30 FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid, Honors and Awards Office: 202 Memorial Hall programs. Completed applications must be in the Office Telephone: (516) 463-6680 of Financial Aid by May 1 for the fall semester and December 15 for the spring semester. FAFSAs are avail- Hofstra makes financial aid available to many students in able in the Office of Financial Aid or apply on line at the form of scholarships, grants, loans and jobs. Like www.FAFSA.ed.gov. other universities which subscribe to the policies of the New York State residents should apply for New York Federal Student Aid Programs, we believe that eligibility State Tuition Assistance by completing the Free Applica- for scholarship aid should depend on the student’s tion for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students will achievement and promise, but that the amount of such receive a TAP Express Application to review and return to aid should depend on the relative financial need of the Albany, New York. student and his or her family. Requests for financial assistance will not influence a Prospective new full-time freshmen and full-time un- candidate’s consideration for admission in any way. Finan- dergraduate students in good standing are eligible for cial aid decisions will be made after the student has been awards ranging in value up to full tuition. These one-year accepted, and the student will be informed by mail. Please renewable awards are granted on the basis of academic note that March 1 is the priority deadline for freshmen quality, personal merit, need and, in some cases, profi- awards. ciency in a specialized area. Transfer Students Students have the responsibility to plan ahead, antici- All transfer students must complete The Free Application pate all costs, budget all resources, and request aid for the for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Academic achievement entire academic period. Anticipated costs include not and financial need will be considered. Completed appli- only tuition and fees but a reasonable cost estimate for cations must be in the Office of Financial Aid by May 1 for books and supplies, transportation, room and board the fall semester and December 15 for the spring semes- where applicable, and personal expenses. Budgeted re- ter. sources should include assistance from parents, student savings, summer earnings, term-time earnings, Federal Graduate and Professional Students and State aid, and scholarships from community civic Graduate and professional students must complete The organizations. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for The Financial Aid Office will determine the amount eligibility for Stafford Loans. Applications for the FAFSA and combinations of aid for which the student is eligible are available at the Office of Financial Aid or apply online after applying all “outside” awards. The University reserves at www.FAFSA.ed.gov. All scholarships, assistantships and the right to modify the amount of the award at any time grants, on a graduate level, are handled within a students’ on the basis of outside awards. respective department. The graduate student should con- Students who are pursuing second undergraduate de- tact their particular department for information. grees may be eligible for Federal financial aid, however Continuing Students may not be eligible for institutional funds. Recipients of financial aid must reapply each year. To receive consideration for renewal of institutional financial APPLICATION AND REAPPLICATION PROCEDURES aid, full-time students must successfully complete at least 24 semester hours in residence each academic year with a Freshmen minimum of 18 hours in which a letter grade is assigned until senior standing (88 hours) has been attained. Applicants for financial aid should refer to the instruc- The necessary grade-point average for renewal of a tions in the Admissions Application and/or Financial Aid scholarship is listed in the description of that scholarship. Brochure that relate to financial aid. All aid applicants The University reserves the right to change renewal must complete The Free Application for Federal Student criteria. Eligible entering freshmen may renew their Aid (FAFSA). On the Free Federal Form, federal meth- scholarships for a maximum of six semesters; eligible odology will determine eligibility for the Federal Pell sophomore transfers may renew for a maximum of four Grant, Federal SEOG, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal semesters; junior transfers for a maximum of two semes- Work Study, and the Federal Family Education Loan ters. FINANCIAL AID 31 a. To be eligible for renewal of financial aid the Free PHI BETA KAPPA SCHOLARSHIP Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be Phi Beta Kappa Scholarships are awarded to incoming completed by the parents and students. Upon request, freshmen who are ranked number one in their high a signed copy of the parents and/or student’s Federal school class and have achieved an above average SAT or Income Tax return and a signed verification worksheet ACT score. may be required. These scholarships may be maintained and renewed by b. Renewal applications will be mailed by the U.S. Depart- the scholars who meet the renewal criteria listed at the ment of Education to continuing students who filed end of this section. the FAFSA for the previous academic year before September 1. All other students can pick up a FAFSA MEMORIAL HONORS SCHOLARSHIPS in January at the Office of Financial Aid or apply online at www.FAFSA.ed.gov. The University reserves the right Memorial Scholarships were established to honor the to deny FAFSAs not completed in accordance with thirty-eight former Hofstra University students who died federal deadlines. in military service during World War II. The scholarships c. Students who are residents of New York State can also are awarded to entering freshmen who have achieved an apply for the New York State Tuition Assistance Pro- exceptional high school record and above average SAT or gram (TAP) by completing the Free Application for ACT score. Federal Student Aid. New York State Higher Education These scholarships may be maintained and renewed by Service Corporation (NYSHESC) will mail a TAP Ex- recipients who meet the renewal criteria listed at the end press Application for the student to review and return of this section. to Albany, New York. PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Presidential Scholarships are awarded to entering fresh- Undergraduate men who have achieved an excellent high school record and above average SAT or ACT score. Scholarships These scholarships may be maintained and renewed by recipients who meet the renewal criteria listed at the end FULL-TIME STUDENTS of this section. Academic Scholarships and Activity Grants are applied HONORS COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS toward tuition only and do not apply to such costs as University fees, living expenses, tutorials, credit by exam- Honors College Scholarships are awarded to students who ination or specified off-campus programs. are offered admission and enroll in the University’s Hon- These scholarships are awarded annually to cover eight ors College. These scholarships are awarded on the basis Hofstra semesters for entering freshmen, six Hofstra of outstanding academic (e.g. high school or prior college semesters for sophomore transfers, four Hofstra semesters grade point average, standardized test scores, leadership, for junior transfers and two Hofstra semesters for senior participation in extra curricular activities and/or honors transfers and may not be applied to summer session programs). Scholarships are equivalent to partial or full attendance except as specifically authorized by the Schol- tuition. Continuation of the scholarship is contingent arship Review Committee. upon meeting the renewal criteria listed on page 32. Generally, a student is eligible for only one scholarship awarded by Hofstra University. HOFSTRA ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIPS Hofstra Achievement Scholarships are awarded to enter- DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC SCHOLAR PROGRAM ing freshmen who have achieved an outstanding high A limited number of full-tuition scholarships are available school record and above average SAT or ACT score. to students with outstanding academic achievement, re- These scholarships may be maintained and renewed by gardless of financial need. All applicants with superior recipients who meet the renewal criteria listed at the end high school records and standardized test scores are of this section. considered. The admissions application deadline for con- sideration of this scholarship is February 15. Students not HOFSTRA RECOGNITION SCHOLARSHIPS selected for one of Hofstra’s full-tuition scholarships may Upperclass Awards are awarded to enrolled students on still qualify for one of the awards listed below. These the basis of superior academic records and financial need. scholarships may be maintained and renewed by recipi- These awards may be maintained and renewed by ents who meet the renewal criteria at the end of this recipients who meet the renewal criteria listed at the end section. of this section. 32 FINANCIAL AID ASSISTANCE GRANTS Achievement) may be renewed if the recipient main- Assistance Grants are awarded to entering students and tains full-time status and meets the following minimum are an example of Hofstra University’s commitment to- academic averages: 3.0 cumulative grade point average ward meeting a student’s financial need as determined by after two Hofstra semesters, 3.1 after four Hofstra submission of the Free Application for Federal Student semesters, 3.2 after six Hofstra semesters. The grade Aid (FAFSA).
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