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When asked directly to explain why Madison St. in Westfield was in court bance then. he assaulted and killed Tkach, Misiruk ini- Friday morning following his arrest for an After the body was discovered, investiga- tially denied his action but then said that he apparent homicide that was discovered tors spoke with other witnesses who report- “blacked out” or “snapped” before he killed Thursday. ed that they had been in a vehicle with the him. Misiruk, 19, is accused of murdering suspect and the victim while the two were Misiruk, who was born in Ukraine, was Nazar Tkach, a 17-year-old male from having an argument in which racial slurs spotted in a vehicle on College Highway Southwick whose body was discovered were used. Tkach left the vehicle and went Thursday evening by a city detective and Thursday afternoon in Stanley Park. Misiruk into the woods at Stanley Park to retrieve was stopped in Southwick. He was arrested has a past criminal record involving several his bike and Misiruk followed him. and charged with murder. violent assaults as well a charge of indecent The witnesses reported hearing a further He was taken to Westfield District Court assault and battery. altercation from the pair in the woods Friday morning for arraignment which was His next court date was scheduled for before Misiruk returned to the vehicle with pending at press time. Oct. 4. a razor blade and blood on his hand. The arresting officers reported that they VADIM MISIRUK State Trooper Noah H. Pack reports in a While in custody, Misiruk admitted to believe Misiruk to be a flight risk and that court document that the investigation indi- police that he had been arguing with the he should be held without bail. The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School cated that Misiruk had fatally slashed victim and had followed him into the woods. Stanley Park Director Robert McKean District Superintendent Jennifer Willard said school Tkach’s throat with a razor blade Wednesday He also admitted that he had “come out of said that the park was open Friday after the counselors were available to speak with students. evening. His body was discovered near a the woods with a knife in his hand and scene was cleared. Tkach was a student at Southwick Regional School. chainlink fence that separates Stanley Park blood on his hands.” “It’s a very unfortunate situation,” said ——— from Kensington Avenue. Pack reports that Misiruk also admitted to McKean. “But the park is fully open and we Peter Currier can be reached at Witnesses had reported hearing an alter- returning to the scene the following day, want people to know the park is safe.” [email protected]. Contracts sent to Finance Committee for review By AMY PORTER discuss them,” said At-large Councilor Brent Personnel Chair Cindy C. Harris said Staff Writer B. Bean, II, who chairs the Finance sub-com- Ingraham has served the district as a teacher WESTFIELD – Eight ratified contract mittee. for 25 years, and in addition is a 27-year vet- agreements between union employees and the Ward 3 Councilor Andrew K. Surprise made eran with the National Guard. His appoint- City of Westfield were presented to the City a motion to get a legal ruling. Bean responded ment was approved unanimously. Council on Thursday, and referred to the that the Law Department would be present at Babinski asked for immediate consideration Finance sub-committee for review. the Finance meeting. of a resolution to encourage Baystate Noble to At the meeting, At-large Councilor John J. Ward 1 Councilor Mary Ann Babinski made keep Mental Health Services local and not Beltrandi, III served as president pro temp in a motion to refer the Fire Department relocate the Fowler Wing to Holyoke in a Ralph J. Figy’s absence. Supervisors Association agreement to Finance motion with Councilors Harris and Figy. Seven of the eight agreements included along with the others. The motion was amend- Babinski said several forums were held in transfers of funds from the Reserve for Future ed and voted to get a legal opinion in writing the Westfield Athenaeum sponsored by the Salary increase line item, funded at $100,000 on whether all contracts can be voted up or Mayor and state Rep. John C. Velis in the City Clerk Karen M. Fanion and John J. in the FY20 budget, after the Council reduced down by the Council. spring which brought together professionals, Beltrandi, III, president pro temp at Sept. 19 by $50,000 the original request of $150,000 “Where in the City Charter does it authorize nurses from the Fowler Wing and personnel Council meeting. (Photo by Amy Porter) from Mayor Brian P. Sullivan. the Mayor to execute contracts,” Flaherty from Westfield State University in support of The signed and ratified agreement between asked as an addendum to the motion. the program. strophic loss to the community.” The resolu- the Westfield Fire Department Supervisors In other business, social studies teacher “One professor at Westfield State said she tion passed with one abstention. Association and the city, which did not require Michael Ingraham was appointed for immedi- couldn’t imagine not having this resource in Also during public participation, Matthew a transfer of funds, was submitted to the ate consideration as a member of the Historical the community,” Babinski said, adding that it VanHeynigen spoke in support of a motion Council by the Mayor for information only Commission, replacing Kate Deviny, who serves a critical purpose to residents of made by Bean in a previous Council meeting with no action needed. resigned. During public participation, com- Westfield and outlying communities. to require CORI checks for all candidates. At-large Councilor David Flaherty was pre- mission chair Cynthia Gaylord spoke in sup- During public participation, Westfield nurse “CORI checks are required for teachers, first pared to object. “No action needed implies port of the appointment. Gail Bean also spoke in support of the Fowler responders and many others,” VanHeynigen that the Mayor wants to get this ratified. The Gaylord said that she has worked with Unit. “As a nurse and personally, I know of said, adding that given the presence that city Council can reject any (contract) for any and Ingraham for years, and that he has a keen several people who have used the Fowler councilors have in the schools, he believed it no reason at all,” Flaherty said, citing a case in interest in local history. She also said the com- Unit,” she said. Bean also said there have been to be important. the city of Methuen involving the City Council mission is very busy and sorely needed anoth- allegations of neglect about the company who “I just went through a CORI check for a and union negotiations. er member, especially with the Ghost Tours would be slated to take it over. new job,” VanHeynigen said, and requested “If people are getting paid based on con- coming up. Ingraham is the direct ninth great “I have seen private industry put profit over that Councilor Emmershy call for a public tracts we haven’t approved, we are violating grandson of one of the 13 founders of people’s care,” Bean said. hearing on the question before the end of the the law. We can’t just accept these things Westfield, Gaylord added, and said his ances- Babinski asked for a unanimous vote on the year. The motion had been referred to the blindly,” he added. tor’s stone will be featured at the Ghost Tours resolution which read in part, “Losing the Charter & Rules committee, chaired by “My plan is to put them all in Finance and this year. Fowler Wing would be a critical and cata- Emmershy. Southwick Board of Appeals reorganized By HOPE E. TREMBLAY There should be three full members longtime chairman Paul Gregoire. BOA Assistant Managing Editor and two associate members, but the members told the Select Board they SOUTHWICK – The Board of group was operating with an additional wanted to discuss the situation at its first Appeals met with the Select Board this full member for the past year. September meeting. Fox said the agenda week to hash out some concerns and “We had to reduce the number. I asked was already full and agreed to attend a confusion surrounding the BOA’s make- for a motion and Doug (Moglin) made a BOA meeting. up. motion to make some changes,” Fox At that meeting, Fox found the mem- Select Board Chairman Russell Fox said. “We did a realignment and I didn’t bers were “not comfortable taking on said Town Counsel Benjamin Coyle was think it would be a major issue.” [the chairperson] role.
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