,_ "'_'_-':" .:...:.:~.-~.:Oj ..';, ... ~ 'BARUCH COLLEGE LIBRARY BARUCH PERIODICALS DeSK 3rd Floor· . (NON..CIRCULAT-ING). ..-" .... • - ; Vol. 70, Number 15 Information Now Special Election Issue DSSG Presidential n'ebate tudent STEPvs. SPIRIT lection By Helen McFarlane ress &RY 05 With student government 19!!l. elections coming up in the week of May 5th, the two leading par­ onference ties for Day Session Student Gov­ ernment debated their campaign y Joseph Maldarelli platforms in a tense affair spon­ Tamin Islam sored by The Ticker. A press conference regarding the Both parties, STEP (Students atification by undergraduate stu­ Toward Educational Progress), ents of the new Baruch gover­ led by Pearl Chen and SPIRIT ance charter, and a five dollar (Students for Political Involve­ ncrease in student activity fees for ment Revitalization for Innova- . dditional funding of the child care tiv Thinkers), led by Ilan Peress, enter was held on Wednesday, sta student empowerment pril 15th. thr gil ·ty as an important The governance charter is up for ..- ....-..io;a~I~E~a~ch dl d, however, on vote, due to the elimination of the t od for achieving it. chQ91 of Education, and the estab­ " -:-"'re', inIibvathjn:;.:;We-~·~ ishment of t'he .School of Public intend 'on raising the soci~l>' ~~~~s-. everits..heze.at.Baruch..as we]1a s_. ..~eightening theaw·aren-ess-· 1l'H~""'ft-. -eonege-wid~ committees ..-.-~ngst students of the events," on be on the ballot. If the gover­ saieress, the SPIRIT ance charter passes as proposed party's pres ial candidate. the current election, students, "Innovation means arriage or the first time in Baruch's his­ between the social and' academic . ory, will be serving on the College pect of college life," he said. ersonneI and Budget Committee, B Ms. Chen, the STEP's nd also on the Academic Review e . en .al candidate, said that But Mr. Peress, who argued administrators to ensure a less ommittee. Students will have a _~tuden wareness needs to be the semantics of the STEP intimidating process for transfer ay in the hiring process offaculty raised beyond immediate school Party's first platform - slopping and freshmen students. An act n the College level, andadvisethe concerns. "We the students are the budget cuts and tuition in­ like this, and others of social resident of Baruch on faculty's imary customers of Baruch creases-said that his party merit, will help promote school romotion, tenure, and staff poli­ Col e nd it is our rights and planned to fight the budget cuts spirit, she said. ies. Two delegates, and two al- rather than stop them. The party The candidates faced-off on a tere s to have affordable continued on page 4 hi er e cation accessible to all proposed to fight them by utiliz­ variety of issues, including the of us, e said. And the STEP ing social events to lobby legisla­ controversial Child Care Referen­ Party, added Ms. Chen, is com- tors, Mr. Peress said. And the dum. Mr. Peress took an anti-ref­ ~--_IlIiW·l!t·tedtoward this end. The party party's vice presidential candi­ erendum position, saying that if Contents cam ". ned on the platform of date, David Wang, added that the measure passed it would l\r~~~ ~ stopping budget cuts and tu­ there must be a collective effort double the student activity fee, •••••••••.••••••••••••••• ition increase made to do so. Using the analogy (to $10) which students already Th bate, w place of a lone twig that is blown away pay to the child care center. But, Editorial 6 _____~on TH rs , April 17th, was in a strong. wind but unmoved he added that if the college is n"III~ at e S Light Lounge, lo- when grouped with many twigs, willing to help with the funding, cate a ch's 23rd Street Mr. Wang said that unity he'd favor childcare next year. Letters/Op-Eds 7 building, racted 40 students amongst the clubs, organizations However, the referendum must and supporters ofthe candidates. and student governments at pass this year and may do so us­ During candidates question Baruch is the best way for stu­ ing auxiliary fundsvaaid- Ms. Business.:.........•....•.l1 nd answe session, the debate dents to reach politicians. Chen, who is pro-referendum. go bith d. When Mr. Peress However, opponent Megan She said i~ will cost students aske w e STEP Party pro­ Lewis disagreed, arguing that in "more to reopen the school's child .Features 15 posed to s op the budget cuts and order for unity to occur, the lead­ care center next year (which will ers of each student group must close ifthe referendum is voted tuition increases, Ms. Chen.his ~~ ~:I opponent, glared at him, pressed themselves become more in­ down), than it would to vote to ••••••••••••••••••••••••• her right index finger to the dais, volved, "Right now, the position increase funding for it now. then'explained that voting in city ofvice president is waiting for the Although it does support so­ Sports.._..BackPage and state elections will give president to die," she said, add­ cial enhancement activities, the STEP Party argued that' other CUNY student a strong voice in ing that it is necessary as their Next Issue: May 14 Albany. Citing 'senior citizens as representatives to be more aware activities deserved priority from student leaders especially stress­ A Deadline: May,.7' a group empowered by.the vote, ofstudent concerns. And SPIRIT !'!!!lJlf!!!Il~" ing student rights. "We are the . she said that efforts to register candidate Reana Ramsingh agreed. She said, if elected, her students to vote must be year­ continued on page 4 round. party intends to work with school J 2 3 r- ; Sunnnary ofthe Baruch College Governance Charter M .... This is a brief summary of Baruch'sGovernance Charter, which students will be voting on the week of May 5th. 0.. <C Ifstudents have any questions regarding any ofthe articles, they should ContactStudent Life at 802-6770. • • r.Il "'0> ~ ..._. z There are 13 articles in the cur- ofrepresentatives from the respective as an ex-officio member with defined in CUNY bylaws."(p. 25) - voice but no vote in each school Adds a requirement that "All ....~ rentGovernance Charter. The follow- schools is calculated is changed to re­ ~ ingsummarywillhighlight, article by flect both the FTE and full-time fac­ faculty; the school executive curriculum proposals shall have E= article, majorchangesproposedby the ulty (p. 10) committees are to be elected appended to the proposals a state- " '., Commission. (pagenumbers in paren­ One faculty memberfrom Inde­ , once every two years (currently ment indicating the extent ofstu- I thesis refer to the textofthe proposed pendentUnitsis addedto College P&B, elected annually) (p. 17) dent consultation." (p. 25) STEP , revision of the Charter.) in addition to the chair of the P&B for Provides for separate pro- Proposes that the Tenure Note: ''IndependentUnits"refers the Independent Units visions for "Schools'which func- Committee of the School of Pub­ to the Department of Library and the Eachschoolisguaranteedto have tion as a Department of the licMfairs perform the duties of a Department ofStudent Development at leastone faculty memberfrom each whole" to describe the P&B, ten- 'department executive committee. and Counseling. (See'Article 5, "Col­ school to serveonthe CollegeP&Bplus ure and promotion committees (p.27) • Stoppingthe budget cuts aDd tuition increases lege Personnel and Budget Commit­ the chair of the School's P&B; in the School of Public Affairs Proposes that all depart- • Increasing the awareness ofelected officials CUNY students tee (p.10) for the first reference to the One matriculated student is ' (pp. 18-19) " ments elect a curriculum commit- on ''Independent Units"; see also Article added to serve as a member on the Includes a new section to tee. (p.27) • Increasing the representation ofstudents on scboolwide committees 7,"FacultiesoftheSeveralSchoolsand College P&B;additionally,thestudent describe the composition of the Provides that all department guideline hiring the Independent Units" (p.20) for the member shall have an alternate to P&B committee for the Indepen- chairs are selected by the faculty, • Pressuring the administration for stricter for professors composition of the Personnel Budget serveasareplacementiftheappointed dent Units as follows: seven vot- in the department who have fac­ • Being part ofthe development process at site B " CommitteeoftheIndependentUnits.) student member is unable to attend; ing members, consisting of the ulty rank, except that the depart­ Article 1 (''The General Fa~ studentmembers areappointedbythe chair of the Department of Stu- ment chair in the departments of • Bringing more companies to Baruch College for recruitment ulty'') Minor changes in language. Council of Student Governments; the dent Development and Counsel- the Library and Student Develop­ • Decreasing creditevaluation time for transfer students Additionally, reportsfrom thestudent student representative and alternate ing; one elected tenured, associ- ment andCounseting do not have ,. Improving communica_ioD between student government, clubs, & students governments now addedto agendafor shall be students in good academic ate or full professor from each to be elected (p. 25) General faculty meetings. standing ( p.ll.) ofthe two departments; one ten- Provides that departments • Lowering price for textbooks at bookstore Article 2 (''Diversity of Fac­ Article 6 (Academ:ic ured associate or full professor may limit in their bylaws the • Fighting the present scheduling grid for fewer Friday classes ultyParticipation'')To foster faculty ReviewCommittees)
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