tVASBJKGTON LETTER House Burned.................. This (Friday) mooning at daylight, W a s h in g t o n , d . U-, J a n . 3 0 ,190u, the large residence of Mr. P, W. Strom, President McKinley will, it is ex in Acquackoriorik: township was burn- fiectcd, shortly issue a proclamation, eel to the ground. We have not yet tifferiiig- an uneonditianal pardon to leaned particulars before goiug to such of the Philippine rebels as sur­ pie^o, render before a given date, and giving j L u r > i A vondale Moise Co., No. 1. notice tbat all found with arias in their hands after that date will be consid­ Avondale Hose Co., No. 1 recently ered brigands and outlaws, and treated BELLEVILLE NEWS. LEGAL PAPER OP FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. elected officers for ensuing year. , as such. This may caiue a few spasms President, John H. White; vice- among the “aunties,” but it is the Vol. V- No. 51. NUTLEY, N. J., FRIDAY, EEBUARY 2, 1900. $1 a Year pres dent, John D. Donaldson; lore* V; right and proper thing to do. There man, Jacob Fitting; assistant fore- 3s no Itnger even an apology for a Fil­ mau, Robert Mollit; secretary, C. B- Barnes: financial secretary, II. Knab, ipino government, and no organized gives us a second paper. Three other Big Day for Bel!/wiUe_ ..^ -.A lam eeting of newspaper men at LITERARY NOTES- JLr.: trustees, 1£. fi'robose, W. tiittcliffe,. force of any size anywhere, and the illustrated papers in Feb No. are:— It is announced that arrangements Amsterdam, N. J;ilTuary 10 , Cftt<Tt\ “The Application of Explosives,” by j. Perkins; .• -% peaceably inclined inhabitants are en­ “E c h o k s o f G r e e k I d y l s .” —A few have been completed for holding a Meyer of the Utica Press said: “Over Prof. C- E. Monroe; “A Year’s Prog­ J. J. Voseler, E. J. W eiohidel. titled to the protection of thisGovern- years ago Mr. Lloyd Mifflin, author of publie meeting in Belleville Hal I, next $300,1)00,000 a re sp e n t a n n u a lly fo r a d ­ ress in the Klondike,” by Prof A.Heil- 'ssaeot, which can only be made effect­ a recently-published volume of poems Thursday evening, in honor of the vertising,and that appropriation will prin; and “The Blind Fishes of North It is near time for the annual town­ ual by breaking up the small roaming with above title, gotconsiderable fame memory of the late Rev. Dr. MyGlynn annually increase. The man wliodoes America,” Prof. C. H. Eigenmann. A ship settlements. bands of armed rebels, living by depre­ for his paintings, but has abandoned and iti behalf of the hingle Tax cause, not advertise does not as a rule sta^ paper bound to attract much attention d a tio n . A rt and in the past five years has pub­ with which he was so intimately asso iti business long. A ny successful bu»_ is by Prof O. A.Briggs, of Union Theo­ .* It is not rich peopie hut poor people The Senate committee on Privileges lished three volumes—mostly of son­ ciaied. „ ' ' ines-< man will tell you that advertis­ logical Seminary, “Is the Christian with more pride than money who put and Elections, while waiting for the nets. These are bringing him deserved This meetingwiil especially interest ing is as legitim ate an expense as rent, Religion Declining ?” That venerable on airs. : fame, and undoubtedly now he stands tlie people of our vicinity, iu view of light, heat or labor, and that a certain 1 arrival of more Clark witnesses, heard scientist, Professor Joseph LeCoiile, She arguments of the lawyers employed a t th e fro n t as a n A m erican poet. R,. H . the fact that one of the last lectures sum brings better returns invested summarizes “A Century of Geology;” Sioddard, the veteran poet and critic, delivered by Dr. McGlynn was in tlie thus than in any other way.” TO CURE A COLD IN CNB DAY by those who are trying to unseatSen. Prof. J. Trov\bridge writes about writes in the Mail and Express ab o u t same hall about a year ago. As appro­ Take Laxative Bromd Quinine Tablet® Scott, of West Virginia. The com­ “youth Sea Bubbles in Science ” Otner All druggists refund the mom-y if it.f-aiis to- m ittee has not yet decided whether it Lloyd Mifflin’s latest book, “Echoes priate to the present occasion, wurid- A public officemay.be apublic trust, cure. K. W. G'rove’s signature is uu each papers by noted persons in their special box. 25c. ; of Greek Idyls,” as follows: I f th e f&uious speakers have beeu engaged— but that, doasn’t mean that ail office­ ■will hear testimony m this case, but if fields are—“Tlie Man of Science iu writer “ has not caught many of the Henry George and others. Admission holders are to be trusted, the arguments presented were the best Practical Aifairs,” “ Decline of Crim­ Mi chigan and Nebraska ha re adopt' finest qualities of Greek poetry, its will be Lee. that Senator Scott’s opponents have, inal Jurisprudence in America,” “Fore­ ed the voting machines. Wake u]»- at will probably report in his favor sweetness, its seriousness, its grace, its The people who hunt for trouble can noon aud Afternoon,’" “President Jor­ New J jr-v.;/. : . ■without hearing aDy witnesses. strength, its distinction, it is because K nights of Pythias. al ways find it, whether of the antici­ dan’s Neminism/’andmuchof interest, they cannot be caught in English pated variety or some other sort. The first step in this year’s Congres­ in editorial departments, and corres­ Thursday night, a delegation from The base ball microbe has begun its. verse. * * * Mr. Mifflin is Greek sional campaign will be taken this pondence. Price now only 2oe a copy. C ry sta l Lodge, Wo. 32, K . of P ., w en t work in various places,but the first enough in these sonnets to awaken our ■week, when the Republicans of the to Rutherford, to attend a district (36) The Peoples Bank uow lias a c a p ita l blue-bird is wanting. dormant recollection of the charm o f meeting. District officers for the en- of $200,000, iind a surp;us of $[[>,">,000. Bouse and Senate will hold a joint Fk an k L eslie's P op u l ar M onthly early Greek poetry, and to satisfy us suingyear were elected: Deputy Grand making ils intal re- n.’ces $:J05.u0u. CHUKCIJ i;s. ......... caucus for the purpose of reorganizing has started the new year with some for the moment wilh this glorious Chancellor, is Past Chancellor Smith, See adv. in-another column. GRACE P. E. CHtTECH, the Congressional campaign oommit- vety attractive features. Christmas c h a rm .” ot Rutherford Lodge. Those present Rev. H. Fields Sauwenig, Rector. See. No. was a gem, and January issue had We quote below the prologue to tliese from Nutley were: Dept. Gr. Chancel­ TO THE DEAF.—A rich lady, Services—Sunday, 8 a. jn., conimun- The House disposed of the Roberts' important papers—R. E. Speer telling delightful “Echoes” by Mr. Mifflin: lor Frank Shepard, Gr. Chan. Mutch, cured of her Deafness and Noises iu ion; 11 a. m., sermon; 4 p. m., child­ about life in Persia, G. W. Stevens of ren’s evensong; 8 p. m., evensong and case last week, by shutting him out, P. Chau. Hausby, P. Chans.Arthur and the Head by Dr. Nicholson’s Artificial Not in these valleys where •we now recline. military operations ou the TSile; but sermon; Sunday school 3:30 p. m. but the House committee on mileage But far beyond these purple peaks tbat glow U. W. Stager, P. Chan.Treeland, Chan. Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his In­ still has to decide whether he is en­ the most attractive paper was U. S. Lies the fair land I love. There winds are loir Commander Win. F. Dittig aud Mr. stitute, so that deaf people unable to titled to mileage. Chairman Barham Commissioner General Peck’s “Amer­ ST. PAUL’S CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Aud soft. He of the thyrsus and the vine Wilson G. Kierstead. procure the Ear Drums may have them has been trying to get at the legal Comes with his leopards and his skins of wine. ica at the Paris Exposition.” Stories James A. Fairley, Minister, 1 Glimpses there aTe of Naiads to and fro free. A ddress No. 0741. T h e N ic h o l­ status of the matter. He talked with by Crockett, Castle and others. Scores Public Worship, 1 1 a. m . an d 7:45 Flitting through groves; aud faint Is heard, One of the best arranged poultry son Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, of line illustrations. During the year p. m. S unday school, 9:46 'a. in. • A ttorney General Griggs about it and and slow farms iu town is owned by Mr. A. Lam- N ew Y ork. more Paris Exposition papers will be Young People’s Meeting, 7 p. m. ■was re-erred to Comptroller Tracewell The pipe of 6ome brown Faun beneath tho pine brectit, of Harrison street, the well- •of the Treasury, who would have to There upland streams dissolving, reach the given, and special contributors will Mid-week Prayer Meeting, Wednes­ known piano manufacturer. Arrange­ day, 8 p. in. pass on the account, if Roberts should vales; tell us about Spain, the Panama canal, And there are groves of Ilex and of yew.
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