HAQAMAN MEMORIAL EAST HAVEN PUBLIC LIBRARY, Ino. THK BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1938 Page Eight Miss Fannie E. Jourdan Is slopping THE HOME NENVSPAl'KB IS A In Beverly, Mass. TUB HOMM TO\VN PAPEB VITAL KOIIOB IN EVBIIY TOWN Man About Mrs. Florence Royal passed her i'OBTRAYING AS IT DOES nUANlfOItD—NORTH nUANPORD TIE,:MOVIE GBYEBJ Calendar Of Events Easter vacation In Cleveland, Ohio. STONY CUKBK—VINE OIlOItARn LOCAL UAPPEMNGS IN SHORT IlBACn — INDIAN NECK HOLLYWOOD OOSSII*: Sanders agrees to undertake the Town...... Y^^, The Ladles' Social Club will hold FAMILIAR LANOUAOE (XR/VNNIS COIINKU — IttORRIS James Stewart the actor, and hia risky Job. UY JOHN c. CAiui I =2:5 AC a drawing tor tatted and crocheted COVE — E,\SX HIVVKN APRIL 22nd handkerchiefs on May 14 at the VND EAST HAVEN NEWS friend, John Swope, are in Arizona Although all Americana arc warn­ ed to avoid the danger zone, June her up tor 42 days. Community House. for a vacation. liiuBo—Bcticfit St. Jlary's Heetory I'^md—Tryst—8 iHO. Take a look some time at the follows her Inattentive hero. San- Aniimil Kale, 8 I'. M., 'Inlden I-hiks, Talxir Clnireli I can't find his name on our sub­ VOL. XI—NO. 3 Branford, Connecticut, Tluusday, April 28, 1038 Both arc Interested in amateur Main Street numbers In the Toole Price Five Cents dor's Introduction to Dolores Del KnuiiMcr H(iilii(l-IIp in IMKII KCIIIKII Block and down toward Rose Hill. scription list. He must have bor­ phtofsraphy, Stewart In moving pic­ Rio occurs when she shoots at him tures, and Swopo In still photo­ linml'ord ViHiliiiK Nurse' Drivii nmloi-wn.v . They run consecutively 254, 258. 258 rowed that copy ot the Review, You will enjoy a better In the hotel. This turns out to be lilue & (Inld VnrHily Show, Hast. Ilaveii High Selioi)! I'u|'il«. '" We don't mind having people graphy. They plan to vlslf vlUaBcs a case ot mistaken Identity, and When you get down to the entrance ride with a Good Clean the High School. steal our thunder, Just so long as Standard Tests Grange To Give Uncle Sam Has on the outskirts of Tuscon where the adventurer gets along famously to the second floor ot the McCarthy Car they will photogrdph natives per­ we can be helpful. Borough Will Consider Service Battery Ball with the dangerous beauty, Block you nnd that It Is only 200, forming their traditional dances, APRIL 23rd Are Being Given Minstrel Show New Stamps For which Ihoy do every year at Easter Sanders collect,s the million dol­ Suvals. next door. Is al.so 200. Lew AverlU has lent me a very llmo. lars at great rl.sk but finds the Asliley Shirt .Sliop (Jirls dance; •Take a number from 1 to 10"Interestin g scrapbook. I plan-to re­ Asking For Permission • At High School Monday Night Air Mail Week Here Saturday Evening StcViiart will remain until ho Issmuggle r dead ot a heart attack must have been a popular game produce some ot the things In It, needed at M O M for his next role when ho returns to deliver the mon­ APRIL 25th around here at one time. perhaps beginning In this Issue. Local School Measures Perfor In "Shopworn Angel," with Margar­ ey. Sanders tells Dolores ot the sit­ Raymond Boutelle has also prom­ Only the finishing touches are Special Issue Will Bo On Sale At uation and her unscrupulous ac­ llolarV—1'2:iri—CniigreKiiliimal Chureli I'arlors. For Smooth Performance To Unite With The Town lacking to perfect the Minstrel et Sullivan. Thorns come with the roses. ised to lend me some material niance Of Pupils By National Local Post Oilloo May IB Will Be Gala Occasion complice plans to get the fortune Vurieiy Show, t.'oniininiily llouNe, IjeiK.'lil of iVorthfonl hpiHCo- I killed my first mosquito of the Show which will be presented by "The motion picture, whenever which I shall also pass along. and Beauty Have Your Standards It has dealt with aviation, has turn­ for himself. piil Church. .season last Saturday night. CAR WASHED and Branford Grange No. 200 next Tues­ The unsuspecting adventurer Is Call For The Bi-Annual Meeting To Be Held Monday day evening at 8 o'clock In the Com­ Postmaster Jusciih Drlscoll has Son Of Governor Cross Will Be Among Noted Q-uests Of ed to war, or army or navy flying, Recently had an Interesting talk LUBRICATED at Evening Provides For Expression Of Opinion—Strong Standard tests in many subjects for Its thrills. Yet the greatest lured to a house In the "Interna­ APRIL 20lh Ever notice how you don't get with Alec Caddy about the soldiers' munity House, and the final rehear received the following Intormatlon; Honor—Many Military Units Of The State Will Be tional Settlement" where the thief are being given to the pupils of the A distinctive, two-color air mall .dangers In the air, are faced by tired working when you forget monument on the Green. Did you Sentiment For Consolidation Is Offset By Consider­ sals will smooth up the remaining Eop.i'03onLed At Outstanding Social Event To Be has prepared an ambush. Just then Hast Haven Oarilen Chili in Old Stone Church - Dossert High School this week nnd next stamp will be Issued by the United peace time civilian flyers." that you are working, I have al­ ever take a good look at it? It you Brennan's able Opposition. rough spots. The large nmnocr of Held. At Branford Armory the bombardment of the city begins Bridge—1.110. ,, „ , „ ways believed that fatigue Is a week, with tlie cooperation of the people who plan to attend the per­ States Post Otllee Department as a So declares Lt, Commander Frank want to see a really beautiful Job Connecticut State College at Storrs. and a direct hits Is scored on the J.unclieon, Short Hoaeh SnnsliinerH, lUiOO, hostess, Mr.s. Iteardon phenomenon ot the mind, not the formance are exiiectlng nn evening special recognition ot National Air Wood, formerly one of the Navy's In cut granite, do that. The most interesting feature ot The tests are based upon standards One ot the outstanding social ev­ house. The crook Is killed and San- body. The case of Bill Seavey helps Service ot fine entertainment, and the in­Mall Week, May 15 to 21, which will moat noted flyers, with 5,000 hours I hope to get a good story about the biannual meeting ot tlie Bor­ Engagement Of tor various ages and grades, arriv­ ents of the year will bo the 47th dors Is pinned under the wreckage. dications are that they will not be be the greatest effort In the history Benefit Show In the air, holder ot altitude and APRIL 2Bth to prove my claim. the monument tor Memorial Day. ough ot Brantord next Monday eve­ ed at by a long series of experi­ Annual Ball ot the Branford Ser­ other records, and hero of Innum- Is badly wounded. Dolores manages Bill sulfered so from Insomnia Station disappointed. ot tills service to Increase its ef­ to get a physician who performs a They tell me that J. P. Callahan is ning will be provided by the fifth Miss E. Williams ments Involving thousands of pu­ fectiveness nnd popular support. vice Battery which will bo held in herabld power dives and other per­ Installutinn of Oflieers, Mdmauguin, PTA that he got to be a physical wreck. Telephone 886 Will Be Given the Stnle Armory Saturday evening transfusion on the .spot, tor which the man I want to approach tor In­ article ot the call for the meeting pils all over the country. The The cast follows; ilous feats. He went to live with his married formation. results reveal the standing ot the An announcement today at Na­ from D to 2 o'clock, Tho Battery the girl donates the blood. 302 Main St. Branford which reads Interlocutor, Irving Adams; the '•• Ho passes the accolade to the mo­ APRIL 30th brother John at Spruce Head on Is Announced pupils In any given school system tional Air Mall Week general head­ Here Next Week Ball has become a Branford tradi­ Leaving for help, she returns with "To get an expressions ot opinion end men: Earlo'Borger, Willis H. dern test pilot, whoso ability to per- the Maine coast, hoping that the Have you noticed the many evi­ as compared with the accepted quarters here by Major Paul 'R, tion, and the affair ot this year will 'form the "terminal velocity" dive Is June and Dlek Baldwin, daring news Semi-Foruwil Dance at .Innior College ol! Commerce, sponsored from the legal voters ot the Bor­ Pratt, Jr,, James Sullivan, Gordon not bo Interior in nny way to tho salt air would cure him. It didn't. dences ot cordial relations among At a tea given in the liome ot standafds, and also give an oppor­ Younts, Executive Chairman, said Madame Annette ot New Haven the basis ot the trade. This Is thepape r man, and friends ot Sanders. liy Rainhnw Assembly. ,, ough as to whether or not the state Benson, Janies Blgelow, nnd Char­ beat of those held In former years. BUI had heard that salt water our various Protestant denomina­ Mrs. William J. Phillips,' Maple tunity to determine the strong and tills stamp will be symbolic ot thewil l bring a show here May 7 tor the subject dealt with In "Test Pilot," Juno and Dlek have lound romance Service liutlery liall in Armory !) 1'.
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