RADIAN- INTERNATIONALM3 Public Disclosure Authorized votS Environmental Impact Assessment Jorf Lasfar Power Plant Public Disclosure Authorized Sponsored by CMS Generation Co. ABB Energy Ventures Inc. Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared by Radian International LLC Public Disclosure Authorized Ak* August 1,1996 * M1' i 0 - I I l RADIAN- INTERNATIONALBB Tableof Contents Execuive Summary ..................... ES-I 1.0 Introduction ........................... 1-1 1.1 Purpose of this ELA ....................... 1-1 1.2 Background to this Project ......................................... 1-1 1.3 Scope of this EIA ................................... 1-3 2.0 Policy, Legal, and Administrative Framework .............................. 2-1 2.1 Requirements of Cofmancers .. 2-1 2.1.1 The World Bank .2-1 2.1.2 U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) .2-2 2.1.3 Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-In) Guidelines .2-2 2.1.4 Sezione Speciale per L'Assicurezione del Credito L'Esportazione (SACE).2-2 2.1.5 Comparison of Cofinancer EnviroDmentalGuidelines .2-2 2.1.6 JLPP "Project Guidelines.2-2 2.2 Applicable Moroccan and Local Laws and Regulations . .2-7 2.2.1 Moroccan Environmental Inpact Assessment .2-7 2.2.2 The Moroccan Permitting Process .2-8 2.3 Role of Moroccan Organizations .. 2-9 3.0 ProjectDescription .3-1 3.1 Project Location and Aea Description .. 3-1 3.2 Description of Existing Facility .. 3-1 3.2.1 Energy Generation .3-8 3.2.2 Fuels Used .3-8 3.23 Air Emissions .3-10 3.2.4 Water Use .3-11 3.2.5 Water Discharges ........................ 3-13 3.2.6 Solid Wastes .3-17 3.2.7 Ancilary Facilities .3-17 3.2.8 Staffing .3-18 3.3 Description of Proposed Expansion .. 3-18 3.3.1 New Infrastructure and Operational Changes ....... ............ 3-18 3.3.2 Description of Construction Activities .......... ............... 319 3.3.3 Features of New Units .................................... 3-21 ELK ii August 1, 1996 RADL^NSM INTERNATIONALM3 Table of Contents (continued) 4.0 Environmental Baseline........................................ 4-1 4.1 The PhysicalEnvironment .. 4.- 4.1.1 Topography,Geology, and Soils .4-1 4.1.2 Climate.4-2 4.1.3 Existing Air Quality. 4-2 4.1.4 SurfaceWater and SedimentQuality .4-5 4.1.5 Groundwater.4-16 4.1.6 Noise .4-17 4.2 The BiologicalEnvironment .. 4-21 4.2.1 TerrestrialBiota .4-21 4.2.2 Marine Biota. 4-23 4.3 The Social and CulturalEnvironment .. 4-27 4.3.1 History and Archeology.4-27 4.3.2 Demographics. 4-28 4.3.3 EconomicConditions .4-29 4.3A CommercialFisheries .4-32 4.3.5 Land Use and Transportation.4-34 4.3.6 Aestheticsand ProtectedNatural Areas. 4-38 5.0 Audit of Eisting Conditions........................................ 5-1 5.1 Air Quality ................................... 5-1 5.2 WaterDischarges ............ ........................ 5-2 5.3 HazardousMaterials ................ .................... 5-3 5.4 Soil and Groundwater .................. .................. 5-4 5.5 Ash Disposal .................................... 5-4 5.6 Summzary................................... 5-5 6.0 Potentia Future Impacts of Proposed Expansion .......................... 6-1 6.1 hmpactsof Construction .. 6-1 6.1.1 Land and Soil .6-1 6.1.2 AirQuality .6-1 6.1.3 SurfaceWater .6-2 6.1.4 Groundwater.6-3 6.1.5 BiologicalResources .6-3 6.1.6 Archeologicaland HistoricalResources from Construction.6-3 6.1.7 SocioeconomicImpacts from Construction. 6-3 6.1.8 Noise Impactsfrom Construction.6-5 EIA iii August 1, 1996 RZADIAN- INTERNATIONALM Table of Contents (continued) 6.2 Impacts of Operation ..... ................... 6-5 6.2.1 Land Use and Transportation ........... ............. 6-6 6.2.2 Air Quality........... 6-7 6.2.3 Surface Water Quality .6-18 6.2.4 Thermal Discharge Impacts .6-21 6.2.5 Groundwater .6-23 6.2.6 Biological Resources-Land .6-25 6.2.7 Marine Resources .6-25 6.2.8 Archeological and Historical Resources .6-26 6.2.9 Socioeconomic Impacts .6-26 6.2.10 Noise .. 6-28 6.2.11 Worker Health and Safety .6-30 7.0 Analysis of Alternatives .7-1 7.1 Rationale for Site Selection ........................................ 7-1 7.2 Rationale for Coal as a Fuel ........................................ 7-2 7.3 Rationale for Pulverized Coal Technology ............ ................ 7-3 7.4 Altemative Air Emission Controls ................................... 7-3 7.4.1 Altemative S02 Controls ..................................... 7-3 7.4.2 Alternative Particulate Matter (PM) Control Options . ............ 7-10 7.5 Altemative Wastewater Treatment Options ........................... 7-11 7.5.1 Wastewater Production ..................................... 7-11 7.5.2 Present Treatment ........................................ 7-13 7.5.3 Treatment Criteria and Compliance .......... ................. 7-13 7.5A Wastewater Treatnent Options for Units I and 2 ...... .......... 7-13 7.6 Ash Disposal Alternatives ........................................ 7-14 7.6.1 Landfill Sites ......................................... 7-14 7.6.2 Description of Specific Landfilling Alternatives ...... ........... 7-17 7.6.3 Selection of a Preferred Landfilling Altenative ...... ............ 7-22 7.6A Identification of Non-landfilling Alternatives ...... ............. 7-23 7.6.5 Ranking of Altematives and Conclusions ....... ............... 7-26 8.0 Mitigation and Environmenta ManagemnentPlan. 81 8.1 Mitigation During Construction ...................... 8-1 8.1.1 Air Quality ........................... 8-1 8.1.2 SurfaceWaterQuality ...................... 8-1 8.1.3 Groundwater Quality ...................... 8-2 8.1.A Worker Health and Safety ...................... 8-2 8.2 Mitigation Duing Operation ........... ............. 8-2 EIA iv August 1, 1996 INTERNATIONALEM Tableof Contents (continued) 8.2.1 Ash Disposal............................................. 8-2 8.2.2 WastewaterDischarge and SurfaceWater Quality .. 8-3 8.2.3 Air Quality .. 8-3 V 8.2.4 WorkerHealth and Safety .. 8-4 8.2.5 Other OperationIrnpacts .. 8-4 8.3 EnvironmentalManagement and Training .. 8-4 8.3.1 EnvironmentalManagement Inplementation Plan .. 8-4 8.3.2 Implementationof CorporateStandards .. 8-6 9.0 Monitoring Plan .9-1 9.1 Monitoringand Reportingof ConstructionInpacts . .9-1 9.2 Monitoringof OperationalInpacts ..................... 9-1 9.2.1 Air Quality ...............................................9-1 9.2.2 Water Quality.9-3 9.2.3 Noise .9-4 9.2A Solid Waste Disposal. 9-4 10.0 Interagency Coordination and Public Participation ........ ............... 10-1 10.1 Forum PresentationSummary . .................................... 10-2 10.1.1 ONEPresentation......................................... 10-2 10.1.2 ABB Presentation......................................... 10-2 10.1.3 CMS Presentation ........................................10-3 10.2 Summaryof Public Forum .. 10-3 10.2.1 Commentsby the Govemorof El Jadida. 10-3 10.2.2 Commentsof the Directorof the Center for Observationsand Studies of the Ministry of the Environment.10-4 10.2.3 Commentsof the Presidentof the Associationof the Region of Dukkala.10-4 10.2.4 Commentsof the Presidentof the Provinceof El Jadida.10-4 10.25 Commentsof the Moderator .10-5 10.2.6 Commentsand Questionsfrom the Public. 10-5 10.2.7 Summaryof the NGO Forum:Comments and Responses. 10-7 Appendi A: List of EIA Preparers .......................... A-1 Appendix B: References .......................... B-1 Appendix C: Public Participation and Interagency Coordination: List of NGOs Invited to NGO Forum ........................ C-1 EIA v August 1,1996 RADL^N INTERNATIONALM3 Tableof Contents(continued) Appendix D: Environmental Management Implementation Plan ..... ....... D-1 Appendix E: Photo Log ............................................... E-1 Appendix F: Stack Emissions Calculations .......... ..................... F-i Appendix G: Thermal Discharge Compliance of the Jorf Lasfar Power Plant ............................................. G-1 EIA vi August 1, 1996 r a 'a RZADIAN- INTERNATIONALM List of Figures 1 Locationof the Jorf-LasfarPower Plant Project ........... .................. ES-2 2 JLPP Site Layout .................. ......................... ES-9 3 Contributionof JLPP to Morocco'sFuture Electricity Needs ....... ........... ES-23 4 Locationof AltemativeAsh DisposalSites ................................ ES-26 3-1 RegionalMap ........................................... 3-2 3-2 AreaMap .3-3 3-3 Jorf LasfarPlot Plan........................ ..3-5 3-4 iLPP Layout .. 3-6 3-5 Water Intakes . 3-12 3-6 Water Discharges. 3-15 4-1 Annual,Summer, and WinterWindroses for El Jadida,Morocco . 4-3 4-2 MarineBiology/Water Quality Samplng Sites . 4-7 4-3 Baselne Noise Survey Results . 4-20 4-4 Existing and Future Land Use in the Vicinityof the JLPP . 4-36 5-1 Issues and ExistingEnvironmental Conditions at JLPP . 5-6 6-1 Jorf LasfarArea ReceptorGrid with TerrainContours . 6-13 6-2 JorfLasfarWindrose . 6-15 6-3 TemperatureProfile at the PlumeCenterline . 6-24 6-4 YearlyElectric Power Requirementsfor Moroccoand JLPP Contributionto Supply .6.-......... 629 7-1 SchematicDiagram of SeawaterScrubber Process with BypassReheat . 7-5 7-2 SchematicDiagram of a LimestoneScrubber . 7-7 7-3 Potential LandfillSites . 7-15 EIA vii August 1, 1996 WI 9 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTERNATIONAL3 List of Tables I JLPP Project Guidelines . ............................................... ES-4 2 Descriptionof the JLPP................................................ ES-7 3 ProposedAdditions to JLPP ................. .......................... ES-10 4 4LPP MaximumAir Emissions ........................................
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