VOL. XLn., NO. 263. (Classified Advertising on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 6,1928. (TWELVE PAGE$) PRICE THREE CENTO® HOOVER PLJMS Labor Chiefs Who Will En dorse Presidential Nominee SIX BEECHES TO WORK AFTER EORWAIGN BISMCAHON Odier Addresses of G ;0 . P. Review^ State Guard Camp Forced to Tarn Back Aftei Nominee Will Be Over the and Drives Through Passing Azores by He* Radio From His Washing­ Heavy Storm to Albany; chanical Tronble— Taken ton Home. Works on Speech. Washington, Aug. 6.— -The na-f>mlttee, which will be 8ft)poInted by to Spain Where They Plan tional campaign fund which the the eixCcutive council. Each state \ organization is expected to take Stanford University, Calif., Aug. Albany, N.’ Y., Aug. 6.— Governor Anti-Saloon League will spend in .care of its own fight but the central to Retnrn to Paris; Capt 6. — Herbert Hoover’s personal A1 Smith returned to the executive an effort to defeat A1 Smith has organization will ■ be active in campaign for the presidency, if he mansion shortly before 1 o’clock been greatly exaggerated, according “ dpubtful” states. Conrtney to Arrive ii has his own way, will consist of six this morning after an absence of to E. B. Punford, general counsel The executive council is expect­ major speeches in as many sections for the league. ed to meet about the middle of Au­ nine days. After disposing of some ‘‘Reports have been- circulated gust probably ,;ln a mid-western New York Today. of the country with occasional use state business the governor plans that our campaign fund will reach city, to appoint the committee. of the radio to broadcast prepared to settle down to work on the final $2,000,000. These reports have Bishop James Cannon, Jr., spon­ draft of the speech he will deliver no foundation in fact and the fund sor of the defeatist Democratic addresses from Washington, it was Three more trans-Atlantic fligW learned here today. on the steps of the State Capitol on will not approach that figure,” he movement in the south and of the August 22, when he formally ac­ anti-Smith meeting at Asheville, N. attempts have ended in failure al The Republican nominee definite­ said. Thousands of votes trom the tanks of organized labor wavered between Governor AT Smith and Her­ cepts the presidential nomination. The fund will be obtained by so­ C., probably will be a committee though the misadventures did no' ly rejected all proposals for barn­ During the latter part of the liciting contributions from “ people member, as he has been in former storming trips on which he would bert Hoover as these men went into conference at At lantic City, N. J. They comprise the Executive cost any loss in life. Council of the American Federation of Labor and are shown as they met to consider, among other prob- week the governor expects to con­ interested in protecting the Eigh­ campaign years. Ernest H. Cher- be expected to make a series of fer with U. S. Senator Thomas J. rihgton, director of publicity for Captain Frank T. Courtney an( speeches. The nominee told his lems, which presidential nominee they would support. Left to right, seated: David J. Tobin,.' treasurer; teenth Amendment,” Dunford de­ Frank Morrison, secretary; Williarh Green, president; Frank Duffey, vice president. Standing, left to Walsh, of Montana, and possibly clared. the league, and Bishop Thomas three companions who hopped of friends that such a campaign would one or two farm leaders from the Nicholson, of Detroit, are also ex­ at Horta, Azores, in an effort to fl] lower the dignity of a presidential right: Jacob Fisher, Martin F. Ryan, James Wilson a nd James O. Newman. The' league’s national campaign middle west. will be directed by a campaign com- pected to be appointed. to Newfoundland, were due at Nev candidate and that he would not During the latter part of the -------------------- ^ agree to it. This decision followed week the governor expects George York between 3 and 4 o’clock thll a similar one that he would par­ N. Peek, of Moline, 111., spokesman afternoon on board the steamshi] ticipate no longer in "ballyhoo NINE PERSONS ARE KlLLED leOSTON POUCE for a million farmers of the middle Minnewaska, which picked then stunts,” such as his friends sought west, who last week announced be AMERICAN GIRL WINS up at sea. to make out of his recent fishing would support the Democratic The Polish airmen. Major LouL trip to northern California. ticket because of Smith’s stand on Idzikowski. and Casimir Kubala Party leaders, however, will try IN ILLINOIS TRAIN CRASH SEIZE TWO BIG farm relief, is expected at the Cap­ who were forced down in mid-At to persuade Hoover to make a itol within the next ten days. It is IN SWIMMING RACE lantic after hopping off at Le Bour dozen speeches. They believe his understood the governor desires to get Field on Saturday morning 'M personal appearknce in that num­ OPIUMLAYOUTS have another talk with Peek before ?>■ were picked up by the Germai ber of cities will be of greater serv­ Big Iron Pipe llirows One KILLED he finishes that part of his accept­ SWEETHEART SEES steamship Samos and landed ii ice to the campaign than speeches 4^ ---------- ance speech in which he will deal Bat Americaa Men Lose to Portugal. Their machine develop broadcast ffom Washington. Train Off Tnicks Into An- B Y ^ R D R A I L with the farm problem. JUMPER KILLED ed mechanical trouble when of ' pa Only Six Speeches In Heavy Bain Cape Finisterre and they dropped Hoover announced he would , Falls fhom Steps of Train But Largest and Most Complete In a heavy rain and electrical Sweden in Big Pool— Girl a note on the deck of the Germai make but six speeches If he had his storm, the governor motored dur­ Parachute Fails to Open—Had ship asking it to stand by to picl way. Two of them already have other Standing Near; Legs. Ever Seen in Hub— Large ing the night from the State Guard Planned It as Last Leap them up. been fixed. In the first, he will camp at Peekskill to the executive Beats Gertrnde Ederle’s from Plane. The third proposed trans-Atlaa accept the Republican nomination Scores Are Injured. New York, Aug. 6.— Lying mansion. While crossing the Bear tic flight which ended in failun at ceremonies next Saturday. In Quantities of Dope Un­ Mountain bridge the governor’s car was that of Commander Ramoi in a hospital with a fractured Record. • Lansing, Mich., Aug 6— Or- the second he will discuss the farm leg, John Walker, 17, gave scraped fenders with a machine op­ Franco and three companions whi problem before a crowd of farmers erated by a woman. vill Heppenstall’s last para­ thanks today for the strength had hopped off at Cadiz, Spain, bul :|1 August 21 at bis birthplace. West Chicago, Aug. 6.— Eight bodies earthed. Several times during the trip up chute jump at Pine Lake was who were forced down at Huelva Branch, Iowa. in his arms which saved him scheduled to he the most have been recovered from the from being dragged from , a the west side of the Hudson the Olympic Swimming Stadium, Am­ Spain. Then, he expects to return to governor’s car was forced to come spectacular, and in celebration wreck of two Illinois Central trains Long Island railroad train to sterdam, Aug. 6.— America’s swim­ of the occasion, his sweetheart Washington before accepting any death on the third rail with a Boston, Mass., Aug. 6.^—'Two to a stop because other machines Oporto, Portugal, Aqg. 6.— ^TlU further speaking engagements. Un­ near Mounds, 111., today, accord­ mers won and lost in two final was among the spectators. companion last night. largest and most complete opium had skidded into the ditch. This Polish fliers. Major Louis Idzikow der present plans, he probably will ing to official advices received at prompted the governor to caution races staged in connection with the But his parachute failed to Sweltering from the heat in­ open 3,000 feet in the air and ski and Casimij Kithala, rested to speak in Boston, Chicago and the railway s offices here shortly side, Walker and Bernard outfits ever reen In Boston, were bis chauffeur to take it easy. Olympic games today, Miss Martha day preparatory to returning ti either Detroit or a city In the bor­ Heppenstall fell, a. mangled before noon. Mele, 15, perched on the steps seized by police, today In two simul­ The governor and Mrs. Smith Norelius, New York, romping off. Paris whence they started out a der states. He will make his most and members of their family left mass, three blocks trom the between cars. Mele slipped taneous raids in Chinatown In with the 400-metre finals for wo­ crowd that cama to see him cut 12:49 a. m., (New York Dayligh) important speech in New York City One more passenger is believed off and screaming,* grabbed New York yesterday morning on Time) Friday with high hopes o( at the peak of the campaign. Tjiis to have- been killed. , which 11 men jy.ei'e takdn into'cUH^ tbe-ya.cht ^wned by W. H. Tddd. men with Miss Josephine McKim, loose from one parachute to Walker’s leg. Before falling Homestead, in third place, descend in a second contrap­ spanning the Atlantic only to bt will conclude his persQpaj.plan for The dead: ^ V .- on the . third rail, M'ele'’’‘''wai tody^ a.L Campi Smith near campaigning, except-for spekking while Arn<> Borg, Sweden, took the tion.
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