t"°Franklin news-recorD Vol. 25, No. 42 Twosections, 38 pages Telephone(201) 725-3300 Thursday, Oct. 20,1977 Secondclass postagepaid at Manville,N.J. 08835 $4.50per year/15cents per copy Council approves Women Voters endorse $1.4 million bond free municipal library by Steve Zurler Mack and Garibaldi construction Staff Writer companies. all boards of free municipallibraries Ralph Henig, a representative of by Jane Petroff the township council," the League A$1.4 million bondingordinance to Mack Construction Companysaid the ManagingEditor be appointed by the town council. president noted. connectthe interchangeof Rt. 287 with Cottontail Lane extension was needed "Wehope that the library board will Speaking on behalf of the library Schoolhouse Road and CampusDrive The Franklin League of Women be non-political," Ms. Gallagher staff at Tuesday’smeeting, assistant for a numberof years. Voters will formally encourage was approved unanimously last noted."l’n the past, the boardof trustees librarian Pat Baconpointed out that a "With the coming of the Route 95 township voters to pass the Nov. 8 has been comprisedof dedicated peo- municipal bond might be one way of Thursday evening by the township extension, the improvementsalong council. referendum to create an independent pleinterestedsolelyin theadvaneement eor-ing up with the neededbook funds. CottontailLane will do a great deal for municipallibrary facility. Another possibility would be an The project will improve ap- attracting industry to the township," of the library. Wehope this will con- proximately5,800 feet along Cottontail The League decided to endorse tinue with a council.appointedboard." agreementwith the county to pay for he said. library director Patrieia Nivison’s books the board andstaff wishto keep Lane. Costs will be incurred on a 70-30 Mr. Henigsaid the area will become As an association library under the per cent basis with the township claimthat the library will be better off county system, the five-member on a long-term basis. shouldering only 30 per cent of the an Industrial Park, similar to Raritan without county books, funding or board of trustees has been self- An informal poll of Franklin Valley Industrial Center. He explained supervision after hearing opinions residents who attended the league total. that "prestige" computes would be generating. The director is elected by ¯ According to Township Manager from its membership and from the the board, which also appoints new meeting wouldcertainly reveal a sure Harry Gerken, the improvements, attracted to Franklin if the extension public at Conerly Road School last membersas each term expires. victory for Pat Nivisonand her board. was completed. Tuesday evening. However, spokespersons for the whichconsist of an added road, sewer Another stumbling block, regarded line, and sewagesystem, could return Although commentsran strongly in county library system, notably June approximately$328,000 by 1982. MACKhas been responsible for favor of a municipal library, the as less serious than the others, Adams, a Franklin resident who bringing Ortho Pharmaceutical and league listened hard whena numberof regards the acquisition of booksin a serves as director of the county Singer Corp., an affiliate of Johnson "WE IlOPE these improvements possible drawbackswere outlined. municipal library. library board, plan to use every and Johnson into the township. Althoughthe council has tentatively minute of the time remaining before will start a chain of industrial Joseph Garibaldi III, of the developmentin Franklin," he said. CONSEQUENTLY,the league en- promiseda library budget of $200,000 Nov. 8 to swing voters aroundto their Mr. Gerken hopes the road will be Garibaldi Corp. expects the area to dorsementwill carry two reservations. for the comingyear if the referendum point of view. completedby Oct. 1, 1978. consist of predominantly light in- "Weintend to watch carefully that goes through on Nov. 9, that sumwill They contend Franklin will lose The plan was recommendedafter dustry. In the past, his compnayhas the library is adequatelyfunded, since only cover staff salaries and general crucial services provided to any three years of research by the In- constructed everything from office the entire budget will have to be ap- operating costs. library within the county system. The buildings, research laboratories, and provedby the townshipcouncil if the expected construction of a newbranch dustrial Economic Development light manufacturingfactories. The library board will have to Commission. It requested the con- referendum passes," revealed League negotiate with the council in order to library in Bridgewater,18,000 square struction companiesowning the land Mr. Garibaldi explained that the president Roni Gallagher after the comeup with funds to buy someof the feat of which will house the main on each side of Cottontail Lane to pay area is zoned M-IIndustrial for light meeting. county-owned books nowhoused by countyfacility, is also dangledas an 70 per cent of the improvementcosts. industry. His companyowns 30 acres This year, the county provided attractive carrot before Franklin ¯ The 70 per cent will be repaid by of the land the improvementsalong $135,000of the $200,000spent on library the HamiltonStreet building, as well voters. Cottontail Lane will makeaccessible. operation and staff. The township as new books the director and her residents along Cottontail Lane on an board maywish to purchase. assessment basis over a t0-year "Wepropose to build a speculative forked over $119,000 resulting from TIlE LOSSof 15 per cent of their period. building in the spring or summerof $3.70 per person in dedicated county annual operating budget, now ¯ Several residents along Cottontail 1978 in the hope that somebodywill taxes required for membershipin the DESPITE this problem, Ms. provided through local dedicated Lane questioned the construction of lease it," said Mr. Garibaldi. county system. Gallagher said, the league feels the taxes, stimulates an even harder Another caution to be formally referendumshould pass. curbs in the area. William Yakovone, Althoughhis companywould like to selling job from worried county lease space predominantlyfor office voiced by the league regards the "The library director and the board spokespersons. a resident along Cottontail Lane, have reassured us that there are many handeda list to the townshipcouncil of use andresearch purposes, the offices, appointment of library board mem- Ms. Bacon was quietly adamant in bers. meansto take care of book purchases. her rejection of the county’s 9 out of 14 signatures of people from becausethey are to be built’with a 20 It will depend on the outcome of the area. All voicedtheir oppositionto foot ceiling, can and probably will be negotiations between the board and curbing. used as warehousesalso. STATEGUIDELINES require that (See LIBRARY,pg. 18-A) "Historically we have had a He mentioned that two European drainage problem there and if the companies are strongly considering township constructs curbs, the the possibihty of moving their problemwill be increased," he said. headquarters into Franklin. Mr. Twoof the more aggressive com- Garibaldi declined to mention the panies owningproperty in the area to namesof the companiesor any of the ERA, reproductive freedomto be be opened up for industry are the specifics involvedin the negotiations. and inside... key issues at IWY conference arts ............................................ I-B A horrible un.namedmonster... calendar ........................................ 16-A forum ........................................... 4-A ...whoseshoes give himaway as a probableSunday morning Jaycee jogger, is tem- porarily behindbars (andmask) at the Jayceeshaunted house at 123Davidson Franklin delegaterepresents state in Houston police blotter .................................... 18-A Avenuein Franklin. Toursguaranteed to frighten the stoutestof heart areunderway obituaries ........................................ 5-A Thursdaysand Fridays from 7 to 10 p.m. and weekends’fromI to 9 p.m. through social news ....................................... 7-A Oct. 30. Onthat date a $50 savings bondwill be awardedto the personwho sports .......................................... 10-A suggeststhe best namefor the monster. by Steve Zurier pensive than constructing a lobbying She nowserves as Director of Social (Steve Goodmanphoto) Staff Writer effort. All resolutions producedat the Services at Raritan Valley Hospital in THE SINGLES SCENEdoesn’t have to be a meat market. For a Houston conference will be sent to Greenhrook. As president of the every memberof Congress as well as Somerset County NOW,she has review of clubs and organizations in the area that look "beyond WOMAN.Does it stand for the en- trance to a ladies room?Hardly. to President Carter. developeda RapeCrisis Center at the Mr. Goodbar,’" see page 1 4-A. Letters spelling "WOMAN"are A late bloomer in the woman’s hospital, confronted the ad- proudlydisplayed on the license plates movement, Ms. Drum became in- ministration at the hospital until they Advice for Halloween: volved in the National Organization FRANKLINSMOKERS will have no excuse to stay hooked after of Evelyn S. Drum’sCorvette Sting- provided staff whowould not evokethe for WomantNOW} three years ago smokEnders hits the local scene. See page 2-A. Ray. Ms. Drum,a Somerset resident, Right of ConscienceBill to avoid doing will be representing NewJersey at the when her marriage broke up. abortions, started a battered women’s shake hands and
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