli- 'THAT'S ALL, along with. Dunn, are Reps? Fred WASHINGTON iff) — President gence expert and /marly reconnais- Namara waves .off questions as reporters crowd around at the Cina of Aurora and Francis La- Kennedy today prescribed ways ? : sance photographs. '." end of Wednesday night's hurriedly-called tw-o-hour-long ne%vs Brosse of Duluth. ' liberals, and to¦¦: pep ; - up/ the nation's health : Many of the . ' before-and :after conference on . the Cuban situation. McNamara told newsmen that George French of Alinneapolis and services—then got in a quick plug photographs of missile '. sites . and he is satisfied that no Soviet offensive weapons remain in Cuba Alfred France of Duluth ?¦ conserv- for his . politically-hot / medicare atives. ¦.: ' ¦ ¦' proposals he may send Congress shots of Soviet ships at sea with and added "none have been reintroduced. " One of the features Dunn said he planned ' to'present next week- missiles and crated : IL28 bombers of the unusual conference was the projection of slides to illus- : . aboard had been made public be- :th e .;.' draft'. amendment to. the , fu ll Today 's message to Capitol Hill ' ¦¦ trate the Defense Department's contention that there is no new spelled out how the $1.6 billion fore, . durin g 'last fall' s crisis. - . Tax Committee next Thursday.¦ But never before had the Amer- Russian military buildup on the island , I AP Photofasl The proposed amendment' . ' ¦would' in health funds—requested in; his ican people been given such a provide guarantees to the taconite budget for the fiscal y«ar starting thorough account,of how the Unit- industry that its taxes would not next July 1—would be spent. It's ed States detected the Sov i et mis- WiU Keaiing be increased unless business taxes 4250 million more than the price / sile bases and rode . herd at. long generally were increased. tag in the current fiscal year. The President proposed steps range -en departure of the mis- Diefenbaker '¦?'¦' siles and bombers virtually , every A key provision would make it to? . , Eat His Hat? possible to repea l the.' amendment Encourage and support' training step of the .way. ; WASHINGTON W- . An im- aftef 20 years at a- referendium of more doctors, dentists and Trie admihistration '. aim obvi- partial referee may hav e to. be election which could be called on nurses? by helping . build hew and ously was to impress the Ameri- called -in to decide whether Urged ta Go petition of 5 per cent.of the voters. expand existing schools. / ' can people with .-the ability of. U.S. Sen.'- Kenneth B. Keating, -R- " , and : intelligence Nv -Y.- ' /Extend for five yea rs authority aerial cameras ,; should eat , his . hat: .;:. to share costs of building new experts to ferret out whatever Before Secretary of Defense Communists try Easy onUi. hospitals, boost funds for hew . military gear the Robert S. McNamara went on nursing homes, and share costs v to hide. television la t e Wednesday OTTAWA? (API — • ' . Canada's Andersen Gives "Wednesday. of. hospital modernization. In another move Keatin g told reporters he would [ plunge into a new national elec- Strengthen , federal authority ' pen- ' ¦' Kennedy ordered into effect eat his hat if McNamara re- tion campaign was accompanied BREAKFAST WITH PRAYER THEME .. ." - ' . battle with pneumonia in the hospitaj , said "Mr. oyer sales pf cosmetics, over-the- alties against foreign shipowners futed his? charge-s of a dan- ' ,' President Kennedy listens ' ;, as Evaiigelist Billy President this day we dedicate ourselves to pray counter drugs arid other health gerous' Soviet buildup: in Cuba. today by? pressure on Prime Min- . carrying caxgo to Cuba. Senate More Graham addresses the guests at today' s; annual for you and your administration as you lead this items. ' . -:? With White House-direction , of- ''Do you ? have a hat for; , isler John G; Diefenbaker to go. '' presidential prayer breakfast in Washington . • nation in this .crucial day of history ." At center Require cosrnetic manufactur- ficials mounted a massive two- him?" .McNamara¦¦:\vas asked ' easy on anfi-Americanism ; The ers to prove the safety of their • Graham who flew from Dallas, Tex., after a . is Sen. Frank Carlson, R-Kan. (AP Photofax) way counterattack against those by one newsman/ pressure came from both inside wares and health de-vice produc- who have been claiming there is "I don't own a hat," Mc- and outside his Conservative parr Appointments ers to prove both safety and a growing threat in Cuba. ;. Namara shot back. "I hope •ty,;. ' ' /.?/ ST, PA.UL;: :fAP> ; -?I gnoring effectiveness. .; .. Before the televised report , Cen- he does because he's going to Diefenbaker, 67, went through The Presideni devoted two para- tral Intelligence Agency Chief have to eat it based , on the DFL protests, Gov. Elmer L. An- ' the formalities Wednesday of dis- dersen : tossed more graphs in his jo-page message to John A. ?i\IcCone went? before a evidence we've seen today.• " solving Parliament appointments and calling for to the state. Senate for confirma- what lie called "a tragic irony Senate Armed Services subepmr Keating was unda un ted. He new elections April 8 after his ¦ ¦ tha t v [ ¦ ' tion Wednesday. ' .' ' ' •. '?¦ medical science has kept mittee. - '. - ' -. insisted . McNamara . hadn't regime was unseated by two non- Legislature Ainiing millions of retired men and .wom- knocked down his charges, confidence votes in the House of Legislative liberals and DFL of- beyond rea- en alive to face illnesses they can- "W» are convinced , "Well , it looks like I won 't Commons. The move did not af- ficials haVe demanded that An- not afford. " sonable: doubt that all offensive have /to eat my hat," Keating fect the Senate, whose members dersen and the Senate hold off missiles and bombers known to said. ¦¦ serve for life. ? acting on the appointments until "Needless suffering in silenc*, be in Cuba" have been pulled the outcome of the gubernatorial financial v catastrophe, public or out, McCon* said . POLE RATIONING V I Despite his . defeat in Commons, recount is known.. private charity—these are not ac- ¦" For 0-Day^ almost identi- MlAMi 'AP> — The Dade County Diefenbaker' 9 , McNamara used j s shaken Conserva- The governor has shrugged off S^^ ceptable alternatives in the rich-?, Commission thinks there are too party closed ranks behind By ADOLPH JOHNSIN majority leaders of the tw-o houses recommended increases which , Col. J) tive the protests and has said he will est country on earth ," he said. (Continued on Page 4 many two-pole and three-pole him as its leader . Earlier? some say they - believe the legislature would raise school aid distribu- "Social Security McNAMARA proceed in the normal manner. Associated Pre»s Staff Writer health insurance men around, and it's cluttering j Conservatives had called for him Included in Wednesday's ap- can make appropriations fit: avail- tions by about $39 million , and, must be enacted this year." up the bridges. With about 12 weeks of the . I to step -aside. pointments, were two to the Slate able revenues provided current es- while there may be some wrestling It was an advance boost for his The commission is studying an . Although some Conservative Board of Education to replace period , left , leaders of the Minne- timates are accurate aiid must not before t here is agreement, it ap- medicare proposals , defeated in ordinan ce providin g a person on j leaders declared that anti-Ameri- members who , in effect , lose their sota Legislature say they are still be clianged by later developments.
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