
THE BIBLE AND ECONOMICS The Bible and economics International Biblical Conference XXV. Szeged Ferenc Gal Theological College 22 nd – 24 th August 2013 Edited by GYÖRGY BENYIK Szeged 2014 Patrons of the Conference LÁSZLÓ KISS-RIGÓ Bishop GYÖRGY JAKUBINYI Archbishop SZABOLCS ANZELM SZUROMI Professor JOACHIM GNILKA Professor Editor GYÖRGY BENYIK Publisher’s Readers ATTILA ALMÁSI DÓRA SZAUTER BALÁZS CSERNAI ENDRE HORVÁTH Design ETELKA SZO´´NYI This publication was sponsored by the MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES © Authors and Editors, 2013 © JATEPress, 2014 ISBN 978–963–315–189–1 CONTRIBUTOR LIST Dr. Munif A BDUL -F ATTAH PhD in Arabic Studies, Lecturer of Islamology at the Organization of Muslims. Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Dr. Manabu A KIYAMA PhD, Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan. Prof. Dr. Habil. Gábor B ARNA DSc, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Szeged. MTA–SZTE Research Group for the Study of Religious Culture, Hungary. Dr. György B ENYIK PhD, Professor of Gál Ferenc College, Szeged. Director of the Szeged International Biblical Conference, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Ioan C HIRILĂ PhD, President of Senate Babeş-Bolyai University, Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology. Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Dr. Mario C IFRAK PhD, außerordentlicher Professor am Lehrstuhl für das Neue Testament, Katholisch-theologische Fakultät, Universität Zagreb, Kroatien. Dr. Szabolcs C ZIRE PhD, Assistant Professor, Unitarian Faculty, Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Dr. Márta C SERHÁTI PhD, Associate Professor, Department of New Testament Studies, Lutheran Theological University, Budapest, Hungary. Dr. Balázs C SERNAI PhD, Theological Collage of Veszprém, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Ida F RÖHLICH PhD, DSc, Faculty of Humanities, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary. 5 Dr. Prof. Habil. Zsolt G ERÉB , Professor für Neutestamentliche Theologie, Protestantisch-Theologisches Institut Cluj/Klausenburg, Romania. Dr. Endre H ORVÁTH , Associate Professor of Gál Ferenc College, Szeged, Hungary. Director of Theological-Catechetical Institute of Subotica, Serbia. S. Em. R. Dr. György J AKUBINYI Roman Catholic Archbishop of Alba Iulia, Romania. Emeritus Biblical Lecturer of the Roman Catholic Theological Highschool of Alba Iulia, Romania. Dr. György K OCSI lic. theol., Associate Professor of Archiepiscopal Theological High School, Veszprém, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Habil. Imre K OCSIS PhD, Faculty of Theology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary. Dr. Erik K ORMOS PhD, Associate Professor of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. Docent at New Testament Department of the Adventist Theological Seminary, Pécel, Hungary. Dr. György K OVÁCS PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Division of Finance, University of Szeged, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Habil. Mihály K RÁNITZ PhD, Faculty of Theology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Habil. Zoltán K USTÁR PhD, Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Hungary. Dr. Lehel L ÉSZAI PhD, Faculty of Reformed Theology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Prof. Dr. Habil. Božo L UJIĆ PhD, Professor und Ordinarius für das Alte Testament Katholische Theologische Fakultät der Universität in Zagreb, Kroatien. Gastprofessor an der Theologischen Hochschule der Franziskaner in Sarajevo, Bosnien und Herzegovina. 6 Zsolt M ARKOVICS PhD student, Chief Rabbi of the Szeged Jewish Community, Graduate Rabbinical Semminary of Budapest, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Habil. Levente Balázs M ARTOS , Chair of Biblical Studies, Theological College of Győr, Hungary. Dr. Zoltán O LÁH PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca/Alba Iulia, Romania. Dr. András Dávid P ATAKI , MTh, Lecturer, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. Dr. Otto P ECSUK , PhD, General Secretary of the Hungarian Bible Society, Assistant Professor of New Testament Theology at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. Prof. Dr. Habil. László P ERENDY PhD, Head of the Department of Christian Antiquity, Sapientia College of Theology, Head of the Department of Church History, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary. Dr. Rita P ERINTFALVI Associate Professor, Institut für Bibelwissenschaft. Universität Wien, Österreich. Dr. Josef S ZÉCSI , Professor of Philosophy of Religions, Jewish University, Budapest, Hungary, General Secretary of Christian Jewish Society, Hungary. Dr. Melinda S ZÉKELY PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Ancient History, Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Szabolcs Anzelm S ZUROMI O.Praem. PhD, PhD, Dr. Habil., DSc, President of the Institute of Canon Law “ad instar facultatis”, Rector of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary. Dr. Attila T HORDAY PhD, Assistant Professor of Gál Ferenc College, Szeged, Hungary. 7 Dr. Stelian T OFANĂ, Professor, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Dr. Imre T OKICS PhD, Head of the Old Testament Department. Adventist Theological College, Pécel, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Michał WOJCIECHOWSKI , University of Warmia and Masuria, Olsztyn, Poland. Prof. Dr. Korinna Z AMFIR PhD, Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology. Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 8 CONTENTS Contributor list ................................... .................. 5 Contents ........................................... ............... 9 Lectori salutem (László K ISS -R IGÓ ) .................................... 13 Grußwort (Joachim G NILKA ) ......................................... 15 Geleitwort (Ulrich L UZ ) ............................................. 16 Preface (Szabolcs Anzelm S ZUROMI ) ................................... 18 The 25-Year-History of Szeged International Biblical Conference (György B ENYIK ) ................................................ 19 Munif A BDUL -F ATTAH : The Characteristic Economic Rules of Muslim Communities ................................. ........... 25 Manabu A KIYAMA : L’«eredità» nella Gerusalemme celeste (Ap 21,7) . ....... 37 Gábor B ARNA : “… you worthless jewels, … you bright marks of sin” A Few Biblical Stories on Wealth and Poverty in Holy Scripture in Verse . 47 György B ENYIK : Urban, rural and desert economy of Galilee in Jesus’ time . 57 Ioan C HIRILĂ: Wealth and Poverty in the Book of Proverbs . ......... 71 Mario C IFRAK , OFM: „... deiner Almosen wurde gedacht vor Gott“ (Apg 10,31) Reinheit und „wahres“ Israel . ................. 81 Szabolcs C ZIRE : Wirtschaftlich-soziale (soziosomatische) Elemente in den evangelischen Heilungen ........................ .............. 91 Márta C SERHÁTI : Jesus’ Temple Act: A Case of Collective Exorcism? ........ 105 Balázs C SERNAI : Jesus und die Tempelsteuer ....................... ..... 111 9 Ida F RÖHLICH : Temple robberies in the Hellenistic age . ......... 119 Zsolt G ERÉB : Kein Habgieriger – das heißt Götzendiener – hat ein Erbteil im Reich Christi und Gottes (Eph 5,5b) . ................ 131 Endre H ORVÁTH : Der Begriff der Armut in der Lehre der Perikope Mt 6,24–34 ........................................ ........... 143 György J AKUBINYI : The Lifespan of Man according to the Bible . ..... 157 György K OCSI : Wie wird der Sklave zum Sklavenhalter? Die finanziellen und wirtschaftlichen Maßnahmen Josephs in Ägypten (Gen 47,13–26) . 167 Imre K OCSIS : Armut und Reichtum im Lukasevangelium . ..... 179 Erik K ORMOS : The man’s divinely image and taxpaying according to ethic of Jesus ..................................... ............. 191 György K OVÁCS : Calvins Zinstheorie und ihre Rezeption in Ungarn . ....... 199 Mihály K RÁNITZ : The Concept of Work in the Teaching of Saint Paul and in the Life of the Early Church . ................ 213 Zoltán K USTÁR : Armen und Reichen in der Verkündigung von Amos und im Amosbuch ................................... .......... 227 Lehel L ÉSZAI : Considered and short-sighted offerings (Mark 12,41–44) ...... 237 Božo L UJIĆ: Die Verletzung der Menschenrechte in am 2,6–16 . .......... 247 Zsolt M ARKOVICS : Social Rules and Practices in the Jewish Community ..... 257 Levente Balázs M ARTOS : Subsistence and Metaphor – Fishing in the World of the New Testament ............................... ............ 263 Zoltán O LÁH : Die Steuereintreiber in der Septuaginta von Jesaja ........... 273 András Dávid P ATAKI : In the service of the rich God's poverty-stricken household: The oikonomos metaphor in the context of the First Corinthians and the correction of the Corinthian Christians' image of apostle and of church...................................... ............ 289 10 Ottó P ECSUK : Interpreting and Translating ptochoi tó pneumati ........... 299 László P ERENDY : Biblical Quotations in St. Cyprian’s De opere et eleemosynis 311 Rita P ERINTFALVI : Gottes Option für die Armen im Psalter – Das Volk Gottes sind die Armen (Ps 149,4) .......................... .............. 319 József S ZÉCSI : The Zedakah – Charity ............................ ..... 331 Melinda S ZÉKELY : “Amicta erat byssino et purpura et cocco” (Rev 18,16) Textiles and textile dyes in the Early Roman Empire .................. 345 Szabolcs Anzelm S ZUROMI , O.Praem.: Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Prescriptions and their Origin concerning the Prohibition of Interest and Usury until the Liber Sextus ..................................
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