THECCPTEIQHT, 1889, IT THE SPORTING la« PvBUBBna Co. SPORTING LIFEENTERED AT PHIL*. POST Ornci AS SECOND CLASS HATTIB. VOLUME 13, NO. 18. PHILADELPHIA, PA., AUGUST 7, 1889. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. and after a hasty examination he went to Dr. Wol- to St. Joseph seems tome to be somewhat exorbitant Tiird's office, leaving word with the clerks at tbe office for St. Joseph to pay just at this stage of tbe game, It ;hat if any reporters called, to tell them that the pa- being no Ie?s than trading pitcher Crowell for him. LATE NEWS. It is true St. Joseph needed a short stop or third base­ THE WILD WEST. ;ient was ranch improved. Drs. Foster, Wolford and Elammill, after a consultation, decided to remove Mr. man badly, and Burks will be a tower of strength in Jhillips, ami be, accompanied by Mrs. Pb.iltips and his position. But then fioux City was much more in Dr. Fuster, left the Girard House Friday evening in a need of additional pitching strength and, to my no­ A Sensational Story From closed c irrlage. Their destination is unknown, but It tion it was not the best policy for St. Joseph to A Big Row in a Base Ball is supposed they went to Kirkbrtde's Asylum. strengthen any of tho teams In the Association which The, absence of paralysis is remarkable, but the phy­ It waa pneaible to head off ID the race for the pennant. the West. sicians fear that that will develop later on. But un­ But "all's well that ends well," and perhaps Preoideut Camp. til it does develop be will continue in about the same Tnickenniiller, who engineered all these deals, knew condition, though his physicians «n tor tain very little just what he waa doing. Most likely he did. a of bis ultimate recovery. HALTING DEALS. Efforts to Depose the Principal Washington's Gambling Law- I bave it from a pretty reliable source that just prior STAR SCINTILLATIONS. to the club's leaving on its present trip Crowell, Elopf Engagements and Releases and Mahoney stated to the management that they Officials of the Western Indications of a Brace-Up—Off on a Long were not quite satisfied witb things bere and asked for Trip—President Miller's Suspicions, Etc. their unconditional release, tut were refused. And -General Sporting In­ SYRACTSE, July 31. Editor SPOETISO LIFE: The this may have bad something to do with the deals that Association. tam left home this morning for a long trip, including have eince been made. Among the arrangements made telligence. every town in the International Aeaoclntion. They by Mr. Truckenmiller is, I am told, the sale of KU-pf tiave a strong grip on second place, and are only 29 to St. Paul, but I hear that thia ia not altogether satis­ MINNEAPOLIS SERENE. points behind tbe leaders. The club made a good factory to that player, and tbat be will most likeiy re- showing in tbeir past teries at homo, winning 6 and fuae to be trnnsferred to tbat place, but will insist upon The Row Not Likely to Result In Anything THE LATEST SENSATION. losing 2. Tbe hard luck struct seems to have been being released unconditionally or not at all. So far I But Talk. giren the "go by," and once more fortune favors ns. have heard nothing further about Hahoney, except A "Wondrous Tale From Sam Morion's JfliMNEAroiis, July 31. The opposition that Is sup­ Detroit was here last week and succeeded in winning that be and Klopf were sent home from Sioux City. posed to exist against Morion in reality does not exiet. Bailiwick. one game from us. Rain stopped the other. The KNELL'S PINE PITCHING. But three clubs are anxious to have Morion removed Epeelft! to SPORTING Lir«. Stars did not p'ay with any life at all, but tbe Oetroits Enel! has done some r«markabl«* work lately. In and five are anxious to kotp the genial Sam iu office. ST. PALL, iMinn . Aug. 3.—Minneapolis is ac­ jlayed a brilliant game, not having a fielding error. the three games ho pitched just before the team left Tbe clubs that desire bis removal ure Milwaukee, Des tually laying pipes to get into the National They batted Ke&fe well, but the Stard could do nothing; home he made a record that haa not been equalled by Molnes and St. Paul. Denver lias* been counted with Shreve. any pitcher in the countiy, so far as I know. In one among them, bnt Dave Rowe says it is a mletake, sa League. Manager Morton has met with phenome­ Presldeut Miller thinks somo of calling a meeting nal success in the Western Association, having flame he shut out tbe opposing team without a single he never intended hia name should be used airninst the of the League to consider whether some of the cluts hit being made off him. In the next he leplaced Hc- present officials. President McCornilck has been ceu- already cleared $10,000 this year, and he is are uot overstepping the salary limit. Detroit must Cartr In the fifth inning, and not a hit waa marie in Bured because be did not call a meeting, but he was looking for fame in the big League. Mr. Mor­ certainly be doing so, as 513,000 will not pay such tbe four inninga he pitched. In the third game three right in refusing to do so, &a a majority did Dot de­ men as Wbeelock, Biggins, Shreve, Donnelly, Virtue hits were scored against him, but two of them were mand it. From present indications it is likely the ton WAS questioned yesterday afternoon regard­ and several others, who certainly receive 82000 to ing the rumors, and he said: fiiee to the outfield, which would have been caught a'orm will blow over and everything be clear sailing £2500 a season each. Toronto is said to to also over had not two men ran for them In each lustauce, nod, in another week. "We received a proposition several weeks ago to go the litnlt. into tho League iu Pitteburp's place, but there hus by interfering with one another, prevented either Vice President McCracken, of the Sionx City Base"" Umpire- Hoover, who was released, has been rein­ from getting the ball. So that, m reality, but one Ball Club, was In Minneapolis thia morning. In been no action taken in tlie matter as yet. It may, stated by Secretary White. President Miller tele­ however, meet with our favorable consideration, and clean hit was made off Knell iu twenty-two consecu­ speaking of the trouble in the Western Association ha graphed asking him by what authority he could re­ tive innings pitched by him. Can anyone cite any said: "We bare not been oficially notified cf tbe I tee no reason wby we should not leave tbo Western instate a released umpire, but aa yet haa received no Association if we desire to do so, with bonors easy on other as effective work being done this season by any meeting which is to bo held in St. Paul on Thursday answer. Hoover is harder against the Stars than pitcher in the country? text, and I can't say that our club will be represented: both sides." against any other club. Kmslie is without doubt the If it id it will stand by Morton for secretary, and tbera Owing to Manager Phillips' mental affliction best umpire in tbe International. He would make a ARDNER'S GOOD WORK. will very likely be something brought up that will and dissensions among the directors, Nimick ;ood umpire for the Association or the National There is another roan on the team that T have make Mr. Barnes open his eyes. Tbe talk about the and his partners, tho story goe?, are anxious to League. watched pretty closely, and that is "CM Ilorse" Ard­ umpires being incompetent is ill rot. Tho Western The Toledoa were hero and the home club succeeded ner, as be ia called by his intimates. I bave seen a A&cciation has a better staff of umpires than any get out of baseball. The proposition as sub­ in winning both games from them. Murphy pitched good many second basemen in my time, and, while I league or association in the business. Such men as mitted to Minneapolis was to the effect that the both games, holding the visitors down to flve hits in don't tbink Ardner is quite a Dunlap or a Pfeffer, I do Doescher, McDermott, Hurst and Biiody can hold entire Pittsburg team would be reserved for a the first game and four hits in the second game. He think there are a good many men playing the posi­ their own anywhere, and Morion deserves, credit for sufficient length of time to enable the local team has regained his old form and will no doubt pitcb tion in both the major leagues that are a good deal engaging them." winning ball from now on. worse second basemon than he. There ia nothing President McCormlck ia In Minneapolis, and was to strengthen itself at the expense of Pitta- CORNELIUS MURPHY, showy about him, no one could ever accuse him of lurg'a life blood, and by taking; two or tbree picked The Stars seem to have regained their old batting qnestfoned about the impending trouble. He was abihiie.", McQuery leading. In the laat seven games The Famous Pitcher of the "playing (or the grand stand," and he occasionally quite wrought up over tbe r* ports of alleged crooked­ men from Minneapolis, with tbe addition of the iriod Syracuse Stars.
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