Iklonday.eveningMhe question in Re­ Webb & Mead. solved, "That the principles of the Glothliig.—Webb & Mend. Legal. grange; movement,, carried out, will T?»TATK OF EI1U8 KEHn, DECBAS- result in tlie greatest good to the great­ Jji oii. Stato of Michigan, county of InKhAtn, : Ttanruday, JAnuary 81,. 1884. est number." "Elder" Fox alHrnis, B»7 At 0 dOMlon of lliu iirol)tttu court for Haid Wni. Johnson denies. oouiny, huiaw tho jiroUato onioo, tutUu cltyoj MttBon,o« the Hth day of January, 111 Iho year ' EAST 'ALAIEOON. oiiu thounand olfsht hundred and elghly-fonr. DANSV1I.LG. I'ranunv, Geo, V, Ulliom, Juduo of proliiito. 'John Potter Is improvliiK the looks Ill the ninttor of tho uatato of Jillis Korr, of bla farm with anew gmuary' B. P. Pettlt and family have loft ^"ou^ruai'llnR and flIlnRtlio tiotltlon.duly vorlflod, or Alcsttiiilor Korr anil Aliixaiidor Korr, Jr., oxoo- iL.-P. MituheUaiid wife spent Sun­ town. Clothixigl ntorn of Iho liml wlU of mild docuiwud, prftylna day with friends neiir DunsvlUe. Miss Jennie Otis is visiting friends for llcoiiBC to sell real estate, lor tlio puriiOBO of VOL. XXV1.-N0. 6. at Boscoinmon. piiylnK tho dohw of »»ld docoasod ond oxpouaoa MASON. MIGH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY T, 1884. L. YounR, of Hanover, Jackson Co., of admlniatorlUR Bald entato. WHOLE NO. 1309; has been visiting his brother, P. H. Social tills week Thursday evening, Thoiciipon It IB ordered, tlint Moiidny, the IStb Young. , at N. V. AVempIe's. S3 day of J'iubruary next, at ten o'clock In the fore- noon, ho amtlgnod for the hoarint; of said pclltlon Irving Warner and Chas. Owens arc The Noblc-VMiBbu TroiiUle. Elmer Stroup is visiting friends and Bemember the lyceum social Friday O 3IlBtlifiIiMEtL0IlimD5EiiitteClIT. iiud that iho legatecB and heirs at law of nald do> invoicing the E. G. Hunt stock of gro­ CbleiMto Movninc News relatives near Manchester, Washtenaw night, at the Baptist church. cuai!ed,nndall otherpemouB InturcstcdtnBaidca- The controversy between the Nobles The belt two cent paper In the worltl. tatutatH,, ararec require requiredd t oto appea api r at a aoBHlon of aald' ceries with a view to its purcliasc. Dry Goods.—Day, Campbell k Co. Co.^Mieh. Perry Crlppen, of California, is vis­ and tho Vaughns over the custody of liKMwI FRED CLAKK, Agent for Mason. court.tho' n to "b e holdo• uInt I thI e probat..•. e olUcoi„....,„ n.„ th „,o„ FlTBLISHBD EVBUV THDRSDAY, BV Charles Welch, an intemperate man, little Edith Goldsmttli, wliicii has . Mrs. Nelson Post, of Flint, and Mre. iting friends in this vicinity.. cllyofMaison,and8howcatiiiu.1. - _..-jtiae.lcan ff ananythory theroe bo,whbo,wb' r rural for Hnle. Clark Fosteri of Saginaw, are the Men's Overcoats S2.00 each^ the prayer of thoe iietpetitionereBhouli tloncraBhouluere d not hou orantoamntndd ; y. J. TEFFT. dropped dead in front of Bavis Bros.' created so much bad blood, is far from guests of Lee Huntly and family. The Dansville fox hunters succeeded AniAndl It l»a furthefurtlie'rr ordered, that said netitjbnoni •' ' i doorway In Lansing between Ave and being settled. It gives promise of a My farm of llfty acres two and one-half in killing two foxes lost Tuesday. 53 give notice to tho persona Interestud In aald oa- six Monday night. An Inquest deni- long series of troublesome litigation. miles southeast of Mason, will bo sold at a cntford Collar and James Crocket late of tho pendency of Bald petition, aud tho Oat inr, tl.SO: alx monlht, 7i canlii Ihra* bargain. Good buildings and orchard. For Calico hop at the Union hotel'Feb. Men's Overcoats $3.00 each. hearlnK thereof liy caiiHinK it copy of thin order onstrated that years of dissipation had Several arrests have already been 75 CSXTTS 75 have returned from the pine woods. 22. Bill $1.60, includingoystersupper. to he publiBhcd in tho 'iliB iNuiiAM CoUNTr nionlhi, 40 ctnti—la advanet. caused his wearing out and sudden made. Wo narrated last week the nirlhor particulars Inqulrool They look as tliough work had been NEWS, a nownpnper printed and circulated In collapse. arrest of Ed. Vaughn charged with OBOUOE ODEBHOI.TZBB, light and hash plenty up there. E. J. Smith is making a two weeks' Men's Overcoats S4.00 each. aald county, for four succenBlve weeks previous ADVERTISINO RATES. stay, at Stockbridge with bis son, tosald day of bearing. Our advertising ratcN made known atomce. A pleasant surprise party was given assault and battery, and the latter Mason, Mich., Mark. 'A,lL';*'.'=°Py) OEO. P. OILLAM, BualnosHcards Sla line per year. with assault. He paid n fine of Or on tho premises. vmvip UELill. i^vii , .ludgo ofProbato. Bailnesa locala ttve cents por line each and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ainlrew Biumond at A. $0 and cumo home last week Wednes­ Bevlvial meetings are being held at Men's heavy black Chinchilla Overcoats $5. •very Inaertlon. S. Hawley's last Friday evening, it Ileccived of J. D. Pliolps, treasurer of Cus­ STATE OF ENOS li. SMITH, DE- Marriage, birth, and death notices free. day. On Thursday he took out war­ ter Council, No. fiZI, Royal Arcanum, tlirco The good sleigliing made the mill the M. E. church, conducted ny Bev. ceased. Stato of .^IIchlRnn, county Of Ing­ Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, being the occasion of the fifteenth rants for the arrest of Mr. and Mrs. men happy. D. J. Odell. BENEFIT for every man and boy that wants a dollar's worth of Eham. SB. At a BcsBlon of the prohuto court OMda of thanks, etc., live cents a line. anniversary of their marriage. About Nolile, charging tlie former with as­ thousand dollars. In t\ill for umouiil of bene- Olothingr from THIS TIME OUT. We have had a good for tho county of Ingham, holdcn at tho probate 75 pei-sons wore present. A jolly even­ lit No. ,11,503, of John T, Mosher, deceased. Jacob West is getting .the materials Bicliard Hale has gone to Mecosta olllcc, in tho city of Musou, on tho 15th day of ing was passed, nnd Mr. and Mrs, sault nnd battery. Mr. Noble entered MASON, Feb, 2,1881. on hand for a dwelling house. county, where ho nas,secured a clerk­ Winter's trade and the balance of our Fine and January, In tho year one tlioiisand eicht hundred THE NEWS JOB ROOM his own recognisance and tiiat of liis and elKlity-four, I'roscnt, Geo. F. Olllam, Judge Biainotid were made the recipients <>f Mas, HANNAH O. MO.IIIEU. • The Good Templars uro preparing to ship in a store. Elegant Stock is 70UBS. ol Probate. Is supplied with the best machinery that many beautiful presents. wife in the sum of $100 each foruppear- 'hold an exhibition in tiie near future. George Bichlsoii and family returned In tho matter of tho estate of Enos u. Smith, money can buy, fitted for steam power, a large aiice for trial on Wednesday, Feb. 20. Eoat last week from a two montlis' visit in deceased. assortment of tho latest atylos of Type, Bor­ The first appearance of Bi^. llan- Last Saturday a warrant was issued A pair ol kid mittens were lost Inst Thursday Eev. G. A. Odium, of Okeinos, is On reading and lllliig tho iiolitioii, duly vorl- for Goldsmith, the fatlier of little holding a suiies of meetings in tlie southern Michigan. Come and Select for Yourselves. ders, etc., enabling us to do .Tob Printing on dall's temperance paper at Bansvillo nflornoon or evening on tho streets of this ned, of Efilo A. .Smith, praying tlint adniinlstra* Short notice, at low prices, and In the will be May 1, instead of March 1, ns Editli, for abduction. He gave bail for city, up from the Donnelly bouse. The tinder Metlindist (iliin'ol) at Holt. $05.70 wus the amount received at lion of said estate luuy he granted to Thaddeua aiipearance, Feb. 35, for examination. the donation last week for the beiielU Uensmore, or some other Bultnble person. heretofore announced. The Br. went will confer a favor by leaving them at tho Bev. Luther Litlell attended the of Eev. J. Keightley. Tboroupon ll 1» ordered, that Monday, tho lltb BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! yesterday to attend n meeting of the It is ascertained that the two persons Donnelly house. ISOOwlp Prcsibyterian board of homo missions day of February ne.\t, at tun o'clock In the fore­ state alliance ut Jackson. He an­ noon, be aBBlgncd for the heiiring of said peti­ •We do as good work as can be obtained any­ who represented themselves as insur­ To Whom it Mny Voneern. 1^4 OFF 1-4 at Marshall lust week. Floyd Skadan, of Bay City, was BUFFALO ROBES, WOLF ROBES, tion, and that the heirs at law of fluid decea«ed and nounces that lie will soon speak in ance agents and succeeded in taking visiting at Ills lather's, Samuel Skaduii, all ottter perKons interested in said estate, are where, and parties In nood of commercial or Mason On the evils of intemperance The horse spoken of in tho notice of I. H. Tlie Presbyterian foreign missionary the fore part of the week. required to appear at a BeBHioii of said court, Otnoy Job Printing of any description are Edith from Mr. Noble's, were deputy- 'Vandcrcook, .over the signlture of Wm. S. society wus held lust Friday afternoon tliun to bu balden at tlic probate ofllce, in tho from u physical, legal and moral sherifT Vinton nnd Elmer Stoekwcil, Friend Williams, who lives two Etc., at Wholesale and Bet ail, and over 750 city of Mason, unil show cause, if any there be, requested to call, examine styles, and obtain standpoint.
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