Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration to the meeting of the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) to be held on 19 February 2009 AF Summary Statement – Part Two Applications Recommended for Approval The sites concerned are: 28. Land to the South East and South of 869 Thornton Thornton & Road, Thornton, Bradford (page 37) Allerton 29. 23 Hutton Road, Bradford, BD5 9DT (page 44) Wibsey 30. Ernest Adams and Son, Slack Bottom Road, Bradford, BD6 3RH (page 47) Royds 31. Land West of Stadium Mills, Pearson Road, Bradford (page 52) Wyke 32. Land at Grid Ref 419402 436322, Roundwood Glen, Bradford (page 56) Eccleshill Mike Cowlam Portfolio: Assistant Director Environment and Culture (Economic Development Service) Report Contact: Mohammed Yousuf Improvement Committee Area: Phone: (01274) 434402 Regeneration and Economy E-mail: [email protected] Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) 19 February 2009 Item Number: 28 Ward: THORNTON AND ALLERTON Recommendation: TO GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION APPLICATION INVOLVING DEVELOPMENT OF OVER 5,000M2 GROSS FLOOR SPACE Application Number: 08/02420/FUL Type of Application/Proposal and Address: A combined full and outline (hybrid) planning application for the construction of a mix of office, light industrial, general industrial and storage or distribution employment uses (B1(a), B1(c), B2 and B8), access and landscaping at land to the south of 869 Thornton Road, Thornton, Bradford. Site Description: This 6.68-hectare site comprises undulating agricultural grassland that is enclosed and sub-divided by dry-stone walling and crossed by public rights of way. A high- voltage electricity pylon and a derelict agricultural storage building occupy different parts of the site. To the north, west, south and south-east is similar, generally open countryside with isolated buildings. The site envelopes a currently unused detached restaurant and its car park off Thornton Road. To the north-east the site abuts a builder’s yard and a modern industrial estate. Access is available via the site frontage to Thornton Road, which has a 40mph speed limit. Relevant Site History: 05/02160/FUL: Mixed use development of A1, C1, B1, B2 and B8 comprising 13 units, withdrawn 21 September 2005. 79/3/02808: High voltage power line, granted 30 May 1979. The adjoining unused restaurant site to the north is subject to a full planning application, still under consideration (ref. 08/03778/FUL) for the demolition of the restaurant and construction of 18 dwellings with access, parking and landscaping. Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP): Proposals and Policies The land is allocated as an employment site, BW/E1.9. Taking account of policies saved for the purposes of formulating the Local Development Framework, the following RUDP policies are applicable to the proposal:- UR2 Promoting Sustainable Development UR3 Local Impact of Development E1 Protecting Allocated Employment Sites E2 Protecting Large Employment Sites TM2 Impact of Traffic and its Mitigation TM11 Parking Standards for Non-Residential Developments TM18 Parking for People with Disabilities - 37 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) TM19 Cycle Parking TM19A Traffic Management and Road Safety D1 General Design Considerations D2 Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Design D3 Access for People with Disabilities D4 Community Safety D5 Landscaping D6 Meeting the Needs of Pedestrians D7 Meeting the Needs of Cyclists NR15B Flood Risk NR16 Surface Water Run Off and Sustainable Drainage Systems NR17 Ground Water Protection NR17A Water Course and Water Bodies P1 Air Quality P5 Development Close to Former Landfill Sites P7 Noise Other Relevant Policies and Guidance: Planning Policy Statement 1 Delivering Sustainable Development Planning Policy Guidance Note 4 Industrial and Commercial Development and Small Firms Planning Policy Guidance Note 13 Transport Planning Policy Statement 23 Pollution (PPS23) Planning Policy Statement 25 Development and Flood Risk (PPS25) Parish Council: Not applicable. Publicity and Number of Representations: The application was publicised by a notice in the local press, the display of site notices and individual neighbour notification letters. The publicity period expired on 20 June 2008. No objections have been received. Summary of Representations Received: Not applicable. Consultations: Highways Development Control - initial response: No objections to principle of development though a number of detailed modifications or additional information requested relating to the access road, visibility splays, gradients, bus stops, street lighting, speed restraint measures, footpath diversions, vehicle turning areas, pedestrian facilities and bin storage. Also, a shortfall of 79 car parking spaces is identified. Second response: Proposed traffic calming measures to the access road are workable and, subject to all initial points being addressed, no further issues regarding the scheme itself are raised. It is noted that the traffic lights at Keelham will need to be upgraded at a cost of £50,000, which would be controlled by an agreement under Section 278 of the Highways Act. Transport Planning: The amended site-wide Travel Plan for future employees, visitors, etc. of the development is comprehensive and properly structured. - 38 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) Yorkshire Water: No objections subject to six conditions to control foul and surface water drainage and prevent pollution. Drainage Services Unit: No objections subject to six conditions to control foul and surface drainage and adequate pollution prevention. British Horse Society: No comments received. Minerals and Waste Team: The site is adjacent to two former landfill sites and close to two others; the infilling of these sites has been controlled through the planning system and all are now restored or revegetated. Rights of Way Section: The site affects two public rights of way the diversion of which requires amendment. West Yorkshire Police: No objections to the principle of the development subject to the re-routed right of way being integrated in to the development and inclusion throughout the scheme of adequate security fencing, CCTV, external lighting and landscaping. Yorkshire Forward: No comments required. Summary of Main Issues: 1. Background and principle of development. 2. Visual amenity. 3. Residential amenity. 4. Highway safety. 5. Other planning matters. Appraisal: Background and Principle of Development This hybrid outline/full planning application proposes a new industrial estate comprising twelve buildings for B1(a) office, B1(c) light industry, B2 general industry and B8 storage or distribution with associated access and landscaping. Buildings 1 to 6, 11 and 12 are subject of the outline element of the application with scale, appearance and landscaping applied for consideration; full details have been submitted for buildings 7, 8, 9 and 10 plus the access road off Thornton Road and landscaping to the southern boundary. The extent of the outline and full details is identified by green and red lines respectively on the applicant’s Drawing No. D627/33 Revision B. A range of suitably worded conditions will be required to control these two aspects of the future development. The buildings are specified for the following uses:- • Building 1: Managed B1(a) office space/business incubator unit; • Buildings 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: B1(c) light industrial and B2 general business starter units; • Building 7: B8 warehouse/logistics operation with administrative offices; • Buildings 8, 11 and 12: B2 general industrial units with ancillary offices; and • Buildings 9 and 10: B8 warehouse/logistics units with ancillary offices. The gross floor space for each use amounts to 3,855m2 for B1(a), 3,417m2 for B1(c), 5110m2 for B2 and 13,450m2 for B8, a total of 25,832m2. For comparison purposes the Grattan warehouse building at Thornton Road, Listerhills has a footprint of approximately 70,000m2. Taking reference from information supplied by English Partnerships and other research, it is estimated that the proposed floor space could provide in the order of 650 jobs once fully occupied. - 39 - Report to the Area Planning Panel (Bradford) The site has a long-term allocation for employment purposes being included in the RUDP (reference BW/E1.9) and in the preceding Unitary Development Plan adopted in 1998. There have been no significant changes in site circumstances and the updating of some government planning guidance does not undermine this approval such that the development remains acceptable in principle. Visual Amenity The new units (as amended) would be of a simple layout off the access road that runs centrally through the site. The buildings are of a large scale as required in part by RUDP Policy E2 and operational needs of modern-day employment functions: Building 7 being the largest at a length of 185 metres and a height to eaves of 13 metres. The design of the units has been enhanced to include vertical banding and colour variations to add visual interest the elevations and to emphasise the entrance points and the external windows and doors of the administrative office elements. Whilst the appearance of units 1 and 12 are reserved matters they, along with Unit 10, have a prominent presence at the junction of, and/or fronting on to, Thornton Road. The details submitted for Building 10 include strong design elements that if mirrored in buildings 1 and 12 at reserved matters stage plus provision of suitable boundary features
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