Complete News, Pictures A Newspaper Devoted To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Gearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week VOL. XIV—NO. 19 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1952 PRICE EIGHT CENTS School Board Still Split Over Architectural Contest uigley ice Does Not Plan WOODBRIDGE — The question 'even with the expenditure for tion. One member may be a busi- his report will be of no benefit. I of holding an architectural com- jrize money the town would save ness man. There are no names on think it is an -excellent idea. I have petition on plans for a new high considerable money." the sketches and the names of the stated so before and I think we school and the Inman Avenue "I'm concerned with getting the entrants are kept secret. After they should seriously arrange for a Immediate Reopenin, School exploded once more at the oest we can with the least money,". are carefully checked the jury competition'. With a competition ayor to Discuss Main Board of Education meeting, Mon- Mr. McElroy continued; "and we makes its recommendations. I still we will arrive at the best, whatevei day. The only results were angry ;an do that with an open competi- say this, Woodbridge should have the best it." §L Jam with Keating words between Board members tion. I am really sold on the mat- -he finest school money can build Mf. McElroy reiterated that and members of the audience and ter." within the limits of our means.: I whatever money is put into the And Fire Co. Officials dismissal of the subject of the sub- Questioned by Aaroe think it will be a hard proposition Of Auto Tag Agency competition, will be saved. ject by the majority of the Board. Andrew Aarce asked whether it to sell the schools to the taxpayers ^ WOODBRIDGE — Mayor Hugh ;f we limit everything to one man. Maurice P. Dunigan pointed out B. Quigley announced today that Leon E. McElroy, whs was elect- would be advisable for the board in order to pay the prize money ap- to make-any move until Dr. Clar- [ think it is the fairest way of he will confer with Police Chief ed to the Board in February, doing it." proval will have to be obtained Keating and the Board of Fire irought up the subject. He said ance E. Ackley (the aducationa' from the State. Mr. McElroy Father. Son on Police Force Dearden Says Commissioners on the traffic prob- he felt the only method of saving specialist hired by the board to "I would like to hear Dr. Ack-agreed and said that is "one of the lems on Main Street. money for the taxpayers and "to make a survey of school needs) iey's report before we take any reasons why we should start now.' makes his preliminary report to- i.etion," Mr. Aarce commented. The mayor said he already has have something to sell the tax- Adolph Quadt stated "we have Other Offices payers" is to conduct an open com- morrow night. "We know he is going to recom- hired a $4,000 expert and the leasf met with representatives of the mend the. building of a Colonia Main Street businessmen, and petition as outlined by the Ameri- In reply Mr. McElroy said the we could do is to hear his report,' heard some of their suggestions, an Institute of Architects. two problems were separate and school and a high school," ans- to which Mr. McElroy replied, "it To Fill Needs including angle parking on one Mr. McElroy stated he had made the compeition would take time. rered Mr. McElroy. wouldn't make any difference." "If we start now," he urged, "we At this point, Wuineld Finn, who "The quicker we get at it the side of Main Street and one-way 3, thorough study of the subject has advocated the architectural (Special to Independent-Leader) parking- on William Street. - and suggested "obtaining a pro- can get the Colonia School buiL better, let's not pussyfoot any TRENTON—Questioned by The next year." .•ompetition several times before, It is unlikely that the angle- fessional advisor—not from around longer. If we do we will hear from Independent - Leader yesterday, this district—and to appoint a jury Harold Van Ness questioned the entered the debate. the taxpayers." Acting Director William J. Dear-' parking will be approved as it is Calls Idea Excellent frowned upon as obsolete by the of three to go over the sets of plans method of selecting a jury and At this point Mr. Finn sug- don of the Motor Vehicle Depart- Safety Department of the State and to pick the winners." Mr. McElroy replied: "Ordinarily, '-I think it is out of Dr. Ackley's gested the chairman name Mr ment announced he does not "con- Highway Department as causing Admitting the open competition one member of the jury is selected sphere," he said. "He will tell us McElroy chairman of a committee template reopening a motor ve- too many accidents. Traffic engi- would entail an expenditure, Mr. by the professional adviser and the our needs, it is up to us to find a to invf>=tierate the method for con- hicle agency in Woodbridge im- neers of the State Highway De- McElroy, however, claimed that other two by the Board of Educa- way to build them. Waiting for (Continued on Page 6) mediately." partment have pointed . out that Mr. Deardon stated at the pres- with a car parked at a 45-degree ent time "business has slacked off angle, and cars parked on either ar to a great degree and Woodbridge side, it is impossible for a driver residents, fqr at least- the time be- to watch for oncoming traffic until ing, will have to depend on ad- the car is backed out an entire jacent communities." length. Angle parking was elimin- When the Independent-Leader ated from Main Street several RARITAN TOWNSHIP — En- WOODBRIDGE •— Steps will be attempted to point out that the years ago on the recommendation Newspaper Poll Reveals Four Definitely Against taken by the Town Committee agency served a wide public need, of the Board of Fire Commissioners dorsement of the $385,000 school next week to readvertise for public Mr. Deardon commented that the and police officials. bond issue which will be voted | If, Tivo Strongly in Favor, Three Uncertain sale the property being sought by "Woodbridge agency is in the third A suggestion of parking meters upon in a referendum May 6, was WOODBRIDGE—Because the proposal of an architects' the Aaronson Art Metals Company, or fourth bracket." for Main Street is being frowned made at a meeting of the Raritan makers of the Ronson lighter, for The appointment, when and if upon by some of the merchants Township Lions Club Monday at competition for the construction of a new school here has a new plant here. it is made, will "most likely go to a who fear it will haurt their busi- The Pines. been brought up once again, The Independent-Leader made New conditions of sale will be Township Republican inasmuch as ness. However, a one-hour park- a canvass of all Board of Education members and asked outlined. fche appointment is approved by ing limit is imposed at the present. Superintendent of Schools Jo- seph Ruggieri,. a member of the each member this question: At the same time, Township At- the Governor. Howard Fullerton, The heavy truck traffic on Main "Are you in favor *of an architects' competition?" torney B. W. Vogel announced he Republican Municipal Chairman, •Street is caused by the decision to Tub, outlined the Township's ever- has arranged a .conference today growing school problems. It was Two members said they defin- i ' Fatrol Driver Closindo Zucearo, at right, is showing his son, said he would call a meeting of Hum Freeman Street into a, light itely are for the competition, four ,. to iron out difficulties arising out Anthony R. Zucearo, a rookie cop, the correct way to use a gun. the Republican executive board, traffic street. The only solution announced that at the May 5 of defective titles on some of the consisting of himself, the three now is to find off-street parking meeting, Francis D'Aquila, of the are definitely against it, one said | Daylight I ime Change The elder Zucearo, who was appointed to the police department he did not know, one is not "in municipally-owned parcels. in February, 1924 and promoted to the post of patrol driver on vice chairmen, Mrs. John W. Boos, and another outlet for trucks. local school system, will be induct- Begins Saturday Night Mayor Quigley said yesterday Mrs. Mary Larson, Joseph. Rhodes, ed into membership. Michael 'favor of -a competition under September 1, 1939, is captain of the Police Pistol Team which has Architects Collaborative" and one that he will do everything in his won several trophies. Closindo is. very proud of his son, who is a and the party secretary, Victor Sehwalje, member of the Metuch- WOODBRIDGE — Here's a power to have the Ronson plant World War II veteran and hopes hfe will soon be a. valuable Katen, the latter part of next en Club, will be transferred to the said he wished to await the receipt incuml 3i a report by Dr. Clarence Ack- gentle reminder, folks. locate here "as it is the type of member of the police team. week. The executive board will en- oca} club at the. same session. 1-ey, Board consultant. Daylight/ Saving Time be- plant we want and need.
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