leto 2019 letnik 51 številka 1–2 (253–254) issn 0587–5161 (print) issn 2630–4082 (online) ::anthropos časopis za psihologijo in filozofijo ter za sodelovanje humanističnih ved journal of psychology, philosophy & for the cooperation of humanic studies - Psihologija / Psychology - Filozofski prispevki / Philosophical Contributions - Študija / Study časopis za psihologijo in filozofijo ter za sodelovanje humanističnih ved Journal of psychology, philosophy & for the cooperation of humanistic studies Anthropos izhaja pod pokroviteljstvom Univerze v Ljubljani, izdaja ga Slovensko filozofsko društvo, Društvo psihologov Slovenije/Published under the authority of the University of Ljubljana by the Slovenian Philosophical Society and Psychological Society of Slovenia glavni urednik/Managing editor: dr. Franci Zore uredniški kolegij/Editorial board: Kaja Hacin Beyazoglu, dr. Janek Musek, dr. Janko Lozar tehnični urednik in tajnik uredništva/Technical editor and secretary: dr. Martin Uranič izdajateljski svet/Publishing board: dr. Karin Bakračevič–Vukman, dr. Valentin Kalan, dr. Edvard Konrad, dr. Borut Ošlaj (predsednik sveta/Chairman of the Board), dr. Vojislav Likar, dr. Janek Musek, dr. Argio Sabadin, dr. Velko S. Rus, dr. Andrej Ule, mag. Agata Zupančič, dr. Cvetka Tóth člani redakcije/Members of editorial board: dr. Edvard Kovač (teologija/theology), dr. Maca Jogan (sociologija/sociology), dr. Dean Komel (filozofija/philosophy), dr. Marko Kerševan (sociologija/sociology), dr. Andrej Marušič (psihologija/psychology), dr. Viljem Merhar (ekonomija/economy), dr. Marko Polič (psihologija/psychology), dr. Igor Pribac (filozofija/philosophy), dr. Velko S. Rus (psihologija/psychology), dr. Argio Sabadin (psihologija/psychology), dr. Marjan Šimenc (filozofija/philosophy), dr. Bojan Žalec (filozofija/philosophy) mednarodni uredniški sosvet/International advisory board: dr. Natalia Artemenko (Rusija/Russia, St. Petersburg State University), dr. Richard Capobianco (ZDA/USA, Stonehill College, Easton, Massachusetts), dr. Jevgenij Firsov (Rusija/Russia, Moscow State University Lomonosov), dr. Dominique Lassarre (Francija/France, Université de Nîmes), dr. Igor Mikecin (Hrvaška, Croatia, University of Zagreb), dr. Boško Pešić (Hrvaška/Croatia, University of Osijek), dr. Alain Soubigou (Francija/France, Sorbonne University, Ecole Normale Supérieure), dr. Michael Staudigl (Avstrija/Austria, University of Vienna, Institute for Human Sciences), dr. Karel M. Woschitz (Avstrija/Austria, University of Graz), dr. Dan Zahavi (Danska/Denmark, University of Copenhagen), dr. Josef Zumr (Češka/Czech Republic) uredništvo in administracija/Editorial and administrative office address: Anthropos, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za filozofijo, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, telefon: 241 10 00, e-mail: [email protected] Anthropos naročajte na navedeni naslov, naročnino pa pošljite na transakcijski račun številka: 02010-11281745 NLB Časopis ima 4-6 številk letno. Rokopisov ne vračamo. The Journal has 4-6 issues a year. Manuscripts are not to be returned. Cena te številke je 10 EUR. Letna naročnina je 20,00 EUR. Price of this issue: 10 EUR. Annual subscription: 20,00 EUR. Angleške povzetke pregledal in prevedel/Proof-reading and translation of English abstracts: Janko Lozar Članki so recenzirani/All articles are reviewed Oblikovanje ovitka/Cover design: Jure Legac Računalniški prelom/Layout: MatFormat d.o.o. Tisk/Printed by: MatFormat d.o.o. Naklada/Print-run: 600 izvodov/600 copies Založba: Slovensko filozofsko društvo in Društvo psihologov Slovenije. Časopis izhaja s podporo Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije in Znanstvenega inštituta Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani. Anthropos je indeksiran v PsycINFO. http://www.anthropos.si ::anthropos Anthropos 1-2 (253-254) 2019 KAZALO Anthropos 1-2 (253-254) 2019 7-25 PSIHOLOGIJA 9-25 ::Eva Boštjančič, Richard B. Johnson in Rosa Radman Želodec: Vloga mednarodnih izkušenj ter demografskih dejavnikov študentov pri razvoju kulturne inteligentnosti 27-95 FILOZOFSKI PRISPEVKI 29-59 ::Cora Diamond: Etika, domišljija in metoda v Wittgensteinovem Traktatu 61-77 ::Borislav Mihačević: Spontanost volje kot načelo svobode 79-95 ::Jure Spruk: Vladavina umetne osebe: naravno pravo in zakonski pozitivizem v pravno-politični misli Thomasa Hobbesa 97-125 ŠTUDIJA 99-125 ::Danijel Janžekovič: Maslowa hierarhija potreb med plačanci: zakaj vojaki odhajajo med plačance? 127-130 NAVODILA AVTORJEM Anthropos 1-2 (253-254) 2019 CONTENTS Anthropos 1-2 (253-254) 2019 7-25 PSYCHOLOGY 9-25 ::Eva Boštjančič, Richard B. Johnson And Rosa Radman Želodec: The Role of Students’ Experiences Living Abroad and Demographic Factors on Development of Cultural Intelligence 27-95 PHILOSOPHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 29-59 ::Cora Diamond: Ethics, Imagination and the Method of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus 61-77 ::Borislav Mihačević: The Spontaneity of the Will as a Principle of Freedom 79-95 ::Jure Spruk: The Rule of an Artificial Person: Natural Law and Legal Positivism in the Legal-Political Thought of Thomas Hobbes 97-125 STUDY 99-125 ::Danijel Janžekovič: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Mercenaries: Why do Soldiers Become Mercenaries? 133-135 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS PSIHOLOGIJA PSYCHOLOGY Eva Boštjančič* Richard B. Johnson** Rosa Radman Žalodec* THE ROLE OF STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES LIVING ABROAD AND DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS ON DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE 9-25 * department of psychology faculty of arts university of ljubljana slovenia ** department of leadership studies indiana wesleyan university marion, in, united states [email protected] Anthropos 1-2 (253-254) 2019, str. 9-25 Eva boštjančič, richard b. johnson, rosa radman žalodec izvirni znanstveni članek udk 159.9.075:37.091.8(497.4):314.15 ::ABSTRACT Slovenian students are increasingly choosing to pursue their studies or apply for work placement abroad, and every year a number of young people de- cide to leave Slovenia permanently. This research focuses on ascertaining which demographic factors and other features related to the experience of young people abroad have an impact on the development of cultural intelligence, i.e. an indi- vidual’s ability to work efficiently in culturally diverse situations. A total of 527 students from Slovenia completed the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) and shared their previous and planned intercultural experiences. The results show that both previous and planned intercultural experiences correlate to cultural intelli- gence (CQ), namely students with the most experience abroad, as well as students planning to move abroad, show higher scores for all CQ dimensions. Key words: Cultural intelligence, Cultural Intelligence Scale, international experience, students, Slovenia POVZETEK VLOGA MEDNARODNIH IZKUŠENJ TER DEMOGRAFSKIH DEJAVNIKOV ŠTUDENTOV PRI RAZVOJU KULTURNE INTELIGENTNOSTI Slovenski študentje se vse pogosteje odločajo za študij ali študijsko prakso v tujini, nema- lo mladih pa se vsako leto odloči trajno zapustiti Slovenijo. V pričujoči raziskavi smo že- leli preveriti, kateri dejavniki, tako demografski kot tudi dejavniki, ki so povezani s predhodnimi izkušnjami mladih v tujini, vplivajo na oblikovanje kulturne inteligen- tnosti, tj. posameznikove zmožnosti učinkovitega delovanja v kulturno raznolikih situ- acijah. Vprašalnik kulturne inteligentnosti (CQS) je izpolnilo 527 študentov iz Slove- nije, opisali so tudi svoje pretekle in načrtovane medkulturne izkušnje. Rezultati so po- kazali, da so tako pretekle kot načrtovane medkulturne izkušnje pozitivno povezane s kulturno inteligentnostjo. Študentje z največ izkušnjami v tujini, kakor tudi študentje, ki načrtujejo selitev v tujino, imajo v povprečju vse dimenzije kulturne inteligentnosti izražene močneje. Ključne besede: kulturna inteligentnost, Lestvica kulturne inteligentnosti, mednarodne izkušnje, študenti, Slovenija 10 the role of students’ experiences living abroad ::INTRODUCTION :: ::The role of cultural intelligence in the internationalization of Slovenian citizens Globalization promotes internationalization at the national, corporate and per- sonal level. The Slovenian researcher Kohont (2011) argues that the internationali- zation of a company‘s business represents a challenge for its Human Resources function. This includes the need to make more demanding strategic decisions, which usually go hand in hand with an increase in the number of operational tasks, the need for standardization and localization of procedures, and transfer of practic- es and increased scope of change. It appears the most challenging of these issues are referrals and the preparation of domestic workers to work abroad, job seeking and working with foreign employees, and strengthening the common organizational culture. One of the most important factors that affect how well an employee adapts to work abroad, as well as the acceptance of various cultures in the home environ- ment, are personality traits (e.g. Barrett & Pietromonaco, 1997; Caligiuri, 2000; Mount & Barrick, 1995; Teagarden & Gordon, 1995) and other specific personal- ity factors, including cultural intelligence (e.g. Earley & Ang, 2003). Cultural intelligence pertains to an individual‘s ability to deal effectively with sit- uations characterized by cultural diversity (Ang & Van Dyne, 2008). Cultural intel- ligence includes four dimensions: metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and be- havioural. The metacognitive dimension is described as an openness and awareness of differences between interactions with individuals from other cultural
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