Updated: 2016-01-14 12:29:40 (UTC+9) Ver.4 Epicenter Location is Undetermined Is Distribution Maximum Observed Is:5- Estimated Is for Major Cities Histogram Max. Daytime Distance of Estimated Is Municipality Obs. Is Population [km] 1 2 3 4 5-5+6-6+7 5- Samani,Samani,Hokkaido 4,800 Unknown 5- Hakodate,Hokkaido 280,000 Unknown 4 Mutsu,Aomori 60,000 Unknown 4 Ebetsu,Hokkaido 110,000 Unknown 4 Muroran,Hokkaido 110,000 Unknown 4 Morioka,Iwate 320,000 Unknown 4 Kita,Sapporo,Hokkaido 280,000 Unknown 4 Kitahiroshima,Hokkaido 57,000 Unknown 4 Chitose,Hokkaido 93,000 Unknown 4 Obihiro,Hokkaido 170,000 Unknown 4 Hachinohe,Aomori 250,000 Unknown 3 Ishikari,Hokkaido 61,000 Unknown 3 Kushiro,Hokkaido 190,000 Unknown 3 Tomakomai,Hokkaido 180,000 Unknown 3 Iwamizawa,Hokkaido 86,000 Unknown 3 Towada,Aomori 67,000 Unknown 3 Aomori,Aomori 310,000 Unknown 3 Hirosaki,Aomori 200,000 Unknown 3 Kitami,Hokkaido 120,000 Unknown S eism ic In ten sity (Is) d istrib u tio n is estim ated f ro m th e o b served d ata (c irc les) o f N IED K-N ET, KiK-n et, JM A, an d lo c al g o vern m en ts th at h ad b een 3 Otaru,Hokkaido 140,000 Unknown c o llec ted b y 20 16/0 1/14 12:28 :57. Th e h isto g ram sh o ws f req u en c y d istrib u tio n o f estim ated Is d erived f ro m in terp o latio n o f th e o b servatio n with 250 -m m esh . Th e d aytim e an d n ig h ttim e c o rresp o n d to 9:0 0 -18 :59 an d 19:0 0 -8 :59, resp ec tively. Th e d istan c e is m easu red f ro m th e ep ic en ter to th e c en ter o f th e m u n ic ip ality. Is Exposed-Population Estimates of Each City 5- or greater 5+ or greater 5- or 5+ or 6- or 6+ or greater greater greater greater Whole of Japan 20,000 1,000 Hokkaido Prefecture 20,000 1,000 Hakodate,Hokkaido 5,000 < 1,000 Urakawa,Urakawa,Hokkaido 10,000 < 1,000 Samani,Samani,Hokkaido 5,000 < 1,000 Shinhidaka,Hidaka,Hokkaido 1,000 Taiki,Hiro,Hokkaido < 1,000 Hiro,Hiro,Hokkaido < 1,000 Aomori Prefecture 2,000 Mutsu,Aomori 2,000 Oma,Shimokita,Aomori < 1,000 6- or greater 6+ or greater Kazamaura,Shimokita,Aomori < 1,000 Th e su m m atio n o f th e exp o sed p o p u latio n f o r eac h c ity d o es n o t n ec essarily eq u al to th at o f th e p ref ec tu re o r wh o le o f Jap an . Not Available Not Available Major Historical Damaging Earthquakes in This Region Seismic Hazard Information of J-SHIS J-SHIS is a Web service by NIED, to help prevent and prepare for earthquake disaster by providing a public portal for seismic hazard information across Japan. Is Distribution of 2% Probability of Is Distribution of Return Period of 50,000- Exceedance in 50 Years year Historical earthquakes are unavailable until the epicenter is determined. R-20160114122551-0130-00001 J-RISQ (http://www.j-risq.bosai.go.jp/) (c) 2013 NIED.
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