************************5 -DIGIT 02906 2239 11/30/89 ££ 35 Inside: Local News, pages 2-3 R. I, JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 130 SESSIONS ST . Opinion, page 4 PROVIDENCE , RI 02906 Around Town, page 8 THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R.I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOLUME LXXVI, NUMBER 4 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1988 35t PER COPY 50 Years Ago In History: December 9-16, 1938 Israeli Consul Deputy Speaks Out Colonization Body To Send Investigators To S. America, S. Africa· by Sandra Silva come of the decision. \.lUU iuu:, iu,.u.J. u j' <1 1:1.)l.UUUUC VWUe. THE HAGUE, December 9 (JTA) - The International Jewish ltzhak Oren, lsreal's Consui The existing electoral system In actuality, very few people are go­ Colonization Society decided at a conference today to send two Deputy for the Northeastern Re­ treats the entire state as one re­ ing to have to deal with the pro­ delegations to South America and one to South Africa to investigate gion of America, spent a very long gion. The proposal being dealt with posed changes on ·a yearly basis. It settlement possibilities for Jewish refugees. Thursday last week meeting with would divide the state into thirty is estimated that approximately British Guiana Seen Willing And Able To Absorb 500,000 Jews people and organizations in the of­ regions, with two representatives seven to nine people a year will not GEORGETOWN, British Guiana, December 9 (JTA) - British fices of the Jewish Federation of from each region. The remaining be converted according to Ortho­ Guiana could easily absorb and would welcome the settlement of 500,000 Rhode Island. The Consul made sixty representatives would be dox means before going to Israel. Jewish refugees, according to an article published in the local Daily this day-long trip, coming from the elected on a national basis. In Mr. The real problem is that this is a Chronicle today co-authored by Theodore Orella, stock-raiser, and Boston office he has shared since Oren's assessment, this means that show of inconfidence on Israel's Vincent Roth, former high-ranking civil servant. The article lauded the I 987 with the Consul General, to only the big parties would survive. part in the religious system here in work of the Jews in turning sandy Palestinian wastelands into fertile help Rhode Island Jews obtain a This system would be much better the U.S., in the Reform and Con­ orange groves. This colony would profit greatly if Jewish refugees were to clearer perspective on the cunent than the current situation, where a servative rabbis. Americans must apply their industriousness to the fertile Essequibo valley, it added. issue of "Who is a Jew?" and its very small party may have two bear in mind that the Isreali impact upon the American Jewish members but have a major weight agenda is different from the Ameri­ Kennedy Urges Hitler's Cooperation society. on the agenda. To illustrate this can-Jewish agenda. Right now, LONDON, December 11 (JTA) - United States Ambassador Joseph Mr. Oren, an extremely likable situation, Mr. Oren points to the getting the national confefllnce to P. Kennedy, embarking on the Queen Mary for the U.S., said yesterday and well-spoken man, maintains a "Who is a Jew" issue. pursue settlement with the Pales­ the major need in solving the refugee problem at this time was an surprisingly objective and open­ Mr. Oren states that he doesn't tinians has top priority on Peres' internati1mal loan and "above all a little cooperation from Hitler." He minded view concerning the ac­ feel the "Who is a Jew" issue re­ agenda, not the settlement of the declared: "You can stop worrying about where to put the refugees now. tions of his own government. flects a wide political sentiment, Law of Return issue. That problem will be solved." Every day the situation in Israel but rather the sentiment of a con­ When asked what he could say to A new proposal for solving the Jewish refugee problem has been changes course. On Thursday, centrated party who can exert a appease the feelings of fear, anger submitted to the government and is now under consideration, the Daily prior to this interview, Mr. Oren great deal of pressure because their and betrayal that are coursing Telegraph's diplomatic conespondent reported. The proposal reportedly had called the Consulate in Boston votes are crucial in the current sys­ through the Providence Jewish contemplates an offer by Great Britain to create a new Jewish national to update his information, but the tem of government. Under the new community (as evidenced in the home in Northeastern Rhodesia, which is declared to be most suitable for current session of the Central form of government which has past two month's issues of the Her­ European settlement and is large enough to accommodate, in the course Committee of the Labor Party had been proposed, this situation ald), he said: of time, Jewish settlers from all over the world. not yet ended. The committee was would be less likely to occur. Al­ "You can feel betrayed if this gathered to decide whether to join though he feels that the .change to Law of Return was decided by a Mizrachi Demands Boycott Of Conferences in a National Unity Coalition Gov­ a National Unity Coalition Gov­ majority of Israelis because that is JERUSALEM, December 15 (JTA) - The central committee of the ernment. If the decision was posi­ ernment would delay the issue, he what they truly believe. But this is World Mizrachi Organization adopted a resolution today demanding that tiv~. then according to Mr. Oren, says it's impossible to tell whether not the case. It's a classic case of the Jewish Agency boycott the forthcominit London conferences on the following course of events the issue would ever be put to rest falling in political ambush to the Palestine. High Commissioner Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael received might occur: the decision on the without coming to a vote. religious parties who have tried in President Isaac Ben Zvi of the Jewish National Council and Chief Rabbi "Who is a Jew" issue would be Even if the Law of Return were the past to see that not enough Isaac He!"Wg, who presented demands for the admission of 10,000 postponed and/or there would be a changed, the actual impact on , members of the House were German.Jewish refugee children and the relatives of Palestine residents. change in the electoral system in American Jews would be small. present to pass the motion. You Israel which could affect the out- According to Mr. Oren, the situa- (<'0111 inuPCI on p age 15) Black - Jewish Relations: The View From Israel by Sally Greenberg an.d At the end of the trip, the group affect) the way people are treated How do you distinguish it?" slain civil rights leader. At the top Alan Katz agreed about several basic themes: in the Jewish state. Mr. Alpher's response was swift were several workers, some Sally Greenberg, Eastern area - Blacks and Jews have much The first came on a visit to the and to the point. "First," he said, speaking Hebrew, others Arabic. civil rights director for ADL 's Civil in common to share with one Good Fence marking the border "the South African whites are a One after another of our group Rights Division, and Alan Katz of another and this trip to Israel between Israel. and Lebanon. At minority: 4.5 million whites rule 20 knelt to plant new trees in the the New Orleans Times Picayune, provided the opportunity to do so. the site was a tank sunounded by million native South Africans. ground. accompanied the mission to Israel - American media's coverage Israeli soldiers. The college Israelis are the majority in Israel. This forest, with its countless about which they write. of the problems in the Middle East presidents noted one in particular, Second, the West Bank and Gaza already grown trees, serves as a A few months ago, eight black has failed to illustrate the who turned out to be a were ruled by other nations until living memorial to the black American college presidents complexities of the region. dark-skinned Ethiopian Jewish the 1967 war waged against Israel. American whose activism was traveled to Israel under the aegis of - The American experience immigrant. The soldier, who ·took Israel inherited already existing coupled with teachings of the Anti-Defamation League and · with racism and prejudice does not for granted his status as a member problems and is ready to negotiate non-violence. returned with some new have a parallel in Israel. of the Israel Defense forces, seemed the future of those territories. Another special moment perspectives on black-Jewish The presidents making the trip surprised and shyly reluctant to be Third, Israel has no enshrined connecting blacks and Jews took relations in the United States. were Dr. Robert L. Albright, the center of attention but agreed written policy of racism. South place at the Mevasseret Zion The ten-day tour covered Johnson C. Smith University, to pose for photographs with each Africa's laws, to the contrary, are Immigrant Absorption Center, a meetings with top Israeli officials Charlotte, N.C.; Dr. Ozell Beatty, of the educators. overtly racist and that is a fact that stopping place for many including Prime Minsiter Yitzhak Livingstone College, Salisbury, During a . visit to the Israel is not debated." immigrants to Israel. Here they Shamir as well as other political N.C.; Dr. David Beckley, Wiley Museum and its collection of Dead Another day, the group met with live for a time to learn the new and military leaders.
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